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2 сочинения по английскому языку (english)

2 сочинения по английскому языку (english) - раздел Лингвистика, My Last Day Off.i Would Like Totell You About The Weekend I Spend With My Fr...

My Last Day Off.I would like totell you about the weekend I spend with my friend Mike. I had a really goodtime. Usually when I have a day off I try to keep myself busy so I can get themost of my free time.My friend cameover to my place around noon. We decided to go outside for a while the weatherwas nice and dry. We went to the schoolyard to play football. There were a lotof guys playing and we joined one of the teams. My team was winning from the beginning.There was a lot of people standing and watching the game parents withlittle kids, older people.

Everybody seemed to enjoy the day. After the game wewere really hungry and I invited Mike to my house to have lunch. My mom is areally good cook and she is always trying new things. We had a new dish Ithink it was pelmeni with chicken.No matter what it was, it was delicious.After we ate, myfriend and I decided to check out the new hit-parade of music on the EuropaPlus web site. We were surprised to see Roxette almost at the top of thelist.

I know they have been around for a while and they are still very wellknown. We also checked out the latest music news. One of my favorite singers istouring around the world and his next stop will be in Moscow. I would reallylike to go.Almost around 6o clock we sat down to watch a movie. It was Perfect Murder with Michael Douglas and Gwenith Paltrow.There was alot of suspense in that movie. It s about people being dishonest with eachother and what makes them do terrible things to achieve their goals.

I don tthink I would want to watch that movie on the big screen but for a home movieit was good.My sister camehome later. She brought a photo album with pictures where we all were atMarina s birthday party last month. The pictures were funny, we laughed a lot.It was time forMike to go home. I walked him to the bus stop and came back home. My friend and Ialways have great time together.I like spending my days off with him he is alot of fun.I like weekendsand days off a lot. I get to see my family and friends, read, watch TV and justenjoy myself.

I like to have my days off planned with different kinds ofactivities that my fiends and I like.Myfamily. There are fourof us in the family my father, my mother, my little sister and I. My name isXX and I am a student at XX. My mother and father are both engineers,they met each other when they were students at the university of XX in SaintPetersburg.My father is a smart and hardworking man.She is a Chief of his department everybody respects and loves him at work.Despite of his late hours he always has time for my sister and me. He checksout our homework quite often, helps with math and physics, and gives us a goodadvice when we need it.My mother isvery loving and caring.

She takes a very good care of everybody. We try to helpher about the house as much as we can. My sister and I go food shopping veryoften we also try to keep our rooms neat so she does not have to so muchwork.My mom is also very active in myschool activities.

Last year she organized a great New Year s party for myclass. She also helps a lot with field trips to museums and entertainmentcenters.My sister isfourteen. She takes music classes. She plays beautifully. My mom says she isgoing to be a very famous musician.But I think my sister is more into science.She gets good grades at school and she reads a lot. She likes chemistry andbiology, she often tells me interesting things she reads in her textbooks.

And finally me.I am XX years old. My hobbies are reading and computers. I do well in schooland I am also on my soccer team in school. Practice takes a lot of time andwill power, but I think it s good for me because I know that it helps me to getready for my future.I love my familydearly. They are very nice people we do a lot of things together. My mom is soenergetic that she brings that energy to us. In summer we often drive to thelake for the picnic or go to the movies.Our favorite time of the day isdinnertime.

We sit around the big table and talk about our day at work andschool. It s really nice to know that your family are your best friends.

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