рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


NT - раздел Образование, Астраханский Колледж Строительства И Экономики...







УДК 651.51.8 (075.8)

ББК 81.2 Англ – 9

Учебное пособие рекомендовано для студентов первого курса средних специальных учебных заведений. – Астрахань, 2005. – с.



Автор: Гетмиченко Н.И.




Утверждено к печати на заседании ПК

Протокол №________________от__________________2005г.


· Гетмиченко Наталья Игоревна

· Астраханский колледж строительства и экономики


1. Лексический материал (LEXICAL MATERIAL); 2. Грамматический материал (GRAMMAR); 3. Дополнительный материал (ADDITIONAL STUDY)


UNIT 1 5


GRAMMAR: Имя существительное (The Noun) 10

ADDITIONAL STUDY: People around me. My family. 14

UNIT 218


GRAMMAR: Местоимение (The Pronoun) 23

ADDITIONAL STUDY: A Real Friend. Appearance. 27

UNIT 330


GRAMMAR: Числительные (The Numerals) 34


UNIT 439


GRAMMAR: Артикль (The Article) 42


UNIT 548


GRAMMAR: Прилагательное (The Adjective) 52


UNIT 658


GRAMMAR: Настоящее простое время (The Present Simple Tense) Настоящее длительное время (The Present Continuous Tense) 67

ADDITIONAL STUDY: House And Apartment Plans 71





I. Read and translate the texts given below. Answer the questions.


Zackary’s Story

Hi everybody, my name is Zackary Steward. I live in San Francisco, California, USA. I’m fifteen years old. I go to the Backer High School in San Francisco. I’m planning to enter the technical college next year but I’m not really sure which one.

There are two more kids in the family besides me – that’s my elder brother Anthony and my younger sister Emily. Josh is twenty, he attends a medical college, and he will be a dentist. Emily is only seven, she is a schoolgirl, and she goes Backer Elementary School.




I love my brother and sister a lot. My parents are the best parents in the world.

My mom is forty one, she is a manager. My dad is forty nine; he has got his own business – our local newspaper. Our family is very friendly. We spend a lot of time together.

I have a hobby – I am really fond of sports. I play basket-ball. In summer time I like windsurfing. I take part in different basket-ball competitions. In my school I study different subjects. I don’t know yet what profession I want to get but I’ll figure it out soon.


to enter – поступать (в учебное заведение)

a technical college – технический колледж

a medical college – медицинский колледж

a manager – менеджер

to be fond of – интересоваться

Answer the questions

1. Where does Zackary live?

2. How old is Zackary?

3. Where does Zackary study?

4. Is Zackary the only kid in the family?

5. What do Zackary’s brother and sister do?

6. What do Zackary’s parents do?

7. What hobby does Zackary have?



Alice’s Story


Hi, let me introduce myself first. My name is Alice. I am 16 years old. I live in London, Great Britain. I would like to tell you some words about my family and myself. I am the only child in our family. It made me be sad when I was little because I didn’t have any brothers or sisters to play with, so I just played alone.

My dad is a doctor and he always spends so much time in his hospital, even on weekends. My mom works in the flower shop; she loves gardening and growing flowers. I help her sometimes when I have free time.


I go to the art college in London. I major in architecture. I am a first year student. I like my college and I have many friends there. We like to gather after our classes and go somewhere like to a coffee bar. My best friends are Jessie, Diana, Ann, Christina and Erik.

I forgot to mention my grandmother. I love her a lot. She is retired. She doesn’t have to go to work any more, so she spends the most of her time with her cats. She has three cats and I like playing with them. I have a boyfriend; we started dating two months ago. He studies in my art college but he majors in modern art. We like to walk in the center of London when the weather is good. I can’t wait until I graduate from my art college and open my own gallery.


to introduce oneself – представить (кого-то)

gardening – садоводство

art college – колледж искусств

to mention – упоминать

to major – учиться по специальности

to graduate – оканчивать (учебное заведение)

Answer the questions

1. How old is Alice?

2. Where does she live?

3. Does Alice have any brothers or sisters?

4. What do Alice’s parents do?

5. Where does Alice study?

6. What does Alice do with her friend?

7. What are Alice’s friends’ names?

8. What does Alice grandmother do?

9. Does Alice have a boyfriend?


Tanya’s Story


Hello, my name is Tanya. I live in one of the most beautiful cities on the river Volga – Astrakhan. I am fifteen years old. A few words about my family. My father is forty – two, he is a professional artist, and he works for a design company.

My mother is forty-one; she is a teacher of German in the University. She was born to be a teacher. My mom is very beautiful, people say we look alike. My parents like their work very much. I have a younger brother Denis, he is ten. He is a schoolboy. I like to spend my free time teaching him something.

I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economy, I major in architecture. I decided to study there because I like the future profession I will be given. Sometimes it’s hard for me to study there, but I do my best to become a good specialist. When I have free time, I play computer games or go for a walk with my friends.

My family is very friendly. I hope some day I will become a good specialist and have as good family of my own as the one I have now.


professional artist – профессиональный художник

design company – дизайнерская фирма

profession – профессия

specialist - специалист

Answer the questions

1. Where does Tanya live?

2. What do Tanya’s parents do?

3. Does Tanya have any brothers or sisters?

4. Where does Tanya study?

5. Does Tanya like her future profession?

6. What does Tanya do in her free time?

7. Is Tanya’s family friendly?

II. Make up short summaries of each text by answering the questions given after them.

III. Role play “Tell me something about you”. Make up dialogues between:

· Zackary and Tanya

· Alice and Zackary

· Alice and Tanya

IV. On the basis of the texts make up short dialogues with your friend using the questions:

o What is your name?

o Where do you live?

o What are your parents?

o Do you have any brothers or sisters?

o Do you have a pet?

o Where do you study? What are you major in?

o What do you do in your free time?

o What is your dream?

V. Write a composition about yourself using the vocabulary and speech patterns and some addition information.

VI. Retell your composition.

GRAMMAR: Имя существительное (The Noun)

Простые и производные существительные

В английском языке имена существительные бывают простыми (simple) и производными (derivative). К простым относятся такие существительные, в составе которых не выделяются отдельные части – корень и суффикс – и которые являются неразделимыми цельными словами:

Ex: man, house, face, book, joy.

Производными существительными называются такие, в которых выделяются отдельные части слова – корень и суффикс:

Ex: teacher, whiteness, childhood, friendship.

Синтаксические функции существительного

Существительное может быть в предложении подлежащим, дополнением, именной частью составного сказуемого, определением или обстоятельством.

Имена существительные исчисляемые и неисчисляемые

Исчисляемые (countable) существительные обозначают предметы, которые можно пересчитать. Они употребляются как в единственном, так и во множественном числе.

Ex: I have bought a book. I have bought two books.

Неисчисляемые (uncountable) существительные обозначают предметы, которые нельзя пересчитать. Они употребляются только в единственном числе. К ним относятся существительные вещественные и отвлеченные.

Ex: Coal is produced in many districts of the country. Knowledge is power.

Образование множественного числа у существительных

Обычной формой множественного числа существительного является окончание – s: Ex: cat – cats; wall – walls Если существительное оканчивается на: s(s), x, z, ch, tch, sh; то к окончанию множественного числа прибавляется –…

Притяжательный падеж существительных.

В современном английском языке существительное имеет два падежа – общий (common case) и притяжательный (possessive case). Существительное в общем падеже не имеет особого окончания. Существительное в притяжательном падеже служит определением к другому существительному, обозначая принадлежность предмета.

Притяжательный падеж образуется путем прибавления окончания ‘s к форме общего падежа. Притяжательный падеж в основном передает различные отношения принадлежности, передает отношение части и целого, авторство:

Ex: Mary’s cat. Cat’s tail. Shakespeare’s sonnets.



EX. 1. Look at the nouns given below and say what nouns are derivative and what are simple.

