рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

X 1 point) Choose the correct word for each sentence. Write the words in the boxes.

X 1 point) Choose the correct word for each sentence. Write the words in the boxes. - Контрольная Работа, раздел Иностранные языки, Контрольная работа №4 по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» 1. I'll Ask My Bank Manager For Advice/ AdviseAbout Investme...

1. I'll ask my bank manager for advice/ adviseabout investment.

2. He first spoke briefly/shortlyabout the agenda for the day.

3. She hopes to get a chair/seaton the board.

4. We check/controleach new consignment very carefully.

5. I enclosed a complements/complimentsslip with the catalogue.

6. Do these cars confirm/conformto the new safety regulations?

7. You shouldn't read confident/confidentialdocuments!

8. Normally, she's a very conscientious/consciousworker.

9. The unions criticised the government's economic/economicalpolicy.

10. If you pay too much tax you get a discount/rebate.


1. advice
2. briefly
3. seat
4. check
5. complements
6. conform
7. confidential
8. conscientious
9. economical
10. rebate

1.9. (7 x 2 points) Complete each sentence with the correct form of 'TAKE' and a word from the list below. Use each word once only. Translate the sentences into Russian.

call consideration home out on off steps

1. You should take out an additional policy covering you against accidental damage.

2. We had to take off extra staff during the holiday season.

3. When all the transport costs have been take into consideration, we have in fact made a loss.

4. Sales really take out after the product had been mentioned on television.

5. A good sales rep can take home over £500 a week.

6. If my phone rings, could you take the call for me?

7. We must take steps to see that we don't lose our market share as a result of this increased competition.


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Контрольная работа №4 по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

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Все темы данного раздела:

Sending faxes
  In future all faxes must be sent directly from a PC. Under the 1.old system, a fax had to be print. You then took it to the fax 2.

X 2 points) Complete the following text by adding appropriate words or phrases. Translate the sentences into Russian.
  so as not to in order that so that in order to for   1. for a new building

X 2 points) combine the following pairs of sentences using the subordinating marker shown. Translate the sentences into Russian.
  Example: More people own computers. The number of manufactures has gone down. (While) More people own computers, while the number of manufactures

X 2 points) Choose the best responses. Write your answers in the boxes.
  1. Where are you calling from? A.I'm on the phone. B.My address is 49, Northwick Street. C.This is Mrs

Points) These are your notes of a telephone call from Mr Kittle. He has placed an order.
Call received From Order Action 12 January Mr Kittle, Demon Marketing, plc 500 A4 plastic wallets (300 clear, 100 yellow, 100 red)

3.1. (30 points) Read this text about the People's Bank of Sri Lanka. Translate the text into Russian.   The People's Bank 1. The P

X 3 points) Choose from the list A-G the best title for paragraphs 2-5 in the text. Do not use any letter more than once. Give your reasons.
1.Paragraph 2 2.Paragraph 3 3.Paragraph 4 4.Paragraph 5   A.Plans for the future B.Urban financial services C.A new kind of bank D.Mass-production and

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