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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Cultural Values

Работа сделанна в 2004 году

Cultural Values - раздел Культура, - 2004 год - Urals State Technical University - Upi Foreign Language Department Thesis Cul...

Urals State Technical University - UPI Foreign language department Thesis Cultural Values Student Zaitseva S.V. Group PП-4 Supervisor Hramushina Zh.A. Ekaterinburg 2004 Table of contents Summary 3 Key words 4 Introduction 1. Definitions beliefs, values 7 The value belief puzzle 8 Contrastive orientations 12 Japanese interpersonal norms 2. Japanese and American patterns of social behavior 22 The national status image 25 A Cultural model of interaction 27 Seven statements about Americans 3. Factors influencing values 40 Intercultural communication a guide to men of action 40 Cuisine, etiquette and cultural values 52 Patterns of speech 4. Contrast Russians stereotypes 58 Nine statements about Russians 58 Middle Eastern interview responses 5. Americans view of Russian. Russians view of American 65 American interview responses 65 Russian interview responses 75 Conclusion 79 Literature 80 Appendix SUMMARY A diploma work contains 80 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure, 4 books are a source of it. Key words cross-cultural communication, values, beliefs, clusters, stereotypes.

In detail it is said about concept values, factors influencing values, the meaning of values in intercultural communication and understanding between different nations.

In brief it is mentioned differences between beliefs, values. The actuality and novelty of a theme consist in the following points.

Problems of the intercultural communications and cultural values are young. Scientists started to consider them rather recently. In Russia researches have begun only in the 80th years. In such a way, there is not enough literature and materials on the given questions. Therefore any new works and researches make the significant contribution to studying these problems.

So in my work I tried to research the influence of cultural values to attitude one country to another to explore and to compare Japanese and American patterns of social behavior to understand the factors influencing values to discover stereotypes between different countries. In conclusion it is noted that excellent knowledge of language is only half-affair for successful cooperation with other country.

Also it is necessary to know features of people of other country in negotiating or their attitude to business. Also it is necessary to take into account features of dialogue, etiquette, relations with grown-ups and many other things.

Key words

Stereotype is a fixed set of ideas about what a particular type of per... It is not a report of actual conduct but is the inductively based logi... A belief links an object or event and the characteristics that disting... A value is something that is important to people - like honesty, harmo... Cross-cultural communication is the information exchange between one p...


The subject of my diploma work is cultural values. Our perception of foreign cultures is usually based not on their compl... We can t see values directly, but we can see them reflected in people ... What we value shapes what we do. DEFINITIONS BELIEFS, VALUES It is useful at this juncture to make some...

The value belief puzzle

Of course, it was ten o clock at night! How should such statements be ... Third, the observations, while clearly not applicable to all members o... 3. Finally, the relational orientation ranges from the individual to the ... Thus, with the reservations noted above, it can be said that in the re...

Japanese interpersonal norms

This procedure implies the concept of a cultural model essentially a h... In the decades subsequent to the Restoration a generalized version of ... relative permanence of status Once status positions are clearly define... Finally, reserve or discipline is in some cases much less apparent in ... From the information on contrasting cultural norm and cue systems supp...

The national status image

The Japanese tendency to locate other nations on a hierarchical scale ... The reader will note that in effect we have already substituted averag... We have found that the diagram has been meaningful as an ideal model f... They look more attractive. They reason that Japan must be superior, not inferior to the United St...

Seven statements about Americans

Along years, Americans have worked a lot in order to create many devic... I played by the rules for 57 years. At many schools, campus life revolves around fraternities social and, ... During this busy period there is little time for students to anticipat... It is not always easy to understand a new educational system.

Intercultural communication a guide to men of action

Not so. To us, he gives an impression of pushiness. As soon as a Latin America... HOW CLASS CHANNELS COMMUNICATION We would be mistaken to regard the co... The wife and the young ones clear the table. This is used for making nsima, the most popular way of cooking maize.

Contrast Russians stereotypes

5. If we can understand what lies behind the stereotypes, we are able to ... Making the most of each day, living it to the fullest, and facing only... 7. Supervisors teachers appear to know best.

Middle Eastern interview responses

ю Terrorists ю Not much knowledge, they only know the name Arafat. Flats have been broken into. We are students here. Brothers and sisters support each other. ю The divorce rate at home is very low.

Americans view of Russian. Russians view of American

Americans view of Russian. Russians view of American S

American interview responses

ю Advice to women be prepared that girls here dress differently Russia... People can be very rude in the public sphere- in restaurants, airports... ю I tend to try not to have too many set expectations before I go to a... ю Men NEED to carry things and pay. ю Shallow, superficial friendliness and customer service. But I like i...

Russian interview responses

For example, to visit all the museums. ю Try to make new friends and make the most of your stay ю My mother t... They like to dance. ю The new generation will change the country. Also because of ignorance of traditions, customs, etiquette of other c...

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