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Domestic & foreign policy of Ukraine

Domestic & foreign policy of Ukraine - раздел Лингвистика, DomestiC Amp ForeIgn Policy Of UkraiNeaccording Toth...

DOMESTIC amp FOREIGN POLICY OF UKRAINEAccording tothe decree The main directions of the external policy of Ukraine the basic demand applied to the accomplishment of external policy of Ukraine isprotection of country s national interests.In thesphere of international relations there is a strong gradation of suchinterests 1. Strategicand geopolitical interests they concern national security and protection ofUkraine s political independence 2. Economicinterests which are connected with integration of Ukraine s economics in theframework of world economy 3. Regional,subregional, local interests they provide maintenance of different specificneeds of the inner development of our country .The generalpurposes of the external policy of Ukraine are closely tied with accomplishingthe latter tasks 1. Assertionand development of Ukraine as an independent democratic state2. Internationalstability of Ukraine3. Territorialintegrity of the state and inviolability of its frontiers4. Participatingin processes within world economic system, taking care of human needs andpeople s prosperity5. Protection of human rights of Ukrainiansabroad, setting deep and mutual ties with diaspora 6. Creatingthe image of Ukraine as reliable partner whose behavior is easily predictableThe maindirections of the external policy of Ukraine 1. Thedevelopment of bilateral international relations2. Theenlargement of the participation in the European regional cooperation3. cooperationwithin the framework of CIS4. UNMembership in other international organizationsEach ofthese directions has its own set of priorities.1. Bilateralinternational relations can be subdivided in 4 parts a frontier states the main issue hereis signing the treaties on cooperation and neighborhood. They just have toconfirm the frontiers and create the atmosphere of mutual confidence and respect b Western countries EU and NATO memberstates political and military partnership, PFP, beneficial economiccollaboration, wide range of scientific and humanitarian ties . Priority theUSA.c countries geographically close toUkraine Ukraine, for instance, was ready to participate in settlement ofYugoslavia crisis on apar with EU, OSCE and UN d Countriesof Asia, Africa, Latin America Ukraine is seeking contacts with new industrialstates.

The priorities Japan, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Australia,Argentina .2. Europeanregional integrationThe priorityis an activity within OSCE with the help of which Ukraine will avail itself ofmaking a step towards Western countries.

Ukraine will also take an advantage ofOSCE gears to support its national interests.Ukrainealso will increase its participation inNATO to transform its institutes in the elements of a new European securitynetwork.Ukraine as asea state is going to cooperate within the Danube commission and the Black seaeconomic community.

Contacts with Vyshegrad states group, Carpatheaneuroregion, North Council and Baltic states council are also of a greatimportance for Ukraine.3. CISUkraine does and will do its best toavoid institutionalizing of the state cooperation forms which could havetransformed CIS in the abovestate structure of the federative or confederate origin.4. UNmembershipThe mainfunctions of the external policy are a Supportingthe national securityb Supportingand providing the necessary conditions for the economic growth and developmentof national economics in generalc Assistancein the sphere of national culture and educationd Participationin the solving of global problemse Contactswith Ukrainian Diasporaf Informational functionDOMESTIINEUkraine sindependence was declared on August 24, 1991. Upon declaring itself independentof the SU, Ukraine embarked on a series of economic and social reforms. Whilenationalistic movements and cultural enthusiasm had smoothed the transitionfrom the old Soviet to the new democratic model the economic situationworsened and thus economy become the centerpiece of the internal policy of ourcountry and to some extent dominates it even today.The economyof Ukraine suffered a sharp drop in production and inflation.

The damage wasdue in part to the country s uncomfortable dependence on imports from Russia in gas and oil , which was undergoing tumultuous changes.In spring of1992, the Ukrainian parliament decided to replace ruble with the karbovanets,which was later to be replaced by a new currency, the hrivna, when inflation iscurbed.To aid thetroubled economy more vigorous reforms were advocated.

Hence today it s quitepossible to underline major priorities of the domestic policy in the sphere ofeconomy 1 Strongprivatization policy2 Liberalizationof prices3 Severecuts in subsidies4 Strictmonetary policy5 Reducingof corruptionSomepriorities of the domestic policy can be considered to be on a par with oureconomic difficulties.

Among them the protection of human rights andenviromental protection.

They represent the deep layers of smaller conflictsituation and problems. For instance,speaking of environment we have tomention 1. Chernobyl2. Cuttingemissions of ozone-depleting and other harmful substances3. Natureconservation4. Wastemanagement and disposal5. Acidificationof rivers6. Demographicgrowth7. Seekingnew source of energy8. Climatechange9. Urbanissues air quality, noise and waste.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Domestic, amp, Foreign, policy, Ukraine0.094

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