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School years — Speaking At School

School years — Speaking At School - раздел Философия,     ...



School years

— Speaking

At School

v When did you go to school?

v When and what school did you finish?

v What schools did you go through?

v How many pupils were there in your class?

v Did you wear a uniform? What was it like?

v Was your school far from the house? How did you

get there?

v What was your school like? Describe it.

v How did students know which class to go?

v Was your class ever divided into groups? When?

v When did the school year begin? How long did it last? How long was the school day?

Exercise 1

Recollect your school days. Work in pairs. Tell a partner about a hard-working student in your class and one who couldn’t care less about his/her exams. What do they do now?


Exercise 2

Work in pairs. Discuss your work at school. Use the following phrases:

be a genius; a mark for an answer; a mark in a subject; be a top/bottom student; be at odds with; be bored with; be good/bad at; be obliged; do a lot of swotting; do well/badly; enjoy studying; give/get a mark; have ability/a gift; lead the class in; put in a lot of reading; slave at one’s books; spend a lot of time practising; spend one’s time on books; to swot; to loathe; win all the prizes in the exams; work with relish and application; to be at the top/bottom of the class.

X Listening

Part A

Listen to three people talking about the schools they used to go. Tick the topic each one talks

about. Were the speakers happy at school?

  teachers homework punishment friends uniform

Part B

Listen to the cassette again. Decide whether these statements are true or false.

v Louise lived at her school

v Louise liked her uniform

v Jim used to have lunch at school

v Most of Jim’s teachers were old

v Debbie didn’t like her school

v Debbie used to go to a pub with one of her friends


What does Louise remember about her teachers? What does Jim like about his uniform? What does Debbie remember about homework and punishments? Did you have much homework to do? What subjects took most of the time? Did you have favourite subjects? What were they?


— Speaking

How do you feel about the subjects in the box? Use one of these expressions in each answer

(but write more if you want to).

I really enjoy... I’m extremely interested in... I’m fascinated by... I’m quite interested in... I’d like to know more about... I don’t know anything about... I’m not very interested in... I’ve always wanted to learn... I’m not in the least interested in... I don’t like... at all. I’m bored by... I used to think... was boring, but now I’m getting interested in it. I think... is a complete waste of time. I hate... Which subjects were your favourite ones? What did it depend on? archaeology algebra art biology computer studies dancing geometry history the humanities languages literature maths music philosophy


Exercise 3

Read these sentences spoken by college students. What subject is each person studying?

1. “I’m concentrating on the modernist style and the work of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright.”

2. “The way we use fertilizers is much more precise than it was 20 years ago.”

3. “Travel and tourism are an important part of this industry.”

4. “We are going to concentrate on Freud and Jung this term.”

5. “I’ve been reading some books on time management.”

6. “Expressionism was really a reaction to the work of the Impressionists.”

7. “We’ve spent a lot of time on foreign policy and how it is affected by domestic issues.”

8. “We are looking at ways that solar energy can be utilized.”

Exercise 4

Example: TREPCUMOS ……………computers 1. TAHM ……………… 4. NISGEHL ……………… 2. IRTHOSY … ? Writing Write about your life at school. Use these prompts and active vocabulary: uniform teachers …

Exercise 5

These are the rules for attending school in North America. Indicate whether they are also true about your school by putting a check mark in the column on the right. … Have you ever broken the rules? If so, then when and why?

Exercise 6

Choose the most important questions (3-5), go round the class and ask as many students as possible. Ask some other questions you consider interesting.

X Listening

Now listen to Graham Grant, an English teacher, who will tell about life in a Japanese school.

Part A

The following words and phrases are in the interview. Check the meaning and the pronunciation in your dictionary.

attitude (n) retire (v) respect (n) competitive (adj) discipline (n) rude (adj) row (n) strict (adj) bow (v) politeness (n)

Part B

Listen to the interview and answer the questions.

v Why is education so important in Japan?

v “Children must do well at school.” Why?

v At what age do they start to work hard?

v What do they do in class?

v What do they do in the evening?

v Do they have a long holiday?

v How do they spend their weekends and holidays?

Part C

Divide into two groups. Each group has four answers to four questions about the interview. Write the questions, then ask the other group to answer them.

