рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Задание - раздел Образование, Задание №1. 1.1. Вы Услышите 5 Коротких Текстов (1—...

Задание №1.

1.1. Вы услышите 5 коротких текстов (1—5). Установите их соответствие с вопросами (А—F). Один вопрос — лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите тексты дважды.

Are you happy or not?

Which of them...?

A.is absolutely happy B. has little free time

C. would like to get some pocket money

D. has problems with Maths

E. would like to get some privacy

F. has problems making friends



1.2. Вы услышите 5 коротких текстов (1—5). Устано­вите их соответствие с вопросами (А—F). Один вопрос — лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите тексты дважды.

What's your job?

Which of them has a job of a...?


B. doctor

C. driver

D. shop assistant ,

E. nurse

F. teacher




1.3. Вы услышите 5 коротких текстов (1—5). Устано­вите их соответствие с вопросами (А—F). Один вопрос — лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите тексты дважды.


Which of them... ?

A.prefers to be active in free time

в. cares about nature

C. is thinking about future job

D. doesn't care about fitness

E. is lazy to play football

F. participates in charity activities



1.4. Вы услышите 5 коротких текстов (1—5). Устано­вите их соответствие с заголовками (А—F). Один заголо­вок — лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы ус­лышите тексты дважды.

Famous people

A. Early career

B. Fight for control

C. The worst worry

D. Theatre Age

E. Influential person

F. Successful sea battles


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1.5. Вы услышите 5 коротких текстов (1—5). Устано­вите их соответствие с заголовками (А—-F). Один заголо­вок — лишний. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы ус­лышите тексты дважды.


Food and diets

B. Everything is possible C. The most important thing D. Care about animals

Задание № 3

3.1. Прослушайте текст. Закончите предложения (1—5), выбрав правильный вариант (а—d). Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите текст дважды.

The Mousehole legend

1. The story is about

a) a mouse in the hole.

b) a cat and a mouse.

c) a fisherman and his cat.

d) about the storm.

2. The people were hungry because

a) their main food was fish.

b) they had no food left.

c) there was no fish in the sea.

d) the weather was terrible.

3. The old man decided to go out to the sea

a) he wanted to catch some fish.

b) he was very old.

c) he wasn't afraid of the storm.

d) he had a cat.

4. The sea calmed down because

a) it was tired.

b) the weather was good.


c) it liked the old man.

d) it liked the cat's song.

5. People from all over the UK come to Mousehole village

a) to eat some fish.

b) to eat a special pie.

c) to have fun.

d) to see the cat.



3.2. Do You Like Risk?

1. The story is about the boy who

a) has a lot of surprises.

b) rides his bike with closed eyes.

c) isn't afraid of taking risks.

d) broke his bike.

2. The witness said it was a miracle because

a) Jason was taken to hospital.

b) Jason was seriously wounded.

c) Jason had an operation.

d) the bike broke to pieces.

3. Jason could die while scuba diving because

a) he couldn't breathe under water.

b) nobody instructed him.

c) he broke the diving system.

d) it was a second miracle.

4. Jason could die during a parachute jump

a) he broke his leg.

b) he fell into the river.

c) he had до parachute.

d) there was something wrong with his

5. In the future Jason is going to

a) try other risky sports.

b) try windsurfing.

c) try white-water rafting.

d) have exciting life. '


.. 4

3.3. Прослушайте текст. Закончите предложения (1—5), выбрав правильный вариант (а—d). Занесите свои от­веты в таблицу. Вы услышите текст дважды.

I know the rules!

1. Harry's first bike was easy to ride because

a) it was red and white.

b) it always stayed up.

c) it was small.

d) it had small wheels at its sides.

2. At the age of twelve Harry

a) had a new bike.

b) had no bike.

c) didn't want a bike.

d) had a child's bike.

3. Every morning Harry's mother first

a) went to work.

b) brought Harry back.


c) drove the car.

d) took Harry to school.

4. Harry wanted a bike to

a) ride to school.

b) take it to school.

c) take mother to work.

d) bring it home.

5. One day Harry's mother stopped her car

a) at a bicycle shop.

b) at yellow light.

c) at green light.

d) at traffic lights.




3.4. Christmas pudding

1. Why was the king in the forest on Christmas Eve?

a) Because he wanted to choose a Christmas tree.

b) Because he wanted to ask the woodman to cut down a Christmas tree.

c) Because he wanted to ask for food and shelter.

d) Because he lost his way.

2. Why did the woodman begin to mix everything that he had?

a) Because he'd like to surprise the king.

b) Because he didn't know what to cook for the king.

c) Because he had little food.

d) Because he was a bad cook.

3. What did the pudding consist of?

a) It consisted of flour and butter.

b) It consisted of many ingredients.

c) It consisted of eggs and apples.

d) It consisted of flpur, brandy and dried plums.

