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Устные разговорные темы по английскому языку

Устные разговорные темы по английскому языку - раздел Философия, Topics ...


Устные разговорные темы по английскому языку

Для студентов II курса

Topic I


Tatarstan has an overall area of 67, 8 sq.km; the total population of the Republic is more than 3.5 million. It is situated in the Middle Volga… Old industrial Northwest region with the Kazan - Zelenodolsk agglomeration as… New industrial Northeast region with the Naberezhniye Chelny - Nizhnekamsk agglomeration as its centre. Major…


Overall – общий Region – регион Major – главный, важный, основной

Topic II

Text 1


Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining… Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of… Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.


ruins – руины, развалины

ancient – древний

picturesque – живописный

change of scene – перемена обстановки

city-dweller – горожанин

to laze in the sun – валяться на солнце

holiday-maker – отдыхающий

to take pictures of – фотографировать

view – вид

valley – долина

plain – равнина

to remind – напоминать

destination – место назначения

waterfall – водопад

advantage – преимущество

disadvantage – недостаток


Answer the following questions:

1. Why do people travel?

2. What do we see and learn while traveling?

3. How do city-dwellers and people from the country travel?

4. Why do people take a camera with them?

5. What do they usually photograph?

6. How do different people spend their holidays?


Text 2

Traveling by air

Many people prefer traveling by air as it is 'the most convenient, comfortable and quickest means of traveling. If you have made up your mind to travel by plane you need to go to the booking… Before boarding the plane the passenger must register at the airport. When registering the passenger is required to…


To hike – путешествовать пешком

To hitch-hike – путешествовать автостопом

To book tickets – бронировать билеты

Beforehand = in advance – заранее

Route – маршрут

To board a plane – садиться в самолет

Free of charge – бесплатно

Excess – превышение, избыток

Reliable – надежный

It’s worth smth. (doing smth.) – Это стоит того …


Speak on:

1. What means of travel do you know? Say what are their advantages and disadvantages.

2. Some people prefer to travel on their own and hate traveling in a group. What about you?

3. What places have you visited? What countries would you like to visit?


Topic III

Shops and Shopping

Sometimes a person sees something advertised in a newspaper or on television that he would like. He may write for it and ask to send it C.O.D. (cash… Going shopping is a pleasant experience for those who are well-off and can buy… There is a tendency in England and America for small shops to disappear. They are eaten up by the big firms, who have…


Grocer – продавец в продуктовом магазине Butcher – мясник Milkman – молочник

At a Grocery Store.

- I'm fine, thank you. And how are you? - I'm having a little trouble. I don't have any eggs or butter. - Oh, that's a shame! I need two pounds of butter and a dozen eggs.


that's shame! - обидно! жаль!

Pound – 1.фунт (единица веса, англ. 456 6 г)

Cent – цент – (0,01 доллара)

Quart кварта – (в Англии-1,14 л; в Америке=0,95 л)

Pint пинта – (англ.=0,57 л)


Conversation: At a Shoe Shop.

Mrs. Brown: A pair for this boy. Shop Assistant: Shoes or boots, madam? Mrs. Brown: Shoes.


size – размер

to try on – примерять

tight – тесный

Loose – свободный

to fit – подходить, быть впору

to wrap up – обертывать, заворачивать

Receipted bill – оплаченный чек


Make up conversations оn analogy.


Topic IV

My future profession

I have asked myself a lot of times: "What do I want to be when I leave school?" A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite… For me, choosing a career is not only a matter of future prestige and wealth.… A couple of years ago I wanted to become a doctor. I thought it was a very noble profession. I wanted to hеlp people…


independent – независимый far more – гораздо более ability – способность

Topic V

Olympic Games

In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later. In 1896 the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course,… The same year the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the… Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The most…



ВС – до нашей эры (сокр. от Before Christ)

AD – нашей эры (сокр. от лат Anno Domini).

wrestling – борьба

to abolish – отменять, упразднять

to set up – организовывать, создавать

body – орган, комитет

participant – участник

city-host – город-хозяин Олимпийских игр

sports facilities – спортивные сооружения

it takes great efforts – нужны большие усилия

to arrange – устраивать, организовывать

to renew – возобновлять

to take part – принимать участие

interlaced – переплетенный

motto – девиз

background – фон


Topic VII

The British Way of Life

The English themselves like to speak of the "Englishness" of the English and they agree that there are really some typical English… The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. "The Englishman's home is his… The fire is the focus of the English home. What do other nations sit round? The answer is they don't. They go out to…


Merry – весёлый Boastful – хвастливый to repute, to regard – считать

Text 2



London is the capital of Great Britain, it is one of the largest cities in the world. London is situated on both sides of the Thames. There are fourteen bridges across the Thames. There are four parts in London: the City, the West End, the East End and the Port.