Group A   Group B
1. ?   1. ?
He’s teaching Japanese in England.   Six.
2. ?   2. ?
They usually stay from the time they live school or university until they retire.   Yes, they do, because they are never bored. 3. ?
3. ?   Three or four hours every night.
About forty.    
4. ?   4. ?
Because it is rude to question a teacher.   She is probably watching TV.

Part D

What do you think?

v Are Japanese schools like schools in our country?

v Were teachers in your school strict or lenient? Which do you prefer? Which do you

think is better?

v What are the advantages or disadvantages of strict schools?

v In what way are schools in your country and schools in Japan alike?

v How are students’ attitudes toward teachers and school in Japan and Ukraine different?



Exercise 7

Grades are often calculated differently, not only in different countries, but also in the same country. Generally, in the United States, teachers… Tests: formal examination Quizzes: short tests, sometimes given to students without telling them in advance

Exercise 8

  Some schools add a plus or a minus to a grade (for example, B+, A-) to…

Exercise 9

Here are the grades a North American student received. What kind of student is he? In which areas does he need to improve?

English C Social studies B
Maths B Physical education A
Science D Spanish F

Exercise 10

Exercise 11

Я закінчила школу 20 років тому. Я досить добре пам'ятаю свої шкільні роки. Це були щасливі дні. Звісно учбовий рік починався 1 вересня і тривав аж…    


Opinions on education

Active vocabulary

& Reading Read and discuss the following text. “Then one day they opened a Catholic chapel,


At the age of five

all children have to begin full-time education. They go to PRIMARY SCHOOL where they learn to read, write and do arithmetic (the three “Rs” — reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic!), and many other things as well.

At the age of eleven

Public school (a private school where parents pay). Grammar school. Secondary modern school.

At the age of eighteen

others decide to go into HIGHER EDUCATION. If they’ve got the necessary qualifications (for example, 3 “A” levels), there are several choices:

UNIVERSITY or POLYTECHNIC. Here, for three or four years, they study an academic subject (Natural Science, French, Maths, etc.) or a technical subject (Engineering, Law, Computer science, etc.). If they’re successful, they get a degree and are called “graduates”.

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION. Here students are trained to become teachers.

ART SCHOOL, DRAMA SCHOOL, MEDICAL SCHOOL, etc. Here students study to become artists, designers, actors, doctors, etc.

After these studies most students try to find a job.

A few stay and work for a post-graduate degree (a doctorate, for example).

The Open University.

The State offers free education to everyone at primary and secondary levels (although parents can pay to send their children to a public school, of…   — Speaking

Points of view

Cosette age 17 What’s the point of taking facts from a book and teaching them to pupils? In a… Alan age 17

PART iii

Postsecondary Education: Admissions

Active vocabulary

  — Speaking

Choosing a university

Decide which things are important to you in choosing a university, and which things are important to your partner. Write V(Very Important), I(Important), or N (Not Important) under your…

Exercise 1

Всі випускники після закінчення школи турбуються про своє майбутнє та починають вибирати кар’єру. Деякі з них є природженими лікарями, тому обирають…   — Predictions

Vocabulary and key concepts

1. ________________ education in the United States includes _____________ as well as senior colleges, most of which are ___________________. 2. To be ___________________, a college must meet certain ___________________… 3. The more ___________________ private schools are more ___________________, that is, they have stiffer admissions…

X Listening

The lecturer appears to be in a hurry today to get into her topic. Her introduction is very brief and basically consists of an announcement of her three major subtopics. Notice as you listen that the conclusion, which begins with "in brief," contains important logical conclusions about the three subtopics.

Important: You will hear the lecture two times only. You will need to take notes not only on major subtopics on the first listening, but also as many relevant supporting details as possible.

Follow-up: Answer the following questions using the information from the lecture.

v What are two factors a college or university might use to decide whether or not to admit a student?

v What is the range (from low to high) of the total cost of attending a college or university?

v Where can you receive an Associate of Arts degree?


X Postlistening

Listen to the following questions and give the best answer. B. ORAL PRACTICE Discuss the following questions in small groups and then report to the class:

Active vocabulary

Exercise 1

Вступні іспити Ось історія про мої вступні іспити. Минулого літа я вирішила вступити до КНЛУ… Виснажена і знесилена я чекала результатів і думала, чи був екзаменатор задоволений моєю відповіддю . Коли я…

Exercise 2

Translate into English

Церемонія посвяти в студенти.

