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Работа сделанна в 2003 году

FASHION-TOURISM: ALL OVER THE WORLD - раздел Лингвистика, - 2003 год - The Saint-Petersburg Univities And Social Sciences Fashion-Tourism All Over T...

THE SAINT-PETERSBURG UNIVITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES FASHION-TOURISM ALL OVER THE WORLD Kuhtin Andrey the third course the faculty of culture teacher Shalygina E. V. SAINT-PETERSBURG 2003 Introduction 3 Fashion-tourism in world 3 Fashion-tourism in Russia 6 Conclusion 7 Glossary 8 Literature 9 Introduction Fashion has always helped define the human condition and designers are the weathermen, predicting or foreseeing what the public will need, providing a wardrobe to protect, expose or purely to entertain.

This is what makes the business of fashion so fascinating. We are enthralled by the theatre of everyday life. Some act but most people just enjoy to watch, and fashion today has replaced movie business in providing us with the fantasies and glamour that feed our dreams. With fashion now, we can select our roles.

And there has never been such a choice before. The market is filled up - one might argue that it has been flooded - but that doesnt stop the dream. Each year the number of students entering fashion schools around the world increases 8,000-10,000 at the last count. So fashion today depends on ideas, individuality and authenticity more than ever, designers look to their roots - where they began, who they are, why they do what they are doing - essentially, what are their signatures and where are their values.

To survive in fashion now, these are the ingredients that a customer, voyeur or performer are looking for. Marketing, advertising and general hype wont guarantee you a repeat season. The competition has never been greater and the running has never been more diverse. Each spring and autumn fashion editors, photographers, buyers and stylists removed from familiar spots and as migrant birds make the tour of the route London-New-York-Milan-Paris, staying in each city for one week. Seven days is quite enough for watching season collections of designers. They are professionals and this is their job. But the last time life of many people includes such concept as fashion-tourism.

It in increasing frequency sounds coming from whom a fashion is not so professional calling, but usual hobby. Time, when people devoted not enough attention for appearance remained in the past. Now everything different we want to look perfectly, keep abreast of fashion and high life news, and be all means the person, but a person over individual. Now we are ready for the sake of new footwear going not simply to other city, but even in other country, ready to spend thousand dollars for a new wear and drag all over the place tonnes of fashion magazines.

Therefore fashion industry is pleasant pleasure and not less pleasant pastime. For us with you pastime.

Fashion-tourism in world

The citys undeniable strength is its wealth of younger off-schedule de... For the city so aware of its own iconic history, it has the firm grasp... This clash of opposites is everywhere from sedate department stores bo... Underground favorites like United Bamboo, Benjamin Cho, Tess Giberson,... Many big fashion names have been enlightening the city for nearly a ce...

Fashion-tourism in Russia

Moscow has become a 24-hour city where day and night collide and the s... Moscow is the new fashion capital of the world. Maybe this would explain the speed at which the fashion community here... During Soviet times there was one large department store on Red Square... Moscow Moscow hasnt always been known as a fashion haven, although it ...


Conclusion So, in this work I wished to show how fashion connected with different spheres of activity in our life. Fashion today is not simply fashion, but a powerful industry not only trade, but also education. Therefore, co-operation fashion and other industry, especially tourism are very important and opportunely. рррр


Glossary. appearance - внешний вид appreciated подорожавший authenticity аутенти... Fashion now, edited by Terry Jones and Avril Mair, Taschen, 2003 2. Jalouse magazine, editions 7-8, 2003 5. Another magazine, edition 4, 2003..

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: fashion-tourism, All, over, The, world0.059

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