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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Family Lifestyle and Socializing

Family Lifestyle and Socializing - раздел Философия, Московский Государственный Университет ...






Family Lifestyle and Socializing

по общему английскому языку для студентов I курса (квалификация бакалавр)


Chapter 1

Task 1. Look at this unit key word“F – A – M – I – L – Y”.Use the initial letters of the given word to write down words associated with this notion… e.g. F - father, full, favourite etc, A -

Task 7. Mingling Activity

Task 8. Study Appendix (Chapter 1, Key Vocabulary “Family”) and complete the following example sentences of the relatives’ definitions. 1) My father’s brothers are my … 2) My mother’s sisters are…


1) What springs into the mind when people imagine a family? 2) What makes it easier to define a family according to the text? 3) How many famous types of families are there?

Task 10.

A)Look through the text of Task 9. Find synonyms for the following words.

B)Use the words from part A to compose the sentences of your own on the topic “Family”.

1. Important (paragraph 1) –

2. Person (paragraph 1) –

3. To encompass (paragraph 2) –

4. Descendants (paragraph 2) –

5. Assistance (paragraph 2) –

6. Structure / organization (paragraph 3) –

7. Nurturing / encouraging (paragraph 4) –

8. To raise (paragraph 4) –

9. Stress (paragraph 5) –

10. Duties / assignments (paragraph 5) –

11. Origin / social class (paragraph 7) –

12. To hinder / to prevent(paragraph 7) –

13. Something used to replace smth /smb (paragraph 7) –

14. Range / choice (paragraph 8) –

15. Significant / fundamental (paragraph 8) –

Task 11.

A)Make a list of as many English words for relatives as you can. Think about what kind of family you personally have.

B)Draw a family tree of your own family, including the following facts for every person: name, date of birth, birth place, marriage date and place, death etc.

C)Show your family tree to your partner. Tell your partner about your family members and what they might be doing at this moment.

e. g. My dad’s name is Bob. He might / may be sitting at his office now.

Phrases and Idioms for Relationships

  Task 13.Correct the sentences, containing the phrases and idioms that have… 1. My father and his ex-wife don’t get on eye to eye with each other.

Task 15. Writing

Marriage and Wedding Ceremony

  Task 16. Read the account of a wedding and fill in the correct word derived… No one could ever have looked as beautiful as my sister did on her wedding day last summer. Her 1) _______ (rose)…

Task 17.

A) Read the description of Wedding Ceremony and traditions in the United Kingdom.


B) Make a plan of the text.

C) Underline or write down the words and expressions that refer to the topic “Wedding”.

e. g. wedding chapel


English Wedding traditions

First of all, you will definitely notice a lot of flowers. Wedding flowers are scattered by a small girl preceding the English bride and her wedding… As a matter of fact, English bridesmaids wear wedding dresses very much like… Brides sew a good luck charm, such as the silver horseshoe of royal British brides, to the hem of their wedding…

Chapter 2


Stand In small circles. The person, who starts, names a job and the workplace for that job, e.g. A pilot-plane, then addresses or points to another… Task 2. Guess what jobs are defined here? 1) Someone who teaches at University, but is not a professor ….


SalaryJOB SATISFACTIONmaterial incentives

Task 8.The following is the list of careers with job satisfaction ratings. Discuss with your partner what makes this job more satisfying or less satisfying.

Chief Executives 72.4 %

Cooks 65.0 %

College Professors – English Language and Literature 64.5 %

Hairdressers, Hairstylists & Cosmetologists 58.6 %

Architects 56.5 %

Door-To-Door Sales workers, News and street Vendors 47.5 %

Financial Analysts 47.0 %

Task 9.Look at the following list of careers. Which of them are more satisfying according to the statistics, which are less. Make up job satisfaction ratings starting with the most satisfying one. Be ready to explain why.

Human resources managers

Landscaping & Grounds keeping Workers


Municipal Fire Fighters

Network & Computer Systems Administrators

Private detectives & Investigators

Real Estate Sales agents


Web Developers


1. a fixed amount which is paid, usually monthly, to workers of higher rank a… 2. an amount of money which you had lend to someone al _ _ _


Task 14.

1) Read the following text about “10 habits to develop your Family Financial Stability and success”.

2) Put the following jumbled paragraph titles to the corresponding text part.

3) Then discuss with your partner which tip you find the most useful, which one ridiculous.

