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Lecture 11. Deixis. Pronouns.

Lecture 11. Deixis. Pronouns. - раздел Образование, Lecture 11. ...

Lecture 11.

Deixis. Pronouns.


Deixis as a category

The following linguistic units form the categorial space of this linguistic category: Central deictic word · the personal pronouns (I, we, you),

Personal Pronouns

The pronouns in the nominative Case form function as a subject, the pronouns in the possessive case form function as adjectives, the pronouns in the… Reflexive pronouns embrace indefinite oneself, thus slightly extending the… Relative pronouns possess the categorial distinctions of gender (inanimate or animate in the antecedent), and case: …

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are very close in their function to other wh- words: who in Who is that? / what in: What did you say? / which in: There are two books, which is yours? / whose in: Whose are those books? / Whose window was broken ? Cf. with Why did it happen ? Where did they go? When did it happen?, etc.

Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns stand very close to the reflexive ones: each other pattern is used when there are two antecedents; when there are more than two involved one another is used. Reciprocal pronouns possess a grammatical morphological category of Case, being used in the Genitive Case form: other— other's.

Demonstrative Pronouns

The use of this/that, these/those doesn't exclusively depend on the objectively perceived distance. By bringing an object of reference closer to… There are universal pronouns including each, every, all and every-compounds:…

Indefinite Pronouns

In meaning pronouns belonging to this group can be divided into · partitive: some, any · assertive (местоимения, утверждающие наличие): some, somebody, both, either

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