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РАЗДЕЛ 3. ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА - раздел Образование, Раздел 3. Грамматика И Лексика Раздел 3 (Грамматика...


Раздел 3 (Грамматика и лексика) включает три вида заданий. При выполнении упражнений в задании № 1 обратите внимание, что упражне­ния 6—10 являются более сложными.

При выполнении упражнений в заданиях № 2 и № 3 вам необходимо показать знание прой­денных грамматических правил. Если у вас воз­никнут затруднения, советуем заглянуть в грам­матические таблицы, помещенные в Грамма­тическом справочнике (см. Приложение 1). Внимательно прочитайте рекомендации к каж­дому виду заданий.

Задание № 1

Рекомендации к выполнению

В задании № 1 вам даны тексты с' пропуска­ми. В эти пропуски вам надо вставить слова и выражения, чтобы получился полный текст.

Слова и выражения для упражнений 1 — 5 да­ны перед каждым текстом. Сначала прочитайте сам текст, не обращая внимания на пропущен­ные слова. Постарайтесь понять общее содержа­ние текста. Затем прочитайте слова и выраже­ния и решите, какое из них подходит к каждому пропуску. Если вы учили слова, это задание не будет для вас сложным. Помните о том, что по­рядок слов не соответствует порядку пропусков.

Будьте внимательны! Три слова или выра­жения в списке окажутся лишними.

Упражнения 6—10 являются более сложны­ми. Выполняя их, вы сами должны домыслить, какое слово необходимо вставить для восстанов­ления текста. Читая текст, прежде всего постарайтесь понять, какая часть речи необходима для заполнения пропуска. Это может быть ар­тикль или предлог, местоимение или вспомога­тельный глагол, иногда это смысловой глагол или существительное, необходимость которых подсказана содержанием текста.

Перенесите свои ответы в таблицу. В верхней строчке проставлены номера пропусков. В ниж­ней строчке необходимо вписать пропущенное слово или выражение.

Выполнив задание, проверьте себя еще раз.


1.1. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски (1—7) со­ответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами из при­веденного списка (а—j). Три фразы или слова — лиш­ние. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) energetic

b) working much

c) much trouble

d) lazy

e) relaxing

f) give the impression

g) leisure activities
h) exciting activity
i) entertain

j) spare time

Are you a couch potato?

Centuries ago, people didn't have much free time, because everybody was working too hard. In Britain in the nineteenth century, people had more 1)_________, but because the Victorians hated 2) _________ and doing nothing, they invented football, rugby and cricket. People took up more gentle activities too, like gardening or bird watching, and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and 3)______that you were actually doing something Gradually, 4)_______have become less and less demanding, and most people have a variety of more or less 5)__________interests and hobbies. But now there is a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching television on Sunday afternoon or reading the newspaper from cover to cover is the most 6) ________they can manage. This is the twentieth-century couch potato. For them, every activity is too. 7)________ , and laziness is an art form! So how do you spend your free time? Are you a couch potato?




a) less selfish

b) playful

c) share the room

d) share the achievement

e) get along

f) playing in a team

g) make new friends
h) doing well

i) share the loss

j) to co-operate

Taking up a team sport

People worldwide enjoy sports whether they are playing in a team or doing an individual sport. Some choose team sports because they like 1)_______ , while those who take up individual sports consider team sports to have many disadvantages. To begin with, one advantage of taking up-a team sport is the sense of team spirit. Players learn 2)________ while working towards the same goal. This encourages people to be 3)______ . Moreover, playing in a team can also help one 4)_____ __. Another reason for taking up a team sport is that when you win, you 5)_________ and when you lose, you have someone to 6)_________ with. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. First of all, there is a chance that not all players will 7)________ with each other. This may cause arguments and make players very competitive. In addition, when you are part of a team, you have to depend on other players.





a) most successful

b) helpless

c) picked the scientist up

d) least successful

e) dangerous

f) accidentally

g) chased him h) safe

i) unexplored

j) specially

Bad luck

Thomas Nuttall (1786—1859) was a natural scientist who spent many years studying the plants and trees of 1)_______ parts of northwest America. He was really the 2)_______ of all the explorers. He was different from them because he was almost always lost. During one of his journeys of exploration in 1812 his helpers often had to light fires in the evening so that he could find his way back to their tents.