30 серпня всіх першокурсників зібрали на церемонію посвяти в студенти. Там я зустрілась зі студентами своєї групи та деякими студентами старших курсів. Я дізналась, що більшість студентів приїжджі, та що в університеті дуже мало хлопців. декан та заступники розповіли багато чого цікавого про навчання, а потім ми отримали студентські квитки.

І з першого вересня я розпочала здобувати кваліфікацію перекладача. Я стараюсь, щоб стати висококваліфікованим перекладачем і відповідати вимогам часу.


& Reading

Six rules for coping with exam stress.

1. In the weeks to come before the beginning of exams, give yourself plenty of time to revise. Most students perform best by revising over the… 2. Plan your revision. Work out how many days there are before the exam, and… 3. Don’t revise one area too much, at the expense of others, just because it interests you. For example, don’t get…

Exercise 3

What questions could you ask to get these answers?

1. No, they have to finance their own studies.

2. There isn't much difference; it's just that the courses are more practical in a polytechnic instead of being very academic.

3. Well, they learn one or two things, like recognising a few numbers, but most of the time they play around.

4. Because I wanted to be a teacher, no other reason.

5. It's sixteen, but a lot of kids stay on until eighteen.

6. Well, I've been up all night revising for an exam.

7. No, ours are given in grades, you know, B+, A, that sort of thing.

8. No, I was ill. I didn't miss it deliberately.


Exercise 4

When my grandmother was at school, she had to learn everything (a)................heart, and even years later she could recite countless poems… It is always worthwhile for governments to invest (j)......................… I had no intention (r)..................... staying (s)............... at University after I had finished my first…

Exercise 5

Екзаменаційний стрес (Поради психолога) Коли б не приходив час іспитів я завжди стаю нервовою. Мені стає важко заснути і я навіть інколи не можу змусити себе…

It is interesting to know

& Reading

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Angels on a Pin

Some time ago, I received a call from a colleague who asked if I would be the referee on the grading of an examination question. He was about to… I went to my colleague's office and read the examination question: "Show… The student had answered: "Take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower the…

Exercise 1

Questions for Discussion

a. What point does the essay illustrate?

b. What was the examination question supposed to test? Was it a "bad" question in that it failed to get the expected response? Can you restate the question so that it will elicit the expected answer?

c. The student says that the answer he gives in paragraph 12 is probably the best one. Why does he say this? What motivated him to avoid the conventional answer? Do you agree with his position?

d. Why do you think professor Calandra did not give the student full credit for his answer? Do you agree with professor's judgement?

e. How would you characterise all of the student's answers? What qualities did they possess?

f. The conventional answer to the physics question is never given. Is it important for the reader to know it? Do you think author Calandra leaves it out on purpose? If so, why?

Exercise 2

Exploring ideas

q Keeping in mind the scholasticism of the Middle Ages, what did the student have in mind when he decided to revive it as an "academic lark" as mentioned in the last sentence of the essay?

q The student mentioned in the essay is obviously not a conventional thinker in many respects. Do you admire him for taking that approach to problem solving? Have you ever exercised this type of approach to a problem? What role should imaginative thinkers play in a society?

What is the basic purpose of tests and examinations? How can one tell the difference between a good and a bad examination?


Exercise 3

а) Майже 90 відсотків американських студентів відвідують державну початкову та середню школи, які не стягують плату за освіту, а існують за рахунок… b) В Сполучених Штатах не існує національної системи шкіл. За винятком… с) В американському розумінні коледж - це інститут, в якому викладаються курси споріднених дисциплін, а заняття…

Exercise 4

Fill in the gaps in this life story of a British woman.

At 5, Nelly Dawes went straight to...................... (1) school, because there were very few........................ (2) schools for younger children in those days. When she was ready to go on to secondary school, she passed an exam and so got into her local............................. (3) school. Nowadays her own children don't do that exam, since most children go to a..................... (4) school. She left school at 16 and did not go on to...................... (5) education, but she goes to............................................ (6) once a week to learn French. She would like to take up her education again more seriously, if she could get a.................................... (7) or scholarship from the government. Her ambition is to go to a........................................ (8) and become a school-teacher.


Exercise 5

Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences.

1. I can't come out. I'm studying. I'm passing an examination tomorrow.

2. Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination!

