рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Choose one of the following quotations and explain what it means. Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) to express your point of view.

Choose one of the following quotations and explain what it means. Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) to express your point of view. - раздел Иностранные языки, Англійська мова для студентів першого курсу Механіко-машинобудівного інституту 1. “Measurement Is The First Step That Leads To Control And Eventually To Imp...

1. “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it.”

H. James Harrington (American author and engineer)

2. “An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature's answer.”

Max Planck (German physicist, 1858-1947)

3. “We find no sense in talking about something unless we specify how we measure it; a definition by the method of measuring a quantity is the one sure way of avoiding talking nonsense.”

Sir Hermann Bondi (Austrian-British mathematician and cosmologist, 1919 - 2005)

4. “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.”

Baron William Thomson Kelvin

5. “Action is the real measure of intelligence.”

Napoleon Hill (American author, 1883-1970)


These tasks can help you to practice grammar topic “Articles – Countable / Uncountable Nouns”. Read the rules on p. 181 - 184 and then do the exercises.

14. Fill in the blanks with a / an or the where necessary.

1. Measuring instrument is ….. device for determining the value of some quantity in terms of a standard unit.

2. Metrology is ….. very broad field and may be divided into three subfields.

3. Scientists, engineers and other humans use ….. vast range of instruments to perform their measurements.

4. In ….. United States, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is very important.

5. Modern metrology has its roots in ….. French Revolution.

6. This is ….. portable computer. ….. portable computer is black.

7. Invention of electronic computers is one of ….. greatest achievements of mankind.


15. Fill in the blanks with the where necessary.

1) ….. Europe is the second smallest continent in 2) ….. world and is home to one seventh of 3) ….. world’s population. 4) ….. longest river there is 5) ….. River Volga and 6) ….. largest freshwater lake is 7) ….. Lake Lodoga, in 8) ….. north-western 9) ….. Russia. 10) ….. highest mountain peak is 11) ….. Mount Elbrus in 12) ….. Caucasus Mountains. 13) ….. Europe is bordered towards the north by 14) …..Arctic Ocean, the south by 15) ….. Mediterranean Sea and 16) ….. Black Sea, the west by 17) ….. Atlantic Ocean and the east by 18) ….. Asia. 19) ….. Europeans are 20) ….. people who live in 21) ….. Europe. 22) ….. association which has been formed to unite 23) ….. countries of 24) ….. Europe is called 25) ….. European Union.

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Англійська мова для студентів першого курсу Механіко-машинобудівного інституту


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У навчальному посібнику представлено двадцять англомовних оригінальних текстів з розробленим методичним забезпеченням у рамках загальнотехнічної тематики. Навчальний посібник призначений для студен

The National Technical University of Ukraine
"Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU”KPI”) is one of the oldest and biggest higher educat

  4. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations: higher educational institution, center of the city, beautiful shady par

Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
park, different, scientist, program, Technical, educational, qualified 1. outstandingRussian ….. 2. National ….. University 3. beautiful shady ….. 4. high

Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct form.
1. The University ….. (to carry out) the student’s exchange program according to the agreements on collaboration. 2. At present the number of students in the NTUU ”KPI” ….. (to exceed) 500

Read the text and decide whether the statements that follow are true or false.
Economy and Industry of Ukraine Ukraine is an industrial and agricultural country. Most of the gross national product comes from metallurgy, chemical industry, machine building and food in

4. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the text: 1. _______ coal used for coke are mined in the Donetsk Coal Basin. 2. Bees are kept in all par

Underline the correct verb form in each of the following sentences.
1. Ukraine has / is having extremely rich mineral resources in high concentrations and close to each other. 2. Besides wheat, Ukraine is producing / produces such grains as b

  1.Look at the pictures. What uses of computers do they show?   A B C D

3. Read the text and match the sentences (A-C) to the numbered spaces (1-3) in the text: A. Computers penetrate almost into all spheres of our modern society, from nuclear

  4. Fill in the gaps with the proper item from the text: 1. Technical experts say that _______ help children to learn much more quickly. a) toy