The City is the oldest part of London. There are no houses in the City, only large office buildings. It is the country's financial and business centre. The Stock Exchange, the Royal Exchange, the Bank of England are all there. At night the City is quiet and empty.

The name "West End" is associated with the rich. It's the finest part of London. In the West End there are theatres, cinemas, museums, picture galleries, long streets of fine shops and many big houses. There are beautiful parks, too.

The Houses of Parliament, Whitehall, Downing Street are all in the West End. Whitehall is the street where all the Government offices are. It is the heart of the Government of Great Britain.

If the City is the "money" of London, and the West End is the "goods" of London, then the East End is the "hands" of London. Working-class London is in the East End. It is a district of docks, factories, poor little houses and narrow streets. Housing conditions in this part of London are very bad. Lots of old houses have no modern conveniences. They are damp, dirty and dark.

The East End and the Port of London are situated to the east of the City. They are unattractive, but very important to the country's economy.

London is very rich in sights. Among them is Westminster Abbey which is famous for its architecture and history. In Westminster Abbey the kings and queens of England are buried. Here is also the Poet's Corner where many great writers and poets are buried: Kipling, Dickens, Tennyson, the memorials to Shakespeare and Byron, Scott and Longfellow.

Of no less interest are the Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace – the Queens residence, the National Art Gallery, the British Museum, St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower, which was first a fortress, then a prison and which is now a museum.

Trafalgar Square is about a hundred years old. The main feature is the tall Nelson monument, with the figure of the great seaman on the top. Many demonstrations and meetings take place here.

There are a lot of parks in London, the most famous of them is Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Corner.

Sunday is a very quiet day in London. All the shops are not open and so are theatres and most of the cinemas. Londoners like to get out of the town on Sundays. They often go down to the sea for the day.


The Stock Exchange – Фондовая биржа

The Royal Exchange – Лондонская биржа

"goods" – зд. витрина, где выставлено все на показ


Say a few words about:

1. The City of London.

2. The West End.

3. The East End.

4. London's sights.

Topic VIII

The Climate of England

The weather really very often changes in England. They seldom have the same kind of weather for a long time. This is because of the Atlantic Ocean.… Summer is generally mild and warm in England though it sometimes happens to be… As to winter, it is also generally mild in England. They seldom have very low temperatures there. However here again…


Mild – мягкий Wet – влажный Changeable – изменчивый

Topic IX

The American Way of Life

The Englishman prizes privacy, the American prefers sociability. The American houses have no hedges or fences separating them from each other. There… The American in his house doesn't object to being seen by everyone – he… With this sociability goes overwhelming hospitality. You are invited to parties at the houses of your friends, to…


to pull down – сносить to throw away – выбрасывать to prize – ценить

Text 2


Washington is not the largest city in the United States, it is not as large as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. It has a population of 900,000… Washington is like no other city of the USA. You know that the flag of the… Washington is the seat of government of the nation. New York is a centre of finance, of shipping; New Orleans deals in…


to deal in – торговать

scrap paper –макулатура

to load – загружать

railway cars – вагоны

building structures – здания

the Capitol – здание Конгресса

the Supreme Court – Верховный Суд

sky-scrapers – небоскребы

marble – мраморный

tomb – могила, склеп

shipping – грузоперевозка, судоходство


Speak about the capital of the United States.

1. Who chose the place for the District of Columbia?

2. What is the only industry in Washington?

3. Which American state does Washington belong to?

4. What historical places does Washington have?

5. Why does Washington attract many tourists today?

6. How many stars and stripes are there on the US flag?


Some more Texts for Reading

The famous people of Great Britain.

Text 1

Isaak Newton (1642-1727)

The great English scientist Isaak Newton was born on December 25, 1642.1n his early years young Isaak showed more as one who could made things with his hand then a scho­lar. He made various things -He made a clock that worked by water.

In June 1661 Newton entered the University of Cambridge where he studied mathematics. When Newton was twenty-two years old he began studying the theory of gravitation. In 1665, while he was on a visit in his native village, he saw an apple fall from a tree and began wondering what force made the apple fall.

At Cambridge Newton read with great interest the writings of Galileo, he knew the geometry of Descartes, and he worked out the methods of calculus. Newton performed many experiments with light and found that white light was made up of rays of different colors. He invented a reflecting telescope. Newton developed a mathematical method which is known as the Binomial Theorem and also differential and integral calculus.