3. You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

4. I got some good notes in my continuously assessment this term

5. She's a professor in a primary school.

6. He gave an interesting 45-minute conference on Goethe.

7. She got a degree in personnel management from a private college.




Child Prodigies

& Reading

How Ruth made history at Oxford

Child prodigy Ruth Lawrence made history yesterday when she came a clear first out of the 530 candidates who set the entrance exam forSt. Hugh's… Ruth, who lives in Huddersfield, has never been to school. Her father, Harry… Harry Lawrence explained that, besides mathematics, Ruth also enjoyed English, history, geography, nature study and…

Exercise 1

Comprehension check:

What role do Ruth' s mother and father play in her upbringing?

Why did they decide to educate her at home?

What is Ruth's ambition?

How old will she be when she achieves her ambition?

How will the college change the course for Ruth?

What was the Lawrence family's reaction to the news?


Exercise 2

What do you think?

"Ruth has not mixed with other children". Do you think this is important?

What were your interests when you were ten?

What makes Ruth unusual?


Exercise 3

Make up questions to the answers:

A computer consultant.
Her mother
She was four
Yes, she does. She plays.
She said, she is obviously quite brilliant.
Dr. Glenys Luke
He's going to help Ruth's sister in a similar way.


Exercise 4

Match the summary to the correct paragraph

· Her father has been her teacher, while her mother goes out to work;

· The university tutors are pleased that Ruth is coming and they are going to change the course a little to suit her;

· She wants to be a research professor. Before university she hopes to take four more A-levels;

· Ruth's academic background;

· She made history by coming first, but she herself wasn't happy with all the examination papers;

· Her family are very excited and wonder if the younger sister will be as talented;

· The kind of person that Ruth is. Her likes and interests;


Exercise 5

Fill in:

Ruth Lawrence, aged 10, has become _____________ in a mathematics examination out of 530 other students, all hoping to go to St. Hugh's College, Oxford. She has already __________________ her maths A-level, but admitted that she was a bit _____________________ to do so well in the entrance exam. She will go to Oxford ___________________ of 12. The principal of the college said, "She is obviously _______".

Exercise 6

Хочеш знати який секрет успішного навчання в університеті? Ще школярем я турбувався про своє майбутнє, вирішуючи, яку професію обрати. Вчителі…    

X Listening

A child prodigy's life is not always easy. Listen to the conversation and fill in the chart.

Dan's achievements at three  
Achievements at five  
Behaviour now  
Reasons for behaviour  
Doctor's advice  


X Listening

Listen to a talk about this test and circle the answers.   a. b. c. 1. The Stanford-Binet Test has…   & Reading

Exercise 1

Michael Jackson - A Success at Five!

Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

From an early age Michael Jackson (show)_____ a talent for singing and dancing. By the time he was five, he (move)_____ into the lead position in his family singing group, the Jackson Five. Michael (work)_____ hard, and by the time he seven, he (begin)_____ to choreograph dance routines for the group. In 1971, when he was only thirteen, Michael (record)_____ his first solo album.

Exercise 2

Look at the information in the chart. Write a complete sentence about each record holder. Use by the time and already.

Name Age Accomplishments
Ginetta La Bianca sang in the first opera
Margo Feiden produced her first play
Marcus Hooper swam the English Channel
Cody A. Locke flew a small plane
Avi Ben-Abraham became a doctor

X Listening

Amazing People

Today on Amazing People, radio host Joe Barlow is talking about a famous child prodigy. Listen and take notes.

Achievement at age 4  
Achievement at age 5  
Achievement at age 10  
Future plans  

Exercise 3

3. We have to ______ people for their accomplishments in life. 4. Carlos is only two years old and he can already read. I'm sure that he's a… 6. Placido Domingo is my favourite opera singer. He's really _______.


Learning to learn

Active vocabulary

— Speaking Studies indicate that people like to learn differently. Some people learn… I prefer to learn by listening to the teacher’s lecture. (Yes or no)

Exercise 1

  auditory bus carrel(s) clean efficiency comfortable quiet concentrate conditions learn … & Reading Read the text and find the sentences with the words from the above exercise. Find Ukrainian equivalents to these…

Exercise 2

This text has two main ideas. Read the following sentences and put an X in front of the two most important points. Discuss your choices.

a) The best place to study is where you learn best.

b) It is possible to study underneath a blanket with a flashlight.

c) Generally, a place without distractions is the best place to study.

d) The best place to study is one that is quiet.

e) The best place to study is in the library.


