рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Peterhof - раздел Лингвистика, Peterhofpeterhof Is Situated About 29 Km From St.p.on The Southern Shore Of ...

PeterhofPeterhof is situated about 29 km from St.P.on the southern shore of the Guilt of Finland. It was founded by Peter theGreat who gave it Dutch name Peterhof . It became the fist summer residence ofPeter the great, a palace for holiday. The construction of the Upper Chamber grand palace began in 1714. The idea of the project came from Peter. Thefirst architect was Johann Brounstein. After him many architect rebuilding themonument.The palace wasbuilt in the baroque style.In palace there are many rooms.

The mostinteresting rooms are the chesma room, the throne room and the dining room. The first general plan of Peterhofdrawn up in 1716 by Braustein.The birthday of ourtown is the 15-th of July. We celebrated it every year.The town is 290years old. The Monplaisir is a birthplace of our town.It was the privateresidence of the tsar. Now all the palaces are museums.Many tourists fromall over the world visit our town. There are many parks in it The UpperGardens, the Lower park, the English park and others.

There are mane fountainsin the parks and three Cascade. I live in Peterhof. I was born there. Welove our town and we are proud of it!.

– Конец работы –

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