In 1673 Newton gathered together all his earlier calculations and succeeded in completing his whole theory. He examined the attraction of one mass by another. He showed that a massive sphere here attracts another as if the whole mass were in the centre. This was of great importance. It enabled Newton to treat the problems of the sun, moon and earth like problems of geometry. He at last justified the method of treatment which he had first adopted for the problem of the earth and moon. The proof of his universe square law was not complete. He had demonstrated that the gravitation pull of the earth extends as far as the moon and keeps it in its orbit. He demonstrated that this pull is in accordance with the same law as that by which a stone falls to the ground, namely gravity. Newton's great work "Elements of Natural Philosophy" was published only in the middle of 1687.

Isaak Newton died in 1727 at the age of 85. He was buried with honors as a national hero.



calculus – исчисление

Binomial Theorem – бином Ньютона'

the differential and integral calculus – дифференциальное и интегральное исчисление

universe square law – закон равенства действия и противодействия

to justify – подтверждать

"Elements of Natural Philosophy" – "Математические начала натуральной философии"

the law of gravitation – закон тяготения


Text 2

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. He was born on the 23rd of April 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. In Stratford there is The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, and a very old hotel with no numbers on the doors of the rooms. Instead every room has the name of a Shakespeare play on it: the Macbeth room, the Othello room, and so on.

He attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. For endless hours Latin grammar was taught; no geography, no science, no history... Almost the only reading in English was from the Bible. Very often companies of strolling players visited Stratford and Will made contact with actors, so he gained some knowledge of actors and the stage.

At the age of eighteen he got married and had three children.

In 1587 Shakespeare moved to London. Soon he became an actor playing supporting roles like the ghost in "Hamlet". In 1599 Shakespeare became a part owner of the Globe Theatre in London. The Globe, which was not far from London Bridge, was now the chief of London's theatres.

The stage had no curtain. The audience stood on the ground or sat in the galleries all round except at the back. There was no scenery.

When it was necessary to tell where the scene was to take place, it was told by the Prologue in the introduction to the play. An important member of the company was the clown. No women were allowed to be on the stage, and all women's part were played by young boys.

Shakespeare's work as a playwright is subdivided into three periods. Written in the first period, Shakespeare's plays are mostly history plays like "Henry VI", and comedies with strong-elements of farce ("The Comedy of Errors"). His masterpiece of this period is "Romeo and Juliet".

In the second period Shakespeare wrote a number of comedies where he moved away from farce towards romance ("Much ado about nothing", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", “The twelfth night", "As you like it").

In the third period, after 1600, appeared his major tragedies - "Hamlet", "Othello", "Macbeth", and "King Lear".

Many of his plays do not deal with English life, but with places far from his native land. He has left us in the plays a gallery of characters such as no other writer has given us.

He is great in every kind of play. His comedies make people laugh, his tragedies produce tears. He describes men's passions and emotions in the finest poetic language.

Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is his sonnets. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. The sonnets deal with the great themes of love, friendship, death and immortality. They are Ml of harmony and music; they praise love, friendship and beauty, though there is no sentimentality in them.

He had done two men's work, as actor and as author, and within twenty years, had written more than thirty plays. He died on the 23rd of April, 1616.



to attend the local grammar school – посещать местную грамматическую школу

to play supporting roles – играть второстепенные роли

to become a part owner of – стать совладельцем чего-либо

a comedy with strong elements of farce – комедия с сильными элементами фарса

a masterpiece of the period – шедевр этого периода

to move away from farce towards romance – уйти от фарса в сторону романтики

to deal with – быть связанным

to praise smith – касаться воспевать что-либо



Festivals in Britain

Text 3

St. Valentine's Day.

St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, and on 14 February young men and women declare their feelings for each other. But the tradition is to do so anonymously. Valentine's Day cards and romantic flowers such as red rose are sent which, although they carry messages of undying love, are always left unsigned. Indeed, some people go to great length to disguise their handwiring, in order to maintain their anonymity. Many people hope for cards on St. Valentine's Day and failure to receive any cause great disappointment.


Patron – покровитель

Anonymously – анонимно

Unsigned – без подписи

to go to great lengths – идти на все

to disguise – скрывать

disappointment – разочарование

Text 4

National Saints' Days

The patron saint of Wales, Ireland and England are, in order, St. David, St. Patrick and St. George. Their days are celebrated on 1 March, 17 March and 23 April respectively. National symbols depicting the Welsh dragon or leek, the Irish shamrock and the English rose are worn on the appropriate days, and you will see small gatherings of the various nationalities having a drink together or celebrating in the streets - particularly when they are living away from their native country.

