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Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit

Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit - ðàçäåë Èíôîðìàòèêà, The Source: “Wir Fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze Aus...

The source: “Wir fordern,” Der Angriff, Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 18-19.

We Demand

The German people is an enslaved people. Under international law, it is lower than the worst Negro colony in the Congo. One has taken all sovereign… Therefore we demand that a struggle against this condition of shame and misery… Three million people lack work and sustenance. The officials, it is true, work to conceal the misery. They speak of…


by Joseph Goebbels

My name is Hase [Hase, German for rabbit, but also an ignoramus]. I live in the forest and don’t know anything about anything. I keep out of everything. I am, one might say, politically neutral. When it is to my advantage, I can believe anything, though the facts are best. The facts are mostly wonderful. I am of the opinion that the far right and the far left must be banned. The center, of course, is out of the question. As I said, that’s my opinion. I am a realist. That is comfortable, it has few dangers, and one can make a living.

But assume I didn’t live in the forest any more, but in China. Some kind of fortune or misfortune has brought me there. Let’s assume that. Now that would be terribly unpleasant. For in China, as is well known, everyone is Chinese, even the emperor. I would stand out. My name is Hase, and I look like a German. One would be able to recognize me immediately. Why, even the children would stand stock still in the street and call out “That’s Hase.”

But I would know what to do. I would grow a long pigtail and stop looking like a German. I would give up my honorable name Schmidt and rename myself “Wukiutschu.” That’s what I’d do. And if someone still called me “Hase,” I would be very angry.

Let’s assume, then, that I live in Shanghai and my father still lives in the forest. I wouldn’t say anything about the forest to anyone. Just the opposite! I would behave as if we had lived for generations in Shanghai, no matter how much others wanted to doubt it. And then, let’s assume that by accident the police chief of Shanghai dies. And that all the Chinese shout “Wukiutschu should be our leader!”

I would then somehow be the police chief of Shanghai. It’s nice to be the police chief. One has the power to do what one wants. That is, if others let one get away with it. But they must! If they were dumb enough to say “Wukiutschu should lead us!” then they have to be satisfied with me. And if someone weren’t satisfied, I’d take action, since there are always malcontents. I would therefore decree:

“It is forbidden to be dissatisfied!”


And I would rule. I know that it wouldn’t be as simple as it looks. For people would come and say:

“What does Wukiutschu want? He isn’t even one of our people. Wukiutschu is really named Hase and lives in the forest. He has sneaked in here. We’ve been here on Chinese soil a thousand years and more. Our fathers made this land livable and defended it with their lives. Back then Wukiutschu still lived in the forest, but now he behaves as if he had always lived here. Down with him! China for the Chinese!”

That would naturally be most unpleasant for me. For if one cut my pigtail off, any child could see that these people were right. But that wouldn’t happen. I would be the police chief after all, and as such have a right to respect. So I’d make another decree:

“Whoever calls me Hase is inciting class warfare. I forbid it, under penalty of imprisonment.”


Then I would have peace. I would rest in the glory of my office. I’d be fanned by Chinese coolies, receive ocean flyers, and attend every banquet. My pigtail would grow longer and longer, and I would soon forget that I once was named Hase. And the malcontents would die, and then the world would be content.

Only then would life be beautiful and dignified.

I am the pathfinder for that. One only has to know nothing like me in order to believe it firmly and unshakably.

But, as we said, this is all supposition.

For the Chinese would never be dumb enough to believe that I was Wukiutschu and to name me police chief.

Such stupid people don’t exist.

It is all nothing but a fairy tale.

I am not Chinese and I don’t live in Shanghai. My name isn’t Wukiutschu, but Hase.

I live in the forest and don’t know anything.


The source: “Heil Moskau!” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 236-238.

Hail Moscow!

by Joseph Goebbels

Following the celebration of the ten year anniversary of the Russian Revolution, three young Berlin communists from the Köpernick district committed suicide after they had taken a touching farewell from their comrades. They explained calmly that they had lost faith in the future of the International.

It is said of Ernst Thälmann, the communist leader, that during the Hamburg uprising he laid stone drunk in his own vomit. In Berlin-Wedding a few weeks ago, Ruth Fischer spoke at a meeting of the KPD opposition, calling for a fight against the Third International. When a representative of the KPD began to speak he was shouted down by his former comrades and thrown out the door. The affair ended in a general melee.

The tenth anniversary of the Russian Revolution was recently celebrated in Moscow. As the honored guests from the entire world who had gathered to praise Moscow’s principles watched, the opposition to the workers’ and peasants’ state stormed the gathering and took over the university. The end of the story: twelve leading Bolshevists, nearly all Jews of the old guard, were expelled from the Communist Party.

What does this all mean?

Things are becoming clear all over. The smoke of rhetoric is vanishing, and all that remains is a miserable remnant of fantasies that absolutely no one confuses with reality. The German proletariat is one hope poorer, perhaps its last one. Marx’s game is over. Nature is in charge once again, and it has made the eternal laws pitilessly and unmistakably clear: the laws of personality, struggle, and race.

Did things have to turn out this way?

Yes, a thousand times yes.

There was no other possible outcome. We have it prophesied a hundred times. If the Jews speak, the people must beware. The Jew is rootless, a ferment of decomposition. Whether he lives as a capitalist or a Bolshevist, his nature remains the same: Ahasver, the eternal destroyer. His gospel is chaos, and where he succeeds in fomenting revolution, he rises to the top. He brought the worker’s movement to its present deplorable state: a mixture of phrases, cowardice, terror and class hatred. What does the cause of the proletariat have to do with pacifism, protection of the republic, the elimination of personality and the destruction of national dignity and honor? Where is it written that utopias, wishes, programs and books rule the world instead of strength and the facts? Why do you demonstrate here for the national freedom of the oppressed colonial peoples, yet forget that Germany is a province of high finance? Why shout “China for the Chinese,” yet stand by in cowardice as the Jews sell Germany piece by piece and turn it over to the world dictatorship? You cry “Reaction” when one speaks of a lost fatherland. You smell treason when one names things by their right names. You retreat stubbornly and silently to your own troubles, and find that nothing remains but desperation and suicide.

Do not say that the First, Second or Third International is responsible! Found a new one, a Fourth! It will betray you just as its three predecessors did.

The International itself is in error. It is thought out, not lived. The Jew preaches it to you because it is his last chance to hold power. It has destroyed nations and peoples. It sets citizen against citizen, destroys and poisons the community, sows mistrust between the peoples. Above it all is the triumphant mocking laughter of your enemy, of our enemy: The eternal Jew!

You stand over hecatombs of corpses. The scent of blood surrounds you. Children beg, mothers weep, nations perish! What have you gained: Nothing but chaos, hopeless, hunger, and desperation!

It that the way you want things to remain?

Stand up and demand a Germany that belongs to you, one that is free of the chains of the oppressor. This is the historic mission of the German working class.

Freedom and prosperity!

This is the war cry against the rotting world of capitalism!

Away with the empty rhetoric! Risk looking cold reality in the face.

Hold out your hand, German working men! The day of freedom is coming, if only you want it!

Adolf Hitler is showing you the way!


The source: I take the text from Joseph Goebbels, Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 71-73.

Why Do We Want to Join the Reichstag?

by Joseph Goebbels

We are an anti-parliamentarian party that for good reasons rejects the Weimar constitution and its republican institutions. We oppose a fake democracy that treats the intelligent and the foolish, the industrious and the lazy, in the same way. We see in the present system of majorities and organized irresponsibility the main cause of our steadily increasing miseries. So why do we want to be in the Reichstag?

We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with democracy’s weapons. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem. It does not concern us. Any way of bringing about the revolution is fine by us.

If we succeed in getting sixty or seventy of our party’s agitators and organizers elected to the various parliaments, the state itself will pay for our fighting organization. That is amusing and entertaining enough to be worth trying. Will we be corrupted by joining parliament? Not likely. Do you believe that once we march into the meeting of the illustrious parliamentarians we will propose a toast to Philipp Scheidemann? Do you think us such miserable revolutionaries that you fear that the thick red carpets and the well upholstered sleeping halls will make us forget our historical mission?

He who enters parliament perishes! Well, that is true if he enters parliament to become a parliamentarian. But if he enters with a tough and driving will to carry on an uncompromising battle against the growing corruption of our public life, he will not become a parliamentarian, rather will remain what he is: a revolutionary.

Mussolini entered parliament. Shortly afterward, he marched on Rome with his Black Shirts. The communists also sit in the Reichstag. No one is naive enough to believe that they want to work seriously and positively. One more thing: If we do not succeed in making our dangerous men immune to legal prosecution, they will all find themselves behind bars sooner or later. Will that happen if they possess parliamentary immunity? Certainly. When democracy is near its end it will resort openly to the terror of capitalistic dictatorship that it ordinarily uses covertly. But that will not happen for some time, and in the meanwhile the fighters for our faith will enjoy parliamentary immunity long enough to broaden our fighting front such that shutting them up will not be as easy as democracy would like it to be.

Another thing. Our party’s agitators pay 600 to 800 marks a month [in travel costs] to strengthen the Republic. Is it not proper for the Republic to cover these costs by providing them with railroad passes? Who of you thinks that we should throw our own small change to the Jewish Dawes railroad when the Republic longs to help us out?

Is it the beginning of a compromise? Do you really think that we who have stood before you a hundred or a thousand times preaching faith in a new Germany, who have smilingly faced death dozens of times from the red mob, who have joined you in battling every form of resistance whether of official or nonofficial nature, who have bent before no command or terror, do you really think that we would lay down our weapons in exchange for a railroad pass?

If we only wanted to become representatives, we would not be National Socialists, rather I suppose German National Party members or Social Democrats. They have the most seats at their disposal and one does not need to risk one’s life to compete with their leading lights. We do not have the stomach for that.

We do not beg for votes. We demand conviction, devotion, passion! A vote is only a tool for us as well as for you. We will march into the marble halls of parliament, bringing with us the revolutionary will of the broad masses from which we came, called by fate and forming fate. We do not want to join this pile of manure. We are coming to shovel it out.

Do not believe that parliament is our goal. We have shown the enemy our nature from the podiums of our mass meetings and in the enormous demonstrations of our brown army. We will show it as well in the leaden atmosphere of parliament.

We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we.

You are not among your friends any longer! You will not enjoy having us among you!


The source: “Mich willst du wählen?” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 74-76.

And You Really Want to Vote for Me?

by Joseph Goebbels

A citizen second class, with four convictions and eight pending cases? What a dreamer!

In an essay I wrote that each National Socialist should obey the states attorney “when there isn’t any way around it,” regardless of whether it was right or wrong. For that a court in Elberfeld fined me a hundred marks for inciting resistance against the states attorney.

When Hans Hustert, in jail for trying to kill Scheidemann [Chancellor in 1922], had his teeth ruined by lousy prison food, I started a collection so that this fiend could get his teeth fixed. A court in Munich fined me 50 marks for an illegal collection.

As one of my wounded comrades was going to be trephined by the Jewish doctor Levi, I organized a collection to bring this poor worker to a German doctor. A court in Munich fined me 150 marks, once again for an illegal collection.

At a mass meeting of the NSDAP, I suggested keeping an editor of Der Tag under close watch, since he had called a Hitler meeting a monkey house. The filthy fink Carlotto Graetz, who slandered the front soldier Adolf Hitler in the worst ways and tried to connect him with pimps and prostitutes, I called a Jewish pig, in order to force him to bring suit. He didn’t sue, but I got six weeks in prison anyway because of “incitement to violence without result.”

A case is pending against me because I am supposed to have called police chief Dr. Weiss “Isidor,” though his name is Bernhard.

A second case is pending because I caricatured the above named Bernhard Weiss as Nero in Der Angriff, with the caption “Bernhard only plays thankless roles.”

Then there is a third case, because the Angriff printed a cartoon of Bernhard Weiss behind the mask of a donkey, “clearly recognizable,” with the text that “In the state of emergency, any ass can govern.”

A fourth case is pending to force me to say who Orje is [Orje was the star of an Angriff satirical column].

