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Мой любимый праздник (english)

Мой любимый праздник (english) - раздел Лингвистика, My Favorite Holidayeverynation Has Its Own Customs And Long-Lived Traditions...

My favorite holidayEverynation has its own customs and long-lived traditions. There is a great numberof exciting events which are held in every country throughout the year. Suchevents of national importance unite people, make them feel proud of theirnation.Eachfamily is like a little country with its own traditions. So and my family. Wecelebrate all holidays in a very special way and it keeps our family togetherin spirit. Our most favorite holiday is Christmas.We celebrate it on the 25thof December.

Preparation for Christmas are always pleasant buying gifts,sending Christmas cards and decorating Christmas tree with small,bright-colored lights and small colored glass ornaments. Our church holds aspecial service on Sunday before Christmas. We sing songs, give presents andthen there is always a staging about Christmas. And the best thing about thisstaging is that all actors are only children, whose touching playing makes thisday more wonderful. And then the Christmas comes.It starts in the morning withthe smell of cookies, cakes, chocolate and cinnamon.

My mom makes the mosttasty cakes and cookies in the world and I enjoy decorating them with thespecially-prepared cream. The receipt of this cream is kept in a secret amongthe women of our family. It is told from mother to daughter only. The cookiesand cakes are very special not only because of the cream but also because oftheir form and color.For example, they look like Christmas-trees, funnysmiling faces, or teddy-bears.

When the meal is ready the real Christmas comeswith the big family dinner, gifts, candles, sweets and illumination. In ourfamily this dinner is very important, all the members should be present. Ibelieve that on this day if you make a wish staying next to the Christmas treeit will undoubtedly come true, just because it is Christmas. Usually wecelebrate this holiday in a family circle but sometimes we invite our relativesand close friends to the party.Next morning after Christmas we all are lookingfor the sweets which the Father Frost puts into the Christmas stoking.

I don treally believe in Father Frost but I believe that Christmas is a very unusualholiday when the wonders happen and all dreams may come true.Anotherholiday that is especially popular in my family is St. Valentine s day.February 14 is the day of lovers.Boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers,husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff exchangegreetings of affection.

Valentine s day is a whirl of hearts, candy and goodwishes in the form of bright, lacy, colorful cards, with loving emblems andamorous doggerel, saying Be my Valentine . People give and getpresents decorated with love emblems hearts, roses, ribbons and lace. I likeboth giving and receiving presents.There is a wonderful feeling when you openthe rustling colorful paper or watch the face-expression of the person who istrying to guess what you put inside of this box for him.My family stronglybelieve in rules and traditions.

All my life is filled with traditions whichhave been set by my grand-grand parents long ago. We have traditions infashion, in food, in behavior and in all other aspects of life. I would like totell about fashion traditions, passed down in my family from mother to daughterwith the unquestioned authority of the Ten Commandments. You never wear clotheswith food on them, clothes should not have holes in them, clothes should not bedirty.My sister and me sometimes call these rules Mother being annoying.

Inour family you are not allowed to wear short skirts or too tight trousers. Mydad often explains his decision in this area of fashion with the short phrase Let s not advertise what we don t have for sale. Time to time I fight againstthese rules and develop my own set of personal fashion rules. But as they say,every journey is a return journey.My hair is often pulled back in a bun. Todress up, I have a long, embroidered skirt that I wear with black lace-up bootsand a turtleneck.

I think my grand-grand-grand mother would be pleased. Fashion, after all, is rules - what changes is who makes the rules.

– Конец работы –

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