Dictation, student, school, object, builder, construction, freedom, darkness, foundation, worker, constructor, water, delegation, tradesman, engineer, nation, soil, drain, improvement, architecture, work.

EX. 2. Define the function of a noun in the following sentences.

1. This man opened his own building company. 2. He looked at the building site. 3. Mr. Bergman is a very talented architect. 4. We made a mixture. 5. Our wall newspaper is very exciting. 6. I saw this worker in the morning. 7. She has become an engineer. 8. My sister remained a secretary. 9. He was building his house with pleasure. 10. They finally finished the construction of this building.

EX. 3. Look at the following nouns and say what are countable and what are uncountable. Translate into Russian.

Cup, air, sugar, city, oil, house, water, apple, tea, time, cigarette, tobacco, coffee, butter, dollar, money, cheese, bread, cake, train, window, frame, ship, gold, university, meat, ocean, friendship, meeting, government, freedom, wall, instrument, ice, darkness, machine, coin, hour, armchair, idea, love, stone.

EX. 4. Put the following nouns into plural form.

Star, mountain, tree, king, man, woman, city, boy, goose, dress, toy, baby, flower, plate, bookshelf, ball, train, plane, window, door, cigarette, egg, girl, box, sheep, place, library, photo, pen, hero, leaf, fish, month, day, bus, stop, company, deer, swine, play, cap, party, tomato, computer, soup, roof, life, valley, datum, mother-in-law, Chineze, chef, Negro, pair, key, lady.

EX. 5. Put the following sentences into plural form.

Remember that:

This is – these are; that is – those are; there is – there are; it is – they are

1. This man is an engineer. 2. This woman is a famous architect. 3. My tooth is white. 4. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 5. This key is made of steel. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. My uncle has a huge building company. 8. There is a flower in the vase. 9. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow, and a goose. 10. The cat has caught a mouse. 11. This strawberry is still green. 12. Is this a good match? 13. That house is new. 14. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 15. Do you have a knife?

EX. 6. Put the following sentences into plural form. Translate.

1. This is a scary movie. 2. There is a man in the hall. 3. The man is an American, and the woman is a Swiss. 4. In the story a policeman helps a child. 5. A student must enjoy life. 6. My son keeps a white mouse in the box. 7. A cat is a cute animal. 8. We have a good chance. 9. A refrigerator keeps fish fresh. 10. It’s a new business center.

EX. 7. Put the following sentences into singular form. Translate.

EX. 8. Remake the sentences like it is shown in the example: This is a fast train – These are fast trains 1. That is a clever man. 2. She is a pretty woman. 3. There is a fish in the aquarium. 4. We saw a nice little mouse…

EX. 10. Translate into English.

1. Библиотека нашей семьи очень хорошая. 2. Муж моей сестры инженер. 3. Дом Джека очень большой и светлый. 4. Парк университета очень красивый. 5. Мне нравится голос этого певца. 6. Я не знаю номера телефона Алекса. 7. Я вчера прочел лучшие статьи журнала. 8. Комната Анны хорошо обставлена. 9. Отчет строителя был подробным. 10. Уровень знаний студента очень хороший.

EX.11. Read the following sentence and translate them.

EX. 12. Replace the noun phrases to the possessive case where it’s possible. 1. Jenny works for a magazine for men. 2. The roof of the house needs…  

I. Translate the texts into English

Позвольте представится. Меня зовут Олег. Мне семнадцать лет. Я недавно закончил одиннадцать классов и поступил в Астраханский колледж строительства… B

II. Translate the dialogues

ANN:Hi! I’m Ann. I am a new comer. What’s your name? JACK:My name is Jack. Where are you from, Ann? ANN:I am from Tennessee. I went to the Lawrence High there.

III. Speak to your group mate about your college. Discuss what you like or dislike.

IV. Write down a list of questions you want to ask to your group mate about his or her family. Then changes the lists, write down the answers and give it back.

V. Read and translate the text “What is a family?”

We say a word ‘family’ so many times but we have never thought what is meant by it. Is it just your mom and day, your sisters and brothers? Or does it include uncles and aunts as well?

A family is a group of people who you are related to.




There are large and small families. The families that consist of 2 persons and that of fifty persons or even more than that.



Some situations take place in our lives when you happen to have no relatives or just one relative but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a family of your own. Your dog or your cat may be your family. You may have a friend who is more like a family for you than you relatives.

So, a family is something that you love and take care of the most.


VI. Discuss the text given above with your group mate and answer the question:


VII. Read and translate the text.

Have a look at the picture. That’s the picture of the Campbell family. This picture was taken on last Christmas. On the picture you can see two brothers – Rick and Steve.

On the Rick’s right you can see his wife Martha. They are married for seven years already and they have a son James who is five years old now. He is sitting on Rick’s lap.


Also you can see Steve’s wife there – her name is Helen. Their two sons are twins, their names are David and Dennis, and they are four years old.

These two families are very friendly, they celebrate all holidays together. Martha loves her sister and brother-in-law and her two nephews. Helen is in very good relations with Martha – her sister-in-law. David and Dennis are James’ cousins. They like to play together.



VII. Look at the family pictures and describe them like it was done in the text given above.


The Mathews


The Garrisons


The Blokes




I. Read and translate the texts given below. Answer the questions.


Hi my name is Jessica, I am sixteen years old. I have a lot of friends. But I also have my very bosom friend – that’s Alyssa. She is also sixteen. She isn’t very tall but she is pretty in her own way. She has blond hair, grey eyes and beautiful smile.

I like Alyssa because she is very kind, jolly. We have so much fun together. She does well at her college but she has an unbreakable rule: never study at night no matter how many written reviews are coming in the morning.

She is very fond of music. She has a bunch of CD’s at home and she listens to music all day long. She goes in for sports; she is a cheer leader in her college’s football team. Alyssa is an extraordinary person and I like that, she is very amusing. She thinks everything is funny; she is a sunny soul by nature.

She has a small family – just her mom, dad, and herself. They live in a white brick two storied house with a pool on the back side. Her parents are very nice people. Alyssa has a boyfriend Kyle who is seventeen and a very good friend of mine.

Alyssa and I are very good friends indeed and we help each other in every situation we get to.


bosom friend – закадычный друг

to have fun together – веселиться вместе

unbreakable – нерушимый

to be fond of – любить, нравится

to do well at college – хорошо учиться в колледже

to be а sunny soul by nature – быть веселым по натуре

Answer the questions

1. Does Jessica have a lot of friends?

2. What is Jessica’s friend name?

3. What is Alyssa’s appearance?

4. Does Alyssa do well at college?

5. What are Alyssa’s hobbies?

6. What is Alyssa’s personality?

7. What family does Alyssa have?

8. Where does Alyssa live?

9. Does Alyssa have a boyfriend?

10. Are the girls good friends?


I am Daniel. My best friend’s name is Frank. We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live not far from each other on the same street. I can see him almost every day.

Frank is a tall slender boy. He has dark hair, dark large eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. He is a nice guy. He is very honest and just, understanding and quiet. I trust him a lot and I am sure I can rely on him in any situation. He is very responsible. He finishes whatever he starts.

Frank has a little brother who goes to the Elementary school. Their parents love them a lot. His dad is a lawyer; his mom is a dance teacher. They are great people.

Frank and I have girlfriends and we like to spend time together. We go to the movies theatre, clubs or just walk in the center of our city.

