рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Read the text and find the answers to the following questions

Read the text and find the answers to the following questions - раздел Образование, Contents   ...



Unit 1. Ohm’s Law Unit 2. Current Flow Unit 3. Instruments and Measurements Unit 4. Magnetism References p. 2 p. 11 p. 19 p. 28 p. 36 p. p.  


Unit 1

1. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

1. How is Ohm’s law stated?

2. What formula can Ohm’s law be expressed by?

Ohm’s Law

Ohm’s law, the means by which these three topics (current, voltage, resistance) are linked together, is probably the most important electrical… Ohm’s law was named after the nineteenth-century German physicist Georg Simon… In simple language we could rewrite Ohm’s law as follows: the amount of electrons passing by every second will depend…

Contact clauses

1. We know like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. 2. The molecules every substance consists of are in a state of…   15. Join each pair of sentences, making the subordinate clause a contact clause.

If, when + Past Participle

1. When asked she answered at once. 2. The magnetic characteristics of a material can change when alloyed with other elements. 3. If invited, we…   17. Translate these sentences paying special attention to the verbal predicate.

Unit 2

1. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What kinds of circuits exist?

2. How is the total resistance in a combined circuit calculated?

Current Flow

If a number of resistors are connected together end to end and then connected to a battery, the current can only take one route through the circuit.… Fig. 1. Series circuit

Complex Subject

1. The watt is known to be a unit of power. 2. Charles Coulomb is said to have measured attraction and repulsion of electrical charges…  

Phrasal verbs

  a. break down b. carry out c. comb out d. go down e. go out f. go up g. heat up h. name after i. run…   1. You should be a qualified specialist to ____ this work. 2. In order to ____ or ____ an electric light, we…

Unit 3

1. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What instruments are used for measurement of different electrical quantities?

2. What should electricians know for selecting the right instrument?

Instruments and Measurements

  Quantity Instrument Current Voltage Resistance Power Ammeter Voltmeter Ohmmeter …   But before using any meter, we must always ask ourselves these questions:

Complex object

1. I want you to state Ohm’s law. 2. We would like him to take part in the conference. 3. I want the work to be done at once. 4. We consider the…   14. Join each pair of sentences using complex object.

Do so

15. Translate these sentences.

1. We can measure the current by means of an ammeter and a multimeter. In most cases we do so by using a multimeter.
2. When Robert was asked to measure the voltage, he said that he had already done so. 3. He told me to put in a new battery. I did so, but the radio still doesn’t work. 4. We will try to carry out the experiment once again. Our chances of doing so are much better than they were last week. 5. Christine asked them to wait for a month. They did so. 6. While investigating electricity and magnetism Michael Faraday was just interested in finding out why things behaved the way they did so.


16. Translate the word combinations given below.

Insulation resistance, insulation resistance tester, voltage measurement, multimeter leads, current measurement, meter leads, installation testing, circuit diagram, resistance values, transformer operation principle, electron number, electric current causes, conductor resistance, circuit voltage, resistance measurement, current source, source current, current impulse, current resonance.


17. Complete the questions with the appropriate auxiliary verb.

1. ____ you chosen the correct instrument?

2. ____ the meter working correctly?

3. ____ power measured in watts?

4. ____ you study electrical installations last year?

5. ____ you study Electrical Measurements next year?

6. What ____ the circuit diagram in Fig. 4 illustrate?

7. How long ____ he been using this analogue meter?

8. When ____ Isaac Newton born?

9. What ____ Thomas Edison invent?

10. Who ____ responsible for measuring different electrical quantities?


Unit 4

1. Read the text and find the answers to the following questions.

1. Where can magnetism be seen?

2. What kinds of magnets are there?

3. What properties do the lines of magnetic flux possess?


Magnetism is hard to define – we all know what its effects are: the attraction or repulsion of a material by another material. But why does this… Materials that are attracted by a magnet, such as iron, steel, nickel and… There are two kinds of magnet: the permanent magnet and the electromagnet (temporary magnet). A permanent magnet is a…


1. English for Specific Purposes (ESP). National Curriculum for Universities. − Kyiv, 2005. − 108 p.


2. Л.О. Семененко. Англійська мова. Методичні вказівки та практичні завдання студентам 1 курсу енергетичних фахів. − Харків, 2004. – 56 с.


3. Л.О. Семененко, О.М. Гончарук. Методичні вказівки по вивченню дисципліни та завдання для контрольних робіт студентам-заочникам енергетичних фахів вищих аграрних навчальних закладів. – Харків, 2007. − 60 с.


4. О.І. Спольник, Л.О. Семененко, Л.М. Каліберда. Physics for English Lessons. – Харків, 2002. − 38 с.


5. D.Allen, J.Blaus, N.Harman, B.Tucker. Electrical Installations. − Heinemann, 2008. − 396 p.

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