A fifth pending case alleges that I drove over the leg of a poor worker. Now that was a year ago. I’ve never driven a car in my life, and on the day in question wasn’t even in Berlin. But the state’s attorney thinks that the car had the number I A 2637, and I’m just the type to do something like that. My reply that I don’t know how to drive and have never had a license only made the charge more serious.

I informed a red bigwig, who by irrelevant heckling was trying to break up a meeting, that he was at a NSDAP meeting, and that if he didn’t shut up we would forgive the S.A. if, under the law, they threw him out. That led to a sixth pending case, for “incitement to violence.”

Then I am supposed to have said that the [Weimar] Republic is only a junk shop, in which the bidders, auctioneers, and politicians bitched. That led to the seventh case, for “endangering the Republic.”

The eighth case resulted because I said the day would come when the goal-conscious, decisive minority would march against this state of cowardly majorities, to put an end by force to usury and exploitation. This one was for “attempted treason.” (! !)

As I learn from reliable sources, four new cases are in the works. What they concern I don’t yet know. But that doesn’t make much difference. I only need to open my mouth or use my pen to give a state’s attorney of the Republic a month’s work.

I have never gotten a golden toothpick from Barmat [a Jew involved in a major financial scandal].

I don’t wear a silk bathrobe from him.

During the great inflation I didn’t get any guilders or dollars from him.

I have never trampled on the German people or their honor. But I have always fought those cowards who left our common fatherland in need.

The subway system will not give me a villa costing 120,000 marks in the foreseeable future.

No one has my signed photograph on his desk.

Under the conditions existing since 1918, I therefore have no chance of getting anything done.

And you really want to vote for me?


The source: “Kütemeyer,” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 256-259. The illustration is the book’s dust jacket.


by Joseph Goebbels

One day, he walked into the office and asked if there was something he could do. He was unemployed, and he and his wife could barely survive on the dole. He would gladly give his services to the party. He was quiet and shy. He sat down where he was told, saying little at all about his volunteer activity. After four months of diligent labor, the files, which as the result of band and persecutions had fallen into complete chaos, were back in order. He was the first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night. About all he said was “good morning” and “good evening.” If I happened to walk into his department, he jumped up, stood straight, shook my hand, and was as nervous as a child.

“He had been a brave soldier at the front during the war. After the war he was a merchant until he was ruined by inflation. He worked on a farm, but lost his position because of his political convictions. He returned to the city, one of the army of three million unneeded German workers.

The night before the Hitler meeting he joined comrades in hanging posters. He was out until dawn, returning dead tired to his apartment. He loyal wife forced him to sleep for three hours. Then he was back to work.

His heart is bursting. His pale, haggard face is flushed with excitement, for tonight he will see and hear his Führer for the first time. At five he reports for box office duty at the Sport Palace. As he leaves the office, he asks a comrade: “I wonder who we will bury next?”

As I inspected things around 6:30, I saw him at the counter. I do not ever recall hearing him laugh before, but now he did. His face beamed with joy. He yelled something to me, but I could not understand him.

At 8:15 the supervisor said: “Kütemeyer, you have not yet heard Hitler. Add things up a minute and get into the hall!” He added the money up. To the penny. 420.40 marks. He got the receipt, then left. He was in the back row, since the hall was filled to overflowing. He stood by the doorway, with tears in his eyes, joining the over 16,000 who rose to sing “Germany, Germany above all, and in time of need more than ever.”

Who can blame him for being reluctant to return to the reality of his everyday life? He engaged in lively discussion for two hours with his comrades. Then he headed home to join his wife, who had left immediately after the meeting.

He was attacked on a street corner. He defended himself. But he was outnumbered 20-1, and they beat him down. His face was smashed into a bloody Ecce Homo, his nose broken, the eyes bloodied, the lips torn. He staggered to a quiet spot on the riverbank, hoping to escape the bloodthirsty mob and perhaps to meet one of his comrades who were also being chased through the streets.

A taxi drove through the rain. Filled with red scoundrels. Grinning, the driver stepped on the gas. He was like a wounded animal. A pale man with a bloody face. Go get him! A few blows to the head with a club rendered him unconscious. Throw him over the bank, into the canal! Is he dead already, or is he dying?

Someone heard a loud cry for help as the taxi sped away. A German was drowning in the cold, cold water. He was only a worker. Who cares? One of three million.

The corpse was found at 6 a.m. They found a party membership card and propaganda leaflet in his pocket. That was all. No money, no dagger, no pistol. Only a piece of paper with Hitler’s name on it. The party official who went to the morgue could hardly identify him, so badly was his face beaten in.

His wife woke at 4 a.m. She thought she heard her husband shout “Mother, mother!” It was the hour that he died.

“Suicide! An accident! Drunk! Drowned!” That is what the newspapers said.

The police talked about a regrettable misstep on the riverbank. A fatally injured man falls over a meter high barrier. A man of the Jewish race is at the head of the police. The deceased is nothing but a German worker.

The hats are off and the flags are lowered! But only for a moment! Tighten the chinstraps, and begin our revenge on the destroyers of our people. Work, comrades, work!

This dead man has a right to demand that of us.


The source: “Deutsche, kauft nur bei Juden!” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 331-333

Germans, Buy only from the Jew!

by Joseph Goebbels

Why? Because the Jew sells cheap, but shoddy merchandise, whereas the German sets a proper price for good merchandise. Because the Jew cheats you, whereas the German treats you fairly and honestly. Because you can buy all sorts of trash from the Jew, but the German sells mostly only quality goods.

The Jew is your blood brother, the German the enemy of your people. The Jew provides for you by the sweat of his brow, the German is a lazy good-for-nothing. The Jew stood alongside you at the front for four years, shoulder to shoulder, and risked his life for Germany’s fame and greatness, but the German skulked about in the rear echelon. The Jew died so that Germany could live. Where can you find a Jew who did not lose everything he had in the war and revolution, and where a German who did not grow rich and arrogant? Isn’t it true that the German nailed Jesus to the cross and the Jew transformed his teaching of love into reality?

Buy only in Jewish department stores. What does the small German merchant matter to you? He should go to Palestine and sell his wares there. He does not belong with us in Germany! We are tired of this constant chattering about dying small businesses. It is so comfortable and cozy in the Jewish department store. Every kind of cheap trash is available. Such palaces are found on every street corner. Their lights shine in the dark night, the Christmas trees sparkle in the show windows, the angels swing over a sea of Kitsch, the children laugh and clap their hands, and the benevolent Jewish merchant stands in the background rubbing his hands with glee. Where can you find such a generous and energetic German merchant? What do you mean by saying that the German also wants to make a living? Why? Who does he think he is? He should go on relief like the rest of us. Why should some Germans have it better than the rest of us? That after all is the right of the Jews in Germany. Why do we have a republic if not to benefit the Jews?

Six hundred small businesses have gone bankrupt due to Jewish department stores this Christmas season in Berlin alone! Are there still that many Germans around? Quiet — by next year there will be fewer. There is not much left to go bankrupt in Germany any longer. That is how it should be. Germany for the Jews! That is what we fought and bled for. We’ll spend our last penny to that end.

Set out the Christmas tree. Daughters of Zion, rejoice! The good Germans are forging their own chains from their hard-earned coins. The Jewish financier will use them to impose eternal slavery on Germans. Who would not want to help advance world Jewry’s great benevolent work? Why do we have a neck, if not to bear a yoke? Germany has been for sale for ten years. Who does not want to help? Does anyone ask if the toy under the Christmas tree came from the Jew Tietz or the German Müller? The Jew will grow fat from the coins you give him, the German will starve. So what? Let the light shine on the Jews, let the Germans dwell in darkness. That is what the Lord of the Jews wants, as does his lackey Finance Minister Hilferding. Property is theft, as long as it does not belong to the Jew. Not a penny for the nobility, everything for the bank and stock exchange and department store swindlers!

Christmas is the festival of love. Why should we not love the poor Jews, even make them fat? Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you! When was the Jew not our enemy? When did he not hate and persecute and slander and spit on us? Who would be inhuman enough to demand that we should treat him according to the law he applies to us: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?

The child whose birthday we will soon celebrate came into the world to bring love. But Christ the man learned that one cannot always get by with love. When he saw the Jewish moneychangers in the temple, he took a whip and drove them out of the temple.

Germans, buy only from Jews! Let your fellow citizens starve, and go to the Jewish department stores, especially at Christmas. The greater the injustice you do to your own people, the sooner the day will come when a man comes to take up the whip and drive the moneychangers from the temple of our fatherland.


The source: “Der Jude,” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 322-324.

The Jew

Everything is discussed openly in Germany, and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other… The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel,… One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his…

One Hundred and Seven

That is a nice, round, impressive, and weighty number. Some of us recall the time when we wrote that number on a membership book and thereby… Our duty is to transform the miracle of this political mystery into reality.… Those in the center know our goals: the National Socialist movement has no desire to join the bourgeois party bosses.…

Christmas 1931

The German people faces the hardest, most severe Christmas in its history. True, there were sometimes days in the past filled with misery and… Official Germany defends itself with desperate energy. Activism, however, is… The people have every reason to despair of the future. Were there no National Socialist movement as the last hope of…

Hitler, the Great German

Hitler, the Führer Adolf Hitler, the born mass leader, has as his goal to unify the German people… He began in 1919 with six comrades from the front and labor; in 1923, his movement was crushed as it reached for…

Hitler, the Prophet

Amidst all the desperate babble of the post-war period, a new political faith came to life. It is based in flowing, sacrificial idealism, without… Millions and millions of National Socialists have found in National Socialism…

Hitler, the Fighter

The System [the Nazi term for the Weimar Republic] has had 13 years to prove that it does not even recognize the problem, much less solve it. Its… But the greater part of the nation has a new will to resist. It wants the… That is Adolf Hitler’s work! The masses see in him their last hope. For millions, his name has become the bright…

Hitler, the Reich President

He who opposes class struggle and fraternal murder, who is looking for the way out of chaos and confusion, this man will vote for Adolf Hitler! He…   The source: “Goldene Worte für einen Diktator und für solche, die es werden wollen,” Wetterleuchten.…

Advice for a Dictator

And for Those Who Want to Become One

1. A dictatorship requires three things: a man, an idea, and a following ready to live for the man and the idea, and if necessary to die for them.… 2. A dictatorship can rule against a parliament when necessary, but never… 3. Sitting on bayonets is uncomfortable.

Those Damned Nazis

Why Are We Nationalists? We are nationalists because we see the nation as the only way to bring all the… The nation is the organic union of a people to protect its life. To be national is to affirm this union in word and…

We oppose the Jews because we affirm the German people. The Jew is our greatest misfortune.

It is not true that we eat Jews for breakfast.

It is true that slowly but surely, he is stealing all that we have.

Things would be different if we behaved as Germans.

Revolutionary Demands

What we demand is new, decisive,and radical, revolutionaryin the truest sense of the word. That has nothing to do with rioting and barricades. It… This revolutionary act is beginning to be visible in us. The result is a new… He demands:

The right of personality before that of the mob. Germans always will have preference before foreigners and Jews.

The death penalty for crimes against the people! The gallows for profiteers and usurers! An uncompromising program implemented by men who will implement it… That is what we demand!

Make Way for Young Germany

My fellow citizens: It is really rather remarkable that I, a Prussian, can speak in the Bavaria of… These gentlemen should realize that their political days are numbered. We took care of the political hacks of Social…

Knowledge and Propaganda

My dear fellow party members! Our theme this evening is hotly disputed. I realize that my viewpoint is… What is propaganda, and what role does it have in political life? That is the question of greatest interest to us. How…

Will and Way

It is the task of National Socialist theory to construct a program that can hold its own in the daily political struggle. We have worked on this… The National Socialist movement develops from political practice. It stems not… A good theory is the most practical thing in the world. That has been true for the National Socialist movement, and…

Open Letter from Adolf Hitler to the Reich Chancellor

The Politics of Illusion from Matthias Erzberger to Heinrich Brüning

The Great Illusion of the Last Emergency Decree

Mr. Reich Chancellor! I read the following sentences in your commentary on the Fourth Emergency… “I will continue to resist all efforts by parties to tear apart the German people into two enemy camps in the midst of…

An Unnecessary Attack

The emergency decree hardly supports an attack against the National Socialist movement

Since as you yourself grant in your speech, Mr. Reich Chancellor, that the economic crisis is at least in part the result of the mistakes of previous governments.

