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Фразеологизмы современного английского языка

Фразеологизмы современного английского языка - раздел Лингвистика, 3 1. 5 1.1 .5 1.2. 7 1.3. 8 1.4 11 1.4.1. 12 1.4.2. 13 1.4.3. 15 1.4.4. 16 1....

3 1. 5 1.1 .5 1.2. 7 1.3. 8 1.4 11 1.4.1. 12 1.4.2. 13 1.4.3. 15 1.4.4. 16 1.5. 16 2 22 2.1. 22 2.2 25 2.3 XVI - XX . .2. XVII - XX , .34 2.4 40 2.5 42 2.6 .43 2.7 44 2.8 45 46 . 48 ?3 15 б ?26 23 1. 1.1 phrasis logos ?19 37 ?7 243 ?12 49 1 2 A. ?37 , ?38 , ?24 1.2. 1865 - 1947 phraseologie ?5 58 1 2 3 ?15 8 1. les groupements libres 2. les groupments usuels une grave maladie - une dangereuse, serieuse maladie 3. les series phraseologiques remporter une victorie courir un danger - 4. les unites phraseologiques ?2 69 1 2 ?5 60 ?5 60 1.3 ?5 60 ?2 , ?4 , ?9 , ?15 , ?23 , ?32 ? ? ?9 83 look fixedly - to stare sufferings of mind or body - pain ? 78 ?16 ? ?35 birds of a feather flock together - people who have the same interests, ideas, etc. are attracted to each other and stay close together the blind leading the blind - a situation in which the person who is leading or advising others knows a little as they do. ?35 ?2 , ?4 , ?23 ?23 ?1 15 ?15 12 ?1 8 1.4 ?7 ?7 89 1.4.1 kick the bucket send smb. to Coventry at bay be at smb.s beck and call to rain cats and dogs be all thumbs Kilkenny cats ?21 35 bay beck to be all thumbs ones fingers are all thumbs.

Kilkenny cats Kilkenny ? Irishtown ? XVII ?16 ? send smb. to Coventry ? The History of the Great Rebellion and Civil Wars in England ?16 1 2 3. 4 5 ?32 73 . kick the bucket - to die send smb. to Coventry - to ignore 1.4.2 to spill the beans - to burn bridges - to have other fish to fry - to throw dust into smb.s eyes - to burn ones fingers - to throw mud at smb to be narrow in the shoulders - to paint the devil blacker than he is - to put a spoke in smb.s wheel to hold ones cards close to ones chest to gild refined gold to paint the lily ?25 50 ?25 51 make a mountain out of a molehill molehill mountain 1 to throw dust into smb.s eyes, to be narrow in the shoulders, to burn ones fingers, to burn bridges 2. to put a spoke in smb.s wheel 3. to hold ones cards close to ones chest 4 to throw dust into smb.s eyes, to paint the devil blacker than he is 5 to gild refined gold to paint the lily . 1.4.3 a bosom friend a pitched battle to have a narrow escape to frown ones eyebrows Adams apple a Sisyfean labor rack ones brains to pay attention to smb ?32 75 1 a bosom friend a bosom buddy - 2. a pitched battle a fierce battle - 3. he frowned his thick eyebrows, 4. a Sisyfean labor a labor of Sisyphus - 5 a bosom friend ?32 76 . 1.4.4 ?32 76 live and learn better untaught than ill taught many men, many mind easier said then done nothing is impossible to a willing heart ?16 . 1.5 ?9 19 ?11 51 rest on ones laurels the salt of the earth to play with fire ones hour has struck there is no smoke without fire busy as a bee ?21 28 to promise wonders, to promise the moon East or West, home is the best to buy pig in a poke the first portent sign the game is not worth the candle the talk of the town dont count your chickens before they are hatched to play into smb.s hands all is not gold that glitters not to see the wood for the trees to go to bed to spread before the eyes, to be an open book as old as the hills ?31 15 to burn ones fingers 1 2 to be narrow in the shoulders Dont mention it to throw the book at smb to go to the sea to go to sea - to draw a line to draw the line ?8 74 - 78 1 to put the cart before the horse Lets not put the cart too far ahead the horse E.S. Gardner . 2 to have a millstone about ones neck ? have an albatross about ones neck The Ancient Mariner 3 Ive got a cold Its in your feet. B. Manning to get cold feet 4 He complained to Fleur that the book dealt with nothing but birds in the bush. J. Galsworthy A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush A bird in the bush ?8 80 1 as cold as ice Augean stable s the salt of the earth swallow the pill - 2 a drop in the bucket a fly in the ointment it is raining cats and dogs - 3 to rob Peter to pay Paul to burn the candle on both ends 4 to keep ones head to keep ones head above water to keep ones pecker up - 5 the moon is not seen when the sun shines 6 carry coals to Newcastle 2 2.1 ?24 110 ?24 111 The apple of Sodom The beam the mote in ones eye The blind leading the blind By the sweat of ones brow The camel and the needles eye Can the leopard change his spots? A crown of glory Daily bread A drop in the bucket A fly in the ointment Loaves and fishes No man can serve two masters The prodigal son The promised land A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country To bear ones cross To condemn oneself out of ones mouth To escape by the skin of ones teeth To kill the fatted calf To laugh to scorn To sit under ones vine and fig-tree To sow the wind and reap the whirlwind To worship the golden calf ?28 49 to kill the fatted calf gall and wormwood the wormwood and the gall whatever a man sows, that shall he reap to sow whatever a man soweth, that shall he reap Not to let ones left hand know what ones right hand does When thou doest alms let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth forbidden fruit Jobs comforter Judas kiss a prodigal son a dead letter 2.2 the golden age the apple of discord Pandoras box Achilles heel Augean stable s a labor of Hercules a labor of Sisyphus Lares and Penates the thread of Ariadne Homeric laughter an Iliad of woes a sardonic laugh Penelopes web winged words - between Scylla and Charybdis on the knees of the Gods - on the razors edge like a Trojan the Trojan Horse to blow hot and cold to add insult to injury - to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs to cry wolf too often - the lions share - the last straw that broke the camels back sour grapes to nourish a viper in ones bosom - an ass in a lions skin a fly on the wheel to take time by the forelock the small of the lamp to know where the shoe pinches the skeleton at the feast to call a spade a spade ?16 a snake in the grass the golden mean - the sinews of war anger is a short madness 2.3


at one fell swoop Macbeth at one swoop. They go quick, one after anoth... Sinclair ?16 2.6 speech is silvern, silence is golden As the Swiss Ins... 6 1990. 8 2001. 9 1990.

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