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Accounting and Finance in AS Diena

Accounting and Finance in AS Diena - раздел Экономика, Table Of Contents Introduction 2 Methodology 2 Company Background 3 Accounti...

Table of contents Introduction 2 Methodology 2 Company background 3 Accounting system 3 Annual reports 4 Analyses used in Annual Report 5 Key ratios 6 Conclusion 8 Reference list 9 Indeed, like no man without ability to express his thoughts clearly and understandably can achieve very much in life, no firm can succeed without a good accounting system.Accounting is a necessary tool which not only provides information to the owners about how its money is working, and to the state about how big the taxes are to be fetched, but, the most important, enables the company to control, to plan and to trace all the actions, processes and projects.

The purpose of this report is to find out how the accounting is done in a successful company, and how the principles and methods used there differ from the traditional accounting theory. In addition, the analysis of the company s performance will be worked out using the standard ratios.

The decision to choose AS Diena for the report has been based on several criteria it is one of the 100 largest companies in Latvia, it has a leading position in its branch of industry, and it is a good example of young and fast-developing Latvian business.


To make the key ratio analysis sensible, a similar size enterprise ope... The analyses and findings presented in the paper are based on the info... Furthermore, the theoretical side was strengthened with the knowledge ... Methodology. The information about subsidiaries is included in Annual Report in lim...

Company background

Printed information of accounting actions is kept in the company s arc... As per legislation of Latvia Republic, all the company s books are clo... Difficulties also appear when making records for financial and tax acc... Each debtor is examined individually by the management of the company,... Short-term creditors amount to 2,619,142 that is 52 of the total passi...

Analyses used in Annual Report

The main reason for that is staff s excellent accomplishment of their ... 5. 60 This difference can be seen in AS Diena s case. Thus, it should not be very hard for AS Diena to get over short-term p... However, some important findings can be listed to summarise the invest...

Reference list

Reference list Annual Report of AS Diena 1997. Johansson, S. 1998 The Profitability, Financing, and Growth of the Firm, Sweden Studentlitteratur, Lund. The State Register of Enterprises of Latvia 1999, Feb 18. on-line, Available httpwww.lursoft.lvAppServer1For en50972411code000300024.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Accounting, and, Finance, AS, Diena0.081

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