We National Socialists had nothing to do with these governments; in fact we always rejected and fought their mistakes that have finally been recognized.

Political grounds also provide no reason for this attack against the National Socialist movement or me personally. Even if an objective analysis of my opposition had found no justification for our actions, at the very least a sense of political justice — which a statesman cannot lack — would have to conclude that there were other movements and parties within Germany besides the National Socialist Party that at least in part attack the present system and your government very sharply. Although it has a different worldview, the Communist Party, for example, attacks not only the current system, but even the state, indeed the whole order, and with consciously chosen illegal methods.

Under the current crisis of the German people burdened by a new emergency decree, fighting against parties could be justified only, Mr. Reich Chancellor, if you had taken a position against all of those forces that oppose you and your government.

But that would mean millions, the overwhelming majority of our people.

On the Value of Silence, Speech, and Action I find the following sentences in the printed version of your speech: “I have been accused of remaining silent for too long. Careful work seems to me more important than speaking, and I…

The value of a law is neither in the time it took to develop, nor in its outward length, but rather exclusively in its ultimate intellectual content. The lightning of a genius has always illuminated the world more brightly than a thousand smoking torches of regulations and laws.

I know that before the revolutions of 1848 governments thought that they had the right to act and their peoples had the duty to remain silent. But even in the Germany of that era there was strong agreement that alongside of the right of the government to act was the of the governed to have an opinion. Alongside the duty of the governed to obey a government, there is a duty on the part of government to respond graciously to objections from the governed.

Particularly since the Revolution of 1918, the German people believes that it has the right to criticize, and to criticize openly, since it was maintained that the lack of free speech was one reason for the downfall of the old system.

The constitution of the new Reich, therefore, does not say: All power comes from the government, but rather that all power comes from the people.

But you, Mr. Reich Chancellor, now jealously assert that no one in Germany has the right to act except the government. That necessarily means restrictions on the ability of the opposition to criticize and speak freely.

If today’s Germany had an Oliver Cromwell, a George Washington, or an Otto von Bismarck, at the moment all three would have to be satisfied by informing the nation of their opposition to the current government only through speaking or writing. And even if these three could only speak today, Mr. Reich Chancellor, one surely could not say that the content of their speeches would be worth less that the content of government decrees!

Such an underestimation of the speech does help me to understand the modest intellectual force of recent German rhetoric from official sources, while the frequency of such rhetorical efforts earns my grudging admiration.

Why do government offices keep using an instrument that they seem to think of so little value, or even hold in contempt? That may, however, explain why they do it so poorly.

Success is the only Measure

The government. Mr. Reich Chancellor, can act. It can realize thoughts and ideas through laws. It can prove the correctness of its ideas through deeds. It watches jealously to ensure that no one else asserts this ability. What do we have left to us, Mr. Reich Chancellor, aside from speech if we want to express to the people our opinions about the destructiveness of your plans, about the mistakes at their core, and about the disasters that will result?

One can, of course, used naked police force to deny the opposition the ability to speak and write. That can only be justified, however, if success against the speaker and in favor of the holder of power results not only in successfully banning a meeting or newspaper, but rather in successfully leading a nation.

The correctness of incorrectness of an intellectual message, whether written or spoken, is in the end determined only by the results. Reich Chancellor Bismarck condemned his critics to respectful silence by the proclamation of a New German Reich that earned international respect and had growing domestic prosperity.

Currently, however, the critical speakers, not the governments of the System, have been proven right.

If those in high office see our speaking as disobedient, than save us the talk and give us power!

Mr. Reich Chancellor, we are ready to act at any time.

Have we ever been unwilling to accept responsibility?


It is well known, Mr. Reich Chancellor, that you reject the possibility of the National Socialist movement and the national opposition taking over the government. The is not easy to justify.

The System,

The System is attempting to preserve itself by making baseless accusations against the NSDAP. According to your speech, there are two reasons why the present governmental… Both reasons are easily refuted.

First, it is untrue that I as leader of the National Socialist movement affirm that the party intends to follow legal methods while my subordinates are of a different opinion.

I along with all of my leaders and party members agree fully with this policy, with the exception of those

However, I am not responsible for them, but rather those high officials who sent them. It is certainly true, Mr. Reich Chancellor, that there have… Mr. Reich Chancellor, if you think it important to deal with these peculiar… Mr. Reich Chancellor, I have always ruthlessly thrown such people out of the party — much to the regret of certain…

The imposition of martial law

Mr. Reich Chancellor! The charge of illusions does not apply to the national opposition, least of all the National Socialist party or me, but above… Illusions from Erzberger to Brüning When the November Revolution of 1918 broke out, the flag of illusion was raised high, and has waved above all…

It was an illusion to sign the Dawes Pact, and to believe in the dream that this would somehow improve the German economy.

The hope one put in the Locarno agreement was an illusion, just as the Young Plan was based on illusions. Illusions from Dawes to Young It was an illusion when one thought that one could salvage the finances of the Reich and the Provinces with the Young…

The emergency decrees from which you expected so much, Mr. Reich Chancellor, have also proven to be illusions.

In my first open letter you to, Mr. Reich Chancellor, I pointed out the serious error in your opinion that Germany must first put its finances and… New Desperate Attempts to Meet Treaty Obligations First, Mr. Reich Chancellor Brüning, that impossibility has already been proven to the world. Second, one could…

The people is interested only in the question of how well poorly one solves these major crises.

Through speeches and the press, one attempts to prove the necessity of the new ordinance as a way to alleviate these crises in our public life. Brüning’s Failures Mr. Reich Chancellor, I now wish to present my views to the German public, just as I did before the Young Plan was…

Disarming decent people has never prevented attacks by less pleasant sorts, and they have never given up their weapons, but rather only decent citizens.

It is a fateful illusion, Mr. Reich Chancellor, to expect that this method will hinder violent acts by communist murderers. The opposite will occur. If you extend the ban on weapons to disarm German households, just as my S.A. is unarmed, Marxist terror will soon move from the streets into homes.

The bandit had never worried about regulations on disarmament. Mr. Reich Chancellor; if you tell him that decent people no longer have weapons at home, you give the bandit license to go into what should be each individual’s castle.

I prophesy, Mr. Reich Chancellor, that this part of the emergency decree will lead to an enormous increase in terror and public insecurity!

Mr. Reich Chancellor, if one considers the last emergency decree, one cannot escape the depressing conviction that it will hold the German people captive to the illusions of the past thirteen years. Realizing that, one cannot escape the obligation to speak.

The National Socialist movement is convinced, more than any other movement, that that a people that wishes to escape its miserable situation can do so only if it is ready to make heavy sacrifices. It considers these sacrifices to be useful and justified only if they are combined with a new faith. The present government has done everything possible psychologically to make our crisis of confidence eternal. It entirely lacks the basic psychological understanding that a system may continue to exist under the constitution because of the fears of the guilty parties, but has long since lost the support of the people. One cannot govern for two years, piling one disappointment upon another, and appeal in the third year to the same faithful trust that one had at the beginning. The System press, of course, will greet each new emergency decree with loud approval, just as paid applauders in the theatre make the most noise for the most miserable performances. They just don’t impress the audience. The people wants no part it any longer. Yet there is no way out that is not based on the faithful trust of the masses. The splintering of our national body will not be alleviated by attempting to bring together conflicting worldviews by laws. The part of the German people that still believes in Marxism shrinks every day; the part that believes in us grows every day. No one believes in the center.

Faith in Germany!

Since all of today’s government measures lack a deep connection to the spirit of a worldview, they also lack the psychological force and thereby the elan that is the fundamental requirement for laws to be effective. One cannot call on “civic discipline” forever, one cannot always seek refuge in legal paragraphs. No, one day the demands of the real lawgivers must become the demands of the nation.

The nation, however, will follow such a demand only if it is motivated by a clear and unified will. Doctrinaire calls and formal demands for calm, peace, and order will not over the long term replace a spirit of inner unity. The breakdown of such a spirit, however, can never be alleviated by an emergency decree, but rather only through final victory over the political-moral decay that today dominates Germany.

In your speech, Mr. Reich Chancellor, you attempted to attack the National Socialist movement, thereby hindering our victory. The practical results, together with your emergency decree to “alleviate” our crisis, will in the end only help to bring about the real salvation of the German nation.

Although that was not the intention, this emergency decree will help my party to victory, and therefore put an end to the illusions of the present System.

Berlin, 13 December 1931

Adolf Hitler

The source: Heinz Franke, Die Journaille lügt! (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1932). The Sensationalist Newspapers Lie! by Heinz Franke

Enemy of the workers

To make these lies believable to German workers, the Red press pirates do not hold back from even the most insolent lies. The National Socialist… “We National Socialists are taking over your workers’ organizations. We are… One does not know whether to be most astounded by the filthy insolence or the blatant stupidity of these…

Marxism has as little claim to socialism as the Marxist parties have to representing the whole German working class.

What German workers should think about that “SPD economic expert,” the famous Comrade Tarnow, is shown by the following blatant lie. At the previously mentioned Reichsbanner mass meeting, Comrade Tarnow said the… “One sees the big winner of the inflation period, Hugenberg, the firebrand Kirschdorff, the rich pensioner Schacht,…

The Harzburg Front

All the talk about a firm alliance, a joining together to fight the working class, are insolent lies that clearly show the great fear of the Red… First, Hitler, Hugenberg, and Selde did not establish a “firm alliance” at… “Against Brüning’s government, which is a brother to big capital and which wants to destroy the rights of the…

Capitalist Hirelings

The Red Jewish press has proclaimed for years in various ways that the NSDAP is supported by big capital. But up to today, these miserable liars… They always attempt to prove their transparent lying agitation with every sort… “In the Pay of Business

And the S.P.D.

The commission that unanimously lowered the pay of metal workers by 7% in fall 1930 included the Social Democrat Prof. Sinzheimer. The three-man team that unanimously reduced the pay in the…

German workers

Why does the SPD slander the Nazis as “reactionary puppets of Hugenberg”? To divert its followers from the fact that those socialist party hacks who… The socialist press lies in saying that a Nazi government would mean the rule…

German workers

“Against Brüning’s government, which is brother to big capital.” When Brüning’s cabinet was shuffled in October 1931, Dr. Warmboldt became… Why does the SPD slander the Nazis as “capitalist hirelings”? To divert the… There is a long line of people like Jakob Goldschmidt, Parvus Helphand, Sklarz, Barmat, Sklarek, and all the rest of…

German workers

That is how the lying socialist party hacks fight capitalism! They take help wherever they find it!

The campaign of lies against the evil Nazis takes enormous sums of cash.

Lie: War!

For years, the Red traitors have said that National Socialism means war, and Jewish scribblers work feverishly to make nervous souls anxious with these fairy tales.


That is an insolent, shameless lie. National Socialism does absolutely reject weak pacifism, the pacifism of those cowards who are pacifists at any… However, National Socialism rejects the impudent Jewish slander that the Nazis… “The National Socialist movement, more than any other party, has among its leaders and members countless participants…

None of us wishes for a war.

But the Jewish-Social Democratic sensationalist newspapers continue to lie that the Nazis are warmongers. The NSDAP knows all too well that one… The claim by the Red party hacks that if the Nazis gain power, there will be…

Civil War

With complete lack of shame, the Red scribblers lie in saying that the Nazis planned a civil war. They are the same elements that bear the… This is all a perfidious attempt at diversion. These Red traitors of the… “We will destroy the National Socialists to the last man!”And on 7 January 1931 the Social Democratic Eisenacher…

Each motorcycle, or the owner of one, is registered and has accepted messenger duties.

Bicycle companies have been organized.

All members are organized in specific groups. All those who know how to use hand grenades are organized in one group, those with military experience with machine guns in another, etc.

5. Nearly everyone (about 60 men who attended the last meeting) enthusiastically and voluntarily said that they were ready for ‘the life and death battle.’