One night he did not come back and a group went out to search for him. When Nuttall heard them in the darkness, he was frightened. He thought that they were Indians and tried to escape. Getting more and more angry, Nuttall's friends 3)______ for three days through the forest and across rivers until he 4) ____arrived back at their tents.

Another day Nuttall was lost again. He was very tired, so he lay down to rest. An Indian found him lying there. The scientist did not look 5)______ ; in fact, he looked quite 6)_________.So the Indian felt sorry for him and decided not to kill him. Instead, he 7)______ ,. carried him three miles to the river and brought him safely back home in a boat.


--------- 1



a) which

b) protect

c) few

d) environment

e) pollution

f) save

g) rubbish
h) largest
i) many

j) dangerous


The problems of environment are important all over the world. In our country the problem of 1)_________ of Baikal and destruction of its nature is really actual.

Baikal is the 2) ___________ lake on the Earth, it looks like a sea. In Baikal there are more than 2600 kinds of animals and more than 1000 species of plants. 3)____ kinds of fish, birds, reptiles, insects inhabit the region of Baikal. It is 40 per cent of plants and 85 per cent of animals, 4)_______ you can meet here. They are unique.

This place is very beautiful. Many tourists come here to enjoy its nature. But many of them leave piles of 5)_______ on the Baikal shores: cans, plastic bottles, beaten glass and so on.

But the most 6) problem for the lake's nature is a lot of factories on its shores. They pour chemical and industrial waste into the Baikal's water and destruct its environment. As a result, many animals and plants die.

We must 7)______________ our unique lake against different kind of pollution. The health of our country and our planet, our health depends on it very much.






a) look

b) hardworking

c) also

d) every day

e) thick white hair

f) lazy

g) personality
h) good-looking
i) hard work

j) never

My best friend Dick

Everybody agrees that Dick has got a wonderful 1)_____ He is clever, 2)________ and he 3)______forgets his friends.

Dick comes from an old family. His parents were farm workers. Dick himself is not a farm worker. He lives with our family and spends time playing with me, my sisters and brothers. But he has not forgotten the work that his fathers and grandfathers did for many years.

Dick's favourite food is meat. He 4)_________ eats cereal, eggs and biscuits. But cooking for Dick is not very 5)_________.He only eats one meal a day. He doesn't say, "Thank you", but you can easily see that he means it.

We all think that Dick is very 6)___________________ He has long legs and wonderful 7)________. His hair is one of his best points. We brush it every day and say, "Good old Dick! You are one of the finest Old English sheepdogs in the country."



Louis Armstrong

In 1925, Armstrong went 3)______________ Chicago and started his own band there. It became very popular. Armstrong and 4)________ band gave… Louis Armstrong changed the style 5)______ jazz. He invented singing without… He was 6)____________ happy man and he wanted other people to be happy too. Louis Armstrong died in his sleep on July…

An Indian tale

Next day the wise man went to his old friend and borrowed (взял взаймы) some new clothes from him. Then he again 3)______to the palace. The Rajah… At dinner the Rajah saw that the wise man did not eat but put pieces of food… "What are you 6)_______________ ?" he asked.

Sport in our life

Sport helps people to be healthy. At the same 3)_____ those who go in for sports try to win sports competitions. Nowadays you can train in any kind… Sport makes people healthy and strong, brave and cheerful. It helps people… 7)___________ good friends.

My favourite subject is Literature

Sally felt very 5)______________ , and the next day she went to the bookshop again. There were a lot of people there, 6)______ a famous poet was…   …


The marathon is 4)_____________ longest race. It is more than 26 miles (about 42 kilometers). Why that number? That was the exact distance 5)_______… Nowadays the marathon has become a popular event for runners. It 6)_______________ always the last event at the Summer Olympic Games.