4. Why didn't the Puritans eat plum puddings?

a) They were not allowed to eat them.

b) They couldn't eat plums with brandy.

c) They couldn't cook them.

d) They didn't like them.

5. When did George I re-establish puddings as part of Christmas tradition?

a) In the nineteenth century.

b) In the seventeenth century.

c) In the eighteenth century.

d) In the fifteenth century.




3.5. Прослушайте текст. Закончите предложения (1—5), выбрав правильный вариант (а—d). Занесите свои от­веты в таблицу. Вы услышите текст дважды.

A storm at the sea

1. The play at the theatre showed

a) running boys.

b) a sea storm.


c) a large piece of green cloth.

d) sea in good weather.

2. People enjoyed

a) the good performance.

b) the storm at sea.

c) looking at running boys.

d) watching all performances.

3. The theatre director wanted to get

a) a larger storm for the same price.

b) a smaller storm for a larger price.

c) the same storm for the same price.

d) the same storm for a smaller price.

4. The boys stopped running under the cloth

a) they didn't like the director.

b) they didn't like the director's decision.

c) they were tired of running.

d) they agreed with the director's decision.

5. The director talked to the boys again and

a) agreed to pay them more money than

b) agreed to have a smaller storm.

c) agreed to pay them as much as before.

d) refused to pay them at all.






Раздел 2 (Чтение)включает три вида зада­ний,первое из которых — на установление соот­ветствия, два других — выбор правильного отве­та из ряда предложенных. Внимательно прочи­тайте рекомендации к каждому виду заданий.

Задание № 1

1.1. Прочитайте тексты (1—5) и установите их соот­ветствие с вопросами (А—F). Один вопрос лишний. Зане­сите свои ответы в таблицу.

The wonders of American national parks

1. In the Capitol Reef National Park in Utah you can see lots of beautiful cliffs and rocks. Many of them are covered with rock drawings and paintings. They were made by the Fremont Indians, who lived there two thousand years ago and mysteriously disappeared.

2. The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has two of the world's most active volcanoes. The true character of the park is best discovered on foot. You can walk along the paths, of hard lava and often you can take a photo of real flowing lava running down the volcano slope (склон)! But don't worry, the park rangers won't let you get too close.

3. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is one of the true natural wonders of the world. It makes most of the Grand Canyon National Park and million of tourists visit it every year. The Grand Canyon is over 320 km long and up to 6 km deep. The top and the bottom of the canyon have very different weather and vegetation (растительность). While it is very hot at the top, it can be very cold at the
bottom, especially at night. There are signs that people lived in the Grand Canyon 4,000 years ago.

4. The Yellowstone National Park is the first and the oldest national park in the USA. It was founded in 1872. Now it is home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and elk. It's famous for its geysers and hot springs (источни­ки). The most famous geyser shoots hot water and steam (nap) regularly — once every 75 minutes.

5. Going to Death Valley was very dangerous. It's the hottest place in the United States and summer temperature can go up to64 Today, Death Valley is a national parkfind thousands of tourists drive there to enjoythe beauty of this strange land. There are lots of ghost towns in Death Valley. In the 1800s peoplecame here looking for gold and silver, but theterrible heat made them leave the place. Today, youсип visit these ghost towns and look insideold houses, prisons and banks to see how peoplelived then.

In which national park...?

■A.you may need both warm and light clothes

B. you should have a car with air-conditioning system

C. you can see the art of ancient people

D. the guides are always very careful

E. you can explore the houses of ancient Indians

F. you could boil an egg for breakfast without making the fire



1.2. Christmas Customs in Great Britain and America

1. Houses are decorated with coloured paper ribbons and chains. Holly with red berries is put on the walls and looks very colourful. A piece of mistletoe (a ■ plant) is hung from the ceiling. It is said to be lucky to kiss under the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. People who do not usually kiss each other take the chance given by a piece of mistletoe!



2. One of the delicacies the British have enjoyed for almost 900 years is the mince pie. This is a sort of small cake with a delicious mixture of spices and fruit. It was the Crusaders (крестоносцы) who introduced it when they brought back new aromat­ ic spices from the Holy Land. In the 17th century Oliver Cromwell tried to ban (запретить) the eat­ ing of mince pies (as well as singing of carols) —
but people continued to eat (and sing) in secret.

3. Christmas Day is a family day when families try to be together. In past years, the Queen broadcast a radio message from her study at Sandringham House. Since 1959 she has been recording her message every year some weeks before Christmas, so it could be broadcast on Christmas Day by radio in all parts of the British Commonwealth.

