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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Types of Holiday

Types of Holiday - раздел Лингвистика, Types Of Holiday Holiday Is An Extendedperiod Of Recreation, Especially Spen...

Types of Holiday Holiday is an extendedperiod of recreation, especially spent away from home or travelling. A break from work or a day of festivity orrecreation when no work is done is also called the same way. Thismeans that holiday is a kind of tourist activity that is not connected withwork or business.Therefore, to make out which types of tourist activity referto holiday one should exclude all kinds of business travelling and then it squite possible to compose a list of types of holiday according to differentcriteria.Such criteria might be duration of holiday,its geography, tourists mobility, their age, transportation, seasons, valuefor money, etc.But the main criterion is the aim ofholiday.

Different people take holidays on various purposes. Some go hunting,others prefer to climb mountains. A lot of people have holidays relative tosport activities, such as hiking, cycling, horse-back riding, rowing andcanoeing, as well as scuba-diving or even bungee jumping.There are also suchpurposes as recreation, treatment and medical care. In this case people canchoose resort or a spa. Tourism for recreation is very popular in our region.The local nature is perfectly suitable not only for treatment but also forvarious kinds of adventure holiday.

Today a great attention is paid toecological tourism and Krasnodar territory is the very place to develop it in. I think shop-tourism and businesstravelling cannot be added to the list of types of holiday, for they arerelated to work.No less important criterion in thisclassification is how a holiday can be organized.

It may be done with the helpof some travel agencies, tour operator companies, or one can organise his resthimself, that is, self-catering type of holiday takes place here. One of thetourist activities is studying.I m not sure if it is a type of holiday, butone should not forget that for some people studying is more recreating andrelaxing than for example hunting or climbing mountains.Nowadays thereare many kinds of work and each of them requires its own type of holiday.

So the number of types of holiday is steadilygrowing.

– Конец работы –

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