The national parks of Wales

parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty, but ordinary people still live and work here. The 2)_____________ (famous)of the parks is Snowdonia in the north-west. It 3)______ (cover),840 square miles (2, 176 sq. km). It's Wales' most picturesque countryside. The 4)_______(high)…

They had a narrow escape

Everybody 1)_______(enjoy)summer holidays. People usually have a fantastic time and a lot of fun. But it happens so, if they behave in a proper way,… Last summer a group of tour­ ists 2)______ (near) became shark food when they… come to a spe­cial platform by the ten people. Trying to get a 4)________(good) look at the deadly animals twenty or…

The Exxon Valdez disaster (Катастрофа)

2)________(industry) :fishing, forests, tourism and oil. On the south coast of Alaska is the port of Valdez, аnd from here most of Alaska's oil is… The sea off the coast of Alaska is always 3)_______(danger) because it's full… The Exxon Valdez started its journey in the evening of 24th March 1989.

A wise judge

Somebody 1)______________ (steal)one hundred rupees (рупий — монета в Ин­дии) from the house of one man. The man went to the judge. The judge called… All the sticks 3) ____(be)twenty centimeters long. The judge said, "These sticks are magic. They will help me to find the man who 4)______ (take)the money. Tomorrow…

A sporting nation

Cricket is a typically British game. It 4)______(look)slow, but it can be exciting if you understand what's going on. There are eleven 5)_____(man)in each team. Cricket is a very long game. Big international… Tennis is another popular game in Britain. Every summer, in June, the biggest international tennis tournament (турнир)…

The Ox and the Frog

went to a pond to get a drink of water. There, for the 2) ______ (one)time in their lives, they saw an Ox (бык). "What a big, 3) _____(beauty) animal”, thought Mr Frog. "In the frog world I am big and nice, but this…

Aesop and the Traveller

fine 2)_______ (story). He was well-known as a man who was fond of jokes. One day, as he 3)____________ (enjoy) a walk, he met a traveller, who greeted… "Go," Aesop said again 5)______(angry).

Matryoshka dolls

They 1)_______ (one)appeared in 1899 in the town of Sergiev Posad. The idea 2)_______(bring); to Russia from Japan by merchants (купцы). But village… Matryoshka is a beautiful 6)_______(Russia)souvenir. This wooden doll…         …

Not a problem

Once a famous European writer3)____to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited… travel all over my country.' 1. a) much b) little c)…         …

At the station

5)_______ have got into a carriage (вагон) but the third man hasn't got into the train. He 6)_______at the platform and laughing. "Why are you… 1. a)in 2. a) by

Alex, the parrot

When his .owner shows Alex an object and asks about 3)_____ shape, colour, or material, he can name it correctly. If she asks him about the… If he says, "Wanna banana", but 6)______ a nut instead, he asks for… Alex 7)_______ 100 words, so he can ask for his favourite

Giants in danger

Today, many elephants in Africa 4)_____ because they don't have enough to eat and because they don't have enough space to live in. Besides, hunters… Most elephants are now in national parks. There are too many animals there. As… All these problems 6)_____(сократили) the number of elephants in Africa. Specialists 7)______ that only two million…

A Lion and a Mouse

This awakened the Lion and he caught the Mouse. The Lion was going to kill the little Mouse, when the Mouse said, "Please… The lion decided that this was very 3)___________ .He couldn't see how a little Mouse could help 4)_____great big…

Helpful lessons

The adults were 3)_____ , but Jane was frightened. She remembered her Geography teacher, who had told her class about tsunamis some weeks 4)_____.… Jane's parents 5)_____ understand her at first. "When the water went… Jane's parents alerted (предупреждать об опасности) tourists and they all ran off the beach as fast as they 6)______.A…

The Lady and the Parrot

Well, the lady 1)_________ shocked! She ran past the shop to her work. 2)_______ the way home she saw the same parrot and it said to her, "Hey… The next day the parrot again said to her, "Hey lady, you are really ugly!" The lady was so furious (в…

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