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Canada - раздел Лингвистика, Canada Official Name. Canada. Status. An Independent Federative State, A Mem...

CANADA Official name. Canada. Status. An independent federative state, a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of GB. Area. 9,976,000 sq. km 3,851,790 sq. mi. Population. 30,1 mln Nationality. Canadian. Ethnic composition. About 40 are people of British origin. 30 are people of French origin. 1 are Indians and Eskimos. European minorities Irish, German, Ukrainian, Scandinavian, Italian, Dutch, Polish.The Open Door policy of immigration which began in the 1890s has meant that Canada s population is varied.

Language. English, French are both official languages. 20 of the population speak only French, while 13 speak both French and English. Religion. Roman Catholics 46, Protestants 41. Education. Literacy 99. Canada has about 50 universities.Among them are - New Brunswick Fredericton, 1785 Dalhousie Halifax, 1818 McGill Montreal, 1821 Toronto 1827 Laval Quebec, 1852 French language university Montreal 1876 French language university. Capital.

Ottawa 920,800. Currency. Dollar. Location. Is situated in the north of North America continent. Is the 2nd world s largest country. Is bordered by the USA. Its only neighbour is the USA. Is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the East, by the Pacific Ocean in the West. Is about 7,730 km from east to west. Shares with the USA 7 of the world s largest lakes.Contains 3 of the globe s longest 20 rivers.

Is blessed with the most fresh water of any country. Topography. Canada can be divided into 7 geographic regions 1. The Appalachian Region, the far eastern area Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, the part of Quebec south of the St. Lawrence River, is hilly and wooded. 2. The St. Lawrence Great Lakes Lowland between Quebec City and Windsor, Ontario includes most of the country s large cities and towns.Half 12 of Canada s people live here. 3. The Hudson Bay and Arctic Lowlands.

This land is mainly flat, bog, little inhabited. 4. The Canadian Shield Precambrian formed 2,5 billion years ago northern Manitoba, Quebec, Ontario, across Labrador to the northern edge of Alberta is an ancient, rocky region with rivers, lake-filled timberland.It s rugged, cool and little developed. 5. The Great Plains Manitoba, Saskatchewan, parts of Alberta is a huge, flat region responsible for Canada s wheat crop. 6. Western Cordillera Region British Columbia, the Yukon, parts of Alberta combines the Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains, the Selkirks, Mount Logan 19,850 feet. Mountains dominate this region. 7. The Arctic Region is in the far north.

Rivers - the St. Lawrence - the Mackenzie - the Saskatchewan - the Columbia - the Yukon. Climate. Temperate, varies from freezing winter cold to blistering summer heat. The warmest area of Canada is along the US border.The warmest areas with the longest summers and the shortest winters are British Columbia s South, central coast, southern Ontario around the Niagara Peninsula.

July and August temperatures are 20 Cs and few days 30Cs. The hottest summer temperature and the most sunshine is in Manitoba. The east and west coasts are wet. The prairies are dry. Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto can be humid in summer and damp in winter. Nights are cool all year round.January temperature is - 18 Cs. The further north the more snow. Vegetation flora.

There are 8 vegetation zones 1. The Arctic tundra. 2. The boreal forest. 3. The Great Lakes St. Lawrence River forest zone. 4. The Acadian forest. 5. The parkland zone. 6. Prairie grasslands. 7. The Rocky Mountain forest. 8. The Pacific Coast forest. The sugar maple is one of Canada s best known symbols and the leaf appears on the country s flag. The sugar maples also produce edible maple syrup. Wildlife fauna.Canada has abundant wildlife 1. Bears grizzly bear, brown bear, black bear, polar bear. 2. Beaver a symbol, they say as busy as a beaver. 3. Buffalo bison. 4. Wolf. 5. Coyote. 6. Deer moose, caribou, elk. 7. Rocky mountain goat. 8. Lynx a grey cat 90 cm long. 9. Skunk. 10. Birds. 11. Fish. Render in English.

Территория Канады поистине огромна, по площади она занимает 112 земной суши и уступает только России.