I never quarrel with Frank. But if there is some misunderstanding between us, we try t make peace as soon as possible. I like that he is always trying to help other people. I respect his fairness and strong will. Our friendship helps me a lot.


to make a friend – подружиться

slender – стройный

just – справедливый

understanding – понимающий

responsible – ответственный

to quarrel – ссориться

misunderstanding – непонимание

to make peace – мириться

fairness – справедливость

Answer the questions

1. What is Daniel’s friend’s name?

2. When did Daniel and Frank make friends?

3. What is Frank’s appearance like?

4. What is Frank’s personality?

5. Does Frank have a brother or a sister?

6. What is Frank’s family like?

7. What do Daniel and Frank do together?

8. What does Daniel do when he quarrels with Frank?

9. What does Daniel like about Frank?

10. What does Daniel respect in Frank?


My name is Zheniya, I am seventeen. I would like to tell you about my girlfriend. Her name is Olga. She is also seventeen. We study together in the Astrakhan College of Building and Economy. Olga is very pretty.

She has long blonde curly hair, dark blue eyes with long eyelashes. She is tall enough. I like her personality. She is warm-hearted, gentle and kind. Everybody loves her. She is always ready to help people when they are in need.

We began dating 4 months ago and that was a great period in my life. She is as good as gold. I like to be around her, because she knows a lot of interesting stories, funny jokes. We spend the best time together.

Olga is the only daughter of her parents and they adore her. But she is not selfish at all. We meet every evening and spend weekends together. My life would be ruined without her. I am so happy I have such a beautiful girlfriend; I hope we’ll be friends forever.


pretty – хорошенький, симпатичный

eyelashes – ресницы

warm-hearted – добродушный

gentle – нежный

to be in need – нуждаться

to adore – обожать

selfish – эгоистичный

to be ruined – быть испорченным

Answer the questions

1. What is Zheniya’s girlfriend’s name?

2. How old is Olga?

3. Where does Olga study?

4. What is Olga’s appearance like?

5. What is Olga’s personality?

6. When did Zheniya and Olga begin dating?

7. What is Olga’s family like?

8. How often do they meet?

9. What does Zheniya think about his life without Olga?

10. Is Zheniya happy to have Olga as a girlfriend?

II. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary given after each text

III. Make a short summary of each text using the vocabulary

IV. Role play “Tell me something about your friend”. Make up dialogues between:

· Zhenya and Jessica

· Jessica and Daniel

· Daniel and Zheniya

V. On the basis of the texts make up a story about your friend using the questions:

· What is your friend’s name?

· How old is your friend?

· Where does your friend live and study?

· What is your friend’s appearance?

· What is your friend’s personality?

· What is your friend’s hobby?

· What do you do with your friend together?

· What is your friend’s family like?

· Why do you like to have such friend?

VI. Write a composition about your friend using the vocabulary, the lexical material and some addition information.

VII. Retell your composition.



GRAMMAR: Местоимение (The Pronoun)

Местоимение – это часть речи, которая указывает на предмет или качество предмета, не называя его прямо, как это делают существительные и прилагательные.

Группы местоимений в английском языке.

Они являются показателем лица. Личные местоимения могут использоваться в: Именительном падеже:I, you, he (she, it), we, you, they Косвенном падеже:me, you, him (her, it), us, you, them

Who (whom, whose), which, what.

9) Отрицательные местоимения (negative)

Neither, no, none, no one, nothing, nobody.

10) Неопределенные местоимения (indefinite) Наиболее употребительными являются: some, any, something, somebody, someone,… Someупотребляется в утвердительных предложениях в значениикакой-то, какой-нибудь, некоторый.Иногда в вопросительных…



Ex. 1. Replace the following nouns by pronouns

A family, a daughter, parents, a dog, Robert, people, an orange, fruit, morning, a word, Helen, a boy, the sun, a man, a teacher, a sister, a doctor, the King, a grandmother, pets, animals, a house, grammar, a fly, a teenager, a horse, police, a boyfriend, paper, a book, weather.

Ex. 2. Replace the nouns in commas by personal pronouns. Translate.

1. My wife came out. (My wife) seemed surprised to find (John and I) there. (My wife) said that (my wife) thought (I and John) had left hours ago. 2. Vera put (the child) on the sofa. 3. My brother gave (I and Kate) a very interesting book. 4. The box you wanted to give (Adam) is on my table, bring (the box) here. 5. My friends came to see (I) yesterday and I showed (my friends) the pictured (Anna) gave me.

EX. 3. Fill the gaps with pronouns in proper form. Translate.

1. This is my house. Do you like ..? 2. Sam is very nice. Do you know ...? 3. Those are your letters. Take … 4. He doesn’t like animals. He is afraid of …5. Sally never drinks tea, because she hates …6. He is so cute! Just look at … 7. I don’t want this book, you may take … 8. Where are my shorts, mom? I can not find … 9. I think I lost my keys. Did you see …? 10. I often eat vegetables for lunch. I like ..! 11. Tim always thinks about Nora. I think he likes …12. I’ll be right back. Wait for …, please! 13. She didn’t come yesterday. Do you know what have happened to …? 14. I want some bread. Can … pass … to …? Please? 15. Your friends were so kind. Thank … !

Ex. 4. Put the needed possessive pronoun.

1. She took off … coat and hat and sat down to wait for … friend. 2. He asked me what …name was and wrote it down in … notebook. 3. You can leave … bags in the cloakroom. 4. The travelers took … seats, and the car started on … way. 5. We are all ready to defend …country.

Ex. 5. Translate into English

I. 1. Когда вы увидите его, верните ему его научный журнал. 2. Мы пригласили их на наш вечер, и они обещали прийти со своим другом. 3. Мать попросила ее принести из комнаты ее журнал. 4. Мы сняли пальто и вошли в комнату. 5. Он надел шляпу и вышел.

II. 1. Утром она быстро моется, одевается и идет на работу. 2. Пусть дети сами делают уроки, не помогай им. 3. Пошел сильный дождь, и мы спрятались под деревом. 4. Дети сами вырастили эти цветы. 5. Он сам туда ходил, и все видел своими глазами.

III. 1. Брат и сестра очень любят друг друга. 2. После долгих каникул студенты были рады увидеть друг друга. 3. Этих близнецов разлучили при рождении, они никогда не видели друг друга. 4. В нашей семье все помогают друг другу. 5. Инженеры поприветствовали друг друга.

Ex. 6. Fill the gaps with interrogative pronouns who (whom, whose), which, what

1. …sleeps in this room? 2. …did you meet there? 3. …is your sister? She is a doctor. 4. …is this game? … game do you prefer? 5. On …days do you take English classes? …day is the most convenient for you?

Ex. 7. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. They are talking about the new opera. 2. They are discussing the new TV-show. 3. I have bought this book for you. 4. He was looking for his bag. 5. She waited for him outside..

Ex. 8. Translate into English.

1. Это моя подруга, которую вы вчера видели со мной в кино. 2. Инженеры, которым было поручено сделать проект, хорошо справились с этим заданием. 3. Я еще не исправил ошибки в работе, которую делал вчера. 4. Колумб рассказал испанцам о землях и людях, которых он видел. 5. Я не знаю никого, кто работает в этой строительной корпорации.

Ex. 9. Fill the gaps by the conjunctive pronouns who (whom, whose), which, what.

1. She didn’t say …she had seen there and …he had told her. 2. They are not … what you take them for. 3. …lesson she missed was very important. 4. The teacher asked us … we wanted to do and … we wanted to become. 5. My sister wanted to know in … house we should have our party.

Ex. 10. Translate into English using the interrogative pronouns.

1. Который из двух рассказов тебе нравится? – Мне не нравится ни один из них. 2. Ничто не пугало ее. 3. Ни один из студентов не проходил там практику. 4. У тебя есть немного денег с собой? – Нет, я оставил деньги дома. 5. Никто так и не пришел.

Ex. 11. Fill the gaps by pronouns some, any, someone, anyone.

