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Short Overview of African Countries

Short Overview of African Countries - раздел География, Plan 1. Introduction 2. Africa In Postcolonial Period 3. African Economy Toda...

PLAN 1. Introduction 2. Africa in postcolonial period 3. African economy today 4. Economic organizations in Africa 5. Problems and ways to solve them 6. Conclusion 1. Introduction It isnt a secret that Republic of Armenia as well as other former socialist republics is at the end of the list of countries in terms of economy, but almost everyone speaking about our country mentions that there are a number of countries having more troubles with economy then our. Listening to this kind of words makes listener think about Africa, Sahara the countries situated there.

Algeria which situated in north Africa , Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Rwanda, Zaire Democratic republic of Congo , Zambia, Zimbabwe and a lot of others are countries traditionally considered to be the poorest part of the world. This is the common image of Africa. in the following report I would try to introduce a little bit detailed picture of this object.

I think it will be better to begin with short historical overview of the region, which is the home of one of the human races. The historians have defined four periods of African history research. 1. This period is 2000 B.C. up to 6-th century A.D. During that time Egyptians were researching the north of the mainland. In 6th century B.C. Carthaginians travelled along the west coast.

Roman travellers went far into Libyan desert. 2. 7-14 centuries A.D. This is a period of Arabian invasions. After conquering the north they moved to the south and reached Senegal and Niger rivers. 3. The third period of research is associated with the Europeans desire to find a sea way to the wealth of India. By the end of sixteenth century the continent has been outlined on maps. 4. This period of African history, which begins in eighteenth century is probably the most shameful part of European history.

Europeans blinded with the magnificence of African wealth began sacking its territory, the same way as they did it in America. 2.

Africa in postcolonial period

Today, 21 percent of Africa s peoples are in war and conflict Algeria,... . The French Territory of the Afars and the Issas became Djibouti in 197... During the 1990s, 45 out of 50 African countries held multiparty elect... According to the latest data two out of five Africans subsist below a ...

African economy today

Theres no need to bring the whole figures in the text but I want to me... The government, however, has failed to press forward vigorously with t... The economy is being steadily weakened by AIDS Zimbabwe has the highes... Some countries have grown at 7 percent a year or higher Mozambique, 7 ... Illiteraci level is extremelly high for the whole territory of Africa.

Economic organizations in Africa

In 1970 its immediate neighbours, Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho, and... Member states include those of the SACU as well as Angola, situated no... The countries of Mauritania, Mali and Niger are located in the souther... As a result of their respective colonial histories, these countries ar... 5.

Problems and ways to solve them

But there are a number of tasks to be completed in order to improve th... With new ways to communicate we can leapfrog through several stages of... Gender equality Excluding Islamic countries, Africa is the most remark... In the next twenty years we must learn how to prevent conflicts, as we... First, Become an Advocate for Africa For every devastating image of Af...


So our regions have different prerequisits, different ways of developi... As a result of USSR educational system Armenia has educational level w... Africans may get started their economic growth with incomes from expor... Labour force is one of the main differences between former USSR republ... The level of literacy is 99 , which is higher than in African countrie...

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