Habits to Develop Your Family Financial Stability and Success.

b) Keep your family secure c) Eliminate and avoid debt d) Look to grow your net worth

Money proverbs and idioms

Task 16.Act out (show) any proverb you like for other teams to guess the proverb (without any sounds or words) and offer your Russian equivalent.…

Task 17. Writing

Choose the topic to write an essay (200 words). Use the idioms from the Task 15:

Ø “10 habits to develop your personal financial stability”

Ø “10 habits to develop your effective family budget”

Ø “The choice of your future career provides your financial stability”

Chapter 3


Task 1.

A) Work in mini-groups or pairs. Tell your group mates if you have ever had a role model in your life. What was he or she like?

B) Write down together the definition of the term “Role model”,

Task 2.

A) Work in pairs. Look through the text about the importance of parents’ behavior in the family and find the information about the issues below as quickly as possible:

1. Types of social problems ___________________________________________

2. Family opinions __________________________________________________

3. Personality theories _______________________________________________

4. Education for parenthood __________________________________________

5. Ways to become an excellent role-model ______________________________


B) Compose 5 questions to the text.


Parents as Role Models

Parents serve as role models not only through direct interactions with their children, but through the examples they set with their attitude and… Task 3. Study Appendix (Chapter 3, Key Vocabulary ”Personality traits”) and…  

Someone who

1) keeps loosing things -

2) always drops/breaks things –

3) thinks bad things will happen -

4) goes to a lot of parties –

5) keeps to himself –

6) never smiles –

7) makes you yawn –

8) likes making things –

9) keeps things tidy –

10) never thinks about others’ feelings –

11) always arrives late for meetings –

12) makes you laugh all the time

13) thinks good things will happen –

14) hurts people or animals -

15) doesn’t like talking about his/her achievements –

16) is easy to get on with –

17) brags about himself a lot –

18) never changes his/her mind even if he / she knows that he / she is wrong –

19) never gives presents -

20) always cries at weddings, in the cinema etc -


Task 5.You are going to read an extract from a magazine article. For questions 1 -7choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

The qualities we prize in our children

Parents around the world seem to agree that good manners, a sense of responsibility and respect for others are important qualities to teach their… Interestingly, a sense of imagination ranked the lowest priority worldwide,… Etiquette-minded Belgians, Spaniards and Greeks placed the highest premium on politeness, while the Danes and Swedes…

The survey shows that

A some values are general and others vary.

B no patterns emerged.

C different nations contradict each other.

D there are no clear results.

For the North Americans, a sense of responsibility is

A more important than it is for East Europeans.

B more important than respect for others.

C as important as it is for West Europeans.

D as important as respect for others.

A sense of imagination is

A most important to the Italians.

B most important to the Swiss.

C important to all except the Swiss.

D equally important to the Italians and the Swiss.

Politeness is less important in the Eastern bloc because

A they enjoy confrontation.

B they are competitive people.

C they are still getting used to capitalism.

D they are relatively uncommunicative.

5. "They" in line 23 refers to

A commercial competitors. B the Swiss and Turks.

C good manners.

D Eastern bloc countries.

Although their societies are industrialized, the British and Swedes

A are not conscious of it.

B are bewildered by industry.

C do not think hard work important.

D do not think their nationality important.

The research was difficult because

A the researchers made so many mistakes.

B the results were distorted.

C no one knew how to translate certain words.

D. it had to be conducted in so many languages

(taken from Mission 2, pp. 60-61)

Task 6. Work in groups.

A) What qualities would parents like to see in their children? Put these qualities in order of importance, giving your reasons.

B) You are going to make a list of tips on how to be an excellent role model for your child.

Task 7. Act out a dialogue, giving short radio talk between a family expert and a journalist about the ways to be an outstanding parent role-model and advise on proper family socializing.

Family Life Proverbs and phrases

  1. A chip of a. than water.   2. Like father, b. fall far from the tree.   3.…    

Chapter 4


Task 1. Complete the table answering the question “Does your family have any specific traditions? If yes, what are they?”

Family traditions

Spending free time    
Anniversary dates celebrating    
Holiday celebrations    
Living as clans or communities    
Family stories    
Others …  

Task 2.

B)Work with a partner. Ask him / her questions about the way his / her family spend their free time. You are going to find out what you have got in… e.g. How often do you watch TV together? – Oh, very seldom, we are all quite… Task 3.Look at the following list. Write an appropriate activity or occasion for each of these items you may use…


Task 5. Read the text about the meaning and significance of Family traditions.

