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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Lecture 10. Non-Finite Verbs.

Lecture 10. Non-Finite Verbs. - раздел Образование, Lecture 10. ...

Lecture 10.

Non-Finite Verbs.

1.1. Non-Finites: General Characteristic. Every verb stem (except a few defective verbs) takes both finite and… Non-Finites are the forms of the verb occupying intermediary lexico-grammatical position between the verb and the…

The Infinitive.

There are distinguished the 1) verb-type and 2) noun-type connections of the infinitive which reflect its dual semantic nature. 1) The verb-type combinability of the infinitive is displayed in its combining… a) nouns expressing the object of the action;

The Gerund.

The formal sign of the gerund is homonymous with that of the present participle: it is the suffix -ing added to its grammatically (categorially)… The gerund is a categorially changeable/variable/demutative form; it has two… 1) the aspective category of retrospective coordination (perfect in opposition),

The Present Participle

The outer form of the present participle is homonymous with the gerund. It distinguishes the same grammatical categories of retrospective… The present participle is triple in its lexico-grammatical properties, which… Combinability:

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Используемые теги: Lecture, Non-Finite, verbs0.035

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Еще рефераты, курсовые, дипломные работы на эту тему:

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Auxiliary verbs... They build up grammatical elements of the categorial forms of the verb be... Semi notional verbid introducer verbs...

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Lecture 5. The Noun.
The Noun... General Characteristics The noun is the central nominative lexemic unit of language...

Lecture 7. The Verb. Finite Forms.
Obligatory... The obligatory valency is necessarily realised for the sake of the grammatical... We saw a house in the distance Optional We saw a...

LECTURE 14. The Word-Group.
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THE NOUN Grammatical Categories The Use of Cases The category of number consisted of two... Table...

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Lecture 8. The Finite Verb: Categories
The Finite Verb Categories... The Finite Verb Tense The essential... The Finite Verb Aspect...

Lecture 17. The Complex Sentence.
The Complex Sentence The Composite Sentence Composite sentences display two principal types...

Lecture 1
The Place of the English Language in the Modern World... see the text English as a World Language in Horizons by Е П Михалева...

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