Dragon – дракон

Leek – лук-порей

Shamrock – трилистник

Thistle – чертополох


Text 5

Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday, or Mother's Day as it usually called, falls three weeks before Easter Sunday. On this day, mother is rewarded for all her work looking after the house and family during the rest of the year. Her husband and children usually buy her a card and a small gift, and traditionally bring her breakfast in bed. Sometimes she will also be taken out for lunch.

Father's Day, as the name implies, is when Dad gets his treats. Father's Day is on the third Sunday in June but is less widely celebrated than Mother's Day. Perhaps this is because fathers are seen to be less deserving than mothers!

Gift – подарок

Treats – удовольствие; угощение

to reward – вознаграждать

to deserve – заслуживать

to imply – подразумевать

Text 6

All Fools' Day

Normally called "April Fools' Day", this day falls on 1st April. It is a day when you can light-heartedly make fools of your family,… The joke, however, must be received or believed by midday otherwise it is the… Even newspapers, television and radio programs join in the fun, publishing and broadcasting amusing and unlikely…

Text 7


The build-up to Easter begins on Shrove Tuesday. This is the day before Ash Wednesday - the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. On Shrove Tuesday it is the custom to cook and eat pancakes. This is symbolic of using up left-over food - eggs, milk and flour in this case - in readiness for Lent, traditionally a time of Fasting and abstinence. Nowadays very few British people actually fast in Lent, but many use it as a time to give up something they know is bad for them, such as chocolate, alcohol or cigarettes.

Although Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar, the majority of the British public pay much more attention to Christmas with its traditions of present giving, eating and drinking. Good Friday (three days before Easter Day) and Easter Monday are bank holidays, and the banks and other financial institutions, offices and shops are closed ой these days.

Gift giving is more restricted than at Christmas although most children are given an Easter egg-made of chocolate and often filled with sweets or a small gift. Tradition says that these eggs are delivered by the Easter Bunny (rabbit) and it is a popular game for the children to hunt for small eggs concealed around the house or garden.

Fish is traditionally eaten on Good Friday and Easter cake is an iced fruit cake with a marzipan on the top.

Easter – пасха

Ash Wednesday – прощенная среда

Lent – великий пост

Shrove Tuesday – масленица

Fasting – пост

Abstinence – воздержание

To restrict – ограничивать

Good Friday – страстная пятница


Text 8

May Day

In previous centuries. May Day, which marked the Spring festival, was a potent pagan symbol and was widely celebrated. Today, in many towns and… At the end of the month there is another public holiday called Whitsun which… potent – могущественный

Text 9

Midsummer Eve

Although Midsummer Eve is not is not traditionally a widely celebrated festival in Britain, it is celebrated by druids (practitioners of an ancient religion now virtually extinct) at the prehistoric stone circle of Stonehenge. In recent years, groups of travelers - caravan dwellers - and hippies have also tried to claim the right to enter the circle to see the sun rise on Midsummer's Day, but they have generally not been allowed, largely because of fears of damage to the ancient monument.

dwellers – житель; обитатель1

hippies – хиппи

druids – друиды

virtually – фактически

extinct – вымерший


Text 10

Harvest Festival

This is a very old festival, dating from pre-Christian times but nowadays celebrated by Christians. Each October, the churches - particularly in the countryside - are decorated with flowers, fruit vegetables and other crops, and the local people come to give thanks for the successful completion of the harvest.

Text 11


The name a0mes from "the eve of All Hallows", also known in the Christian calendar as All Saints. According to folklore, on this night - 31 October - witches and evil spirits roam the country. These days, people dress up as witches and ghosts and have parties. Groups of children also play "trick-or-treat" on their neighbors, going from door to door and playing a harmless but slightly unpleasant trick on anyone who refuses to give them a sweet or other gift.

witch – ведьма

evil spirits – злые духи

to roam – бродить скитаться

trick – шутка

Text 12

Guy Fawkes' Night

Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot! I see no reason

Text 13


The many non-religious traditions associated with Christmas are in fact not very old, dating back only to the 19th century. These are mostly for… Lunch is the most important point of Christmas Day. The traditional lunch… The day after Christmas Day is called Boxing Day (probably after the church alms box which was opened for the poor on…

Text 14

New Year's Day, or Hogmanay

People all over Britain celebrate the passing of the old year and the coming of the new. In Scotland, Hogmanay- as it is called there - is almost as important as Christmas. The Scots take New Year's Eve very seriously, and anyone unwise enough to try to sleep at midnight is likely to be woken up by a band of "first footers". First footers go from house to house after midnight carrying lumps of coal (seen as-symbols of good luck) and they expect a glass of whisky in each house they visit!

