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Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie - раздел Лингвистика, Agatha Christieagatha Christie Was Sure Theworld S Best Selling Crime Writer...

Agatha ChristieAgatha Christie was sure theworld s best selling crime writer. Moreover, she was an immensely prolificwriter. 79 shot stories, 4 non-fiction ones and 19 plays were written by thatstrange woman. They were translated into 136 languages. Over 3 billion books byAgatha Christie were sold worldwide. She is popular for ingenuity ofplots, which are classical murder mysteries marooned places and awell-mannered murderer.Her way to present the stories was quite definite fromthat of her colleagues.

At first her stories appealed to the readers detectiveinside, so you can t find much blood and violence in her stories.Agatha Christiecreated two major characters for her stories. Hercule Poirot, a Belgian, usedto work in the Police, but by the time of the action he was already retired. Hecan be described as a funny little man taken by many readers as a comic. He hadluxurious moustaches and he was really proud of them.Miss Marple wasabsolutely opposite to Poirot.She wasn t a professional and had never beenone.

She was just an old spinster, very modest but perceptive andnot a flamboyant personality, who acted as a detective just by virtue oftaking thought.Agatha Christie sfavourite way of murdering was by poisoning. She accurately described theprocess because she had learned a lot about poisons and other chemicals duringWorld War II, while working in a hospital.The reader has tosolve the mystery and decide who the murderer is hand-in-hand with the author.Most of the crimes were committed in some closed surroundings with a limitednumber of people to suspect.

Finally the identity of the murderer isrevealed and a hooked reader starts looking for another book by AgathaChristie. Agatha Christielived between 1890 and 1976. She started writing stories at a very early age,at first to entertain herself. However, she managed to become famous. Not manypeople know that she used to write under a pen-name of Mary Westmacott.Later,already being a world-known writer, she tried to avoid publicity and stayedout of public eye. Alexander V. Myskin, gr. 3o1.

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