6. All covered trucks from consumer cooperatives, production facilities, and other factories and concerns where the Reichsbanner is in the majority have been registered and fit into the big ‘plan.’

Units will be secretly transported, concealed in the trucks, so that each will seem to be innocent freight.

And these lying sensationalist newspapers dare to accuse us National Socialists of having plans for civil war! With unequalled hypocrisy, Paul Löbe wrote in the Hessischer Volksfreund,… “Let them come! We are there, we are armed, and we will greet them!

And the S.P.D.

In order to divert the masses from the undeniable fact that it was the Red leaders who betrayed the German army and destroyed the powerful military.… For centuries, the French people has had but one goal: the splintering and… It is this France, filled with the desire to destroy Germany, that is the best ally that the Social Democrats have.…

Young Plan

The then Reich Minister of the interior Severing spoke on 9 October 1929 over the radio. According to Vorwärts of 10 October 1929, he said… “The Young Plan eases things!” “No one can deny that that the German economy that we all hope will improve, will face no increase in reparations…

In June 1929, before the Young Plan, Germany had 720,000 unemployed.

Today, after two years of the Young Plan, the unemployment rate is far above 6 million.

It has increased by almost a factor of ten in 2 1/2 years.

Capital Flight

The Nazis are responsible for the capital flight! It is interesting that the same elements that always lied in claiming the Nazis were capitalist… Where is the logic in that? However, logic is never important to the desperate… They thus kept silent to the masses about the law the NSDAP proposed in the Reichstag to prevent capital flight:


The only thing to say about this miserable lie is that the NSDAP has always said that it wants to create a stable currency. The noise about inflation is only at attempt to the socialist party hacks to… In November 1922 , as everyone today agrees, a committee met in Berlin to discuss the currency question. The Social…

Paragraph 1

The statement in Paragraph 17 of the Bank Law, under which that part of the Reich bank notes in circulation which are backed by hard German money, Reich notes, or gold in bars of foreign coins, may not fall below a third, is suspended until 31 December 1923.

Paragraph 2

This law takes effect on the day following publication.

Berlin, 9 May 1921. The Reich President: signed, Ebert

The shamelessness with which the Red sensationalist newspapers carry on their campaign of lies is proven to us by an issue of Vorwärts dated 15 October 1931. Under the question “Do you want that again?” Vorwärts printed a picture of an old 500 million mark note from the inflation period. However, good old honest Vorwärts was rather careless. The 500 million mark note was printed on 1 September 1923, at which point the Reich Minister of Finance was the Social Democrat Hilferding!

Wherever one looks, lies and slander!

Why does the SPD slander the Nazis as politicians of catastrophe?

To divert the masses from its own outrageous policies of deceiving the people and betraying the workers, which have led the German people into the greatest catastrophe in generations. The Red party hacks are using lies and slander against the awakening German people, united in the NSDAP. Fear and a guilty conscience drives them to one new lie after another. With the large sums of money that the Red sensationalist newspapers get from Jewish high finance, they are conducting a huge propaganda campaign.

As the Mitteilungsblatt der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Hessen revealed in December 1930, in the 4th quarter of 1930, after the September election, the SPD party leadership distributed

Mass brochures free of charge.

Despite this enormous agitation, the SPD has had a disastrous year in 1931. Its slogan “Where is the second man?” was laughed to death. Today, the… In vain? It accomplishes nothing! The German worker has seen through their lying game. He knows today that

The sensationalist newspapers lie

Lie as much as you want! The German worker does not believe you any longer. He turns his back on the… Adolf Hitler’s party!

The Hindenburg Election of 1925

The election was inconclusive, since none of the candidates had the necessary majority. (In the first round, a candidate must have more votes than… As was to be expected, the Reds, and also the Center Party, conducted the… It is interesting and instructive to compare the outbursts of the System parties in 1925 and 1932. One thereby…

Center Party 1925

The Center Party issued a leaflet with the title: “Why am I not voting for Hindenburg?” It stated: Not Hindenburg, because 1: Since the revolution, he has done nothing for the… Not Hindenburg, because 2: He lost the World War in the West and therefore has responsibility for the huge war…

That was seven years ago.

And today?

Center Party 1932

“The whole German people, insofar as it has retained a healthy sense of its true national duties in the midst of all the political controversies,… In the same issue, we read an article titled “The People’s Front”: “There is no German more or better suited than Hindenburg to be the sure refuge and safe gathering place of the nation…

Black-Red Scoundrels

The Center Party and the SPD on their presidential candidate

[The cartoon shows Wilhelm Marx slaying the dragon of inflation, while… And today, these sorry characters want to vote for this same Hindenburg as a so-called “people’s candidate”? Give…

Field Marshal von Hindenburg.

The heroic figure of Hindenburg has been tested in war and peace, in times glorious and dark. He enjoys unique respect both at home and abroad. In… The attempt to save the German people from this election failed. The partisan… In conscious opposition to such turmoil, and confident of the agreement and support of countless people’s comrades…

The Democrats in 1925

The democratic Jewish press, of course, did not hold back in piling filth nd insults on an honorable old officer. A few examples of the work of those Galician press reptiles:

Vossische Zeitung

“...The catastrophic impression that Hindenburg’s candidacy has had in America is becoming clearer and clearer; ... German-Swiss concerns ... A… 14 April 1925 “It would be false piety if one were to put this experienced man of war in a position in which he would be helpless…

Berliner Morgenpost

“All of Germany’s enemies rejoice, all of its friends are dismayed.” 15 April 1925 “...If Hindenburg comes before the nation with the claim to be the highest official of the nation, then the protection…

Jews for Hindenburg

19 April 1925

“For black marketers to loaf about
And for patriots to starve,
To unite the whole world again
Against one foe,
To make the rich grow richer
And for children to die of hunger
All that you can count on —
Just vote for Hindenburg!”

And seven years later?

The Democrats in 1932

“The mass meeting at which Hindenburg accepted the nomination to run for a second term of office is a truly historic moment... Thus speaks a man in… Vossische Zeitung, Nr. 78 of 16 February 1932: “Field Marshal von Hindenburg decided to accept the nomination because he wished to put an end to the blatant and…

Social Democrats in 1925

Vorwärts wrote: “A catastrophic president... He busies himself by polishing his medals... Save… Whenever Vorwärts dislikes an opponent, the noble paper uses the term “catastrophic politician.” At the moment,…

This riff-raff fought Hindenburg with French cash.

And now?

Social Democrats 1932

“A lack of Social Democratic votes will mean, with mathematical certainty, the victory of Fascist Reaction. Unless something happens at the last… In 1925 the Social Democrats lied to the masses by saying that Hindenburg…

The Reason behind the Black-Red Coalition

The reason that the Black-Red coalition supporting Hindenburg’s re-election is the absolute and total bankruptcy, the obvious failures of the System parties, in every area of foreign and domestic policy.

Foreign Policy Failures

The revolt of 9 November 1918 took the weapons away from the fighting troops. Today the guilty parties, and in particular the Social Democratic… [The illustration caption: “Hindenburg had to defend himself before the System parties in 1919.” The picture are of…

Domestic Failures

Not a single one of the promises that the Red party hacks fed the masses over the decades was kept. The whole revolutionary comedy has turned out to… Social Democracy’s revolution of 9 November 1918 betrayed German workers.… Social Democratic functionaries settled in nicely into capitalism. The System hack developed, Jewish parasites dug…

With his signature, Hindenburg has supported the Young Plan that destroyed the German economy, and supported the reparations-paying policies of the System parties.

The top picture shows “a meeting in the Reichstag restaurant,” the bottom a disabled war veteran.

Hindenburg approved and signed Reich Chancellor Brüning’s emergency decrees that reduced the support of German workers to the barest minimum, and plunged disabled war veterans into the bitterest poverty and misery.

Hindenburg tolerated and approved the crippling of the German freedom movement through political emergency decrees that eliminated freedom of the press and opinion.

Hindenburg banned old soldiers and his former comrades from wearing their honorable brown and field-gray uniforms, which particularly affected the national freedom movement.

Hindenburg tolerated and protected the terror and slander of Marxist government offices against the men who, despite hatred and bloody terror, made his election possible seven years ago.

The Great Illusion

Yet these plain words are a great tragedy! They reveal the great illusion of the German middle class of the unity of the German nation! In his election proclamation, Hindenburg said:

As long as there are still millions of people in Germany who hold to the Marxist insanity of class struggle, the German people will be unable to find its way to unity.

As long as there are governments in Germany that tolerate the treasonous and subversive activities of Bolshevists in Moscow’s pay, there is no possibility of a united German people.

As long as Germany lacks a people, all the talk of unity is in vain.

One can never build a united people by talking about unity.

A united people can only be built though action. Through eliminating the doctrine of class struggle and excluding those who preach it.

A united German people can only develop in a National Socialist state of national honor and social justice.

And only in a National Socialist state characterized by a people’s community can that which we all long for develop:

a new German people!

Everything else is empty talk,

is an illusion!!

The Great Danger

The great danger is that in all this talk about unity, the real danger that threatens the German people in Bolshevism, is underestimated. As the result of the great betrayal of the workers by Social Democratic party hacks, and the total failure of the System, Bolshevism has become a grave danger to the future of the German people.

Led by Jewish puppet-masters and cunning journalists, the KPD has lured some of the workers betrayed by the SPD with its promises. The KPD uses its boundless agitation against any kind or ordered state to turn the commune of its supporters into enemies of the state. Using insane agitation of hatred and murder, the KPD’s leadership wants to create a murderous atmosphere that makes any discussion between National Socialists and Communists impossible. They want to prevent their supporters from learning the truth about Communism and its leaders.

The System tolerates communist rabble-rousing against the state, just as it tolerates murderous communist rabble-rousing against National Socialists.

The System alone bears the guilt for the rise of the Bolshevist danger, for its toleration has paved the way for communism

As long as such an intolerable situation exists in Germany, all the talk about unity is nothing but a dangerous illusion. If this System remains in control the bolshevist danger will continue to grow enormously, until one day catastrophe will fall on Germany. It will be a catastrophe of incredible scope.

Bolshevism in Germany means nothing other than

world war!

Even worse, a world war

on German soil!

That is no empty threat to scare good, prosperous citizens, but rather a grave danger that threatens Germany’s ruination.

One need only recall Germany’s current situation.

Germany is open on all sites, sitting defenseless in the center of Europe. Three large national states surround Germany, bound together by military treaties:

France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia

These three national states (as opposed to a Bolshevist state) together have about 8 million soldiers equipped with the best modern weapons.

These three national states, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia would have no choice, if they did not want to surrender — which a national state… For just as surely as these three national states would intervene, so, too,…

This world war would take place on German soil. Quite simply, a Bolshevist Germany is the only state that would have no means to defend itself against the invasion of foreign armies.

Bolshevism in Germany and a world war on German soil. World war with all the most modern methods — that would mean the total destruction of Germany, after which there would

no longer be a German people!

It would mean chaos, destruction, defeat!

One cannot eliminate this threatening danger with empty words about the necessity of unity. The danger can be combated only by the National Socialist freedom movement.

This danger can be eliminated only be creating a new,

A National Socialist Germany.

Therefore, a responsible German today cannot vote for Field Marshal von Hindenburg. Any non-National Socialist Reich President — even Mr. Hindenburg — is, whether… German people’s comrade, that is what is at stake in the Reich Presidential election!

Facts and Lies about Hitler

Two men stand at the fore in the battle for power in Germany, and behind each two mighty columns of the German people march. One man is the… It is a piece of the German tragedy that those who today are depending on the… Hindenburg, his officers, and his victorious army were once the target of the gutter press and the deceivers of the…

Achieving freedom for the German people,

Achieving its proper place among the peoples,

Building the foundations for its ability to survive.

This requires the organization of the domestic life of a people according to the principles that will best enable it to face the rest of the world,… It means the greatest possible support for the economy, and the use of all… Capital and labor are equally essential for highly developed economy. Neither of the two factors can benefit at the…

A Selection of Lies about Hitler

The Center Party and its allies in the “Bavarian People’s Party”lied: Adolf Hitler is member of the “Free of Rome movement.” When this was proven to… The S.P.D. lied: Hitler supposedly had “Champagne parties with beautiful… The S.P.D. and Center Party lied:Hitler betrayed South Tyrol and was rewarded with money from Italy.