ADDITIONAL STUDY: A Real Friend. Appearance. I. Read and translate the text “If you want to have a friend” Let us suppose that everybody in this group have a friend, a good friend. Friendship between two people grows when…

II. Answer the questions

1. When does friendship between two people grow?

2. When is real friendship possible?

3. What is a real friendship in your opinion?

4. What does the proverb “A friend is easier lost than found” mean?

5. Do you have a real friend?

6. What do you do together?

7. What books about friendship have you read? Why do you like them?

III. Read and learn the following material

How to describe a person’s appearance

A. a face

A face can be long (вытянутое), oval (овальное), round (круглое), thin (худое), square (квадратное), wrinkled (морщинистое), freckled (веснушчатое), swarthy (смуглое), sunburned (загорелое)

B. features

Features can be regular (правильные), irregular (неправильные), delicate (тонкие), large (крупные), small (мелкие)

C. a smile

A smile can be charming (очаровательная), happy (счастливая), pleasant (приятная), pleased (довольная), sweet (милая), broad (широкая), ironical (ироническая), sad (грустная), strained (искусственная), magic (волшебная)

D. complexion and skin

A complexion can be dark (темный) or fair (светлый), and skin can be delicate (нежный) and rough (грубый)

E. a nose and lips

A nose can be aquiline (орлиный), flat (приплюснутый), hooked (крючковатый), snub-nosed (курносый), and lips can be full (полные), thick (толстые), and rosy (розовые).

F. a figure

A figure can be fat (тучная), plump (полная), well-fed (упитанная), lean (худощавая), slender (стройная), slim (худая), slight (хрупкая), neat (изящная) and graceful (грациозная).

G. Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyebrows can be arched (дугой), bushy (густые), penciled (очерченные), shaggy (косматые) and eyelashes can be curving (загнутые), straight (прямые) and thick (густые)

H. Hair

Hair can be black (черные), dark (темные), brown (каштановые), fair (светлые), blond (светлые), golden (золотистые), red (рыжие), waved (волнистые), curly (кудрявые), straight (прямые), thick (густые), thin (тонкие), smooth (гладкие), silky (шелковистые), long (длинные), dyed(окрашенные)

I. eyes

Eyes can be kind (добрые), warm (теплые), blue (голубые), dark (темные), brown (карие), grey (серые), and hazel (светло-карие)

IV. Read and translate the texts



Look at the picture. You can see a girl on it. She is around twenty years old. Her face is oval, she has delicate futures. She had a charming sweet smile. Her skins looks very delicate, her complexion is fair.

She has a small nose and full lips. Her eyebrows have an arched shape, her eyelashes are curving. She has dark eyes. She has waved silky brown hair. I think this girl is very beautiful.



On this picture you can see a boy who is seventeen years old. He has a round and freckled face. He has a sweet, kind and warm smile. Hi complexion is very fair.

He has a strait nose and thin lips. His eyebrows are thick. He has shinning grey kind eyes. His hair is short and dark

V. Describe persons on the pictures

1. 2. 3. 45.





I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions


Derek’s weekday


Hello, my name is Derek Goth, I live in Florida and I go to the College of Arts not far from my house. On my week days I get up at a quarter to seven. I jump out of bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises to the radio music.

Then I go to the bathroom, have a shower, and clean my teeth. This doesn’t take me much time, not more than ten or fifteen minutes.


After that I dress and sit down to table to have my breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, an egg and peanut butter sandwich. After breakfast I go to my college. My classes begin at nine o’clock. Normally I have three classes in the morning.

Then I have a lunch hour. During it I have a lunch with my college mates in our college’s cafeteria. For lunch I usually have a hamburger or cheeseburger with French fries and a soda. After lunch I usually have two more classes or gym training. I go in for sports and I play in the football team. When all the classes are over I go home.

We usually have dinner at six o’clock, and by that time all members of our family are at home already. After dinner I do my homework and when I’m done I watch TV-shows or search the Internet. I go to bed around 11 o’clock.


to jump out - выпрыгивать из постели (вскочить)

peanut butter - ореховое масло

a cafeteria -столовая

Answer the questions

1. Where does Derek live and study?

2. What does Derek do in the morning on weekdays?

3. What does Derek usually have for his breakfast?

4. How many classes does Derek have in his college?

5. Where does Derek have his lunch?

6. What does he do after lunch?

7. Where and when does Derek usually have dinner?

8. What does he do after the dinner?


Tamara’s weekday


My name is Tamara, I live in Astrakhan and I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economy.

I have classes 6 days a week so I have only one day off. My weekdays don’t differ much one from another.

My normal weekday starts very early in the morning because it takes me about forty minutes to get to my Institute, so I have to leave around seven forty in order not to be late for my classes which start at eight thirty.


The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy. Then I make my bed, get dressed, comb my hair, put a little make-up, have some breakfast and go to the bus stop. Normally I have 3 classes in the morning before lunch and one or two more classes after lunch. I have lunch in our Institute’s cafeteria or somewhere else.

When my classes are over I go straight home, but when I have a lot of homework to do and I need some additional information about something I go to the library then. I have dinner at home with my family.

After dinner I help my mother to get everything clean, and then I do my homework. My boyfriend usually comes up at eight. We watch TV-programs, listen to the music or go for a little work. I go to bed around ten or eleven.


to differ- различаться (отличаться)

sleepy - сонный

to comb one’s hair - расчесывать волосы

to put make up - наносить макияж

to get clean - убирать (чистить, мыть)

Answer the questions

1. Where does Tamara live and study?

2. How many days off does Tamara have?

3. What time does she wake up on weekdays?

4. What time do her classes start?

5. What does she do in the morning?

6. Where does Tamara usually have her lunch?

7. Where does Tamara go when her classes are over?

8. Where does she have her dinner?

9. What does she do after her dinner?

10. What time does Tamara go to bed?

II. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary given in each text.

III. Look at the speech patterns.


1. to take time – отнимать (занимать) время

This doesn’t take me much time.

Это не занимает у меня много времени.

2. to enjoy doing something – любить что-то делать

On Saturday I enjoy staying in bed because I don’t have to hurry anywhere.

По субботам я люблю поваляться в постели, ведь мне некуда торопиться.

3. to differ much one from another –сильно отличаться друг от друга

My weekdays don’t differ much one from another.

Мои будни не очень сильно отличаются друг от друга.

4. something makes someone do– что-то заставляет кого-то делать что-либо

The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy.

Холодная вода заставляет меня проснуться. (Т.е. не быть сонной)

IV. Make up your own examples with speech patterns.

VI. Answer the following questions: 1. What time do you usually get up on your weekday? 2. How long does it take you to wake up?

VII. Speak to your friend about your weekdays using the vocabulary and speech patterns.

VIII. Write down a composition about your weekday.

IX. Retell your composition.

Имя числительное – это часть речи, обозначающая количество и порядок предметов при счете. В соответствии со значением числительные бывают… Количественные числительные (CARDINAL)– указывают на количество предметов и… There are ten students in my class.


EX. 1. Write and read in English

1. cardinal – 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 23, 27, 32, 28, 41, 44, 59, 105, 162, 174, 1086, 234.675, 6.578.439,

2. ordinal – 3, 6, 15, 22, 37, 63, 542, 1000, 2.000.000

EX. 2. Write and read the following dates in English

1. 07.05. 1994

2. 09.10.1961

3. 13.05.1856

4. 11.12.2008

5. 27.06.1991

6. 29.03.1643

7. 18.01.1986

8. 23.09.1987

9. 26.05.3012

10. 18.08.1998

EX. 3. Fill the gaps:

1. I was born …

2. My dad was born …

3. My mom was born …

4. I went to school …

5. I finished school …

6. My best friend was born…

7. My favorite holiday is celebrated …

EX. 4. Use the correct form of the numeral. Translate.

There are (5) roses in the vase. There are five roses in the vase.

It was my (2) visit to a doctor. It was my second visit to a doctor.

1. There are (10) students in my group.

2. It’s (5) o’clock already.

3. It is (7) of December today.

4. Read the text number (2).

5. Find (3) sentence.

6. She turns (20) today.

7. It is their (15) wedding anniversary.

8. (2) years passed quickly.

9. You are like (2) family to me.

10. (5) years later (4) child was born in the family.