Exercise 3

The words on the left are from the text. Practice saying them. Match the words with their definitions on the right. Discuss your answers.

the particulars ability or power to do something
top best
I can’t complain certainly
like everything is all right
energy for example
in terms of regarding
by all means small points


Exercise 4

The following words are from the text. Use your dictionary to find the other part of speech and practice the pronunciation.

Adjective Adverb Noun
1. Absolute   --------------------
2. Basic    
3. Particular    
4. Quiet    
5. Visual   --------------------
6. Comfortable    
7. Sensitive    


Exercise 5

1. a. I told my instructor the _____ truth. b. The library is an _____ beautiful place to study. 2. a. He needs to study all the _____ subjects.

Exercise 6

Translate into English using active vocabulary:

1. Вміти вчитись - дуже важливо.

2. Деяким легше вивчити матеріал прослуховуючи його декілька разів.

3. Деякі люди повинні бачити те, що вчать - так вони швидше запам'ятовують.

4. Деяким легше вивчити щось у колективі, питаючи та пояснюючи щось один одному.

5. Дуже важливо, коли ви вчитесь, не відволікатись на різні подразники: телевізор, шум і т. і.

6. Місце, де ви вчитесь, повинно бути достатньо тепле, оскільки жарка кімната може спричинити сонливість.

7. Для багатьох людей найкращим місцем навчання є бібліотека: тиша, всі необхідні книги, відсутність телефону, телевізору, їжі.





A freshman’s experience

Active vocabulary

& Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow. From “Daddy-Long-Legs” by Jean Webster

Exercise 1

    Add your own words.

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions:

1.What did Judy mean by “classes” and “campus”? 2. Why did Judy mention “ice-cream”, “corn-meal mush” in her letter? 3. What to Judy’s mind was the trouble with college? 4. What joke went all over college? 5. Why did Judy keep still when the girls spoke about things she didn’t know? 6. Why didn’t Judy study at night no matter how many written reviews were coming in the morning? 7. In what way did Judy want to catch up? 8. What did Judy mean by saying that she was at least honest? 9. What did Judy mean by saying “writing this letter off and on for two days”? 10. Where had Judy studied before college? 11. Why did Judy feel embarrassed at times? 12. What did Judy mean by “blank years” and “abyss of ignorance”? 13. What shows that the text was written by an American writer?


Exercise 3

What is the Ukrainian for:

blank wall, blank look, blank verse, blank sheet, blank page, blank form, blank cheque, blank years.

Exercise 4

Give antonyms to the phrases below:

an empty room, shallow interests, a vacant house, a blank page, a shallow person, bright colours, a bright face, to get excited, an ignorant man, ignorance.

Exercise 5

Give synonyms to:

clever adj,

ordinary adj,

carry out v,

clear adj,

stare v,

understand v,

review n,

simple adj,

fulfilment n,

show v.

Exercise 6

1.The trouble... the book is that it’s boring me... death. 2. It will take me a month to catch...... the group. 3. You’d better keep still and not…  

Exercise 7

What are your first impressions about your studies here? Do you feel the way Judy does? Write about this using the phrases given below and then tell the class.

At last, next to, to be bored to death, to point out (smth.) that, to be a surprise to smb., at times, to be much obliged to smb. for smth., to sleep the clock round; to cause excitement every other (sentence, day, etc.), the trouble with...is that..., to keep still, you wouldn’t believe what (how)..., it was ghastly at first, getting up before dawn, but it’s bearable now that I’m used to it, to be in lowhigh spirits, to be given a good talking, to face the music with the Dean, to check the attendance/one’s coming in time, a loafer, a nitwit, to loathe studying, to miss/skip classes, to be late for, to play truant, to catch up with, to lag behind, to attend classes, lectures, seminars, attendance is compulsory, it takes me some doing to get on a bus in the rush hours.


Exercise 8

Студентський день. У неділю я, як правило, маю обмаль часу, тому в понеділок я встаю удосвіта і… Я ніяк не можу призвичаїтися до студентського життя. Кожен тиждень важкий, і я з нетерпінням чекаю вихідних, щоб…

Exercise 9

Write 20 questions on the second part of the text using the following words and phrases:

Christmas present, to be a surprise, wrist, to get to (one's) recitations, a hot-water bottle, to enlarge one's vocabulary, to confess, a low motive, to do geometry, to sit cross legged, a miserable creature, to know from, to be perfectly sure, to be very much obliged for, every other sentence, to be bored, to be excited about, to toss into the waste- basket, to talk to (smb.), at least.