Answers to the Most Common Lies

Besides a court verdict, a South Tyrolean answered this one.Count Fedrigotti, a leader of the South Tyrol Home Federation, and Member of the Andreas… Hitler certainly has not forgotten the South Tyroleans. He himself was born… Is Hitler “Subservient to Rome”?

Hitler, of course, volunteered immediately at the beginning of the war and served in the Bavarian army from the start to the finish. Since he was in Munich at the time, this required the permission of the King of Bavaria. His service at the front was interrupted only by two wounds.

“Hitler — A Shirker”

The party that, along with the USPD that had again joined its ranks, just after the revolution proclaimed it an honor to have been a shirker, or even a deserter, invented the lie shortly before the Reich presidential election that Hitler had shirked his duty. At Fournes in particular, he had always been “far from the action.” A temporary ban was imposed on that SPD pamphlet. In the subsequent court proceeding, the judge had to rule that the claim was untrue, based on an impressive number of sworn statements by witnesses, either on paper or directly before the court.

Here are excerpts from the sworn statements:

“... I want to stress that, when during the attack on the axe-shaped piece of forest (later called the Bavarian Forest), I left the cover of the forest near Wytschaete to better observe the attack, Hitler and another courier from the regimental staff, the volunteer Bachmann, placed themselves in front of me to protect me from machine gun fire with their own bodes.”

Signed: Engelhardt, Major General (retired), former commander of the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“... I can only give former Corporal Hitler the greatest praise for his extraordinary accomplishments. Fournes was a village behind the regiment’s battle line. It served as a recovery area for battalion relieved from the front, and also served as the seat of the regimental staff during calmer periods. The village was within the danger zone, and was frequently under rather heavy fire. During battle, the regimental headquarters was moved about 3/4 of an hour forward to Fournelles, and orders had to be carried to the front line. The path was often under enemy machine gun and artillery fire. I can never remember a single time when Hitler was absent from his post. Hitler may wear the medals he earned with pride...”

Signed: Satny, Colonel (retired), former commander of the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“Mr. Hitler, as corporal, was a courier for the regimental staff, and was not only always willing to carry out hard tasks, but did so with distinction. I stress that the List Regiment, as might be expected from its history, was at the toughest parts of the front, fighting in frequent major battles...”

Signed: Baligand, Colonel (retired), last commander of the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“... At particularly dangerous points I often was asked for volunteers, and at such times Hitler regularly volunteered, and without hesitation...”

Signed: Bruno Horn, Lieutenant with the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“... Hitler never hesitated in the least in carrying out even the most difficult order, and very often took on the most dangerous duties for his comrades.

Couriers for the regimental staff had to be among the most reliable people, because serving as a regimental courier during battles and skirmishes required iron nerves and a cool head. Hitler always did his duty, and even after his severe thigh wound, and volunteered to be sent back to his regiment from the reserve battalion immediately after his release from the hospital...”

Signed: Max Amann, former sergeant with the the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“... I often met Corporal Adolf Hitler as he served as courier to and from the front. Anyone who understands the duties of a courier — and any soldier who has served at the front does — knows what it means, day after day and night after night to move through artillery fire and machine gun fire from the rear...”

Signed: Joseph Lohr, officer candidate with the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“... It is true that Hitler was nearly blinded by a courier mission during a heavy gas attack, even though he was wearing a gas mask...”

Signed: Jakob Weiß, NCO with the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List).

“... Hitler received the Iron Cross, First Class, during the spring or summer of 1918 for his outstanding service as a courier during the great offensive of 1918, an in particular for his personal capture of a French officer and about 15 men, whom he suddenly encountered during a mission, and as a result of his quick thinking and decisive action, captured.

Hitler was seen by his fellow couriers, and many others in the regiment, as one of the best and bravest soldiers.”

Signed: Ernst Schmidt, with the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16 (List) from November 1914 until October 1918.

The most sensational moment of the trial came during the testimony of Hitler’s regimental comrade Michel Schlehuber, a Social Democrat and union member for 35 years, who was called as a witness by the opposing side:

“I have known Hitler since the departure for the front of the Bavarian R.-F.-R. 16. I came to know Hitler as a good soldier and faultless comrade. I never saw Hitler attempt to avoid any duty or danger.

I was part of the division from first to last, and never heard anything then or afterwards bad about Hitler. I was astonished when I later read unfavorable things about Hitler’s service as a soldier in the newspapers.

I disagree entirely with Hitler on political matters, and give this testimony only because I highly respect Hitler as a war comrade.”

Signed: Michael Schlehuber

“Hitler Cannot Keep His Promises!”

Hitler promises nothing, and has never promised anything.He has begun a number of his speeches by saying that he is not in the happy position of the speakers of other parties who, for example, speak only to farmers, and can therefore promise higher prices for their products, or only to city-dwellers, and therefore promise lower food prices, or promise higher pay to civil servants, or higher pay to workers, or lower wages to employers, or tax reductions to everyone. He speaks in his meetings to those of all classes and occupations of the German people, and he knows that promises made by others cannot be kept, since they contradict each other. As he said: “I plan only one thing for the new state: work, work, and more work, for we have become a poor people! However, everyone who wants to work should be able to work, and each should know why he is working — he should benefit from the results of his labor.”

Hitler Will Make All Working Women Unemployed!”

This has been a particularly effective election lie, based on the falsification of a statement by a National Socialist speaker. Of course Hitler does not intend to suddenly throw working women onto the street. He knows that, from an economic standpoint, it makes no difference whether several million more men or several million more women are unemployed. He knows that it would harm the economy and state apparatus if trained, experienced women, who may be better qualified than men, suddenly were laid off. He knows that, under current economic conditions, men cannot suddenly take care of women who were formerly employed. He knows that families with many children, or injured war veterans receiving a starvation pension, cannot do without the usually small income of the woman, if they are not to join the enormous number of people today who commit suicide as a last resort.

Hitler will not play around with measures like the 4-pfenning emergency decree [In December 1931, the Brüning government decided to issue a four pfennig coin to encourage lower prices. It did not go over well.], but rather will attack the root of the problem.That means bringing the army of the unemployed, and each individual, back into the productive process.

“Hitler is Just a Dilettante”

That is said by the same citizens, and the same “national” newspapers who once saw the former saddle-maker Friedrich Ebert as a worthy president of the German Reich, and who could not say enough about his “significance as a statesman.”And by the same ones who held Hindenburg for a great genius able to master all areas, even though he himself said in his memoirs that he had never read a book that was not on military matters.

A former imperial ambassador, certainly no political novice, said this about Hitler:

“I had two opportunities to speak for a long time with Hitler. I will never be able to forget these conversations.

I hold Hitler to be a political thinker of extraordinary stature. He naturally understands things that require hard work for others.

His fine sense of foreign policy is surprising, which allows him to make the right decision instinctively...”

Burg Rotenburg, Wieslock-Land, Baden, 10 March 1932.

Signed: Franz von Reichenau, Imperial Ambassador (retired), Privy Councilor

One might ask who showed the greater political wisdom: Hindenburg, who when he signed the Young Plan said that it would benefit Germany in every way, or Hitler, who rejected the plan and predicted precisely the consequences it would have for Germany. Or the abilities shown by an entirely unknown man, without resources, in the face of resistance and persecution, who took a group of seven men and made it into the best-organized political movement in Germany, which today has over 11 million supporters, nearly a third of all voting Germans, while the Hindenburg Front includes 16 (!) parties attempting to block Hitler’s victory.

It might also be noted the Italian bourgeoisie once had equally “serious reservations” about the “dilettante” Mussolini. Mussolini had this to say during the 1930 Reichstag election: “Hitler is a great leader, a great organizer.”

Answers to Frequent Questions

Hitler says: “You cannot be a true nationalist without also being a socialist; you others… To be a nationalist means loving ones own people more than all others, and worker to be sure that it can hold its own…

The accomplishments of the National Socialist government were recognized by those who had previously distrusted National Socialist governments. The best proof of that is the unprecedented increase in votes for National Socialism in areas with National Socialist governments.

Since the National Socialists took over the government in Coburg, its votes increased from 5143(already the absolute majority)to 8,345, in Thuringia from 90,236 to 333,000, in Braunschweig from 67,900 to 124,360.

That is the answer of voters who had the opportunity to observe and evaluate National Socialist governments.

Does Hitler Have Enough Trained People to Fill All the Important Positions?

Hitler does not intend to fill all positions with members of his own party.He has often said — and to parties and organizations that want to make their “claims” — that he will use all leading experts, men who really understand their fields, regardless of the party to which they belong. Men who have proved themselves will stay in their positions.

Hitler does not want to subject the German people to further experiments. We have had enough of the experiments of the Hindenburg parties, which brought us inflation, poverty, and economic collapse!

Historical Overview

Adolf Hitler

His father had worked himself up from the orphaned son of a poor farmer to a customs official. His motheralso came from a German farming family.… At 17, he moved to Vienna, hoping to become an architect, and had to support… He moved to Munich in 1912, learning and studying. He did not have an easy youth, knowing only work and hardship from…

Hitler decided to become a politician.

The Beginning: Seven Men Hitler speaks for the first time to 7 men in September 1919, then to 11, to…

The insanity of Versailles,

The first local groups are founded in Rosenheim and Landshut. Hitler organizes the first protective brigade of the party, and begins the battle… He told his meetings that “fulfilling” the requirements of the treaties would… An attempt at an internal party revolt fails. Hitler proposes a new party constitution, and receives dictatorial…

His first jail term

During summer 1923, Hitler begins breaking Red terror in most Bavarian cities. Regensburg, Hof, Bayreuth, Nuremberg, Fürth, Ingolstadt,… Hitler’s battle against the incompetent Reich government leads to sharp… In November 1923, Adolf Hitler attempts to bring down the System. The uprising fails. Adolf Hitler is arrested. …

Hitler is released on 20 December.

On 27 February 1925, Adolf Hitler calls a meeting to reestablish the party, and speaks for the first time since his release to over 4,000 people.

In December 1925, the party has 27,000 members. Terrified, the Center Party and Social Democrats ban the Führer from… The first party rally after Hitler’s release is held in June 1926.

At the end of 1931, the Hitler movement has 806,000 members, a month later 862,000, a month after that 920,000. By the day of the election, it will probably have about a million members, and countless millions of voters.

The once poor worker without any means, and the later German front soldier, has build the largest political movement Germany has ever had in just 13 years. The opponents have no methods to use against this man any longer except lies and slanders! Just as this man has always won in the past, despite all the lies, he will win the victory this time, too!

For who else is there in Germany who has built anything similar from nothing, and in the face of the resistance of the other parties, of high finance, of capital, of the press, of public opinion, of the bureaucracy, of lies, terror, and bloody persecution?

This person is no child of patronage, but rather one who from his boyhood, in the best sense of the word, has been a self-made man!


The source: Wirtschaftliches Sofortprogramm der N.S.D.A.P. (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1932).

Emergency Economic Program of the NSDAP

Produced by Section IV (Economics) of the Reichsorganisationsleitung der NSDAP. 2nd edition (101,000 to 600,000 copies) The following discussion contains the NSDAP’s emergency economic program in… All statements by party comrades that deviate from or contradict this material are to be viewed as private opinions. …

I. The National Socialist Job Creation Program

B. Methods of creating jobs We have the productive capacity for more jobs. We have markets for increased jobs. These markets are… C. Land reclamation The extent of necessary land reclamation work … D. Working housing The private home as dwelling The private home as a productive space Building …

II. General Economic Measures

G. Bank and credit policy Bank supervision The money transfer system Reducing interest rates H. Administrative and tax measures Price controls Avoiding excessive… I. Agriculture The current situation Wrong economic policies Correct economic policies What measures…

Unemployment causes poverty, employment creates prosperity.