11. Find file (4) and take it to (15) room.

12. They got flat number (6)on the (3) floor in the house number (48).

EX. 5. Translate into English

1. Мой дом – третий справа 2. Упражнение десять – на тринадцатой странице. 3. Предложение шесть неверно, а вот семнадцатое – правильное. 4. Мне не понравилась вторая серия этого фильма, первая была намного лучше. 5. Ее офис расположен на пятой авеню на сорок девятом этаже. 6. Прошел год, второй, третий, а он все не приезжал. 7. 8 марта – любимый праздник моей мамы. 8. У нас пятым уроком сегодня – английский язык. 9. Комната тридцать находится на третьем этаже. 10. Встреча состоится на третьем этаже в кабинете номер восемьдесят четыре на восьмом этаже.

EX. 6. Write and read in English

8.07; 8.35; 9.04; 9.15; 10.10; 9.25; 11.05; 12.00; 14.20; 15.30; 16.26; 22.30; 18.45; 19. 40; 21.35; 23.00

EX. 7. Write down what time is it?

1. It’s eleven sharp.

2. It’s ten minutes past two.

3. It’s fifteen minutes past three.

4. It’s a quarter past ten.

5. It’s a half past nine.

6. It’s twenty five minute to five

7. It’s four fourty.

8. It’s a quarter to twelve

9. It’s half past six.

10. It’s seven o’clock in the morning.




I. Translate the text into English


В будние дни я всегда очень занята. Занятия в колледже начинаются в девять часов, так что мне нужно встать в семь часов утра, чтобы выйти из дома в восемь.

Я встаю, чищу зубы, принимаю душ. Завтрак мне всегда готовит моя старшая сестра. Сразу после завтрака я одеваюсь и иду на автобусную остановку.


За полчаса я добираюсь до колледжа, встречаюсь со своими друзьями и иду на занятия. Обычно у меня три пары занятий в день. На большой перемене я перекусываю в столовой.

Я прихожу домой около четырех часов дня. Я обедаю, делаю уроки, помогаю с уборкой по дому. Вечером мы ужинаем всей семьей. После ужина я болтаю по телефону, играю с младшим братом, смотрю телевизор или играю в компьютер.

II. Play out the dialogues

Susan: Hi, Dan! Dan: Hi, Susan! How are you? Susan: Fine! What are you doing tomorrow at five?

I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions



Hello, my name is Colin Stewart, I live in Arizona and I study in the Technical College of Arizona. I would like to tell you about my normal day off.

I go to college five days a week, so I have two days off – Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I enjoy staying in bed because I don’t have to hurry anywhere. My family has a branch around 11 o’clock in the morning. If the weather is fine I don’t stay indoors. I usually go out with my girlfriend and my friends.

We go to our local park and have fun there, and then we have a snack in MacDonald’s or Dairy Queen, go shopping. We usually go to the movie theatre at night and then I go home. On Sunday I go to the church with my family, and then we usually visit my grandparents who live far from my house.

There we have a delicious dinner that my grandmother always cooks for us. We come back home late in the evening. After that I watch some music programs, do some homework that was not done, take a bath and go to bed. I like days off very much because I can have a good rest and gain some energy for the next week.


a branch - бранч (прием пищи вместо завтрака и ланча)

to stay indoors - оставаться дома

to go out - гулять

to have a snack - перекусить

Answer the questions

1. Where does Colin live and study?

2. How many days off does Colin have?

3. Does Colin’s family have a breakfast on Saturday morning?

4. What does Steve usually do on Saturday?

5. What does Colin do on Sunday’s morning?

6. Where does Colin go on Sunday’s afternoon?

7. What does Colin usually do on Sunday’s evening?

8. Why does Colin like his days off?




Anna’s day-off



Hi, my name is Anna, my friends call me Anya. I live in Astrakhan and I go to the Astrakhan College of Building and Economy.

I study on the second course. I have classes 6 days a week so I unfortunately have only one day off.

On Sunday I get up at nine or even ten o’clock.




We usually have something tasty on Sunday’s breakfast like an apple-pie or my mom’s pancakes.

After breakfast I usually meet my boyfriend Boris and we go for a walk. We usually spend the most of the day in the center of our city if the weather is good. We walk in the central park, have a lunch in some café, go bowling and to the movie theatre October.

I come back home around six or seven o’clock. We have a family dinner, and then I do my homework, do the laundry, have a warm bath and get ready for the next crazy week.


to do the laundry - стирать вещи

Answer the questions

1. Where does Anna live and study?

2. Does she get up early on Sundays?

3. What does her family usually have for Sunday’s breakfasts?

4. Where does Anna go on Sunday’s afternoon?

5. What does Anna do in the evening?

II. Make up dialogues between Colin and Anna on the following topic “Tell me about your normal day off”

III. Speak to your friend about your days off using

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What time do you get up on a weekend?

2. What time do you usually have your breakfast?

3. What do you eat for your breakfast?

4. What do you do after breakfast?

5. Do you stay indoors or go somewhere?

6. Where and when do you have lunch on your day off?

7. What do you usually do after lunch till dinner time?

8. What time do you have your dinner?

9. How much time does it take you to get everything clean after dinner?

10. What time do you go to bed on your day off?

V. Write down a composition about your day offs.

VI. Retell your composition.


Артикль передает значение определенности и неопределенности в существительном. В английском языке используются три артикля:

1. Неопределенный(indefinite) a/an (an - перед существительным, которое начинается с гласного звука (an apple) или перед существительным, имеющим впереди себя определение, начинающееся с гласного звука (an old tree);

2. Определенный (definite) the;

3. “Нулевой” (0), т.е. отсутствие артикля.

Употребление неопределенного артикля

Классифицирующее значение. EX. Byron is a poet and Scott is a novelist. Байрон-поэт, а Скотт-писатель. … This young man is an engineer. Этот молодой человек-инженер.

Устойчивое сочетание.

a few - несколько a lot of - много as a result - в результате

a little - немного as a rule - как правило it’s a pity - как жаль

with a pleasure - с удовольствием

Употребление определенного артикля

Когда из ситуации или контекста ясно, какое именно лицо или предмет имеется в виду. EX. “We went to the cinema yesterday.” “Мы вчера были в кино” “Was the film good?” “Фильм был хороший?”


Ex. 1. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage.

1. This is … book. It’s my … book. 2. Is this your … pen? No, it isn’t my … pen, it is my sister’s … pen. 3. I can see … pencil on your … table, but I can see no … paper. 4. I can see three … boys. … boys are playing. 5. She has … two daughters and … one son. Her … son is … a student. 6. My … brother’s … friend has no … dog. 7. I have 32 … teeth. 8. My … mother is at … home. She is reading … interesting … book. 9. Where are … flowers? - … flowers are in … beautiful vase. 10. Where is … vase? - … vase is on … little table near … window.

Ex. 2. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage.

1. There is … thick red … carpet in my … room. … carpet is on … floor in … front of … sofa. 2. I can see … nice … coffee-table in … middle of … room to … right of … door. It’s … black and … red. I like … coffee-table. 3. My … aunt and my … uncle are … doctors. They work at … hospital. They get up at 7 o’clock in … morning. They go to … bed at 11 o’clock. 4. What does your mother do after … breakfast? – She goes to … work. 5. There is … tea in … glass. 6. I have … large writing-desk in … study. There is … paper on … writing-desk. My … books and exercise-books are on … writing-desk, too. 7. I study … English. I attend … English classes in … evening. On … days when I have no … classes, I stay at … home and do some work about … house. I have … dinner with my family, watch … TV and read … books, … newspapers and … magazines. I go to … bed late at … night. 8. I am thirsty. Give me … water, please. 9. Give me … book, please. 10. What … color is your new … hat? – It’s … same color.

Ex. 3. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage.

