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Правовые аспекты создания зон свободных от ядерного оружия (english)

Правовые аспекты создания зон свободных от ядерного оружия (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Introduction. Chapter 1. Istribution Of The Nuclear Weapon. 1 Historical Prec...

INTRODUCTION. Chapter 1. ISTRIBUTION of the NUCLEAR WEAPON. 1 Historical preconditions of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon. 1 Concept of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon. 1 Legal status безъядерных of zones. Chapter 2. The международно-legal SERTIIZATIONS UNDER the DECIISTRIBUTION of the NUCLEAR WEAPON. 1. Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon ДНЯО . 1 International conventions in the field of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon. 1 Role МАГАТЭ in questions of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon. 1 Other international organizations as the warranty of observance of a mode of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon.

Chapter 3. Международно-legal ASPECTS of CREATION БЕЗЪЯДЕРНОЙ of a ZONE In CENTRAL Asia. 1 Precondition of creation безъядерной of a zone in Central Asia. 1 Way of realization безъядерного of the status of Central Asia. THE CONCLUSION. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY. Introduction.

Nuclear century - concept meaning destructive force. Just in such quality she it has put a beginning to that period in a history of mankind, which is estimated since August 1945 года1 - from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The half-century history of creation and application of the nuclear weapon has shown his its terrible pernicious action for all alive on ground and has provuck impossibility of a survival in war with a nuclear attack.

In spite of the fact that the cold war is finished, the nuclear danger is not reduced. It is necessary to mention the having been available facts of nuclear accidents and failures, which consequences are difficult for predicting. Practically in all футурологических the forecasts is emphasized, that the nuclear safety will remain one of the most important problems of many next decades.

Тяготейшее a crime against mankind - such qualification деяние of those states and state figures, which by first will resort to use of the nuclear weapon, there is not simply emotional expression of disturbed minds wits of modernity present, since Альберта Эйнштейна and Бертрана Рассела, not only precise moral and political valuation which tens, hundred public organizations of a various ideological orientation divide share. This qualification is contained in the Declaration of General Assembly ООН, accepted in 1981 году.2 Per nuclear century the destabilization of the interstate attitudes relations is involved in nuclear war with катострафическими by consequences, which do not pass any nation.

Earlier submission about national safety with the large or smaller basis was under construction on accounts in case of war to leave from not ё by the victor. Now the unique way strenghtening of national safety is a way prevention of new world global war. The national safety becomes fiction, if in a name е ё the strenghtenings are used methods undermining international safety.

The true of nuclear century is those - in modern conditions national safety most органичным by an image coordinates with safety international. Nowadays installation aim on безудержное competition in races of arms, undermining sharpening international safety threatens also national. The planet is oversaturated by means of mass destruction. Moreover, the process of such glut proceeds. The certificate to this, recently conducted autumn of a 1996 1 test of the nuclear weapon by France and China. Come to his its creation КНДР, Pakistan, Iraq both India. Iraq and India till now have not joined to Договору1 about non-distribution of the nuclear weapon of a 1968 hindering thereby his its ratification and importation in action.

Increase of weight of the nuclear weapon increases опаснсть that, that it can be пущенно an input entrance or by virtue of the военно-political miscalculation, or непреднамерению as a result of technical malfunctions in the newest systems the weapon.

The race of arms more and more undermines sharpens global safety and for the reason, that she it conducts to creation of such kinds of the weapon, which gives in to the control on the part of other states, so, and his its prohibition or restriction on the basis of the international agreements ever less. Understanding this mankind should finish with race of arms or sometime whole weight of the saved weapon will be put in a course, and it will become the end of a human civilization.

At the increasing number of the people the feeling of national safety begins to be coordinated with real requests maintenance of this safety per nuclear century. The the broad masses come to understanding, that with the nuclear weapon it is possible to threaten, but they cannot be protected. In this connection other true of nuclear century - arises is not present and there cannot be a strong international safety, that is why also safety national in conditions of proceeding race of arms. For developing countries the problem of safety per nuclear century has become especially sharp.

They in the военно-economic attitude relation are weaker than other advanced countries and consequently especially require strenghtening those other systems of safety on the basis of collective efforts of all peaceful states. In these conditions, the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan И.А.Каримов acting on 48-th session of General Assembly ООН1, has told For democratic reforms vitally are necessary stability of company and safety of the state.

Without them to decide other questions practically it is impossible. Uzbekistan is firm and is consecutive acts for a safety and stability in all regions, and first of all in Central Asia. The feature of our region, his its geopolitical rule situation is those, that it he for want of negative development of events, can become one of large детонаторов of instability all over the world.

It is enough to tell, that at Central Asia lives about 60 millions человек2 relating to various этническим and religious groups. Here накопленно the nuclear weapon, and also usual arms of large destructive force. The collisions in this region are capable to cause accidents of unpredictable scales. There the president И.Каримов has put forward the initiative of convocation of a constantly acting seminar ООН on safety, stability and cooperation in Central Asia. Tashkent was told by with the President Ислам Каримов as city with old миротворческими by traditions, проникнутый by spirit of international cooperation, is ready to become a place of realization of such seminar within the framework of the United Nations Organization.

In a constantly acting seminar within the framework of policy politics of general common safety in the world and according to article 52 of the Charter ООН the interested countries could be discussed by with opportunities of creation ground systems of regional safety in Central Asia. Further President of a Republic of Uzbekistan Ислам Каримов has told Реалии of the modern world are those, that the safety of one country cannot be supplied at the expense of other state, the regional safety cannot be considered in a separation from problems of world safety.

Proceeding from it Uzbekistan acts for complete liquidation of the nuclear weapon, for effective actions and extension without term of the Agreement and non-distribution of the nuclear weapon.

Uzbekistan is the convinced supporter of the announcement Центральноазиатского of region безъядерной by a zone. Many countries of a planet have supported this peaceful initiative. Aspirations of Uzbekistan to creation of strong bases of international safety is obvious. Performances statement of the President of a Republic of Uzbekistan on 48-th session of General Assembly of the United Nations Organization and other authoritative international forums to a bright volume acknowledgement confirmation. Already now chapters of the states of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan conduct active work on the announcement of Central Asia безъядерной by a zone. By announcing Центральноазиатский the region безъядерной by a zone will be made ещ ё one step in business of strenghtening of international safety, mode of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon, cooperation and good neighbourhood, by giving thereby chance to the future generations for prosperity and peace coexistence.


Historical preconditions of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon

The number of threshold countries, that is states technically capable ... The threat of distribution especially was sharp in the advanced countr... Other regional agreement of group of the states for of maintenance of ... The agreement forbids to remove into an orbit of the Earth any objects... It he obliges his its participants, including Russia, USA, England and...

Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon ДНЯО

The distribution of the nuclear weapon, know-how, accommodation it him... The problem of the nuclear weapon is one of the most sharpest problems... Core of the Agreement about non-distribution is the agreement between ... Договор is a main support in aspiration of the people of the whole wor... 1 .

International conventions in the field of non-distribution of the nuclear weapon

International conventions in the field of non-distribution of the nucl... A question thereby was lifted on to what technologies the restrictions... From this moment the offer of Uzbekistan carries character of the regi... The major precondition of formation training of a zone, free from the ... Thus Kazakhstan has joined to ДНЯО as non-nuclear country. The connect...

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