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Seasons - раздел Лингвистика, When Spring Comes Nature Awakens From Its Long Winter Sleep. The Snow Melts....

When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep. the snow melts. The days grow longer and warmer. the grass is beginning to shoot, The trees are putting forth little buds, and already bursting into leaf. Flowers bloom and fruit trees blossom.The air is fresh. the meadows grow green again . farmers till the soil возделывать and sow the seed. The nightingale, swallow, cuckoo and other birds, warmed by the rays of the sun, come back from Italy or Africa and build nests for their young, all the while singing their merry songs. sweet melodies may be heard from every wood and park Meanwhile the new crop is shooting up быстро расти, вздыматься, and if there are no sharp frosts during the night, nature looks full of promise, and the corn-fields are made bright by blue cornflowers василек and red poppies.

The lilacs unfold their pale hearts. There shines the wild daffodil soft, slim, yellow there is the starry narcissus звездообразный, the hyacinth гиацинт almost lost in the herbs among them stand tulips the red bubbles of dark wine the yellow, more cup-like the large parti-coloured gold and red, noble and sombre.

At night, millions of stars shine in the darkness. Spring is followed by summer. The bright sunshine scorches the earth The weather is usually fine. there is no such thing as perpetual rain. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning.It is pleasant to get out of town, where one is too oppressed with the heat, to get away from the city noise and spend more time in the open air. and ramble through woods, among hills and valleys, following winding paths that are hardly seen to the naked eye in the thick green grass, pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, go and bathe in running water In the summer the hot sun ripens the corn and fruit, and the farmer gets ready for the harvest.

The fields are green and shorn here and there big stacks of hay are seen. There are plenty of strawberries земляника, cherries вишня черешня, currants смородина кустарник , крыжовника gooseberries, raspberries малина, apricots абрикос, blackberries ежевика, which are ripe and afford a treat for the old and the young.

And what pleasure can compare with that of watching the glorious sunrise and sunset! But on moves the earth in its race round the sun, the sun rays are losing their glittering force autumn is approaching. The beautiful nature has thanked the laborious farmer for his toil in the fields.The trees that not long ago bloomed with flowers are laden with ripening fruit.

The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. But a short spell of dry sunny weather called Indian summer is over it is deep autumn now. Birds have flown away to far distant warm countries.Everything is beginning to take a different colour and garment облачение in the lonely quiet of the countryside the trees look bare, for they have cast off their leaves, the fragrant flowers have-faded away. Only piercing пронизывающий pelting проливной rain пронизывающий that is accompanied by a Bitter north wind. December is approaching.

Sometimes It sleets. The cold makes the hands cold and stiff. It is on a morning in December that you get up and look out of the window, and lo the ground, the branches of the trees, the roofs of the houses are thick with snow. Winter has set in. Water turns to ice, so The rivers and ponds are frozen over Winter is a good time for sports.Sometimes snow falls. There is frost on the windows We wear woolen hats to keep us warm.

– Конец работы –

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