Е самую протяжнную в мире береговую линию омывают воды трх океанов на западе Тихого, на востоке Атлантического и на севере Северного Ледовитого. Граница Канады с США составляет почти 9 тыс. км и считается самой длинной неохраняемой границей в мире, а с Россией самой короткой, поскольку представляет собой одну точку Север-ный полюс.Говоря о стране, канадцы любят цитировать знаменитую фразу бывшего премьер-министра Ка-нады Маккензи Кинга У нас слишком много географии и слишком мало истории.

На площа-ди 9,97 млн кв. км проживает 30,1 млн человек. На каждого канадца приходится по 30 га полей и лесов, гор и болот. На каждых семерых по озеру. На каждую семью по большому ручью. Канаду в целом можно считать малонаселнным государством. Однако самые южные районы страны, которые занимают 5 территории, населяют 23 всех жителей. На севере и в средней час-ти страны есть огромные, почти необитаемые земли. Природные условия Канады очень похожи на российские.Тундра простирается от Канадского Арктического архипелага до Атлантического побережья острова Ньюфаундленда.

К югу от тунд-ры расположена обширная область тайги, идущая от реки Юкон и северо-западных территорий на восток через всю страну до Гудзонова залива и до залива Святого Лаврентия. Южнее находится район широколиственных лесов на востоке и почти полностью распаханных прерий на западе. Ти-хоокеанское побережье покрыто прекрасными хвойными лесами.Однако в Канаде по сравнению с Европейской Россией все природные зоны сдвинуты к югу, так как е восточные берега омывает холодное Лабрадорское течение.

На широте Москвы в Канаде раскинута тундра. Монреаль и От-тава, находясь на широте Симферополя, имеют климат как в Москве. В Монреале можно видеть северное сияние. 70 территории Канады принято относить к районам Севера.Но самая южная е часть, особенно юг провинций Онтарио и Британская Колумбия благодатные места, где растут виноград, абрикосы, персики. History of Canada Date People Influences, results 25000 years agoFrom Asia across the Bering StraitPeople can be divided into 6 groups 1. The arctic peoples in the far north hunting. 2. The sub-arctic peoples from Newfoundland to British Columbia hunting, fishing the Beothuks. 3. The eastern woodlands tribes Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island agriculture permanent settlements the Iroquois. 4. The plains peoples the prairies, from lake Winnipeg to Rocky Mountains hunting, fishing the Cree, the Blackfoot. 5. The plateau peoples British Columbia hunting, gathering. 6. The northwest peoples from Vancouver to Alaska hunting, fishing the Haida.6000 years agoThe EskimosThe Inuit Eskimos hunting.1000 ADThe Vikings from Iceland and Green-landOccupied the eastern edge of Canada, founded Norman settlement which existed only 1 year. 1497 ADEnglish seaman John CabotReached Newfoundland.1534 AD 1535 ADFrench explorer Jacques Cartier founder of CanadaDiscovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Settled Kanata a Huron-Iroquois word village which gave the name to the whole country Canada. 1608 AD 1642 ADFrench explorer ChamplainEstablished the first permanent settlements at Quebec where the river becomes narrow.

Montreal.1663 ADCanada became a province of France 60.000 French settlers.1670 ADBritish Trade CompanyHudson s Bay Company fur occupied northern territories of the country Ontario.1713 AD 1717 ADThe BritishNewfoundland were under Nova Scotia British control.1754 ADFrench-Indian War.1756 AD 1763 ADRivalry between the English and the French The Seven Years War in which Great Britain gained military victory.Date People Influences, results 1231759 AD 1763 ADThe British captured Quebec.

The British obtained control of the rest of New France.

France handed Canada over to Britain.1774 ADThe Quebec Act France retained the rights to their own language, religion and civil laws.1775 AD 1783 ADThe American Revolution.1791 ADCanada was divided into Upper English speaking Ontario and Lower Canada French speaking Quebec.1793 ADSir Alexander MackenzieReached the Pacific Ocean.1812 ADLord SelkirkFormed a settlement of Scot Immigrants, Manitoba.1812 AD 1814 ADBritish-American War which ended in a draw.1837 AD 1839 ADBritish Lord DurhamPolitical agitation.1840 ADAct of Union Quebec and Ontario were united.

