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The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English.

The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English. - раздел История, Almaty College Of Communication Hand-Ou...

Almaty College of Communication HAND-OUT Subject: English language history Academic year: 2013-2014 Lecture 6 Theme: The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English. Teacher: Zhakipbekova D.K    



The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English.

The Development of Consonant System in Middle English and New English

In ME and NE word stress acquired greater positions freedom and greater role in word derivation. Recessive tendency – stress in loan-words moved closer to the beginning of the… E.g. ME vertu [ver’tju:] – NE virtue [‘vз:t∫ə]


English vowels proved to be more changeable than consonants. Long vowels proved to be more changeable than short ones.

Middle English

Quantitative: Reduction – weakening and disappearance of unstressed vowels. As far as the… E.g. ME tale [‘ta:lə], body [‘bodi]

The Development of Consonant System in Middle English and New English

English consonants proved to be more stable than vowels. Nevertheless, new sets of consonants started to appear.

Sibilants and Affricates

Sibilants – a type of fricatives, narrower and sharper than all other fricatives ([f, v, q, ð, h]) – [s, z, ∫, ζ].

Affricates – sounds consisting of a plosive immediately followed by a fricative – [t∫, dζ].

In OE there were only 2 sibilants – [s, z]. [∫] appeared in ME and [ζ] – in NE.

Affricates [t∫, dζ] appeared both in ME and in NE.

Middle English

New English

There were some exceptions though, e.g. mature, duty, due, suit, statue, tune, etc.


when preceded by an unstressed and followed by a stressed vowel. ME Sounds NE Sounds ME NE [s] à …

Loss of Some Consonants

[r]was vocalised at the end of the word in the 16th -17th c. ; [j]disappeared as a result of palatalisation (see palatalisation in Lecture… [kn] à [n](e.g. ME know [knou] – NE know [nou]); [gn] à [n](e.g. ME gnat [gnat] – NE gnat…

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: The, development, Vowel, system, Middle, english, and, New, english0.125

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