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Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Flying Objects - раздел Лингвистика, Министерство Образования Российской Федерации Ишимский Городской Общеобразов...

Министерство образования Российской Федерации Ишимский городской общеобразовательный лицей. Unidentified Flying Objects ИсполнительРыков Олег 11Ф РуководительЛ. Ф. Винокурова.Plan 1. Prologue. 3 2. The Roswell catastrophe. 3. UFOs underwater. 5 4. The Teheran incident. 5. Government and UFO. 6 6. FB7. UFOs are material objects. 7 8. The UFO in iceberg. 9 9. Bob Lazar in the Dreamland. 10. Epilogue. 11. Литература 11 Prologue. Hundreds of witnesses saw UFO. Most descriptions are identical.

Eyewitnesses tell about triangles soundless moving into air with powerful searchlights in every corner and winking light in the middle.

The Roswell catastrophe

The famous Roswell catastrophe fell on the 2nd of July in 1947. The first thing which Breisel picked up from the land strokes him. The first Breisel s cousin Hollys Willson persuaded him to gather the ... Reluctant eyewitnesses were offered to go away. The situation would be explained at once the flying disk was struck by...

UFOs underwater

In the evening Dr. Villela and the steersman of theice-breaker, who took part in sea- mil... The broken ice was scattered all over the lake. During the investigation of the nearest lakes were disclosed the same ... UFOs underwater.

The Teheran incident

The Teheran incident. The electric system of those flying machines got the regime again when... Is it trying the American or Russian weapon On the basis of analysis o... At the end of September in 1976 the Iran government addressed with a t... According to words of the flight administration watchtower operators, ...

Government and UFO

The everyday observing laid upon the search-services. The Pentagon agreed with the conditions and FBI took part in UFO obser... Operations of the project realizing under the Majestic-12 group contro... On the 30th of July 1947 FBI gave the circular 42 to agents. The MJ-12 committee played the role of main ufologist staff. It worked...

UFOs are material objects

Suddenly one of the pilots saw the UFO. Commander took decision to attack the UFO, because it did not answer r... Two rockets stroke the target. Mostly that attacks fixed over the Ural, in the Far East and in Kazakh... The pilot escaped only by miracle.

The UFO in iceberg

It was cleared up that the crew of fine ufonouts was managing the disk... In autumn 1999 Norwegian ship was in grazing collision with iceberg in... All over the world scholars - ufologists came to find place, near from... Now nothing can explain the catastrophe.. They wanted to investigate the UFO.

Bob Lazar in the Dreamland

The time is not ticked away, because you switched it.. In that case, somewhere you are, it is enough to power the gravitation... Nevertheless, let imagine that you are in the spaceship, which can pro... Bob Lazar words If we represent the space as a matter scrap and if the... The scholar-physicist Robert Lazar asserted, that he was working at th...


Epilogue. In consequence with many stories, it asserted the opinion that the holded UFO technologies are kept in the 18A hangar of zone B of the Right-Patterson airbase.

To the press representatives questions Pentagon answers monosyllabically The 18A hangar of zone B in the Right-Patterson airbase is absent.


Литература 1. В. С. Колесник, М. И. Посошкова Пришельцы из зазеркалья. 2. С. Шульман Инопланетяне над Россией. 3. Детская энциклопедия 10 2000г. 4. НЛО Аргументы и факты издательство. 5. Техника молодежи 7 2000г. 6. Сергей Цебаковский Уравнение с НЛО.

– Конец работы –

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