рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Работа сделанна в 2001 году

Personality - Реферат, раздел Лингвистика, - 2001 год - Джордж Вашингтон Personality. A Man Of Quiet Strength, He Took Few Friends Into Complete Confi...

Personality. A man of quiet strength, he took few friends into complete confidence. His critics mistook his dignified reserve for pomposity. Life for Washington was a serious mission, a job to be tackled soberly, unremittingly. He had little time for humor. Although basically good-natured, he wrestled with his temper and sometimes lost. He was a poor speaker and could become utterly inarticulate without a prepared text. He preferred to express himself on paper.

Still, when he did speak, he was candid, direct, and looked people squarely in the eye. Biographer Douglas Southall Freeman conceded that Washingtons ambition for wealth made him acquisitive and sometimes contentious. Even after Washington had established himself, Freeman pointed out, he would insist upon the exact payment of every farthing due him and was determined to get everything that he honestly could. Yet neither his ambition to succeed nor his acquisitive nature ever threatened his basic integrity.

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Джордж Вашингтон

Erect in bearing, muscular, broad shouldered, he had large hands and feet size 13 shoes, a long face with high cheekbones, a large straight nose,… According to Dr. Reidar Sognnaes, former dean of the University of California… Moreover, he was not completely toothless.

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Ancestors. Through his paternal grandmother, Mildred Warner Washington, he descended from King Edward III 1312-1377 of England. His great-great-grandfather the Reverend Lawrence Washington c

Collateral relatives
Collateral relatives. Washington was a half first cousin twice removed of President James Madison, a second cousin seven times removed of Queen Elizabeth II 1926- of the United Kingdom, a third cou

Recreation. Washington learned billiards when young, played cards, and especially enjoyed the ritual of the fox hunt. In later years, he often spent evenings reading newspapers aloud to his wife. H

Military Service
Military Service. Washington served in the Virginia militia 1752-1754, 1755-1758, rising from major to colonel, and as commander in chief of the Continental army 1775-1783, with the rank of general

Ranking in
Ranking in. HISTORIANS POLL Washington ranked second of 31 presidents and second of 5 great presidents. He ranked above Franklin Roosevelt and below Lincoln. RETIREMENT March 4, 1797-

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