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Sports in the USA

Sports in the USA - раздел Лингвистика, Introduction 1 Introduction 3 Introduction 3 A Sports-Loving Nation 4 Media C...

Introduction 1 Introduction 3 Introduction 3 A SPORTS-LOVING NATION 4 MEDIA COVERAGE 5 IVITIES 5 AMERICAN SPORTS VIOLENCE AND SPORTS 7 COMMERCIAL ASPECTS 7 PROFESSIONAL SPORTS 9 COLLEGE SPORTS 9 STUDENT ATHLETES AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE 10 WINNING 11 Sports Colleges and Universities 11 Kinds of sports 13 BASEBALL 13 BASKETBALL 16 Sources 20 Introduction Americans pay much attention to physical fitness. Many sports and sporting activities are popular in the USA. People participate in swimming, skating, squash and badminton, tennis, marathons, track-and-field, bowing, archery, skiing, skating etc. But the five major American sports are hockey, volleyball, baseball, football and basketball.

Basketball and volleyball have been invented in America. There is a large choice of sports in America.

This can be explained by the size and variety of the country. Another reason of the popularity of sports is the people s love of competition of any kind. One more reason is that Americans use sports activities for teaching socials values, such as teamwork and sportsmanship. All this explains why Americans have traditionally done well in many kinds of sports. Every high school offers its students many sports, such as wrestling, rowing, tennis and golf. There are no separate universities for sports in the USA. Students of any higher educational establishment are trained in different kinds of sports.

Many colleges and universities are famous for their sports clubs. There are sports facilities at every school. Some americans like active games, and others like quite games. I think that quite games, as golf and crocket, intend for rich elite people. Most popular games in the USA is hockey, american football, baseball, basketball.

Popular among americans are NHL games. In NHL games play our compatriots Feudorov, Yashin, Bure brothers. They are ones of the best players in NHL. American football is like a rugby with kicks. Every player can beat another one. I think american football is one of the rudest games in the world. Baseball is played with wooden bat and hard ball. Its called typical american game. Basketball is one of the most spectators game in the USA. Its my favourite game too. Some unusual kinds of sports originated in America.

They are windsurfing, skate-boarding and tradition. Triathlon includes swimming, bicycling racing and long-distances-running. Now these are becoming more and more popular in Europe. Sports is a part of life of an average American.


These are the tools for knowing all about pulse and heart rates, calor... There is more to being a baseball fan than buying season tickets to th... Thats dedication. For anyone who claims a real desire to stay healthy, fitness has becom... Whether they are fans or players, the millions of Americans who partic...


The immense popularity, of sports in America is indicated by the numbe... The emphasis on sports is evident in local evening news telecasts, too... Practices and games are generally held on the school premises after cl... High schools and colleges recognize outstanding athletic achievement w... Other college sports, particularly womens sports, are often neglected ...


This is true from the professional level all the way down to the level... American sports are becoming more competitive and more profit-oriented... The obsession with winning causes some people to wonder whether sports... The tacit understanding shared by college admissions directors as well... The situation often embarrasses college administrators, who are caught...

Sports Colleges and Universities The athletic programs of American colleges and universities have come in for a great deal of criticism but there does not seem to be a chance to alter the system. James A. Michener gives background information and comments on the problems. First, the United States is the only nation in the world, so far as I know, which demands that its schools like Harvard, Ohio State and Claremont assume responsibility for providing the public with sports entertainment.

Ours is a unique system which has no historical sanction or application elsewhere. It would be unthinkable for the University of Bologna, a most ancient and honorable school, to provide scholarships to illiterate soccer players so that they could entertain the other cities of northern Italy, and it would be equally preposterous for either the Sorbonne or Oxford to do so in their countries. Our system is an American phenomenon, a historical accident which developed from the exciting football games played by Yale and Harvard and to a lesser extent Princeton and certain other schools during the closing years of the nineteenth century.

If we had had at that time professional teams which provided public football entertainment, we might not have placed the burden on our schools. But we had no professional teams, so our schools were handed the job. Second, if an ideal American educational system were being launched afresh, few would want to saddle it with the responsibility for public sports entertainment. I certainly would not. But since, by a quirk of history, it is so saddled, the tradition has become ingrained and I see not the remotest chance of altering it. I therefore approve of continuing it, so long as certain safeguards are installed.