They didn t like to be under British or American control.1848 ADCanada got internal self-government.1867 AD, July 1stThe CanadianDominion of Canada a national holiday, Day of Canada. 4 provinces were united Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick.By 1912 ADAll provinces had become part of the central government.1931 ADCanadaA voluntary member of Commonwealth.1945 ADCanadaA member of United Nation Organization.1949 ADNewfoundland became part of the central government.1949 ADCanadaA member of NATO.1950sA time of unprecedented wealth the middle class mushroomed.1960 ADCanada s first Bill of Rights was signed.1995 ADCanada won in the so-called fish wars with Spain.2000 ADCanada maintains its position in NATO and is one of the so-called G-7 countries.

The G-7 group of Germany, France, the USA, the UK, Japan, Italy and Canada meet regularly to develop major economic policies.

Render in English. Страна прошла сложный исторический путь. Нельзя согласиться с тем, что у Канады слишком мало истории.Нет, история этой страны богата и содержит довольно много захватывающих стра-ниц. Около 25 тыс. лет назад территория Канады была заселена предками индейцев, перебравшихся из Азии через существовавший тогда на месте Беренгова пролива сухопутный перешеек, и значи-тельно позже 6 тыс. лет назад в е арктической части появились эскимосы самоназвание ину-иты. Первые европейцы появились в Канаде ещ в 1000 г тогда же возникло норманнское поселе-ние на острове Ньюфаундленд.

Оно просуществовало немногим более года. Спустя пять веков к берегам Канады, где море изобилует рыбой, стали приплывать английские, французские, португальские рыболовецкие суда. В 1497 г. итальянец Джон Кабот, находившийся на английской службе, достиг острова Ньюфаундленд.

Первооткрывателем пути в Канаду - за- лива и реки Святого Лаврентия считается французский мореплаватель Жак Картье, который был направлен в Новый Свет королм Франции Франциском I на поиски золота и морского прохода в Азию. В 1534 г. Ж. Картье исследовал и нанс на карты залив Святого Лаврентия.В 1535 г. вверх по реке Святого Лаврентия он добрался до индейского селения, объявил окрестные земли владени-ем французской короны и назвал их Канадой на языке ирокезов это означало просто деревня.

В 1608 г. Самуэль де Шамплен французский исследователь Северной Америки и первый гу-бернатор Канады основал старейший город Квебек на языке ирокезов означает там, где сужа-ется река. В 1663 г. Канада официально стала колонией Франции. Одновременно с французской развивалась и английская колонизация.Британская мехоторговая Компания Гудзонова залива, созданная в 1670 г постепенно завладела большой территорией на севере страны.

После Семилетней войны 1756-1763 между Англией и Францией Канада стала владением Великобритании. Французы остались на своей новой родине и составили ядро франко-канадской провинции Квебек.Английские и американские иммигранты начали заселять Атланти-ческое побережье и центральную часть, а позже Великие равнины. 1 июля 1867 г. Канада получила статус самоуправляющегося британского доминиона. Это на-циональный праздник День Канады.

Первоначально доминион состоял из четырх провинций Онтарио, Квебек, Нью-Брансуик, Новая Шотландия. Они составили конфедерацию, к которой поз-же присоединились шесть провинций. Территория Канады приобрела современные очертания к 1949 г когда в е состав вошл бывший отдельный британский доминион Ньюфаундленд, став де-сятой провинцией.Provinces and Territories of Canada Province in briefOccupationCities1231. Ontario rocks standing high near the water Entered Confederation 1 July 1867 Area 1,068,587 sq km Location in the center of Canada Population 10,084,885 Provincial symbols the trillium the eastern white pine the loon It s a geographic and cultural transition between eastern Quebec and the Midwestern prairie provinces.

It s the largest province in the terms of wealth and population. It s the most industrial center of Canada.It produces 98 of motor vehicles, 93 of heavy electrical equipment, 92 of agricultural machinery, of the world s nickel Sudbury.