Regular verbs Irregular verbs
to produce – produced to buy – bought – bought   15. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Tense. 1. Computers ….. (to help) the children to lear

  1. Work in pairs. What could these robots be used for? A B C D

3. Read the text about robotics and complete sentences 1-3 with words from the text: 1. A robot is described as a machine designed to …. one or more tasks repeatedly, with

Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
1. Some spider-like robots are designed to explore areas ….. 2. One of the most important uses of smelling robots is in ….. 3. Robots can also go into dangerously polluted environ

Read the text and correct the statements that follow.
The Era of High-Tech Pollution Nowadays, the recycling of high tech garbage is becoming a big concern. In the last few decades we've been like children in a toy shop, rushing to get our ha

Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
equipment, waste, recycling, last, electronic, nation, high 1. latest ….. gadgets 2. dumping toxic ….. 3. ….. tech garbage 4. major ….. firms 5.

Pre-listening. Match the English words on the left to their Ukrainian equivalents on the right.
аcid rains двуокис вуглецю dioxins токсичні відходи global warming ядерна енергетика

Underline the correct verb form in each of the following sentences.
1. Nowadays, the recycling of high tech garbage is becoming / was becoming a big concern. 2. Klaus Brodersen is trying / was trying to produce a definite classification of wh

Look at the pictures which show the problems of the environment and match the suggestions with their problems.
1. Governments should improve public transport. 2. People should get involved in recycling schemes. 3. Governments should protect rare species of animals from hunters. 4.

Read the text and decide whether the statements that follow are true or false.
Environmental Protection The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it's the only place where human beings can live. People have always polluted their surroundings.

4. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations: tiny, universe, surroundings, pollution, rural areas, pollution-causing machines, indus

9. Pre-listening: match the words on the left to the words on the right. 1. conduct a. aware 2. share

These tasks can help you to practice The Past Perfect Tense. Read grammar rules on p. 208 - 209 and then do the exercises.
15. Underline the correct verb form in each of the following sentences. 1. People have always polluted / had always polluted their surroundi

Facts about Forces
Force is a word that has lots of different meanings and different uses. For instance, there is electrical force, the force of gravity, and the force of magnetism. Nuclear force holds atoms together

  4. Group the following words into three columns: nouns, adjectives and verbs. Some of them fit into more than one column. Force, different, meaning, us

Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
1. An object moving in a straight line will continue moving in ….. 2. Force and motion are also parts of a complicated ….. 3. When several forces act on an object, the forces can

9. Pre-listening: match the English words and phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents: 1. turning moment a) ричаг

These tasks can help you to practice The Future Simple Tense and be going to. Read grammar rules on p. 204 - 205 and then do the exercises. 14. A salesman i

Gravity, Friction, Magnetism
Three well known examples of forces are gravity, friction and magnetism. Gravity is not just a force on planet Earth. Each planet has its own gravity, and each planet's gravity is d

Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
pole, disc, friction, materials, traveler, force, copper 1. different types of ….. 2. made from ….. wire 3. the ….. of gravity 4. computer ….. drives

9. Pre-listening: match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column. 1. dark matter

Write questions to which the words in bold are the answers.
1. Each planet has its own gravity 2. Here on Earth we measure gravity using a scale. 3. The coefficient of friction for two materials may differ

Simple Machines
In physics, a simple machine is any device that only requires the application of a single force to work. Work is done when a force is applied and results in movement over a set distance. The

  4.Decide, whether the statements below are true or false: 1. Wedges are used for splitting close or pushing apart. 2. A nail is a familiar shape o

Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
1. In physics, a simple machine is any device that only ….. 2. Today we are most familiar with the screw as a .…. 3. Wedges were used from very early times for such .…. 4

9. Pre-listening: match the English words and phrases in the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column. 1. hammer

These tasks can help you to practice grammar topic “Modals: Ability”. Read the rules on p. 215 - 219 and then do the exercises. 14. Fill in the gaps with can, c

Complex Machines
  You have already known about the six simple machines: inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel and axle, and pulley. You'v

Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
1. The disk drive uses a wheel and axle to turn the disk or a system ….. 2. By choosing the size of the gears, the speed and direction of .…. 3. Gears, along with other simple mac

9. Before- listening: 1. Draw a bicycle. 2. How many parts does your bike have? 3. Can it work?

Choose one correct sentence for each picture. There are more sentences than you need.
1. 2. 3.  

Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
electricity, common, elements, melting, development, large, extent 1. the world's most ….. metal 2. comparatively large ….. 3. classification of the ….. groups

Read the text and decide whether the statements that follow are true or false.
Mechanical Properties Mechanicalproperties are those associated with how a material reacts when subjected to external forces. Force will cause material to become stressed. Stress relates t

Match each word from the text with its synonym.
1. property a) shape 2. tool b) solidity 3. force c) characteristic 4. application d) power 5. form e) capacity 6. ability f) use 7. hardness g

In the following sentences underline the verbs and decide if they are active or passive.
1. Strain was defined as the amount of distortion (extension or compression) that takes place per unit of length. 2. Stabilityis the ability to resist changes in shape and size over time.

Number is a word or symbol used to designate quantities. RATIONAL NUMBERS. The simplest numbers are the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, .... The natural numbers are also called the whole numbers

  4. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations: to designate quantities, natural number, positive rational integer, add

Complete the sentences with the future passive form of the verbs in brackets, as in the example.
1. This model will be produced in the new factory in Poland. 2. German cars ….. (to sell) all over the world in future. 3. The orders ….. (to place) by fax or online.

Look at the picture and read the following Roman numerals.
2. Match the Arabic and Roman numbers. Why are Arabic numbers used in mathematics?

Numerals are signs or symbols for graphic representation of numbers. The earliest forms of num

  4. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the text: 1. The common _______ of number notation in use in most parts of the world today is the

Pre-listening match the words from the left column with their Ukrainian equivalents in the right column.
1. addition a. ділення 2. subtraction b. математика 3. multiplication c. рахувати в

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.
1. Please call me if you ….. (to need) any help. 2. If he ….. (to arrive) on time we’ll discuss our plans before we go out. 3. She won’t go to Australia unless I ….. (to pay) for

Match the geometric figures to their names.

Geometric Figures
Geometry is the mathematical study of shapes, figures, and solids. Circles, triangles, and squares, rectangles, parallelogram are some of the geometric figures or geometric shapes. Circles

Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
memorable, equal, study, sides, cone, polygon, length 1. ….. parallel circles 2. opposite sides of the ….. 3. the most ….. geometric figures 4. the ….. of

Use the information from the table to complete the sentences below.
Bridge Types of bridge Length Built   Humber Bridge, England suspension

Match the measuring instruments to their names.

Measuring Instruments
Measuring instrument is a device for determining the value of some quantity in terms of a standard unit. In the physical sciences, quality assurance, and engineering, measurement is the activity of

4. Match the English phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents: 1. quality control a) вимірювальний інструмент 2. theoretical determination b) гарантія якості

Match the invention to its inventor.
Telephone Morse Code Hot-air balloon

Invention is creation of new devices, objects, ideas, or procedures useful in accomplishing human objectives. In most countries, certain classes of inventions are legally recognized, and t

Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A-G).
1. In the United States, any new and useful art, machine ….. 2. In some cases, although two individuals working independently achieved the same innovation .…. 3. Today most modern

Choose the proper item.
1. Under strict definition, however, ….. produced by humans that is new and unique is an invention. a) anything b) nothing c) anywhere 2. ….. knows that he is a great inventor.

