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Спорт в мире (english)

Спорт в мире (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Sports In The Worldbritain.britainis A Country Where Leisure Time And The Sp...

Sports in the worldBritain.Britainis a country where leisure time and the sporting life are taken seriously.There is widespread interest in most kinds of sport throughout Britain.TheBritish invented the rules of many of the sports and games now played all overthe world. The game of football or soccer was first played in Britain andspread to other countries. Cricket is sometimes called the English nationalgame.It is usually played by men and boys though there are teams of women andgirls as well. Players traditionally wear white clothes.

There are a lot ofamateur cricket teams. Bowls is another outdoor summer game which has beenplayed in Britain for centuries. Bowls is played on a specially preparedbowling green, a piece of ground covered with grass. No one is allowed on thegreen except players wearing the correct kind of shoes. TheBritish have a reputation for being mad about sports.In fact they enjoywatching sports rather than playing them. The British are natural spectatorsand the most popular spectator sports are, undoubtedly, cricket and football.Large crowds attend occasions such as football and rugby union matches theWimbledon lawn tennis championships the classic horse races and internationalcricket matches.

TheOxford-Cambridge Boat Race is a traditional annual rowing race between teamsfrom Oxford University and Cambridge University, held on a section of the riverThames in London.The Cup Final is one of the main annual competitions of thefootball season organized on a knock-out basis, with the final match played atWembley in London.

Wimbledon is a famous place, where the annual open lawntennis championships are held. The Wimbledon tournaments are regarded as themost important tennis events in the world. They draw large crowds ofspectators.TheUSA.Sportsin the USA is a complex, many-sided phenomenon. Like many other aspects ofAmerican life sports is one of the most profitable goods on the Americanmarket.It has become a social institution which influences education,economics, art, international relations.

It is widely used in Americanpolitical life. Many communities maintain tennis courts, swimming pools andgolf courses for public use. Seldom more than an hour s drive from any Americantown are facilities for camping, fishing, boating, swimming and horse riding.The one sport that draws more participants than any other in America isbowling.Men, women and children make up teams rolling heavy balls. The mostpopular kinds of professional sports are American football, baseball,basketball, boxing, rugby and hockey.

Most games are shown on TV and thecamerawork is so skillful that the thrilling events can be followed even if youknow nothing about the game. In the USA football is the most popular sport inautumn. It is played by almost every college and university in the country. There are professional football teams in nearly all the major cities of theUnited States.Baseball is often called the national pastime .Heroes in baseball are talked about and remembered as perhaps in no othersport.Russia.Millionsof people all over the world are fond of sports and games.

Sport help people tostay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized andbetter disciplined in their daily activities.Wehave always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges anduniversities.You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground.Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools where localcompetitions are usually held. It sbeen a tradition in this country to divide sport into professional and amateur.There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia.

Many of them takepart in different international tournaments and are known all over the world.Agreat number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen gymnasts,weightlifters, tennis player, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers.Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot ofgold, silver and bronze medals.There are also a lot ofamateur clubs and keep-fit centres in Russia where people go in for aerobics,yoga, body-building, swimming, skating, jogging.

Thousands of people go to thestadiums to support their favorite teams and many thousands more prefer towatch the games on TV. But watching sport events and going in for sports aretwo different things.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: спорт, мире, english0.065

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