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Правовое регулирование государственной службы в таможенных органах (english)

Работа сделанна в 1991 году

Правовое регулирование государственной службы в таможенных органах (english) - раздел Лингвистика, - 1991 год - The Plan The Project Introduction 1. Становление And Development Of Customs B...

THE PLAN The project Introduction 1. Становление and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan 1. Brief review of a history становления and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan in period up to 1991г. 2. Feature of development of customs business in conditions становления of state independence 2. Legal basis of a state service in customs houses of a Republic of Uzbekistan 1. Concept and legal characteristic of a state service in customs houses 2. Main principles of a state service in customs houses 3. Legal status of the officials of customs houses in a Republic of Uzbekistan 4. Certification of the officials of customs houses 3. International experience of legal regulation of a customs service and opportunities of his its application in national practice of a Republic of Uzbekistan 1. Republic of Uzbekistan both международно-legal cooperation and regulation in the field of customs business within the framework of a CIS 2. Sharing participation of a Republic of Uzbekistan in international торгово-customs organizations and agreements acting in countries of distant foreign countries experience and prospects The conclusion The references to sources The list of the used literature Introduction Deep, radical on the essence the political and socio economic transformations realized in Uzbekistan, have caused serious change of a role both significance of many spheres of activity and spheres of management, components the base of life of company.

Among such areas, which significance especially for the last years constantly grows, it is necessary to name customs business and customs tariff policy being, component of internal and external policy politics of a Republic of Uzbekistan.

This rule situation has basic character and requires demands therefore additional explanatories.

The interrelation of customs business both customs tariff policies with internal and external policy politics of the state is as a whole obvious.

However in epoch of radical reforming of the economic attitudes relations, social infrastructure both major литико-state institutes and structures this interrelation has acquired the special significance. As the uniform customs tariff policy is a part of internal policy politics, and the core, core last is made economy, by with the economic attitudes relations as a whole, so far as customs business and customs tariff policy become the important active factors of formation new economic уклада, tools of creation of the progressive forms of economic life adequate to the market attitudes relations and a radical image distinguished from undynamical, закостенелых of the forms appropriate to character of a rigidly centralized planned economy.

Thus, customs business and customs tariff policy in new conditions not only represent itself as the tool and conductor of foreign trade activities, but also acquire qualitatively other, more important significance, becoming regulators and means of formation of the new economic attitudes relations and communications connections. Objectively increased role of customs business and customs tariff policies in внутриэкономических processes and expansion of a range of their influence on a background демократизации and the liberalizations of foreign trade activities have caused, in turn, necessity of the new approach to legal regulation of all complex difficult and non-uniform complex of the attitudes relations connected to realization of customs tariff policy.

The creation of a new legal basis of regulation of customs business leans bases, certainly, on the historical development, saved in the previous periods, experience of the customs legislation.

However with the beginning of reforming in Uzbekistan of the economic and political attitudes relations, transition to market economy arises and gradually new democratic concept of customs business will be realized sold. Gradually begins to be formed new vision of customs business which is taking into account the progressive phenomena and the tendency in development of the economic attitudes relations in country and world global civilized таможенно-legal experience, and creation of the customs legislation, appropriate to it, him. For want of it the out-of-date approach adapted to needs requirements of an administrative - command control system by economy is rejected.

Taking into account the important role of customs business and legislations on it him in socio economic life of country, today it is possible to ascertain increasing interest to таможенно-legal questions on the part of the workers of customs houses, economic chiefs, businessmen, businessmen, and also teachers, post-graduate students both students of economic and legal educational establishments, aspiration постигнуть of a basis, and then subtlety both detail of customs business and customs legislation.

Recently there was a whole series of the basic legal sertificates acts on customs business - Customs code 26.12.1997 and Law About a state customs service 29.08.1997 , Law About the customs Tariff, other laws regulating the customs attitudes relations, and also numerous current sertificates acts of the President, Study of the Ministers, ГТК, МВЭС РУз and other state bodies have the important significance for regulation of the attitudes relations in customs sphere.

Some experience of a scientific understanding of customs processes in different periods of their historical development is already saved. All this objectively has caused statement of a question about allocation in system of the right of rather independent complex branch - Customs right.

In this connection in offered research work the attempt is undertaken to formulate understanding and urgency of significance of a state service in customs houses as parts of the customs right and by that to put a beginning to comprehensive discussion of this problem, as the rule situation about passage of a service in customs houses is at the stage of consideration. 1.

Становление and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbekistan

Становление and development of customs business in a Republic of Uzbek... The main process становления and development of customs business is ne... The customs charter defined determined kinds of activity, which the cu... УП-1815 was created central customs house of Uzbekistan - State custom... Besides according to the international conventions signed by our count...

Legal basis of a state service in customs houses of a Republic of Uzbekistan

Legal basis of a state service in customs houses of a Republic of Uzbekistan 2.1

Concept and legal characteristic of a state service in customs houses

2.2. The state customs service is a service in bodies, establishments and o... This rule situation to the full is applicable applied to organization ... . For example, Б.М.Лазарев believes A State service - It first of all se...

Main principles of a state service in customs houses

The state service in customs houses and establishments is constructed ... Named it is possible to consider count and main principles of a state ... The sums of the allowances and reimbursement of property damage by the... The additional annual paid leave of the following duration is grantive... 2.3.

Legal status of the officials of customs houses in a Republic of Uzbekistan

Conditionally it is possible to name it him as the device for want of ... character and volume of authorities, being available at them One of th... Such legal actions attract the certain legal consequences, and the ser... Лазарева, the officials are those civil servants, which have circumspe... According to the law of the officials of customs houses for want of pe...

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: правовое, Регулирование, Государственной, службы, таможенных, органах, english0.102

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