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A question of taste. Fashion

A question of taste. Fashion - раздел Лингвистика, A Question Of Taste. Fashion. Fashion Is Something We Deal With Everyday. Ev...

A question of taste. Fashion. Fashion is something we deal with everyday. Even people, who say they don’t care what they wear, choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. What influences our choice of clothes is an interesting question. I believe that most of the people do not follow the fashion displayed on the catwalk. That kind of clothes is the product of famous high-class designers’ work, it is more often very extravagant and extremely expensive.It is also not designed to be worn every day, but it is suitable some special occasions.

However, we definitely get fashion ideas from music clips, videos, books and television. Movies also have a big impact on what people wear. For example it is known that more sunglasses were sold in America after the movie Man In Black. Sometimes a trend is world-wide. Back in the 50-s teenagers everywhere dressed like Elvis Presley.Musicians and other cultural icons as well as political and royal figures have always influenced what we are wearing.

Newspapers and magazines reported on what Hillary Clinton was wearing when she was the 1st lady. The death of Princess Diana was a severe blow to the high fashion world, where her clothes were daily news. Depending on their attitude towards clothes and fashion, people can be divided in three groups: fashion slaves, spending all their money on the latest clothes even if they don’t look good in them; fashion fans, who enjoy wearing modern clothes but not obsessed by them and people who just don’t care how they look. Personally I place myself between fashion fans and people who don’t care how they look. Although I enjoy shopping very much and like to try things on, especially when I look good in them, I don’t spend much time choosing and buying clothes.

And of course I do it only when I really need something new to wear, and not in order to kill time. My style and the range of clothes that I have are defined by the activities I engage in. Work occupies most of my time and therefore most of the clothes that I have corresponds with the dress code, registered in the policy of our company. According to the dress code, an employee is not allowed to wear certain items of clothing to work. For example, men are supposed to wear ties and business suits, and nobody is allowed to wear jeans, except on Fridays.

Women’s clothes are not supposed to be skin-tight, too short and too open. All of the shirts are supposed to have collars.

Clothes also can’t be too bright, the colors should correspond to the corporate colors – dark blue and white.

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Используемые теги: Question, taste, Fashion0.061

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