Exercise 10

Use the words and phrases in bold type in sentences of your own:

1. I'm not used to receiving Christmas presents. 2. It was a very low motive that prompted the silk stockings. 3. I've bought a silver watch to wear. 4. People used to be monkeys. 5. I'm just as bright (in class) as any. 6. Your money was a surprise to me. 7. I'm much obliged to you for your letter. 8. I eat at least three times a day. 9. The weather seems to be very fine today. 10. You wouldn't believe what a wonderful park it is.


Exercise 11

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Звичайно, у Джуді були недоліки, але вона принаймні була чесна.

2. Вона дуже хвилювалася, оскільки саме її виступ був першим.

3. Дівчатам не дозволялося виходити за територію коледжу після того, як продзвенить дзвінок.

4. Олівер Твіст виховувався у притулку для сиріт. З раннього віку дітям доводилося багато працювати, носити чужі обноски і їсти одну вівсянку.

5. Не підказуйте, цим ви їй тільки зашкодите.

6. Вам треба заповнити бланк і розписатися ось тут.

7. У цій вправі є пропуски, які потрібно заповнити.

8. Джуді зрозуміла свою помилку тільки тоді, коли її подруги почали сміятися.


Exercise 12

Paraphrase the following:

1. He stared after her in blank surprise. 2. He opened his eyes for a short while, but then his mind went blank again. 3. A faint smile brightened her face for a moment. 4. He stood in the bright light of the kitchen door. 5. There was a blank in my memory. 6. There are many interesting itemsin the newspaper today. 7. The silk stockings excited Judy's envy. 8. He used to bea bright pupil. 9. The letter caused great excitement. 10. At times she felt very miserable. 11. The trouble with him is that he is a shallow person. 12. This fruit is quite eatable, I'd say. 13. Your friend differs much from what he used to be.

Exercise 13

У лінгвістичних університетах України курс навчання п’ятирічний. Їх випускники отримують дипломи. У лінгвістичних університетах є декілька…  

Exercise 14

Now let me give you some idea of what you would see if you were to walk around Cambridge. Let us imagine that I am seeing ... sights for ... first…  

Exercise 15

1. Ви повинні наздогнати групу, як би багато не довелося вам працювати. 2. Він до смерті набрид мені розповідями про свої пригоди. 3. У нього принаймні п'ять помилок в кожній контрольній.

Exercise 16

Form adjectives adding the suffix -able to the words given below. Check their meaning in your dictionary and compose a short dialogue called ‘A freshman’s bitter experience’.

Eat, read, imagine, excite, realise, teach.


? Writing

Write about the following:

1. The letter Daddy-Long-Legs might have written in answer to Judy’s letter.

2. Judy’s character. (Give your reasons for mentioning this or that feature in your


3. Judy s life before college as you imagine it.


Exercise 17

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, You never answer any questions, you never show...slightest interest in… My re-examinations in...Latin and...Geometry came last week. I passed them both and I am now...sophomore.

Exercise 18

1. Студенти повинні відвідувати всі заняття, лекції, семінари та практичні заняття, тому що відвідування в нашому університеті обов’язкове. 2.…  

University Life

Pre-listening Activities

1. The student body on a U.S. campus is diverse; one meets students of greatly different ages, from different racial and ______________, and from… 2. Let's begin by talking about an ______________ student entering his or her… 3. Foreign students often find U.S. students less well-prepared for college than they expected. The U.S. students are…

Notetaking Preparation

Sometimes you may for one reason or another miss a lecture and have to ask a classmate to share his or her notes. If your classmate has taken good… Imagine that you missed a lecture in which your professor discussed some basic… Educ. System in Coll. or Univ.

X Listening

A. The lecture begins with an introduction about the diversity of the student body at a typical American university or college. Listen for the signals that help you recognise when the lecturer is about to change to another major subtopic. You'll listen to the lecture again.

B. Write down the main subtopics and as many of the relevant supporting details as possible.

C. Now it is a good time to check to see if you answered your Predictions questions about the lecture correctly.


X Postlistening Activities

Accuracy Check

Listen to the following questions, and write short answers. Your will hear each question one time only.


