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Goodmorning Ladies and Gentleman

Goodmorning Ladies and Gentleman - раздел Литература, Good Morning Ladies And Gentleman! I Am Glad To Welcome You In This Studio.w...

Good morning Ladies and Gentleman! I am glad to welcome you in this studio.We are going to make a record of the evening program “20 min with mayor”. Good evening dear citizens of Rotterdam! Today we are going to discuss extremely important issue connecting with our health, present and future of the city. For the next 20 min we will hear details of expecting expansion of the chlorine production in our city and its impact on the environment? People’s health and economy… On the right from me are representatives of the AKZO company: Galina and Maria On the left : officials from Dutch Environmental Ministry Helen and Olga And our frequent guest, public representative Veronica.

How do you feel Veronica? First we will see who wants to pollute our city…Brief presentation of AKZO company. Helen you are responsible for the state control of AKZO pollution, aren’t you? Please excuse me for interruption.It is clear how does it influence environment, but people’s health what can you say about that? You are welcome! But please be as much conscious as possible in your answer.

Dear guests all the questions are welcome! Can you open your doors for publicity? I want to support social initiative coming from citizens, to make a public commission, to make you pollution program transparent for the city? Dear citizens of Rotterdam! Every time when we look through the window we expect to see grin tries and bright bly sky, our children playing on the clean streets it is essential for human being.

But it is also essential to man to be confident that every month or week heshe will get his salary, and will not be faired. Speaking about such hazardous production as chlorine we must be fully concern that it will not cause any irreversible consequences for our future generations.Several years will pass and our children will apply for a job but by that time in the world community we will be like a dogs tale absolutely useless but maybe a litlle bit cleaner than legs or nose. It is not easy to find balance between clean environment which brings heath of the nation and product production which brings wealth of the nation.

Concerns should come from bought society and business. In order to make an agreement each side should sacrifice something. We should be proud that we have such business in our country which responds to environmental concerns. The same time AKZO’s impact to Dutch economy is vitally important.But today to survive in world market AKZO needs public support and as a human being I convinced that it will be fair to give a permission for expansion but as elected mayor of the Rotterdam I am sure that a public commission to control such kinds of hazardous production is necessary.

– Конец работы –

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