Just as the individual sinks into poverty when he no longer has a job, so also must a whole people sink into poverty when it does not use its productive strength and tolerates a political-economic system that hinders people’s comrades who are willing and able to work to support themselves.

Capital does not create jobs, but rather jobs create capital.

The “brilliant” capitalist economists maintain that we cannot work because we lack the means. That is nonsense. The less we work, the less must be our means, and the greater the unproductive waste and destruction of our national resources. The more we work, the greater our capital, and therefore the greater the results of our labor.

Unemployment benefits burden the economy, but job creation stimulates the economy.

All of these sacrifices are useless. Unemployment, poverty, and deficits have to get worse, the general situation ever more hopeless, as long as… If public means are no longer wasted, but rather are used to create jobs, our… Today we are wasting our resources, but this policy will lead to the formation of new capital. National Socialism will…

Working people cannot be satisfied with meager unemployment benefits. Working people demand the right to a job.

B. Methods of creating jobs

We have the productive capacity for more jobs.

We have markets for increased jobs.

These markets are available only domestically.

Creating jobs requires refocusing the German economy on the domestic market.

The results of previous economic policy have proven that all the efforts to increase our exports resulted not in increased jobs, but only in increased unemployment. We therefore have to seek increased sales where they are to be found, in the domestic market. Therefore, we need to increase protection for domestic production (see section F 1), since otherwise the dumping prices of foreign competitors will make selling our own products on the domestic market impossible.

Focusing on the domestic market requires an increase in agricultural production.

Although our industrial production capacity is far greater than necessary to meet German demand, our agriculture today is not in a position to produce what the German people needs. Within a few years, however, German soil can be improved and its cultivation intensified so that Germany can be independent of foreign foodstuffs (see Section C).

The focus on domestic markets must lead to the social liberation of the German worker.

What needs to be done.

Promoting the fertility of German soil by land reclamation (see Section C). Building developments with single-family houses for workers to promote the… Building roads, canals, etc., to support the domestic exchange of goods, settling people in the East, and loosening…

Only the state can accomplish these tasks.

C. Land Reclamation 1. The extent of necessary land reclamation work. a) Draining land: 8.5 million hectares. The increase in production is 80 marks per hectare, or 680 million marks in…

Benefits and costs of the work

The increase in production in a-e above totals around 2 billion marks.

The costs are estimated at about 8.5 billion marks, excluding land redistribution costs, by the German Society for Land Reclamation. Assuming an additional 1.5 billion marks for land redistribution, dams, and dikes, total costs would be about 10 billion marks, resulting in an annual increase in productivity of at least two billion marks.

D. Worker Housing

The private home as dwelling

Objection: We already have too many apartments today. Response: This false impression results from the general economic crisis. In…

The private home as a productive space

Objection 1:Agriculture will be hurt by the gardens of homeowners. Response: Homeowners will be unable to raise either grain or animals on their… Objection 2: The produce of homeowners will harm farmers’ markets.

Building settlements of individual homes

The plan is to build 400,000 private homes per year. That will provide employment for one million people. E. Finances

Financing public job creation

Savings for the unemployed; office and town payments for unemployment support of 33% of wages, or 25% of the total costs. Increased revenues for social security: 16% of wages, or 12% of total costs. … Increased taxes: 15% of total costs.

Financing production

This will involve providing credit for manufacturing standard products that are in demand and can be stored. These include grain, fertilizers, coal,… That will result in an immediate increase in production, and give many workers… Harmful impacts on our currency will not occur, since: The products may not be sold at a higher than allowed…

Foreign trade

The current situation

Since the middle of last year, foreign countries began systematically to strangle German exports. The result has been a decline in German exports of about 35%, more than a third, in the first four months of 1932 as against the previous year, while German imports declined about 8% during the same period. This attack by foreign nations on the German economy has worsened our condition significantly. It is time to take defensive measures to rescue our economy.

Guidelines for our trade policy

Carrying out these measures will be the task of the Office for Foreign Economic Relations (Foreign Trade Office and Foreign Currency Office). Objection 1:The decline in German exports is simply the result of the world… Response: If this were the case, exports of other countries would also have declined by 35% in the first four months…

Foreign currency supplies

That is the inheritance that the bourgeois-liberal and Marxist governments have left to us: 22 billion in foreign debt. These debts have to be repaid with interest. In 1931, the German people… It is entirely clear that the measures mentioned are not sufficient to meet the annual payments. We will work out a…

Law against capital flight

In order to make the burdens its emergency decrees have put on the German people more palatable, the Brüning government has found it advisable… These regulations are in no way enough: It is necessary to introduce a…

Currency Reform

The economic effects of departing from the gold standard are most clearly shown by England’s departure from the gold standard. According to Nr. 4, Part A of the semi-official Vierteljahrshefte für… “While the contraction process continued in other countries, the process came to a halt in the fourth quarter — after…

Bank supervision

We therefore demand that the banking system and the money and capital systems be nationalized, just as the railroad and postal systems were fifty… As a result of the state support since July 1931, through which the Reich… As preparation for the nationalization of the banking system, we demand the right of the state to supervise and…

The money transfer system

Postal checks will have aconvenient size. An expansion of the money transfer system will help eliminate the shortage of…

Reducing interest rates

A comprehensive state control of the entire banking system must eliminate this situation and reduce interest rates to a point where productive… The objection that this is impossible can be answered by saying that it is… H. Administrative and tax measures

Price controls

State price controls, therefore, must insure that large deviations from appropriate prices are prevented (fertilizer prices, salt prices, radio… Objection: This is a harmful intervention by the state. Response: If prices are reasonable, state intervention is unnecessary. And the freedom of creative economic activity…

Avoiding excessive expenditures

Party book officials, who do nothing for the general good, and who waste public resources, must be eliminated. Administration must be simplified, respecting the well-earned rights of the… Expenses for prestige projects must be radically reduced. This includes limitations on the use of government…

Increasing the burden on those with strong shoulders

Those with high incomes over 500 marks monthly must be a surtax for job creation. High earners of over 15,000 marks annually will pay a correspondingly higher… For civil servants, the highest annual pay will be fixed at 12,000 marks. (This will not be a permanent change in the…

Eliminating corruption

Civil servants may not participate in any way in companies with which their offices have business relations.

Doctors may have no connections to pharmaceutical factories and other concerns that manufacture medications or health products.

The death penalty for black marketers and profiteers.

I. Agriculture

The current situation

A further fundamental cause of the poverty of German farmers is the difference in prices for agricultural and industrial products when compared to… Reduced purchasing power and unbearable interest and tax rates have led to… The result: Further impoverishment of framers, reduced purchasing power, increased unemployment, and a lessening of…

Wrong economic policies

Correct economic policies

4. What measures must be taken? Raising the prices of agricultural products be reducing imports of agricultural goods. Imports can be reduced…

Settling the East

For reasons of both population and national need, we require the fastest possible program of settlements in the East.

Goal: Establishing independent German agriculture in the threatened East.

Requirements: Fundamental improvements in agriculture in general, multiple years of taxation exemption for the settlers, cheap loans and the creation of markets by improving transportation routes, and making them less expensive.

K. Industry

Approval requirements for new production facilities

Nationalization and state supervision

Stock companies must be placed under state supervision, which will largely follow the model of bank control (see section G 1). Objection: Any state intervention is harmful. Response: State intervention, on the contrary, is necessary to protect the economy from the worst damage by the…

Easier financing

Companies that have contracts must be guaranteed the necessary credit to carry out those contracts. See section E 2.

L. Craftsmen, commerce, and retail

The current situation

Department stores and consumer societies

Immediate help is necessary. New department stores, low-priced shops, and chain stores may not be opened. The reorganization of the entire department store system following the National Socialist party program is essential. Tax preferences for user groups (consumer societies) are to be eliminated.


All cooperatives that support the independent middle class will be protected and encouraged. Cooperatives that endanger the independent middle class will be combated through taxation and other means.

Publicly-owned concerns

Publicly-owned concerns are to be reduced to the absolute minimum necessary. Such concerns will be prohibited immediately from accept private orders, unless there is a compelling public interest or some other requirement (See other assistance measures under the lowering of interest, bank controls, etc.)

Public contracts

Objection and Response: The Marxist objection that one must proletarianize the independent middle class in the interests of hurrying the arrival of… M. Social Questions

The right to employment

2. Existing jobs must be reserved for German people’s comrades If we are to guarantee the right to employment for our people’s comrades, we… Consistent with this principle, we must be sure that in all production German material is preferred to foreign…

Social insurance

National Socialism will do all it can to maintain the social insurance system, which has been driven to collapse by the present System. The only way to rescue social insurance is by creating jobs.

Care of the elderly

We will make immediate preparations to carry out point 15 of the party platform: “We demand a generous expansion of support for the aged.”

Paying of new pensions, of course, can happen only after the newly insured have made contributions over a number of years. Maintenance of benefits for those injured by war and for miners is to be guaranteed.

Profit sharing

Labor service

  The source: G. Stark, Moderne politische Propaganda (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher…

Modern Political Propaganda


The following observations focus on large cities, not on the countryside. However, the essentials of propaganda are largely similar. The face of the city, as a center of production and consumption, is marked by… This out-and-out commercial advertising is aimed exclusively at earning money, and appeals only to the billfold. But…

The Organization of Propaganda

The task of these propaganda centrals is to study advertising methods and see how we can use them, which requires above all a well-organized… To this end each local group must train propaganda wardens, who will lead the… Of course, each party member should help out with propaganda. To be a member is to be obligated to serve. The S.A. is…

The Methods of Propaganda

There are four kinds of propaganda: Propaganda through the written word, Propaganda through the spoken word, Propaganda through mass… 1. Propaganda through the written word:flyers, leaflets, party newspapers and… a) Not much needs to be said about the effectiveness of stickers. Their task is to be a constant reminder to the…

Propaganda through the spoken word

a) The most basic form of oral propaganda is the discussion with the individual. This form is still the most effective, since deep contact is… b) The study group deepens the idea and educates the party member, and… A discussion evening is not a membership meeting, open only to a certain audience, but rather a public gathering to…

Tested Methods of Modern Propaganda

The difficult election battle is behind all the parties. The Reichstag election of 1932 was particularly difficult for the NSDAP, since an enormous… Since the KPD[Communists] did not particularly exert themselves in this… In general, one can say that the SPD’s propaganda was very clever and understood the psychology of the masses. They…

The New Year 1940-41

One of the most significant years in German history ends today. Not only the Reich, but Europe as a whole changed greatly during its course. States,… Today such comments are long forgotten. We hardly remember them. We can hardly… Being a prophet is a thankless task. Things always exceed what we prophesy. Things are on the move, transforming the…

December 1943

The year 1943 is nearing its end. It will never be forgotten by us who fought and worked and lived through it. It was the most difficult year of the… Our war position has indeed become tighter than it was at the end of 1942, but… It will forever be the greatest shame of the century that England and the United States joined with Bolshevism in…

Our Hitler

The Führer has probably never had so many happy people gathered about him for his birthday as in this year. All the 75 million people of the… The highest form of joy there is on this earth is to make other people happy.… world. Not one German in our great fatherland would wish to be a member of another people or a citizen of another…

Bringing a miracle that was no miracle, only the result of tireless work blessed by the hand of the Almighty.

It is therefore no empty phrase when all of us in our great Reich join with those beyond its borders, across seas and continents, in asking the… There are men one respects, men one admires, and men one honors. We love the… He is to us what he was to us, and he will remain to us what he is to us: Our Führer!