When we want to write … letter, we take … piece of … paper and … pen. We first write our … address and … date in … right-hand corner. Then on … left-hand side we write … greeting. We may write, for instance, “My dear brother,” “Dear Henry”, etc., and then on … next line we begin … real letter. We must not forget to leave … margin on … left-hand side of … page. At … end of … letter we write “Yours” and then we sign our name. We put … letter into … envelope and close … envelop. On … envelopes we write … name and address of … person who will receive it. We stick … stamp in … top right-hand corner, and then we post … letter.

Ex. 4. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage.

1. Several rivers run into .. sea at New York. … most important is … Hudson River which runs into … Atlantic Ocean. Besides … Hudson River there is … East River and little Harlem River. 2. Which are … highest mountains in … Russia? 3. … Neva flows into … Gulf of Finland. 3. …Pacific Ocean is very deep. 4. …Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus. 5. … Alps are covered with … snow. 6. … Lomonosov was born in … small village on … shore of … White Sea. 7. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean. 8. … Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 9. … North Sea separates … British Isles from … Europe. 10. … Nile flows across … north-eastern part of … Africa to … Mediterranean Sea.

Ex. 5. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage.

1. This is … lively and very lovely baby. 2. Jane is in … kitchen making … sandwiches. 3. Jeff has … optimistic … look at … things. 4. He isn’t … type of … man to make … woman … happy. 5. Take … washing to … bathroom, please? 6. Max used to live … double … life when he was … young. 7. He is … grown up and … very responsible person. 8. I’ll take … dog for … walk in … park. 9. … house is in … mess. What … shame! 10. I had … nasty cold and … sore throat.

EX. 6. Put definite or indefinite article where it is needed and explain the usage.

Long … time ago there lived … king who had … lovely only daughter. She was … sweet and frail creature – very delicate. As … time passed, she grew weaker and weaker and soon it became obvious to all that … Princess was dying. All was in … vain - … love, … money, … doctors, … nurses. Then, one day, … someone found … shabbyold … book in … Royal Library.

… book proved of .. great value as it contained … remarkable recipe for curing just such … illness as … Princess was suffering from. One of .. most important items was … pumpkin juice. … king seized at … chance to save his daughter’s life. So … recipe was made … up and … dose of … new cure was given to … Princess. From … very first dose there was … marked change for … better, and she was soon on … road to … complete recovery.



I. Read and translate the text.


II. Read and translate into English

My usual day-off

I am very busy with a lot of homework, but I still have some household duties to do.

Everyday I do my room and my bed, wash up the dishes, dust the furniture, and usually go shopping after I have dinner.

Once a week I help my mother to do all other work about the house.

We do the laundry, clean the flat, vacuum the carpets, mop the floors. It’s not very difficult to keep the flat tidy if you do the rooms regularly.

Sometimes when my mom is away I do some cooking and washing up. I like to do the work around the house, that’s not difficult for me at all.



I. Read and translate the texts and answer the questions



to jog - бегать

slim - стройный

trim - в хорошей форме

Answer the questions

2. What subject is an important subject in every school and University? 3. How long has Dan been playing tennis? 4. What does Dan do to be in a good shape?


collecting - собирать коллекцию

celebrity’s autographs - автографы знаменитостей

costume designer - дизайнер – костюмер

Answer the questions.

2. How did Lisa start her hobby? 3. How big is Lisa’s collection? 4. What did Lisa get in Scotland?


Gardening - садоводство

Answer the questions

1. What was Sasha’s hobby a few years ago?

2. How did Sasha learn about other countries, traditions, flora and fauna?

3. What is Sasha also fond of?

4. What can you say about other members of his family’s hobbies?

5. What is Sasha’s new hobby?

II. Make up your own sentences with the vocabulary given after each text.

III. Look at the speech patterns.


1. to be in a good shape – быть в хорошей форме

To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.

Чтобы быть в хорошей форме, я каждое утро делаю пробежку и утреннюю зарядку.

2. to be interested in – быть заинтересованным

I think everyone should choose sport he is interested in.

Я думаю, что каждому нужно выбрать вид спорта, в котором он заинтересован.

3. since that time – с того времени

Since that time I have been collecting stamps.

С того времени я начал собирать марки.

4. to be fond of – интересовать чем-то (т.е. нравится что-либо делать).

A few years ago I was fond off collecting stamps.

Несколько лет назад мне нравилось собирать марки.

IV. Make up your own sentences with each speech pattern.

V. Make up dialogues between:

1. Sasha and Dan

2. Lisa and Dan

3.Lisa and Sasha

VI. Make up short stories about:

1. Dan’s hobby

2. Lisa’s hobby

3.Sasha’s hobby

VII. Make up dialogues with your friend about her/his hobby.

VIII. Write down a composition about your own hobby and what you think about hobbies in general, using the vocabulary, speech patterns and texts.

IX. Retell your composition

GRAMMAR: Прилагательное (The Adjective)

Простые и производные прилагательные

В английском языке имена прилагательные могут быть простые (simple) и производные (derivative). В простых суффикс и префикс не выделяется:

Red, short, good, large, black, little.

В производных суффикс и префикс выделяются.

Наиболее распространенные суффиксы

ful образует прилагательное из существительного, означает наличие качества

use – useful, hope - hopeful

less образует прилагательное из существительного, означает отсутствие качества

use – useless, hope – hopeless

able образует прилагательное из глагола, означает способность произвести действие

to change – changeable, to move – movable

y образует прилагательное из существительного, означает подобие качеству

heart – hearty, luck – lucky

ish образует из прилагательного другое прилагательное, означает неполную степень данного качества

red – reddish, brown – brownish

Наиболее распространенные префиксы

un образует прилагательное отрицательного значения

true – untrue

in образует прилагательное отрицательного значения

correct – incorrect

Степени сравнения прилагательных

Существуют три способа образования степеней сравнения При помощи прибавления суффиксов – er, - est к основе односложных прил. Warm – warmer – the warmest Hard – harder – the hardest


Ex. 1. Form adjective from the following words with the help of suffixes and translate into Russian.

ful: care, use, beauty, help, color, meaning, power, truth;

less: use, hope, peace, harm, tune, delight, help, color;

Ex. 2. Form comparative and superlative degrees:

Tall, long, short, hot, cold, nice, large, big, wide, strong, happy, warm, high, heavy, low, hard, busy, easy, bright, interesting, comfortable, important, necessary, beautiful, famous, pleasant, popular, wonderful, active, careful.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets forming comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.

Ex. 4. Open the brackets forming comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.

1. The weather today (bad) than yesterday. 2. This week I feel (good) than last week. 3. London (big) than Paris. 4. The sun (bright) than moon. 5. Cats are (intelligent) dogs. 6. The English (polite) than Americans. 7. Physics (hard) than Chemistry. 8. Chris (serious) than his younger brother. 9. The air in the morning (cool) than in the daytime. 10. A car (comfortable) than the metro.

Ex. 5. Make up sentences with degrees of comparison using the following adjectives:

Happy, pretty, grey, shy, dry, simple, joyful, real, sweet, polite, angry, well-known, fine-looking, kind-hearted, broad-minded, middle, empty.

EX. 6. Complete the following sentences.

1. The harder you study, … .

2. The older you got, … .

3. The longer she thought abut it, … .

4. The warmer the weather is, … .

5. The sooner, … .

6. The more he talked, … .

7. The more chocolate you eat, … .

8. The younger the child, … .

9. The faster the car, … .

10. The richer your vocabulary, … .

Ex. 6. Translate into English.