It s the national leader in car production Oshawa, Winsdor. It s Canada s iron and steel center Hamilton. Elliot Lake sits on the largest uranium deposits. The Niagara Peninsula is an important fruit and wine-producing region. Toronto the capital of the province and the largest city. It is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario. It s one of the chief Great Lakes ports. It has an international airport at Malton.It is famous as an artistic and musical center. The sights are the Art Gallery, the Royal Conservatory of Music, the Royal Ontario Museum.

Educational centers are the University of Toronto, Ryerson Iinstitute of Technology, York University. Ottawa the capital of Canada.It sits on the south bank of the Ottawa River at its confluence with the Rideau River. It s a political center, the government and the parliament are situated here. The sights are Parliament Hill, Peace Tower, Rockcliffe Park, the National Gallery, the Royal Canadian Mint, the Canadian War Museum, the National Museum of Science and Technology, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Stables and Practice Ground.2. Quebec where the river narrows Entered Confederation 1 July 1867 Area 1,540,687 sq km Location St. Lawrence Lowlands Population 6,895,960 Provincial symbols the white lily the snowy owlThe Climate and the soil are good for general farming.

Manufacturing is the prime industry.There are vast amounts of hydroelectric power. It s the main paper producer in North America.

Half the province is forest. Other important industries are aluminium, minerals, timber, tourism, dairy goods, apples and maple syrup. St. Lawrence River is a link between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.Quebec City the capital of the province. It was founded by Jacques Cartier in 1534 was called Stadacona.It was named Quebec kebec by Samuel de Champlain in 1608. Montreal an island city. It s the largest Canada s city and most important port. It s the largest French-speaking city in the world after Paris. It s called the Paris of the Western Hemisphere.123It s a financial, commercial and industrial center of the country.

Here is James Street known as the Wall Street of Cana-da. The Metro was opened in 1966. The sights are the square Place Royal old, Basilica Notre Dame the church, Museum of Archaeology and History, the park Mont Royal, Fine Arts Museum, the Contemporary Art Gallery, the Cathedral of Montreal, the Olympic Sports Complex, the Biodom, Wax Museum.

Educational centers McGill University English, the University of Montreal French.3. Newfoundland and Labrador Entered Confederation 31 March 1949 Area 404,520 sq km Location island of Newfoundland, the coast of Labrador on the main-land Population 568,474 Provincial symbols the pitcher plant the marine Atlantic puffinIt s rugged, weather-beaten land at the edge of Canada, heavily influenced by the sea and the conditions of the not-to-distant north.Fishing and forestry gave prosperity to this province.

They export raw natural resources nickel, copper, oil, cobalt. Labrador is the second largest producer of nickel in the world. St. John s the capital of the province.4. Nova Scotia Entered Confederation 1 July 1867 Area 55,491 sq km Location a 380 mi long peninsula at the Atlantic Coast Population 930,000 Provincial symbols the mayflower the ospreyFishing remains important.Major moneymakers are mining, shipbuilding, tourism, crafts. Agriculture is a significant part of the economy.

The main products are dairying, fruit, Christmas trees.Halifax the capital of the province. 1235. Prince Edward Island Entered Confederation 1 July 1873 Area 5,657sq km Location is separated from the mainland by a strait Population 131,600 Provincial symbols the common lady s slipper the blue jayIt s primarily a farming community because of good red soil. They grow potatoes and sold it all over the country. Fishing is also important.Tourism is a growing industry.

The quiet, gently rolling hills with good beaches attract a lot of tourists.Charlottetown the capital of the province.6. New Brunswick Entered Confederation 1 July 1867 Area 73,437 sq km Location along the Atlantic Coast Population 723,900 Provincial symbols the purple violet the chickadeeIt s largely forested. Two of the main industries are Lumber and pulp and paper operations. Fishing, manufacturing and minerals are also important.Fredericton the capital of the province.7. Manitoba great spirit Manito Waba Entered Confederation 15 July 1870 Area 650,090 sq km Location between Ontario and Saskatchewan Population 1,091,942 Provincial symbols the prairie crocus the grey owlThe western edge is best for farming.