Sharing Family Traditions

2. Almost all families have traditions, at least subconscious ones, often centering on holidays or special occasions. But some parents come to… 3. Family traditions vary from culture to culture and family to family. They… 4. Oral history is a method of gathering and preserving historical information through interviews. For families, it is…

Task 9. Idioms to do with emotions.

Feeling happy Feeling sad /… (taken from Peter Watcyn. Test your idioms. Penguin English Guides, pp. 118-119)

Task 11. Writing.

· What does the person write about? · Why does she cherish this tradition? · Why is this tradition so valuable for her family members?

Chapter 5


Task 1.Celebrating holidays and anniversary dates together with your family members is widely-spread all over the world.Try this quick quiz to find out what you know about celebrating traditions.

Holidays Quiz

  Part 2. Match the specific characteristics of a holiday from column A with the…  

Task 3.

A)Work in pairs. Complete the chart about a special day in your country you celebrate with your family members.

B)Use the information from the chart to make up a short presentation about the way you celebrate this day.

How long?
How many people?
What happens?
What is special about this day?


A) Read the following text about the way to celebrate Christmas. B) Complete each column in the following table with the words and useful… C) Write down 5 questions to the text. Ask your partner. Decorations Meals Only Christmas …

Task 5.

B) Take any word from the text referring to the names of dishes or products and explain their meaning in other words. Christmas is the most beloved holiday in Ukraine. It last for three days. On…  

Idioms to do with food

Task 8.Complete the idioms in the sentences below using a word connected with food. The meaning of the idiom is given in brackets after each… 1. I don’t like parties. It’s not really my cup of tea. (It’s not something I really like or enjoy.).

Christmas cards

B) Try to think of an additional example for each one. You can say ‘thank you’: Thanks for helping me. Thanks for teaching me. … Task 10.Danny Mayers is at an international language school and can’t go home… 1) have hope know glad wish

Additional Reading

1. Approximately all families meet the definition of nuclear family nowadays. 2. Single-parent family is usually a father and a child. 3. Single-parent family's functions are the same as monogamy without a legally recognized reproductive function.

Additional Family Types Classification

The single- parent family is one of the "fastest growing family structures" of the past decade. This type of family tends to be temporary… The Nuclear family includes a husband, a wife and children. This type of… The Extended Family includes one or more nuclear families plus other family positions such as grandparents, uncles,…

Chapter 2.

Read, transcribe and translate or find the meaning of the following words and expressions. Learn them by heart. Income family …

Additional Reading

Task 1. Read or listen to the text and complete the tasks

Huge discounts in New Year sale

Several of the big department stores and retail chains in the UK and USA opened their doors at five o’clock in the morning. Shoppers started queuing… Task 2.Mark the following statements T (True) or F (False). a. … Task 3. Match the following synonyms from the article: 1. snapping up a. dropped …

Chapter 3.

Read, transcribe and translate or find the meaning of the following words and expressions. Learn them by heart. emotional …

Additional Reading

How to become a perfect role model for your child

While television and other media have made it a practice to impose well-known celebrities as positive 1. a) role models; b) fellows c) sponsors for… Role models can be subjects of 2. a) hatred and fury; b) admiration and… As children develop, they need 5. a); restriction; b) guidance; c) allowance on an increasingly complex array of…

Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

Read and translate the following words and phrases. holiday spirit Easter Christmas feast live or…

Additional Reading

The Festive year

Read some information about the festivals all over the world. For questions 1-12 choose the festivals A-E (some of the festivals may be chosen more than once).

Which festival(s)

1. Marks the death of a particular person?

2. Gives people a large variety to choose from?

3. Are meant to remind people of something?

4. Is based on a religious belief?

5. Takes place in autumn?

6. Involve a competition?

7. Makes unusual use of a food?

8. Now takes place in a building?

9. Marks the beginning of a season?

10. Marks the beginning of a religious period?

11. Probably dates back longer than was previously thought?

12. Involve dressing up in special costumes?

(taken from Enterprise 4 pp.56-57)

Resource bank

2. Peter Watcyn-Jones & Olivia Johnston. Test Your Vocabulary 3. Penguin English Guides. 3. Peter Watcyn-Jones. Test Your Idioms. Penguin English Guides. 4. Chris Barker. Boost your Vocabulary 3. Penguin English Guides.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: family, Lifestyle, and, Socializing0.069

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