Types of Engines
An engine or motor is a machine designed to convert energy into useful mechanical motion. Devices converting heat energy into motion are referred to as engines, which come in many types. A

Match each word from the text with its synonym.
1. fluid a) power 2. engine b) apparatus 3. energy c) substance 4. motion d) car 5. matter e) motor 6. automobile f) liquid 7. device g) moveme

Choose and underline the proper item to complete the sentences.
1. Come about 11 o’clock. I’ll have little / a little time then. 2. There was little / a little water on the mountain and we all got very thirsty. 3. Foreign languag

Industrial Design
Industrial design is the art and science involved in the creation of machine-made products. It is concerned with aesthetic appearance as well as with functional efficiency. The successful design gi

  4. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the text: 1. After the industrial designer is informed of the needs of the client, specialists as

Complete the sentences with the words given in brackets.
1. In fact, industrial designers often use various design methodologies in their creative process. Some classic industrial designs are considered as ….. works of art as works of engineering. (much,

Manufacturing is producing goods that are necessary for modern life from raw materials. Originally manufacturing was accomplished by hand, but most of today's modern manufacturing operations are hi

  4. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations: goods, necessary, modern life, raw materials, manufacturing operations,

Five of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them.
1. These products have been on the market since nearly ten years. 2. He took a book from his shelf and put it into his bag. 3. The jacquard loom for weaving cloth was created at 1

Grammar references
Іменник (the Noun) В англійській мові іменники вживаються з артиклем, мають відмінок (загальний і присвійний) та число (однину і множину). Іменник не має закінчень родовог

Артикль (the Article)
Артикль – це частина мови, яка вживається перед іменником або прикметником, після якого є іменник. В англійській мові існує два артиклі: неозначений артикль a/an та означений артик

Займенник (the Pronoun)
За значенням і граматичними особливостями займенники поділяються на особові, присвійні, зворотні, відносні, вказівні, неозначені, кількісні.  

Прийменники часу
Ми використовуємо прийменники часу для того, щоб сказати коли щось відбулось, відбувається або відбудеться. Найбільш поширеними є at, inтаon.  

Прийменники напрямку
Ми використовуємо прийменники напрямку для того, щоб показати напрямок, у якому хтось або щось рухається. До них належать:   Along – Вз

Past Simple
Називає: · Минулі дії, і вживається тоді, коли є вказівка на час, у який ці дії відбулись. Напр.. They graduated three years ago. ·

Future Simple
Називає: · Дії, які, можливо, відбудуться або не відбудуться у майбутньому. Напр.. We will visit Disney World one day. · Пер

Present Continuous
Називає: · Дії, що відбуваються зараз, у момент мовлення. Напр. He is readinga book right now. · Тимчасові дії, що відбуваються навколо мо

Past Continuous
Називає: · Дію, що була в процесі розвитку у зазначений момент у минулому. Ми не знаємо, коли ця дія почалась чи завершилась. Напр.. At three o’clock yesterday afternoo

Present Perfect-Continuous
Називає: · Дію, що почалась у минулому і все ще триває у момент мовлення. Примітно, що є вказівка на період тривалості цієї дії. Напр.. He has been working

Пасивний стан (Passive Voice)
Зведена таблиця часів пасивного стану (Passive Voice) Групи Часи Simple Continuous Perfect

Перетворення активного стану на пасивний
При перетворенні активного стану на пасивний: 1) додаток речення в активному стані стає підметом речення в пасивному стані. 2) форма активного стану дієслова замінюється відповідн

Перетворення стверджувальних та заперечних речень у непряму мову.
· Коли ми перетворюємо у непряму мову стверджувальне або заперечне речення ми використовуємо дієслова say (to sb) або tell (sb) перед непрямою мовою. Особові та присвійні займенники змінюються відп

Перетворення запитальних речень у непряму мову
· При перетворенні запитань з прямої мови на непряму мову ми використовуємо ask або want to know. · У непрямих запитаннях (запитаннях, що містяться у непр

№ Неозначена форма І Infinitive II форма Past Simple ІІІ форма Past Participle Переклад 1

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Home Robots
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1. Агабекян И. П., Коваленко П. И. Английский для технических вузов. Ростов н/Д: Феникс. – 2006. 2. Англо-українсько-російський словник термінів та визначень / Уклад.: Г.О. Корсун, К.І. Бо

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