Ex. 7. Translate into Russian. A higher price, a lower price, a shorter pencil, a longer pencil, a more… ADDITIONAL STUDY: Hobby


character – характер

а taste – вкус

to divide into – делить, разделять

variety – разнообразие

activity – занятие, деятельность

а grown-up – взрослый

relatively – относительно, сравнительно

handicraft – ремесло, рунная работа

а value – ценность

valuable – ценный

opportunity – возможность

II. Answer the following questions

1. Do hobbies differ like tastes?

2. How are hobbies divided?

3. What is the most popular of all hobby groups?

4. What does a hobby ‘doing things’ include?

5. What hobby is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies?

6. Who is fond of playing different games?

7. What does making things include?

8. What does everyone collect at some period of his life?

9. Do the collections have any real value?

10. What do rich people collect?

11. Where do the rich people bring their private collections?

12. What do you get by reading about the things you are interested in?

III. Find the equivalents in the text

1. И взрослые, и дети любят играть в различные игры.

2. Садоводство – одно из старейших увлечений человека.

3. Некоторые коллекции не имеют никакой ценности.

4. Увлечения настолько же различны, как и вкусы.

5. Самое популярное увлечение – заниматься чем-либо.

6. Практически все в определенный период своей жизни занимаются коллекционированием.

IV. Complete the following sentences

1. If you have chosen a hobby … .

2. … doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

3. It includes … .

4. Gardening is … .

5. This is a relatively new hobby but … .

6. … that they are housed in museums and galleries.

7. Often such private collections are … .

8. … he always has the opportunity of learning from it.

V. Translate and play out the dialogues.

Fred: Hi, Gloria! How are you today? Gloria: Good, thank you, Fred. How are you? Fred: Okay. What are going to do now?


I. Read and translate the texts given below. Answer the questions.


Adam’s house

Hi, my name is Adam Meadows. I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. My house is situated 10 miles away from the downtown Minneapolis in a very picturesque place.


There is a lake and some park areas around my house. My house is not very big, but very cozy. It is a two-storied house with a garage and a big terrace. There are 3 rooms on the first floor and 4 rooms on the second floor. And we also have a nice basement; we use it as a game room and a gym.



There is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom downstairs, and 3 bedrooms, a study and 2 bathrooms upstairs. The living room is the largest and the most comfortable room in my house. Between the two large windows there is a little table with a TV-set on it.

Near the TV-set there are two comfortable armchairs. A small round table, a couch and a standard lamp are in the left-hand corner. This small table is for newspapers and magazines.

My dad likes to have a rest sitting on the couch reading books or newspapers or watching TV programs. In the middle of the dining room we have a square table with six chairs round it. To the right of the dining table there is a wall unit, which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves.

The warmest place in our house is the kitchen, the place where the whole family gathers together every evening not only to have dinner together, but also to speak and rest. There is a small laundry room next to the kitchen.

As I’ve said there are 3 bedrooms and a study upstairs. The biggest one is my parent’s bedroom.

My elder sister occupies the other one. My bedroom is not very light as there is only one window in it. I have a bed and a bedside-table with a lamp on it.

In the left-hand corner of the room I have a built-in wardrobe with coat hangers to hang clothes on. I also have a writing table with a computer on it and an armchair before it.

In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and newspapers. I like the proverb says: “My home is my castle” because my house is, indeed, my little castle.


a downtown -центр города

picturesque - живописный

cozy -уютный

a terrace - терраса

a basement - подвал

a game room - игровая комната

a gym - спортивный зал

a couch - диван

a square table -квадратный стол

a sideboard - сервант

a wardrobe - шкаф

a laundry room - прачечная

to occupy-занимать (комнату, помещение)

a bedside-table - тумбочка

a built-in wardrobe - встроенный шкаф

a coat hanger - вешалка

Answer the questions

1. Where does Adam live?

2. What can you say about his family?

3. Does Adam live in the apartment or in the house?

4. Is Adam’s house big or small?

5. How many rooms are there in his house?

6. How is the living room furnished?

7. What does his dad like to do in the living room?

8. Is there a piano in Adam’s house?

9. What is the warmest place in the house?

10. Who occupies the 3 bedrooms?

11. What furniture does Adam have in his room?

12. How does Adam call his house?


Kelly’s house


Hi, my name is Kelly, I live in London. I want to tell you about my apartment.

I live with my family in a two leveled apartment house on the second floor.

Our apartment has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, running cold and hot water, telephone, an elevator, and a chute.

Our apartment consists of a great-room, a kitchen, a dinette zone, two bedrooms, master suite, a study and two balconies.

The living room is the largest and the most comfortable room in our apartment. It has a big balcony.

There are blue sofas with two blue armchairs, and a low table with a TV-set. There is a thick blue carpet on the floor, and there are light blue wallpapers on its walls. We call it a blue room.

My bedroom is smaller and not so light. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing-table, a desk and an armchair in it. In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and girl stuff. I like to invite my friend to my room.

Our kitchen is handily arranged: there is a gas-stove, a fridge, a deep sink, built-up cupboards and a table that folds against the wall when not in use. I like to sit there with my mother late at night and drink hot chocolate. I like my apartment very much and I will miss my home when I go to college.


convenience - удобствo

central heating - центральное отопление

running water - водопровод

an elevator - лифт

a chute - мусоропровод

to consist of - состоять из

wallpapers - обои

a dressing-table - туалетный столик

Answer the questions

1. Where does Kelly live?

2. What can you say about her family?

3. Does Kelly live in the apartment or in the house?

4. Is her apartment big or small?

5. How many rooms are there in her apartment?

6. How is the living room furnished?

7. Who designed her apartment?

8. Is there a balcony in Kelly’s apartment?

9. What room do they call a blue one?

10. How is Kelly’s room furnished?

11. What do Kelly and her friends do when they are together?

12. How is the kitchen arranged?


Hello, my name is Misha; I live in Astrakhan, Russia. I live in a new…


an apartment house - многоквартирный дом

convenient - удобный, подходящий

well planned - хорошо спланированный

lovely - красивый, прекрасный

wall unit- стенка

an electric fire- электрический камин

to change it round - менять местами (мебель)

well equipped- хорошо оборудованный

Answer the questions

1. Where does Misha live?

2. What can you say about his family?

3. Does Misha live in the apartment or in the house?

4. Is his apartment big or small?

5. How many rooms are there in his apartment?

6. How is the living room furnished?

7. Why do they like the living room best of all?

8. Is there a balcony in Misha’s apartment?

9. How many bedrooms in the apartment?

10. What furniture does Misha have in his apartment?

11. What do Misha and his brother do with their bedroom?

12. What do they have in the kitchen?

II. Make up your own sentences using the vocabulary given after each text.

III. Have a look at the speech patterns used in the texts.

Speech patterns

1. to be situated – располагаться, находится

EX:My house is situated 10 miles away from the downtown Minneapolis in a very picturesque place.

Мой дом находится в десяти милях от центра Миннеаполиса в очень живописном месте.

2. there are/there is – есть (находится, располагаться)

EX: There are 3 rooms on the first floor and 4 rooms on the second floor.

На первом этаже расположены три комнаты, на втором- четыре

3. to use something as – использовать что-то в качестве.

EX: We use it as a game room and a gym

Мы используем ее как игровую комнату и спортзал.

IV. Make up your own sentences with each speech patterns.

V. Make a short summary of each text using the vocabulary and speech patterns.

VI. Role play “Tell me something about your house”. Make up dialogues between:

1. Adam and Kelly

2. Adam and Misha

3. Misha and Kelly

VII. Translate from English into Russian

1. I live in a house with the latest modern conveniences. 2. He lives in a four-room apartment with all modern conveniences. 3. I live in a two-storied house. 4. The house is not very large but comfortable. 5. The house is rather nice. 6. There is a shop in the ground story of the house. 7. Our apartment is on the sunny side of the house. 8. We have a house with a view of the sea. 9. We have moved into a new apartment. 10. This room is designed as a study. 11. What a nice and cozy room! 12. Do you have running water in your house? 13. The furniture is very comfortable.

