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Houses of Parliament

Houses of Parliament - раздел Лингвистика, Houses Of Parliament The Parliament Is The Supreme Legislative Body Of Theco...

Houses of Parliament The Parliament is the supreme legislative body of thecountry The House of Commons and the House of LordsTHE HOUSE OF COMMONS The Prime minister- the leader This party is called The Government and the second TheOpposition 650 members in the House of Commons MPs electedevery 5 years each session opens in November and lasts for about 6month the quorum of 40 members is necessary for its work the chairman id the SpeakerHe can t debate or vote withother MPs unless.The voting is equal.

He votes with the Government. A Chief Whip has a very high status in the party.Residence Downing Street,12 Britain has no written constitution. Only Acts ofParliament Only MPs may introduce a bill to the ParliamentThee readings 1st formality. Only a title of a bill is mentioned 2nd a discussiontakes place go to committee for detailed examination. 3rd it mustbe accepted or rejected - gt send to the Queen for the Royal Assent.The Queensigns and The Great Seal is fixed.

It becomes the Act of Parliament.THE HOUSE OF LORDS Non- elected Consist of peers, bishops, archbishops They are socially respected and very rich Only at the age of 21 Every yearbeginning with 1958 the Queen grants about 15-20 titles on the advice of herministers to politicians, businessmen, scientists, men of culture for theiroutstanding contribution for the good of the UK 1 3 of the Lords are bankers and company directors Full membership is the House of Lords is over 1000people The quorum is 3 Lord present True one of them must be Lord Chancellor The chairman of The House ofLords If the Lords disagree they can t reject the bill. The House of Lords is a survival of ancient timesA serious attempt to reform itwas made in the 1960s but it failed in the House of Commons.

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Once the British Empire included a large number of countries all over the world ruled by Britain. The process of decolonisation began in 1947 with… It includes many countries such as Ireland, Burma, the Sudan, Canada,… Instead it is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The constitution can be change by Act of Parliament,…

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