— Speaking

Exercise 1

Discuss these questions with a partner or in small groups and report to the class.

v How is our student body different from the student body in the United States?

v What is an "average" student in our country like?

v What is an "average" class like?

v Approximately how many students are there at these schools?

v How is the examination system different?

v How do professors in our country conduct their classes?

v How is graduate school different from undergraduate school?


Exercise 2

Discuss the following questions about general education issues in small groups. Appoint one person to report your group's opinions to the class.

v Is it better for students to be evaluated by examinations or by some other way? What other ways could be used to evaluate students?

v Should students evaluate their teachers? Why or why not?

v Do students learn better from a strict, authoritarian teacher or from a friendly, democratic one? Why?


Exercise 3

Interview an American university student. Before the interview, prepare questions as a class to ask.

v general background information (age, hometown, major)

v whether he or she is a graduate or undergraduate student

v how many hours a week he or she is in class

v how large the classes are and whether they are lecture or discussion classes

v how much preparation his or her classes require

v whether he or she also has a job and, if so, how many hours a week he or she works

v any other question your class is interested in


Exercise 4

а) Джейн - першокурсниця. Вона старанна студентка й працює постійно. Вона захоплюється навчанням і тому їй дуже легко вчитись. В минулому місяці… b) - Привіт, Микола, чому ти виглядаєш таким нещасним? - Я прокинувся перед світанком. Це така напруга.

Exercise 5

a) На відміну від освіти в державних початковій та середніх школах, навчання в державних коледжах та університетах, як правило, платне. Проте сума… b) Студент, який навчається в коледжі, в першу чергу відвідує лекції з… c) На додаток до обов'язкових курсів, наприклад, рік вивчається американська історія, два роки література тощо - в…


My school.

Choosing a university.

My first year at university.

4. Student’s working day.

Prodigy children.

Entrance exams.

On British, American and Ukrainian education.

The school of tomorrow.

My university.


– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: school, Years, speaking, school0.07

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School years
Of course, school plays a very important social role. It gives a brilliant education for pupils between the ages of 6 and 17. it brings together… All in all we have four floors. I go to school 5 days a week. Classes begin at…

The kind of education a student receives will of course influence his or her job prospects. Besides, it offers many opportunities for many kinds of… Taking part in all kinds of contests, making reports and holding discussions… Others, more diligent pupils continue their studies to get a higher education and to enter university. Still there is…

The kind of education a student receives will of course influence his or her job prospects. Besides, it offers many opportunities for many kinds of… Taking part in all kinds of contests, making reports and holding discussions… Others, more diligent pupils continue their studies to get a higher education and to enter university. Still there is…

Famous journalists of the English speaking country: Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on jan. 17, 1706. He was the 15th child and youngest son in a family of children. His parents, Josiah and… He proved himself excellent in reading, fair in writing, and poor in… He studied and partially mastered French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. When the boy was 12, his father…

What I dislike in my school
At school a lesson lasts 45 minutes. In my opinion this time is not enough to understand and consolidate a new theme. But we would like to have more… But 15 minutes is not enough to have a lunch for the pupils. They are always… Our teachers should be at school too. If some pupils don’t understand something in their subjects they will have an…

The School Education in Great Britain Школьное образование в Великобритании
The legal basis for this partnership is supplied by the 1944 Education Act. The Department of Education and Science is concerned with the formation… However, the choice of text-books and timetable are usually left to the… The content and method of teaching is decided by the individual teacher. The administrative functions of education in…

The School Education in Great Britain Школьное образование в Великобритании
The legal basis for this partnership is supplied by the 1944 Education Act. The Department of Education and Science is concerned with the formation… However, the choice of text-books and timetable are usually left to the… The content and method of teaching is decided by the individual teacher. The administrative functions of education in…

Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school
The theoretical value of the paper consists in using the results of the research in the EFL teaching. The practical value - a good opportunity of using at the lessons of English… It helps to achieve the best results in teaching English.

The Higher school and the ways to science
Furthermore, it enables them to realizethe practical value of their knowledge, to master the basic experimentaltechniques, to learn how to handle… Students are engaged in researchunder guidance of professrs, instructors,… Many term papers and graduationtheses include elements of research done at some higher school department oncontract…

Education in Moscow school
InRussia just few last generations realized the necessity of studing English. Ithink, it partly dependes of computerizing of our country.Now… But using Internet andcomputers is connected with studing English, because… Butsome months or probably a year had passed and our lessons became rathermonotone and alike. Day in day out we read…

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