Categorically, I believe that our schools must continue to offer sports entertainment, even though comparable institutions throughout the rest of the world are excused from doing so. Third, I see nothing wrong in having a college or a university provide training for the young man or woman who wants to devote his adult life to sports.

My reasoning is twofold 1 American society has ordained that sports shall be a major aspect of our national life, with major attention, major financial support and major coverage in the media. How possibly can a major aspect of life be ignored by our schools 2 If it is permissible to train young musicians and actors in our universities, and endow munificent departments to do so, why is it not equally legitimate to train young athletes, and endow them with a stadium Fourth, because our schools have volunteered to serve as unpaid training grounds for future professionals, and because some of the lucky schools with good sports reputations can earn a good deal of money from the semi-professional football and basketball teams they operate, the temptation to recruit young men skilled at games but totally unfitted for academic work is overpowering.

We must seriously ask if such behavior is legitimate for an academic institution.

There are honorable answers, and I know some of them, but if we do not face this matter forthrightly, we are going to run into troubla. Kinds of sports BASEBALL Baseball is a nine-a-side game played with bat, ball, and glove, mainly in the U.S.A. Teams consist of a pitcher and catcher, called the battery, first, second, and third basemen, and shortstop, called the infield, and right, centre, and left fielders, called the outfield.

Substitute players may enter the game at any time, but once a player is removed he cannot return. The standard ball has a cork-and-rubber centre wound with woollen yarn and covered with horse-hide. It weighs from 5 to 5 14 oz. 148 g. and is from 9 to 9 12 in. approx. 23 cm. in circumference. The bat is a smooth, round, tapered piece of hard wood not more than 2 34 in. approx. 7 cm. in diameter at its thickest part and no more than 42 in. 1.07 m. long. Originally, fielders played barehanded, but gloves have been developed over the years.

First basemen wear a special large mitt, and catchers use a large, heavily-padded mitt as well as a chest protector, shin guards, and a metal mask. Catchers were at first unprotected. Consequently they stood back at a distance from home plate and caught pitched balls on the bounce, but the




Introduction of the large, round, well-padded mitt or pillow glove and the face mask enabled them to move up close behind the plate and catch pitched balls on the fly. Players wear shoes with steel cleats and, while batting and running the bases, they use protective plastic helmets.

The game is played on a field containing four bases placed at the angles of a 90-ft 27.4 m. square often called a diamond home plate and, in counter-clockwise order, first, second, and third base. Two foul lines form the boundaries of fair territory. Starting at home, these lines extend past first and third base the entire length of the field, which is often enclosed by a fence at its farthest limits.

The object of each team is to score more runs than the other. A run is scored whenever a player circles all the bases and reaches home without being put out The game is divided into innings, in each of which the teams alternate at bat and in the field. A team is allowed three outs in each halfinning at bat, and must then take up defensive positions in the field while the other team has its turn to try to score.

Ordinarily, a game consists of nine innings in the event of a tie, extra innings are played until one team outscores the other in the same number of innings. The players take turns batting from home plate in regular rotation. The opposing pitcher throws the ball to his catcher from a slab called the rubber on the pitchers mound, a slightly raised area of the field directly between home and second base. Bases are canvas bags fastened to metal pegs set in the ground. The batter tries to reach base safely after hitting the pitched ball into fair territory.

A hit that enables him to reach first base is called a single, a two-base hit is a double, a three-base hit a triple, and a four-base hit a home-run. A fair ball hit over an outfield fence is automatically a home run. A batter is also awarded his base if the pitcher delivers four pitches which, in the umpires judgement, do not pass through the strike zone - that is, over home plate between the batters armpits and knees or if he is hit by a pitched ball or if the opposing catcher interferes when he swings the bat. To prevent the batter from hitting safely, baseball pitchers deliver the ball with great speed and accuracy and vary its speed and trajectory.

Success in batting, therefore, requires courage and a high degree of skill. After a player reaches base safely, his progress towards home depends largely on his team mates hitting the ball in such a way that he can advance. Players may be put out in various ways. A batter is out when the pitcher gets three strikes on him. A strike is a pitch that crosses the plate in the strike zone, or any pitch that is struck at and missed or is hit into foul territory.