Our Hitler

In an unsettled and confused world, Germany tomorrow celebrates a national holiday in the truest sense of the word. It is a holiday for the entire… Tomorrow the Führer finishes his fiftieth year. The entire German nation… The highest that a person can achieve is to give his name to an historical era, to stamp his personality indelibly on…

Our Hitler

On 3 September last year, two hours after English plutocracy declared war on the German Reich, the British Prime Minister Chamberlain gave a radio… At the beginning of the war, however, they sang the same old song. It was a… But that is aside from the point. If the German people took any notice at all of the whining remarks of the English…

Our Hitler

We Germans do not have sufficient historical distance to evaluate the full scope of the age in which we are living. We are children of our age. We… There are rare moments in the middle of the pressures of daily life when we… When is this more evident than today, as the entire German nation and countless millions beyond its borders send their…

Our Hitler

The film “The Great King” is playing in the movie theaters of the Reich. It treats the hard trials and historic challenges that Frederick the Great… Shallow popular accounts of the great Prussian king sometimes make it seem as… It is clear that such a portrayal of the life and struggles of our greatest Prussian-German king is somewhat risky,…

Our Hitler

The German people celebrate the Führer’s birthday this year in a particularly somber manner. This fourth year of the war has been the hardest… Here and there critics of weak nerve and character, usually from those nations…

Our Hitler

German citizens! Not only fortune, but also reputation is always shifting during a war between… That was true of every past war, and presumably of this one as well. The war can be evaluated only as a whole. Beside…

Our Hitler

German citizens! At the moment of the war when — so it seems — all forces of hate and… Times such as these are rare in history. They are unique and unparalleled for the fighting generation that must…

The Racial Question and World Propaganda

The National Socialist revolution is a typical German product. Its scale and historical significance can only be compared with other great events in… The Versailles treaty of non-peace stood in its way. Need, unemployment,… Just as liberalism after the French Revolution had various effects on every nation and people, depending on their…

Communism with the Mask Off

By Joseph Goebbels

The author of the article stated that the two symbols which are to-day opposed to one another, namely that of Bolshevism and National Socialism,… “In both countries are the same censorships on art, literature, and of course… “The strange and terrible thing is”, he declared, “that two nations, once so widely different, should have been…

The Coming Europe

I welcome the opportunity to speak to you on a number of questions that in my view must be openly discussed if relations between the Reich and the… As intelligent people, you know that the greatest events in the history of… When England falls, we will have the chance to reorganize Europe in a way that befits the social, economic, and…

Youth and the War

This Sunday afternoon, the Youth Film Festival for the winter 1940/41 opens, held in conjunction with the Hitler Youth, the League of German Girls,… The Youth Film Festival began in 1934/35. It included 371 events with a total… From the beginning, the goal was to use the German film as a way of systematically educating the German youth. The…

Christmas, 1941

As I speak on Christmas Eve over the radio to the German people, I am the spokesman for the homeland to all our soldiers who are far from home… I must today speak for them all. I must extend the greetings and deepest… Instead, I want to talk of the thoughts and feelings that move all of us this Christmas Eve. I will speak for half an…

Nation, Rise Up, and Let the Storm Break Loose

Only three weeks ago I stood in this place to read the Führer’s proclamation on the 10th anniversary of the seizure of power, and to speak to… It was a moving experience for me, and probably also for all of you, to be… I do not know how many millions of people are listening to me over the radio tonight, at home and at the front. I want…

The Winter Crisis is Over

The winter crisis is over. We may at times during the gray preceding months have looked at the situation with a grim expression, but we never… Such a tragedy happened once in German history. It will never happen again. It… Our people are fulfilling their war duties as one would expect. Naturally the war is harder in its fourth year than it…

In the Front Ranks

A sad and moving occasion brings me back today to the city of my youth. I stand here as the representative of the Führer and of the entire… Countless proud memories bind me to this city, its people and the entire… I return today to bid farewell to the dead of this city. Among them are many people dear to me, with whom I have…

Immortal German Culture

Were one to imagine Western culture without its contributions from Germany and Italy, much would be missing. As obvious as this may be, one has to… We have to remember that to properly understand and appreciate the gigantic… It is stupid, and easy to refute, when our enemies maintain that they are fighting only the present leadership of the…

Great Days

We look back on an historic week. Last week in this space, we discussed a certain clique of ignorant and… Last Sunday we took the opportunity to discuss the shortage of coffee, and expressed our displeasure with such people.…

The Morals of the Rich

It easier for the rich to be moral than it is for the poor. Wealth protects the wealthy, but encourages the poor to take action. A rich man, for example, would never think of stealing bread. Only someone who… Likewise, a rich man with a car will never travel without a ticket on the subway. Aside from the fact that he could…

Children With Their Hands Chopped Off

The English are well known throughout the world for their lack of political scruples. They are experts at the art of hiding their misdeeds behind a… One has to be on the alert when dealing with them. They managed to conquer the… We Germans, on the other hand, have been a political people only in the past few years. England recognizes this change…

A Unique Age

History does not repeat itself. As with everything creative, its imagination and opportunities are inexhaustible. However, it always follows… It is therefore wholly wrong to compare this war with the World War, or to… Even our national situation, and the whole international one, is entirely different than 1914. Because of the sterile…

Missed Opportunities

In Germany people say that the Führer is always right. Abroad, one says he is always lucky. That is only partly true. The Führer has… On 14 September 1930, for example, the Führer won his first great… The same story repeated itself in the international arena after the take over. The right day for France and Germany to…

Winston Churchill

“There is only one way to break the resistance of the Boers: the most severe suppression. In other words, we must kill the parents to teach the… So wrote the correspondent of the English newspaper “Morning Post” during the… According to Lady Asquith, the wife of the then English Prime Minister, this war reporter, who meanwhile had advanced…

The Veil Falls

Hundreds of thousands of young German soldiers have been crossing our eastern border and marching through the famed “workers’ and peasants’… The Soviet Union knew what it was doing when it sealed itself off from the… Shortly after our National Socialist revolution, a number of communists who had fled Germany after committing…


The Jews are masters at fitting in to their surroundings, without in any way changing their nature. They are mimics. They have a natural instinct… The Jews call this chutzpah. Chutzpah is a typically Jewish expression that… As long as we had the doubtful pleasure of having to put up with Jews, we had more then enough examples of the typical…

The Door to a New Era

“I was confused in the past, and could not believe in anything great. But now I have seen it all, and ask that if I remain alive, you accept me as a… Those are the words of soldier Joseph Zezetka from Donawitz, taken from a… There are people unable to appreciate the scale of these military operations. They see things in the scale to which…

The Matter of the Plague

German news policy has not had an easy time of it in the past weeks. Vast military operations were being planned about which the enemy had no idea,… In the interests of the war, German news policy was forced into silence, which… In all their chattering and boasting, the Bolshevists and the English entirely forgot to pay attention. They thought…

The Clay Giant

The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, as is well known, is a close friend of alcohol. His relations to the truth are a bit more strained. He… The multiplier or divisor varies according to the war situation. When Mr.… It is clear that the enemy does not hesitate to tell the most outrageous lies, even when we possess irrefutable and…

Mr. Roosevelt Cross-Examined

On 28 October, more than a month ago, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a radio speech that apparently had as its goal plunging the American… Mr. Roosevelt claimed that he had proof in his hands that the Axis powers were… It is clear to us that Mr. Roosevelt needed this grand swindle to whip up American public opinion. He needed the…

A Different World

It is astonishing, hardly believable, how the state of the world can change entirely within a short time. Modern war speaks its own language, and… All the confident predictions of the U.S.A. and England have collapsed. Those… These developments have not surprised us. We have never considered Japan, its army, its people and its leaders any…

The New Year

Countless people in the enemy camp will nervously ask themselves what this new year 1942 will bring for them and their people. Will it be… By us to one looks to the past and the future, though under considerably more… We are clear about what awaits us in the coming year, and what we have to do; clarity is always the first step to…

An Open Discussion

The new cuts in food rations that take effect on 6 April will have a big impact in the household of every citizen. It would be foolish and incorrect… In contrast to the last war, German food policy has taken care to guarantee… The reasons leading to this decision are well known. They have been thoroughly discussed in the press and radio and do…

The Paper War

It is clear that a war of such total extent as the present one requires a huge, wide-ranging organization with many branches. It reaches into all… Nonetheless, here as everywhere else, the simple is always the best. The more… Many engaged in war production still carry too much ballast from peacetime. Instead of marching with a light pack,…

Heroes and Film Heroes

Nothing is more characteristic of the Jewish-plutocratic view of the world, life and history than its tendency to gradually but inevitably transform… Looking back, it all seems schizophrenic. It was more than that. Those who… Today, we see the same process going on with the enemy. It is clear proof that the intellectual war leadership is…

The Air War and the War of Nerves

The war has reached a stage at which the enemy seems willing to use any means to change the currently unfavorable, even desperate, situation, and to… The military possibilities remaining for the plutocratic-Bolshevist coalition… Someone other than Mr. Churchill will have to rule England if London is not to seek to accomplish through blind and…

The Tonnage War

The enemy at the moment is nowhere so threatened as at sea. One no longer hears boasting claims from Churchill and Roosevelt that the danger of… For the first time since September 1939, a leading London newspaper has… We predicted such a development. When Mr. Churchill announced 15 months ago that data on the number and tonnage of…

The So-Called Russian Soul

The hard and pitiless battle for Sevastapol, as well as the recent broad offensive operations of the German army, have reopened a lively debate,… The many sides of the Russian soul which appears so complex and contradictory… The peoples of the Soviet Union live at a level of brutish primitiveness that we can hardly imagine. An exhibition…

What is at Stake

There is probably no one in the warring nations who has not, either publicly or privately, thought about what his people, our part of the world, and… One cannot accuse the German government of ever violating this principle in… That also explains why Germany has waged, and is waging, the war without any desire for revenge. Super-fanatic…

The Optics of War

War, too, has its characteristic face. One sees it many places in the homeland, and everywhere at the front. Certain unmistakable signs clearly… In part, we are keeping up appearances for sake of appearance, which is… One should not think that we are arguing for a lifestyle during war that follows doctrinaire principles. We understand…

The European Crisis

One must understand the Jewish question in order to understand the present state of the war. How else could one explain the following facts: The… One will search in vain for the answer to this riddle if he fails to consider… Plutocracy and Bolshevism spring from the same roots of a period of liberal-democratic decline. They may differ in…

The War and the Jews

The naivete, not to mention ignorance, with which certain European circles see the Jewish Question in the fourth year of this gigantic struggle is… Jewry wanted this war. Whether one looks to the plutocratic or the bolshevist… Our state’s security requires that we take whatever measures seem necessary to protect the German community from their…

Morale as a Decisive Factor in War

We are in the midst of a decisive period in the war. Using an unprecedented mass of weapons and psychological warfare, the enemy is attempting to… These actions are consistent with the nature of Anglo-American plutocrats.… It is up to us to answer in the same way. Since at the moment we are not able to do that by massive counter attacks,…

The Realities of War

Mature political judgment requires not only understanding, but also imagination. That is what generally is missing in those who shout their opinions… Many otherwise sensible people make the mistake of judging the overall state… Since the beginning of the war, our enemy has been hard at work attempting to persuade us of things that do not…

A Classic Example

It attracted some notice when the author of these lines failed to provide his usual weekly lead article on the Friday following 25 July. Some… We do not need to say that the treason of the Badoglio clique, which first… It was a classic example of the necessity of silence during war. We were not willing to say anything that conflicted…

Articles of War for the German People

These are the articles of war for the German people, who are now engaged in the most fateful battle of their history. Countless of Germany’s best… These war articles are a reminder to our people of those who have fallen. They…

Article 1

Everything is possible in this war, save that we capitulate and bow to the power of the enemy. Anyone who speaks or even thinks in such a way is a cowardly traitor, and must be expelled in disgrace and shame from the fighting and working German community.

Article 2

We are fighting for our lives. If we win, we will be able to repair the damage and the pain this war has caused in a relatively short time by applying our full strength. If we lose, it will mean the end of our nation and our history.

Article 3

This war is a defensive war. It was forced upon us by our enemies, who wish to destroy the possibility of life and growth for our nation. If they succeed, our present generation will have lost everything that countless German generations have won over millennia of struggle by hard work and sacrifice. Our nation’s history will end in shame and disgrace.

Article 4

This war brings countless dangers and risks, as does any war. Each must remember that every danger and risk can be overcome if a great nation like Germany with a capable and determined leadership uses all its strength and every resource to deal with it.

Article 5

We will certainly win this war if all Germans think of the community and act as do the best sons of our people. But if all ignored the community, as do the lazy, the cowardly, and the hesitant, we would have long since lost it. The war will be won or lost according to the strength of our community.

