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School years

School years - раздел Лингвистика, School Years. Some People Think That School Years Are The Happiest In Their ...

School years. Some people think that school years are the happiest in their life. As for me I can t say whether it is write or wrong. I know school plays a very important part in the life of every person.It s the first true experience of the real life. At school a person makes his first friends, meets his first love. Here at school the person reads the first book and writes the first composition. He gets basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, literature, history, biology, etc. school also helps the pupils to get on in life and become more successful.

Of course, school plays a very important social role. It gives a brilliant education for pupils between the ages of 6 and 17. it brings together children with different tastes and interests. Pupils have a real chance to realize themselves as individuals. Now I want to say some world about my school. My school is very old. In our school we have a high-quality education. On the ground floor we have a canteen, a gym and a library.On the first floor we have an assembly hall and computer class.

All in all we have four floors. I go to school 5 days a week. Classes begin at 8-30 o clock in the morning. Each lesson lasts for 40 minutes. Every day we have 7 or 8 lessons. The lessons end at 4 o clock in afternoon. We usually have a lot of homework and it takes me several hours to do it. After classes I go home, but some pupils take part in out-of-class activities.In our school we have a lot of activities drama club, sport club, and school cafй. But I m very busy so I don t take part in out-of-class activities. Soon I ll finish school, but I ll never ever forget it and the remembrance of this beautiful years will stay deep in my heard.

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