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Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection - раздел Лингвистика, Environmental Protection Тема 18Воробь Ва С.В. 92Классenvir...

Environmental Protection Тема 18Воробь ва С.В. 92классEnvironmentalProtection Our mother planet is inserious danger. The poisoning of its land, air and water is thefastest-spreading disease of civilization. Overpopulation, pollution and energyconsumption have created such planet-wide problems as massive deforestation,the depletion of the ozone layer acid rains, the global warming caused by theso-called Green-house effect. The seas and rivers are in danger.They are filled with poison industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizersand pesticides.

So the environmental situation is rather serious, too. Peoplehave to breathe unhealthy air. There is a great number of pollution sources,such as business, home and transportation. The number of private cars is greatin the streets of the cities. Cars are the source of air pollution and noise.Uncontrolled dumps are another source of pollution. Among polluters are notonly factories and plants, but the people themselves.The streets and yards arelittered with cans, bottles, paper waste and garbage.

Inmy opinion, the most urgent ecological problem today is the environmentalsafety of nuclear power stations. Nuclear pollution can t be seen, but itseffects can be terrible. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are. Nuclear waste also endangers people s lives. People ail over the world protestagainst nuclear tests and nuclear weapons.If we do not take any action, thepossibility of a global nuclear disaster is very real. One more problem is uncontrolledcutting of trees.

What is worth, new trees are not planted. The water of riversis polluted with industrial waste. Air is polluted wit chemistry plants. Inorder to reduce pollution the city administrators should find money toconstruct a modern drain system and a roundabout. The drain system would takeaway pools of water from our streets.And the rounabout would allow trafficbypass the centre of Ivanovo.We must all think what we might do for improving of ecological situation.

Wecan recycle household waste collect old newspapers, cans and bottles, planttrees everywhere in parks and yards. We can organise tree-planting groups,attract attention of local press to waste dumps or simply explain to youngerchildren some rules and regulations. We must do it, or we ll have soon to findanother place to live in.

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