After two strikes, however, foul balls do not count except when a batter bunts - lets the ball meet the bat instead of swinging at it - and the ball rolls foul. A batter is also out if he hits the ball in the air anywhere in fair or foul territory and it is caught by an opponent before it touches the ground.

He is out if he hits the ball on the ground and a fielder catches and throws it to a player at first base, or catches it and touches that base, before the batter now become a base runner gets there. A base runner may be put out if, while off base, he is tagged by an opposing player with the hand or glove holding the ball, or if he is forced to leave his base to make room for another runner and fails to reach the next base before an opposing player tags him or the base or if he is hit by a team mates batted ball before it has touched or passed a fielder.

An umpire-in-chief calls balls and strikes from his position directly behind the catcher at home plate, and one or more base umpires determine whether runners are safe or out at the other three bases. BASKETBALL The History of basketball, a game that started with 18 men in a YMCA gymnasium in Springfield, Mass has grown into a game that more than 300 million people play worldwide.

The man who created this instantly successful sport was Dr. James Naismith. Under orders from Dr. Luther Gulick, head of Physical Education at the School for Christian Workers. Naismith had 14 days to create an indoor game that would provide an athletic distraction for a rowdy class through the brutal New England winter. Naismiths invention didnt come easily. Getting close to the deadline, he struggled to keep the class faith. His first intention was to bring outdoor games indoors, i.e soccer and lacrosse.

These games proved too physical and cumbersome. At his wits end, Naismith recalled a childhood game that required players to use finesse and accuracy to become successful. After brainstorming this new idea, Naismith developed basketballs original 13 rules and consequently, the game of basketball. As basketballs popularity grew, Naismith neither sought publicity nor engaged in self-promotion. He was first and foremost a physical educator who embraced recreational sport but shied away from the glory of competitive athletics.

Naismith was an intense student, collecting four degrees in the diverse fields of Philosophy, Religion, Physical Education and Medicine. Although he never had the opportunity to see the game become the astonishing spectacle it is today, Naismiths biggest thrill came when he was sponsored by the National Association of Basketball Coaches NABC to witness basketball become an Olympic sport at the 1936 Games held in Berlin. Naismith became famous for creating the game of basketball, a stroke of genius that never brought him fame or fortune during his lifetime, but enormous recognition following his passing in 1939. For his historic invention, Naismiths name adorns the worlds only Basketball Hall of Fame, a tribute that forever makes James Naismith synonymous with basketball.

Abner Doubleday, who didnt invent baseball, is probably a more widely recognized name than Naismith, who did invent basketball. And even those who know about him continue to learn more about the man who invented a sport designed for offseason physical exercise, which began with his own 13 basic rules, but which has grown to become a game not for a specific culture or nation or ethnic group, but for an entire planet to share and enjoy.

Naismith is the only coach in University of Kansas mens basketball history to own a losing record. Naismith was 55-60 from 1898 to 1907, which mattered little to him only in that one of his most famous quotes was that basketball was never meant to be coached, anyway, only to be played.

The new game was explained by 13 basic rules and was played with a soccer ball, peach baskets and nine to a side. There have been major changes to the game since that first contest, which is believed to have been played Dec. 21, 1891. But perhaps what is most amazing about Naismiths creation, other than the fact that few sports that are purposely invented actually stand the test of time, is that the essence of basketball-throwing a ball into an elevated goal-has remained the focus from day one. Today, Naismith would be universally recognized as a genius, a Bill Gates of sport.

And in all likelihood, the opportunity would exist for him to become a multi-millionaire. But if Naismith was The Basketball Man, he was not The Money Man, and life in 1891 was far different than in 1991 or 2001. But if Naismiths invention did not lead to profit, it did lead to huge popularity for basketball.

Even in the final years of the 19th century, with communication and transportation that was primitive by todays standards, the games growth was palpable, immediate and widespread. James Naismith had changed the face of sport, not so much for the 19th century, but the 20th, and it is now clear, the 21st. All in an effort to keep unruly students at bay. Sources America in Close up httpwww.students.ru httpwww.yahoo.com.

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