4. In the USA many towns have a communal tree place in some square or park or outside the town hall. This custom began first in America when an illuminated tree was set up in 1909 in Pasadena, California. Now we can observe the ceremony of putting up the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in the heart of New York City, as well as in the main square of every town in the country. The nation's main Christmas tree is set up in Washington, D.C. on the parade ground near the White House. A few days before Christmas the President of the United States presses a button, which lights the tree. This is the signal for
lighting trees across the land.

5. The custom of breaking a wishbone (of a chicken or turkey) comes from the Romans who used them for fortune telling. They examinedthe bones of sacrificed birds (птиц, приносимых в жертву), which they thought were messengers from their gods. Looking for signs of future events, they broke the wishbone and the person with the longest piece could make a wish which may bring him luck or good fortune.

Which Christmas custom... ?

A.appeared with new technology

B. can be very pleasant for people who like tasty things

C. can be very pleasant for people who love each other

D. can tell you that you'll be happy next year

E. was not allowed for some time

F. lets people know that Christmas holiday is coming


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1.3. Education in the United Kingdom

1. The school system in the UK may seem rather confusing for people from other countries. There are two types of schools in the UK. Most of schools are state schools where education is free. But there are also private schools where you have to pay. Such schools are often very expensive. It may seem strange, but private schools an Britain are called public.


2. A long time ago when education was a privilege of the rich, the only schools where poor people could go got the money from charity (бла­готворительный) organizations. As it was public money, the schools for the poor were called public schools. Some of these public schools were very successful and later they became expensive private schools for rich people. But the conservative British continued to call them public schools.

3. Harrow School was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor families but soon became one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. It is known as the place where Winston Churchill and six other Prime Ministers of Great Britain were educated. The poet Lord Byron also attended this school.


4. Harrow is an all-boys school with 800 pupils. It has nineteen boarding houses. A boarding house is a building .where pupils sleep and rest. Each boy has a separate bedroom or shares a room with another boy. The teachers also have their own rooms to stay in the school all the time and make sure that pupils get a lot of evening and weekend activities.

5. The first thing you need to have is money as studying at some public schools costs up to 20,000 pounds a year. There are some grants for bright, pupils from poor families but the places are few and the competition is very strong. It's not surprising that only six percent of the people in the UK can study at public schools.

A. Schools for rich people

B. Schools for boys

C. The history of public schools

D. Living and studying

Ё. The famous school

F. Schools in Great Britain



1.4. What do you know about Scotland?

1. Every schoolchild in Scotland learns the legend of how the thistle saved the country in the Middle ages, when the Scots and the Norsemen were at war. Under cover of darkness, the Norsemen managed to land unobserved on the coast of Scotland. Removing their boots, they crept on bare feet towards the unsuspecting Scottish army. Suddenly, a sharp cry of pain shattered the stillness: a Norse soldier had stepped on a thistle. Thus alerted to the surprise attack, the Scots sprang into action and drove invaders from their shores.

2. Bagpipes are found in many countries besides Scotland, but they have become so linked with Scotland that the country and its instrument are practically synonymous. Pipes take many dif­ferent shapes and forms, and though formerly used in pastoral celebrations, today they are used for every kind of festival activities. They have
been adopted by military bands; no weddings or parties can do without piping.

3. A traditional Scottish kilt is made of 100 percent woolen material. It should sit high on the waist, with the bottom edge at the center of the knee. It can cost from $400 to $700. Kilts don't have pockets, so a special purse or bag is attached to the leather belt to carry keys, money etc. Kilts are generally accepted at both formal and informal events. Prince Charles often wears a traditional kilt on ceremonial occasions.

4. The word tartan originally came from France and gradually came to be applied to the pattern of interlocking stripes forming checks of different colours. Tartan is traditionally used for making kilts, skirts, shawls and what not. Certain colours and pattern schemes are common in certain regions. Nowadays tartan patterns are extremely popular all over the world and are widely used in modern fashion.

5. Highland Games are held throughout the year in Scotland and many other countries of the world as a way of celebrating Scottish and Celtic culture and heritage. Certain aspects of the games have become emblematic of Scotland, such as bagpipes, the kilt, and sporting events. While centered around competitions in piping and drumming, dancing and Scottish heavy athletics, the games also include entertainment and exhibits related to other aspects of Scottish and Gaelic culture.


A. Scottish sports

B. National clothes

C. National music

D. Scottish celebrations

E. National fabrics

F. National plant


Прочитайте тексты (1—8) и установите ихсоот­ветствие с заголовками (A—F). Один заголовок лишний.Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1.The modern garden has a history going back many thousands of years. Early humans were hunters and gathered plants, and they didn't stay in one… 2. Early agriculture included not just edible plants, such as wheat, but also… 3. Almost everybody has heard about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which are called one of the seven wonders of the…


beauty in the north-west of Ame­rica. Alaska is also a land of great


wealth. It has four great 2)_____ :

fishing, forests, tourism and oil. On the south coast of Alaska is



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