VIII. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Встроенная мебель очень удобная. 2. Мне нравится, как у вас расставлена мебель в комнате. 3. Поставьте диван у стены между окнами. 4. У нас трехкомнатная квартира. 5. Мой дом расположен недалеко от озера. 6. Я сам расставил мебель в моей комнате. 7. Я купил новую кровать в спальню. 8. Мне очень нравится его новый обеденный стол. 9. В комнате три окна. 10. У них дома нет водопровода.

IX. Give full answers to the questions.

1. Do you live in a house or in a block of apartments?

2. Is your apartment well planned? Is it comfortable?

3. Which floor is your apartment on?

4. How many rooms are there in your apartment?

5. Have you got a dining room?

6. Where do you usually have your meals?

7. Is there much furniture in your apartment?

8. What is there in your room?

9. What is your kitchen like?

10. Do you like your apartment?

X. Draw a picture of your apartment or your house, or your dream house and describe it.

XI. Write a composition about your house using the vocabulary and speech patterns and some addition information.

XII. Retell your composition.

GRAMMAR: Настоящее простое время (The Present Simple Tense) Настоящее длительное время (The Present Continuous Tense)

Настоящее простое неопределенное время образуется из первой формы глагола для всех лиц, кроме 3-го лица ед.ч. Для образования 3-го лица ед.ч. к основе глагола прибавляется окончание – s:


1-е лицо I work я работаю

2-е лицо You work ты работаешь

3-е лицо He (she, it) works он (она, оно) работает


1-е лицо We work мы работаем

2-е лицо You work вы работаете

3-е лицо They work они работают

Настоящее простое время употребляется:

1. для выражения общеизвестного факта, являющего неопровержимой истиной:

The Earth is round.

Земля круглая.

The Volga runs into the Caspian Sea.

Волга впадает в Каспийское море.

2. для выражения обычного, регулярно повторяющегося действия, относящегося к настоящему:

My mother teaches English. She is a teacher.

Моя мама преподает английский язык. Она преподаватель.

I write many letters every day.

Каждый день я пишу много писем.

Для выражения ряда последовательных действий в настоящем.

Every day I get up at 7, get dressed and go to school.

Каждый день я встаю в семь утра, одеваюсь и иду в школу.

Для выражения действия, совершающегося в данный момент настоящего времени (для глаголов, обозначающих чувства восприятия)

Now I see you very well.

Теперь я тебя отчетливо вижу.

I know what you mean.

Я понимаю, что ты имеешь в виду.

Настоящее простое время, как правило, используется с наречиями неопределенного времени: always, usually, sometimes, often, every day.

Для построения отрицательного и вопросительного предложения используется вспомогательный глагол DO.


I study in the Astrakhan College.

Do I study in the Astrakhan College?

I don’t study in the Astrakhan College.

Настоящее длительное время обычно передает действие в его развитии, происходящее или в момент разговора, или в данный период времени, рассматриваемый как момент совершения действия:

I am sitting at my table and writing.

Я сижу за столом и пишу.

Настоящее длительное время употребляется:

Для выражения действия, протекающего в момент речи или в настоящий период времени.

В этом случае настоящее длительное время указывает на то, что действие совершается в настоящий момент, началось до этого момента и будет продолжаться после него. На длительный характер действия указывают обстоятельства времени now, right now, at this moment, today, this week, this month.

It’s raining today.

Сегодня идет дождь.

The children are playing with the ball.

Дети играют в мяч.

2. для выражения будущего действия. На будущее действие указывают наречия tomorrow, soon.

She is coming soon.

Она скоро придет

He is arriving tomorrow.

Он приезжает завтра.

Образование настоящего длительного времени.

Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be + Participle I.


I am writing a letter now

You are writing a letter now.

He (she, it) is writing a letter now.

We are writing a letter now.

They are writing a letter now.

Для построения отрицательного и вопросительного предложения используется вспомогательный глаголTO BE.


Am I writing a letter now?

I am not writing a letter now.


Ex. 1. Make up ten sentences with the use of the Present Simple and the Present Continuous Tense

Ex. 2. Ask general questions to the sentences. Translate into Russian.

1. He plays tennis twice a week. 2. She learns French and German. 3. We keep our car in the garage. 4. They often make mistakes. 5. I help my mother around the house. 6. They do their shopping every day. 7. We go to the University by metro. 8. The classes begin at 8. 9. I stay at school until 2 o’clock. 10. It often rains in October.

Ex. 3. Put the sentences into the negative form, translate into Russian.

1. Tom gets excellent marks in English. 2. Den studies at the University. 3. They usually buy newspapers in the morning. 4. The teacher asks many questions. 5. He enters the Law Faculty. 6. They go to the country by bus. 7. My friend wants to go to the cinema. 8. Nick works as a doctor. 9. I make coffee for my mother every morning. 10. They like gardening.

Ex. 4. Explain the usage of the Present Simple Tense, translate into Russian.

1. It is warm today. 2. I am glad to meet them. 3. The days are rainy in October. 4. I am 17 years old. 5. We are busy now. 6. My father is at work. 7. You are late today. 8. There is much snow in winter. 9. There are many books in the library. 10. There is one theatre and five cinemas in our town. 11. There are three rooms in our flat. 12. We have many apple trees in our garden. 13. My sister has a nice cat. 14. You have little time left. 15. She has s good rest every summer. 16. They have no vacant rooms in the hotel. 17. Spring is always warm in our region. 18. The water in this lake is salt. 19. I don’t understand what you mean. 20. I know where she lives.

Ex. 5. Ask general questions to the sentences, translate into Russian.

1. The child is sleeping now. 2. Anna is having a lecture now. 3. The family is sitting at the table and having dinner. 4. I’m watching a movie. 5. The girl is reading a book. 6. The students are preparing for exams. 7. It is snowing hard. 8. The little boy is crying. 9. They are laughing. 10. I am waiting for my friend.

Ex. 6. Put the sentences into the negative form, translate into Russian.

1. The bus is going to London. 2. I am cleaning my room. 3. The students are spelling the words. 4. My mother is laying the table. 5. They are having a picnic now. 6. My brother is making a barbeque. 7. He is learning the rules. 8. I am leaving tomorrow. 9. She is opening her presents. 10. I am meeting her at the station.

Ex. 7. Put the verb either in the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.

1. Look at the sky; the clouds (move) slowly, the sun (appear) from behind the clouds; it (get) warmer. 2. «What you (do) here?” she asked. “I (wait) for an answer”. “I always (walk) here at this time of the day. 3. He (be) not well yet, but his health (improve). 4. “Alyssa (play) the piano in the next room?” – “No, it (be) Alyssa. I (know) she never (play) the piano so early in the morning”. 5. I (ask) my brother to put all his toys in the box because he (make) too much noise.

Ex. 8. Translate into English, using the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.

1. «Что сейчас делает твоя сестра?» «Я не знаю». 2. Я всегда готовлю обед для сестры. 3. Не приходи ко мне завтра, я буду готовиться к докладу. 4. Я не понимаю, почему сейчас светит солнце. Ведь уже вечер, а вечером солнце не светит. 5. Я знаю, что ты имеешь в виду. 6. Я буду встречать его не автовокзале. 7. Я спешу домой, ко мне сегодня зайдет друг. 8. Мама обычно приходит с работы в шесть вечера, но уже половина седьмого, а она не приходит. 9. Ты придешь сегодня на вечеринку? 10. Я всегда прихожу вовремя.

Ex. 9. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous or in the Present Simple Tense.

2. He (to sleep) now. He (to sleep) every night. 3. We (to drink) tea now. We (to drink) tea every morn­ing. 4. They (to go) to school now. They (to go) to school every morning.

II. Read and translate the text.

So, when you enter my house you get right into the living room. There is a sofa and an armchair in it and a TV site in front. Then you may use the… If you go further you can see a kitchen zone. It’s well-equipped. In the… There are two doors in the dining zone. The first one leads into my bedroom. The other one leads into the bathroom. My…

IV. Look at the picture of a mansion and its plan and describe it.




V. Look at the plan of a farm house and describe it


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