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Morphological structure of the word

Morphological structure of the word - раздел Образование, Lecture 2. ...

Lecture 2.

Morphological structure of the word

2.1. Morphology: definition. The notion of morpheme.   Morphology (Gr. morphe – form, and logos – word) is a branch of grammar that concerns itself with the internal…

Distributional Types of Morphemes

The distribution of a unit is the total of all its environments; in other words, the distribution of a unit is its environment in generalised terms… The aim of distributional analysis (дистрибутивный анализ) is to fix and study… Examples:

Contrastive distribution,

Non-contrastive distribution,

Complementary distribution (дополнительная дистрибуция).

Example: the suffixes -(e)d and -ing in the verb-forms returned, returning. The morphs are said to be in non-contrastive distribution if their meaning (function) is the same. Such morphs…

Free morphemes (свободные морфемы)

Bound morphemes (связанные морфемы)

Example: handful the root hand is a free morpheme

Overt morphemes (открытые)

Covert morphemes (скрытые)

Example: dogs – two morphemes, both overt: one lexical (root) and one grammatical… dog – two morphemes, the overt root and the covert grammatical suffix of the singular.

Segmental morphemes (сегментные)

Supra-segmental morphemes (супрасегментные).

Supra-segmental morphemes are intonation contours, accents, pauses.

These elements of language form the secondary line of speech (вторичная звуковая линия языка), accompanying its primary phonemic line. These units are functionally connected not with morphemes, but with larger elements of language: words, word-groups, sentences, supra-sentential constructions.

IV) according to grammatical alternation (грамматическое чередование)

Additive morphemes (аддитивные)

Replacive morphemes (субституционные).

look+ed; small+er, The root phonemes of grammatical interchange are considered as replacive morphemes, since they replace one another in…

Сontinuous (linear) morphemes (непрерывные)

Discontinuous morphemes (прерывные).

The discontinuous morpheme is a grammatical unit built up of an interrupted string of phonemes. It is seen in the analytical grammatical form… Example: be ... ing — for the continuous verb forms (e.g. is going);

Seminar 2

Morphological structure of the word

  1) Be ready to define the following terms:  

Morphs and Allomorphs

... we know that the phonemes by themselves have no meaning. Therefore, we conclude that the meaning must somehow be associated with the way the… meaning, we can say that the two morphs belong to the same morph-type or… We may sum up the material of this section, then, as follows: A morph is a meaningful group of phones which cannot be…


Definition: A morpheme is a group of allomorphs that are semantically similar and in complementary distribution. As we have suggested in the title of this chapter, morphemes are the building…

Inflection and Derivation

[We can differentiate between] two types of suffixes, a distinction that will be of considerable importance in our discussion of words, as well as… The suffixes of present-day English can thus be divided into 2 groups,… Bound Bases. If we study such combinations as ‘conclude’, ‘conceive’, and ‘consist’, we can observe that the stem of a…

Types of Morphemes as Determined by Their Distribution

a) Bound vs. Free Forms Bound morphemes never occur in isolation, that is are not regularly uttered… b) Roots vs. Nonroots

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Используемые теги: Morphological, Structure, The, Word0.07

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