lumps of coal – куски угля


The famous people of America

Text 1

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is the most famous example of the "American dream". Many Americans think that in their country a man may rise from the… He was born in 1809 in a small farm in Kentucky. He hardly had any education;… He entered politics, too, and in 1834 became a candidate to the Parliament of Illinois. He soon became a force in the…


to rise from the lowest to the highest position – подняться из низов до высшего положения в обществе

to enter politics – начать политическую карьеру

a burning question – больной вопрос

to abolish – отменить, запретить

the break-up of the Union – развал Союза

to admire smth. for political moderation – восхищаться чьей-либо умеренной политикой

to preserve the nation – стараться сохранить нацию


Text 2

Thomas Alva Edison

Edison began to work when he was twelve. His first job was a newspaper boy on "a train. He had a small laboratory in the baggage car of this… In 1877 Edison invented a phonograph. This talking machine both recorded and… Thomas Edison invented' the first working light bulb in 1879, but no one knew how to use electricity outside of a…


A light lamp – электрическая лампочка

the phonograph – фонограф

outside of a laboratory –вне лаборатории

to create – создать

a true genius – настоящий гений

honored –почитаемый


Helpful Phrases


I like (very much)

a) ice-cream; your dress

b) reading; going to the theatre; playing football


I'd like to see a new film – Я бы хотел...

I do like your dress – Мне действительно нравится...

I love = I like very much

Ex.: I love ice-cream (swimming in the sea).


I enjoy (feeling of pleasure)

Ex.: I enjoy travelling (very much)

I enjoyed the concert last night.


I'm very fond of Marion (reading).

I'm very keen on ... figure skating.

I'm mad about (on) ...

Ex.: I'm mad about (on) their latest record.

I'm crazy about...




So do I

I do too

So am I

Me too


I don't

I'm not Are you?

Do you?



1. Do you like?

Ex. Do you like this picture?




Yes, (I do).

Yes I do rather

(Yes) very much indeed

It's all right

It's not bad


No, (I don't)

Not very much

Not particularly

I can't say I do


2. How do you like?




Very much

It's very nice (lovely, beautiful)

It's all right (not bad)


Not (very) much

It's awful (terrible)


Illustrative examples:

1. - I like science fiction very much.

- So do I.

2. - I do like Julia's new flat.

- Yes. It’s very cozy, isn't it?

3. - I love home-made pies.

- I do too.

4. - Is the drama club popular with the students?

- Oh, yes. They are very keen on it.

5. - I'm crazy about these new electronic games.

- Really? I don't know what you see in them.



I dislike I'm not (very) fond of... I hate...

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На начальном этапе знакомства со стихотворением учащиеся повторяли его построчно за мной, а потом, выучив наизусть, рассказывали хором всем классом,… Кроме того, дети могут составить предложения с данными словами перевести… Например This is a book. It is an English book. It is orange and white. I need it for my English lesson. Большую роль…

перевода с английского языка на русский язык зоонимов
Учение о категории рода имеет давнюю традицию. Вопрос о способах языкового выражения различия пола живых существ интересует многих ученых. Среди работ, посвященных проблеме категории рода в английском языке, следует… Данная дипломная работа представляется актуальной, так как исследование в ней проводится в русле культурологической и…

Перевод дипломатической документации с английского языка на русский язык
К тексту прилагается словарь минимум и соответствующие пояснения. Деловые связи немыслимы без обмена деловой корреспонденцией.Веками складывающийся… Кроме того, все меньше и меньше проблем составляет перелет из одной страны в… Разумеется, перед составлением делового письма вы должны четко уяснить, что именно вы хотите сообщить в своем…

высшего профессионального образования... Алтайская государственная академия культуры и искусств... Факультет информационных ресурсов и дизайна...

Куча тем по английскому языку для школы
The department of education and science is responsible for national education policy, but it doesn t run any schools, if doesn t employ teachers, or… Most independent schools are single-sex, but the number of mixing schools is… Primary children do all their work with the same class teacher exept for PT and music. The work is beist upon the…

Список + все темы по английскому языку для сдачи выпускного экзамена в 11 классе 2001 года
My future career. What would you like to do after school? Was it your own decision? Who helped… What jobs, attitudes, looks, arts, books, outfits, hobbies are popular among the teenagers? Would you like to get a…

Топики по английскому языку на тему "Я ученый"
A theme of the discussionis Psychological problems ofyoung family . How much time is allocated on questions? How many scientists take part in… В какое время я выступаю? Сколько времени мне отведено надоклад?I ll make a… На дополнительные вопросы затратить по5 минут. Обсуждать публикации в порядке их опубликования в…

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