Article 6

Each German proves his community sense by conscientiously fulfilling his duties to the nation, just as he makes a claim on the community. Even in times of peace, each is dependent on the help and support of the community, and must therefore also be willing to share its burdens and duties. How much more is that true during war!

Article 7

Any advice from the enemy is an attack on our war morale. The enemy wants to win as much as we do. Everything he says and does is intended to lead us astray and deceive us. He who listens to the enemy, no matter how sanctimonious the reasons he may give, puts his people in the gravest danger. Ignorance may not protect him from the penalty he deserves.

Article 8

Silence is an important command from the war leadership. Few know the war’s secrets. These are weapons in our nation’s struggle for existence, and may not be revealed to the enemy. It would be unfair and destructive of the general welfare to spread rumors that force the government to speak about matters important or even decisive in the war. This can only help the enemy and harm our nation.

Article 9

Article 10

Article 11

An old trick of warfare is to split a people from its government, leaving it leaderless and therefore defenseless. This is the only trick with which the enemy could defeat us. Anyone who falls prey to the enemy’s trick is either stupid or a traitor. He endangers the victory for which our soldiers risk their lives, and for which our heroes have died. He stabs the fighting front in the back. No penalty is too severe for him.

Article 12

Beware of those seemingly intelligent people who seek to win your confidence with clever words, then undermine your confidence with a flood of phrases and rumors. Listen carefully to what they say, and you will soon see that they are cowardly, not intelligent. They may know better, but they cannot do better. Were they the latter, instead of criticizing they would be filling an important position at home or at the front, contributing by their actions to speeding our victory.

Article 13

He who speaks about the war and its prospects should always speak as if the enemy were listening. In many cases, he actually is. Each thoughtless word from our side gives him new hope and courage, and therefore prolongs the war. Annoyance or anger about this or that inconvenience of the war sometimes has justification, but in view of the great battle we stand in the midst of, most problems are of minor significance,

Article 14

We are helping those who need it as much as possible. If real help is impossible during the war, those affected should know that it will come after victory. Victory is the prerequisite for a national reconstruction that will repair all the damage of the war. The more one sacrifices for the war, the more fanatically one believes in victory. Therefore we must work and fight. That alone gives sacrifices, even the hardest ones, their meaning.

Article 15

Each must, therefore, follow to the letter all the laws and regulations related to the war. Who violates them from neglect or forgetfulness does just as much damage as if he did so intentionally. Each must take the war with the seriousness it deserves.

Article 16

Anything grows dull with time, even the impact of the war. We must therefore constantly guard against becoming lackadaisical in fulfilling our war duties. Our behavior today will be admired in a few decades by our children and grandchildren. They will not experience the spiritual pain that this long war has brought us. Rather, they will see the war only as the greatest heroic event in the history of our nation. Do not forget that in the midst of the everyday problems of the war.

Article 17

Everything comes to an end eventually, even war. We must be sure that its end is a happy one. We can best ensure that by remaining calm and steadfast. The nation with the most of these virtues will win.

Article 18

Nothing is more stupid than to believe that the leadership has it better than the people. The individual may have a heavy material burden to carry. But the heaviest burden is that of responsibility, with its never-ending cares. One should not be unfair and should not make unreasonable judgments about matters he does not understand.

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

The soldier dies at the front while fulfilling his duty. He has the right to demand that those at home who sabotage or harm the war effort receive the death penalty. The front has the right to be supported by high morale at home. Anyone whose actions at home rob the front of this assurance deserves a harsh penalty. The soldier at the front demands it.

Article 22

Whether at home or at the front, discipline is the most important virtue. We can master the war’s enormous problems only through iron resolve. A weakness in discipline weakens morale and violates all the laws of war. Any loosening of our people’s unity in war is a crime against the community. Our people’s greatest chance of victory is in firm resolve and hard determination.

Article 23

No one has the right to complain about limitations on his personal freedom caused by the war. What significance do these have in view of the fact that countless men, even woman and children, have died!

Article 24

The war demands our full devotion for itself and its duties. All that still remains from can only be viewed as a gift subject to recall. We must always realize that sooner or later we may have to give it up. We are fighting this war not to maintain, but to restore peace. In war more than ever, one must use what one is defending.

Article 25

Nothing is too valuable to be sacrificed for freedom. All we possess we won as a free people. Without our freedom, it would have no purpose, meaning or endurance. It is better for a nation to be impoverished but free rather than to seem prosperous, but end a war as slaves. A free people can rebuild everything it lost in defending its freedom. An enslaved people will lose that which survived the war, and also the ability to gain it back again.

Article 26

The duty of the individual during war extends to sacrificing his life for the life of his nation. In view of such great and final sacrifice, surely one must demand that each be ready to give up his goods and property if that is necessary for victory and the security of his nation! Only such willingness to sacrifice transforms a collection of individuals into a people, and in a higher sense, a nation.

Article 27

The goal of our government and military leadership is a German nation that can live freely in all important areas. Our generation must secure this through battle and hard work. It cannot be postponed until later. Either we do it, or it will never be done.

Article 28

Our generation has not only particular burdens, but also particular honor. If we win, and we can and must win, we will be the most famous generation in the history of Germany. If we lose, our names will be cursed through the centuries by the generations that must bear the frightful cost of our failure.

Article 29

Article 30


A New Year

1943 was a year of testing for us. The Reich had the task of defending the economic and military ground that our army had won in past great… That was openly admitted in London and Washington at the end of the year. The… The enemy camp seriously underestimated the moral and military strength of the Reich in the most fateful and gravest…

The Battle of Berlin

The English press has called the series of terror attacks on the Reich capital, which has been continuing for three months with only occasional… It is not yet clear today what that means for the city and its future. It is… One really does not know why the legend developed, and not only with the enemy but also among certain parts of our own…

Life Goes On

To live and work in a frequently bombed city is not something anyone enjoys today. We hardly need mention the tremendous burdens enemy air terror… Still weary and exhausted from putting out the fires, those who have been… We certainly do not want those cities so far spared enemy air terror to experience it. Still, virtues are born under…

The Background of the Invasion

The invasion of the European coast by the Western powers is the central military event of the summer. It deserves our first attention in considering… We and our opponents are committed. The clash of weapons on the French… Things are exactly the opposite of the way British-American plutocracy wanted them to be. They had hoped to see the…

The Question of Revenge

As our V-1s raced over the English Channel for the first time during the night of 16 June, the English public was struck by paralyzing fear. The… Now the English government has given up its attempts to deceive its own public… When we modestly said that we might still have a word or two to say in this regard, that we were preparing new weapons…

The Call of Duty

The one good aspect to 20 July was that it brought each of us to attention. Suddenly the nation stood before an abyss and peered into its terrifying… The German people made major decisions on 20 July and the days following, and… The total war that is to be realized step by step has both a moral and a material side. It is true that the duties and…

The Higher Law

If proof were still needed of the accuracy of our views of the political background of the whole war goal the enemy side is pursuing, it would be… We certainly do not want to overdramatize the situation. The situation is too… No one any longer will dare to suggest that we are speaking here only in our own interest.The German people has made…

The World Crisis

We Germans are not the only ones in the sixth year of war. One may assume that the problems the war’s long duration have given us also affect the… As a result we must occasionally consider the war’s broad picture, not… The fact that we are still firmly on our feet and show not the least sign of collapse is sufficient proof that our…

The Year 2000

The three enemy war leaders, American sources report, have agreed at the Yalta Conference to Roosevelt’s proposal for an occupation program that… No one can predict the distant future, but there are some facts and… The third, Stalin, follows much more far-reaching goals than his two comrades. He certainly does not plan to announce…

Fighters for the Eternal Reich

Under the fury of the enemy offensives that have been pressing down on our fronts to the west, east, and south for months, as well as the almost… It may be a consolation for experienced hearts to know that this sorrow will… Still, it is not enough to believe. One must also work and fight, each at his place and to the best of his abilities.…

Resistance at Any Price

The war has reached a stage at which only the full efforts of the nation and of each individual can save us. The defence of our freedom no longer… This war of nations demands heavy sacrifice. Still, those sacrifices do not… In the midst of a thousand battles, burdens and defeats, our people stand unbroken. Our hearts are proud when we hear…

– Êîíåö ðàáîòû –

Èñïîëüçóåìûå òåãè: Wir, fordern, der, Angriff, Aufs, tze, aus, der, Kampfzeit0.125

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Zusammenspiel der Realiatete als eines der Hauptprinzipien des Sujetaufbaus im Roman "Stiller" von Max Frisch
Identitaetsproblematik in Stiller ? Homo Faber , Mein Name sei Gantenbein 8 3. Strukturelle Besonerheiten des Romans Stiller und die Haltung des… Der Roman zeichnet sich durch komplizierten Aufbau, Fehlen der einheitlichen… Das veranlasste uns die Textwirklichkeit zu erforschen und uns mit dem Zusammenspiel verschiedener Textschichten…

Probleme der Ubersetzung der Mischentlehnungen mit einem englischen Bestandteil ins Ukrainische
Im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung dieser Gebiete erfolgt die Bildung der neuen Begriffe, entsteht Etwas, was es bisher nicht gab.Die Umwelt und… Der Wortschatz ist ein offenes, sich ständig veränderndes System, die… Der Wortschatz kann also unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten betrachtet werden, die mich besonders interessierten 1.…

Interetische Stabilität Grundlage der Staatspolitik
EineWiderspiegelung dieses Herangehens sei die neue Verfassung der Republik. Dasmultinationale Volk Kasachtans sei innig bestrebt, w rdig… Die Idee aber, da die Russen in Kasachstan es schlechterals alle anderen h… In seinem Referat verwiesBlud Ari, Direktor des Niedel ndischen Fonds f r interethnischeBeziehungen, darauf, da der…

Ende der Doppelmonarchie
auch k u k Doppelmonarchie oder Donaumonarchie genannt bezeichnet den Gesamtstaat des Habsburgerreiches in Mittel und S uuml dosteuropa... Die ouml sterreichisch ungarische Monarchie setzte sich aus zwei Staaten zusammen aus den im Reichsrat vertretenen...

Der Begriff Demografie
Der demografische Wandel ist kein Ereignis welches sprunghaft alles Vorherige ver auml ndert Es vollzieht sich allm auml hlich Im Alltag sind... Familiengeschichten was k ouml nnen Bilder uuml ber die demografische... Sachsen in den ern...

Anwendung eines neuranalen Netzwrkes fuer die Erkennung der Zeit-Frequenz Repraesentationen
Es ist aber problematisch, dieseRegime mit Hilfe konventionele Methoden z.B. FFT zu untersuchen, so verwendet man dafuerZeit- Frequenz… Einige Merkmaele der SWD ermoeglichen es, guterund schlechter Maschinenzustand… IEEE Press 1992.

Definition der Valenz
Bei der Untersuchung dieser Gesetzmigkeiten sind zwei Erscheinungen aueinanderzuhalten: 1. die Fügungspotenz und… Unter diesen Fügungsmöglichkeiten gibt es solche, die… Der Begriff Valenz ist dem gebiet der Chemie entnommen und ist leicht zu verstehen, wenn man an die Valenz eines…

Valenz der Verben
Diese Stellung ergibt sich daraus, daβ das Wort im Redeakt immer als Teil eines Syntagmas auftritt. Mit der lexikalischen Bedeutung eines… Mit der lexikalischen Bedeutung des Wortes sind zugleich Bedingungen gesetzt… Unter Valenz verstehen wir also die Fähigkeit eines Wortes, auf Grund seiner Bedeutung zu anderen…

Mein studium an der hochschule
V. Ïðèñòàâêè ãëàãîëà Übung 6. Ïîñòàâüòå ãëàãîëû, ñòîÿùèå â ñêîáêàõ â íóæíîì ëèöå è ÷èñëå â Präsens 1. Er verstehen den Text gut.1. Er versteht den … VIII. Ñêëîíåíèå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ Übung 9. Ïîñòàâüòå çàêëþ÷åííûå â ñêîáêàõ… Ich studiere an der Fakultät fur Informatik.

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