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First European settlement

Работа сделанна в 1999 году

First European settlement - Реферат, раздел Лингвистика, - 1999 год - Австралия (english) First European Settlement. It Is Probably Due To Its Geographical Position Th...

First European settlement. It is probably due to its geographical position that Australia was the last continent to be inhabited by the white man. It was just a little over 390 years that the Australian continent was discovered. The first landing by Europeans took place in 1606. More than a century and a half later an expedition headed by the British explorer James Cook added the land to the possessions of the British crown.

Until the name Australia meaning South Land became generally accepted for the continent, it had been referred to as New Holland, New South Wales, or Botany Bay. During the War of Independence 1776 the former British colonies in America declared themselves independent. Britain tried to make up for this loss by the seizure of new territories. Besides, the convicts could no longer be transported to the American colonies which had served this purpose for over hundred years and British jails were more than badly overcrowded.

The first contingent of the convicts and their guards landed where Sydney stands today, on January 26, 1788. It was the so-called First Fleet and these people were called first fleeters Now, Australia Day, January 26, commemorates the landing. Gradually more and more people arrived they were convicts as well as free settlers and a number of settlements were founded along the southern and eastern coasts.

For the first few years, the colonists were almost entirely dependent on food supplies from overseas but gradually the land around the settlements was brought under cultivation. Soils were generally poor and crop yields low, but better agricultural land was soon found near Parramatta, to the west. Exploratory voyages were also made along the east coast. The boldest was that of Captain Matthew Flinders who, in 1802-1803 circumnavigated the continent. Australia Day is a very important holiday for the Australians, another equally important holiday is called Anzac Day.

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