Wheat is the major agricultural product. Manufacturing is the main source of income. Food processing and clothing factories are important.In the northern Shield area there are rich deposits of gold, copper, nickel, zinc.Winnipeg the capital of the province.8. Saskatchewan river which turns around when it runs Entered Confederation 1 September 1905 Area 651,903 sq kmThe south is flat. It s the greatest grower of wheat in North America. It produces 23 of Canada s crop. Other agricultural products barley, rye, sunflowers, beef cattle.

In the north there are 100,000 lakes.Regina the capital of the province. 123Location between Manitoba and Alberta Population 988,928 Provincial symbols the lily the sharp-tailed grouseIt has the richest potash deposits in the world.

Oil mining brings a lot of money.9. Alberta Entered Confederation 1 September 1905 Area 661,185 sq km Location between British Columbia and Saskatchewan Population 2,545,550 Provincial symbols the wild rose the lodgepole pine the great horned owl the big horned sheepIn the east the Canadian prairies.It has very fertile agricultural land. They produce wheat, barley, rye and beef. In the north rivers, lakes and forests. Manufacturing industries timber and pulp industry, mining minerals oil, natural gas, coking coal. Tourism is the third highest source of profit.

Edmonton the capital of the province. It s on the North Saskatchewan River. It s the ninth largest city in Canada. It has one of the largest airports in the country. The Canadian National Railway passes through the city. There are numerous industries there.The University of Alberta is here. Calgary clear running water is the center of Canada greatest ranching area. It s the administrative and financial center of Canada s oil industry.

It s a cultural and educational center the University of Alberta, Provincial Institute of Technology and Art, Mount Royal College, Allied Arts Centre, Philarmonic Orchestra, Jubilee Auditorium, an aquarium.10. British Columbia Entered Confederation 20 July 1871 Area 948,596 sq km Location Pacific Coast, is warmed by the Japanese Current Population 3,282,065 Provincial symbols the Pacific dogwood the blue-black Stellar s jayIn the east Rocky Mountains.

In the north mountain ranges, forests, lakes. In the south a small desert. The major industries forestry, tourism, mining, hydroelectric power, agriculture and fishing. Victoria the capital of the province. Vancouver is the largest city in the province. It s a major manufacturing and financial center.It has a symphony orchestra, an art gallery, a summer theatre. The annual Vancouver Festival of the Arts has been held here since 1958. Territories 1231. Yukon Territory Area 483,450 sq km Location a sub-Arctic region Population 31,500 Territorial symbol the fireweedGold was found in the tributary of the Klondike River. The most important industry is mining with gold, lead and zink. The second biggest moneymaker is tourism.

Other industries fishing, forestry, furs. Whitehorse the capital of the territory.It s the main distribution and transport center of the Yukon. It s a government center.2. Northwest Territories Area 3,426,320 sq km Location from the Yukon to Greenland, north of Arctic Circle, many islands of the Arctic Ocean Population 64,000 Territorial symbol the mountain avens the jack pine the gyrfalcon the polar bear 3 districts 1. Mackenzie the most developed, 2. Franklin, 3. Keewatin.

The major source of income is mining with zink, gold, lead. 1990s the beginning of industrial diamond exploration. Other sources of income include fish, fur, handicrafts. Yellowknife the capital of the territory. Inuvik.

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National holiday Canada Day 1 July National symbols maple leaf and beaver National anthem O, Canada Flag a red, 11-pointed maple leaf centered on a… Canada s territory is diverse mountains in the West Rocky, Coastal and… It s a huge country, bigger than the USA or Brazil. There are many climatic variations in this huge country. The…

Language. English, French are both official languages. 20 of the population speak only French, while 13 speak both French and English. Religion.… Capital. Ottawa 920,800. Currency. Dollar. Location. Is situated in the north… Contains 3 of the globe s longest 20 rivers. Is blessed with the freshest water of any country. Topography.Canada can…

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