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Your Health and You

Your Health and You - раздел Лингвистика, Your Health And You Perhaps Everyonehas Ever Asked Himself A Question Is My L...

Your Health and You Perhaps everyonehas ever asked himself a question Is my lifestyle healthy If you ask 100people the most popular answer is most likely to be No . Besides health freaksthat want to live to be a hundred noone does much to improve their health or atleast not to harm it. I must confess that I do nothing about my health.Some years ago mostpeople used to keep fit by doing morning exercises. Now it has all gone. Thegreatest thing one can do in the morning is to rush to his kitchen to have acup of coffee.

Unaware that coffee harms his heart, of course. It has beenestimated that more than 20 of Americans who are over 19 are smokers. Thisnumber must be even more for Russia. Passive smokers are uncountable. Extremelyunhealthy food rose a guy named McDonald to worldwide stardom. Themulti-million fast-food business is based on harming people s health. Computergames make people short-sighted. Moreover, they top the list of the mostmentally dangerous things in the world.I guess the stateof people s health can be judged by these examples.

According to reliablesources, the trend of weakness of people living in megapolises like Tokyo orNew York is remarkably similar to the trend of getting stronger in the 19thcentury. It reflects reality hidden under shining covering. What does this facttell us about? Humankind is steadily moving to new scientific discoveries.Butat the same time we re getting weaker, partly because of the progress, partly because of our lifestyle.

Here comes thequestion - how to distinguish between good and evil? Actually it is one of themost acute problems for the scientists to deal with. Actually the one who willfind a universal formula of combining technical progress with healthy livingcan expect to be considered a legendary hero. Alexander V.Myskin, gr. 2o1.

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