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Biography of Che Guevara (Биография Че Гевары)

Biography of Che Guevara (Биография Че Гевары) - раздел История, I Think, Che Was Notonly The Intellectual, But Also The Most Complete Person...

I think, Che was notonly the intellectual, but also the most complete person of our epoch. Jean-Paul Sartre. This is a short essayabout Che Guevara s life. It was made in order to obtain a good grade for myWriting English class, and, because I had wanted to know more about this man. Idecided to talk about him, because I think he is a perfect example of a man whonever gives up, no matter what, that believes in equality for everyone and thatis disposed to die, if he has to defend his ideals.Nowadays, Che Guevara becomes a legend.

I am going to talk about his life, andhow he died for the world deeply convincing in his thoughts. He reflected ofhis mission in this life like helping out others to be free and to get theirrights back from oppressive governments, and even though of his failure, hisideals are still alive. Ernesto Guevara was born on June 14th, 1928in Argentina. His parents were members of privileged middle class.ElderGuevara engaged in a campaign to stop Nazi propaganda in the America.

Hismother was equally outspoken. Several times she had been arrested for herpolitical activism and, like her husband, would always support her son in hisrevolutionary career. When Ernesto was 2years old, he turned asthmatic and his family had to move to the countryside,where his father tried to heal him teaching him sports like football, baseball,swimming, and rugby.During grade school Guevara s decease forced him toreceive much of his education at home from his parents.

Che became interestedin literature, philosophy and physical activities. Especially, he was fond oftravelling. In fact, in 1952, he decided to travel through Argentina with afriend riding a motorcycle. In 1947 he entered to the University of BuenosAires in order to become a doctor.In 1951, after taking his final exams fromthe university, he made a much longer journey he visited Chile, where he metSalvador Allende, Peru, where he worked for some weeks in the San Pabloleprosarium, Colombia, where he was arrested but soon released, Venezuela, andMiami. He returned home with his absolute sure of one thing, that he did notwant to become a middle-class ordinary doctor.

He qualified, specializing indermatology, and went to La Paz, Bolivia, during the National Revolution whichhe condemned as opportunist, because those revolution established proamericangovernment. From there he went to Guatemala, earning his living by writingarchaeological articles about Maya ruins.In Guatemala, Ernesto worked as a doctor in ahealth program.

Suddenly, the American troops invaded Guatemala. In these dayshe became Che . He got this nickname from some his Cuban friends in1953. The most important thing of this trip was that he got to know Marx stheory. Guatemala s government made him outlaw as a dangerous communist and heescaped in the embassy of Argentina, and two months later, went to Mexico.Hearrived to Mexico on September 21st, 1954. Revolution. They began toprepare for a revolution in the special camp, where they learned combat andtactic training.

After few months, Fidel decided to invade Cuba. There wereeighty-two men when they boated in the ship and secretly sail to the Cuba. Theygot land in December 3, 1956, but were assaulted by Cuban army and, unfortunately,only fifteen men survived.Castro s rebels waited till recovering wounds in themountains and then started to act. Country population supported rebellions bygiving them food and new recruiters. They began to take some areas under theircontrol and Castro carried out agrarian and social reforms that were hold byCuban people.

Che was one of the best and lucky commanders who won fewimportant fights against Batista s army. Inaddition, he served as the troop doctor. This civil war lasted for three years 1956-1959 , and finally, on January the 1st, the rebels won. They entered toHavana, and dictator Batista fled to Dominican Republic.Che Guevara became the second man in Cubangovernment after Castro.

He got Cuban citizenship, and organized and directedthe National Institute of Agrarian Reforms to carry the new agrarian lawsexpropriating the large landholders ran Department of Industries and occupiedPresident of the National Bank of Cuba. Henegotiated and signed commercial contracts with the Soviet Union and otherssocialistic countries.When there was Caribbean crisis, he got bad attitude forthe Soviet Union, because of Khrushchev s decision to remove nuclear weaponfrom Cuba. He thought that USSR was on he wrong way using their principle ofpeaceful co-existing. Soon, Che lost his interest in management ofCuban economy, because of some fails in the results, and in the end of 1963 his duties were limited to international relationships.

He was like a revolutionary ambassador . He undertook government s diplomatic tour visitingmany countries and was sent to represent Cuba at the United Nations GeneralAssembly in New York. However, revolution movement called Guevara,who tired of being political figure.

It was better for him sneaking in thejungles with AK-47 than sitting at the bureaucrat s table. He disappeared fromsocial life and went to Africa trying to raise revolution forces. Regrettably,his African trip was unsuccessful. He couldn t organize left forces there andwas compelled to return back to America.Che s finalrevolutionary adventure was in Bolivia.In April 1967 he illegally came toBolivia with small group of guerrilla s fighters.

At the beginning, everythingwas good there was organized strike of the mineworkers and rebels won severalfights. Soon, CIA came to help o Bolivian dictatorship regime, and in theOctober Che s group were seized and almost terminated. Che Guevara was woundedand captured.The next day he was executed. His body was hidden and only in1997 it was found and buried in Cuba. After his death, he was instantlytransformed into an icon of the revolutionary commitment and heroism.

He wastype of man who persistently moves to the aim. His aspiration to life didn thave the borders. Che Guevara was a man of total integrity, a man of stoic andSpartan living habits . Despite of his failures in economic and diplomacy, heserved as a convincing symbol of the dedicated revolutionary whose actions werealways in harmony and moral ideals. He died for these ideals. Selected bibliography Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Che Guevara.NY, 1989. Internetweb sites 1. http www.che-lives.com.

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