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10 сочинений на английском языке

10 сочинений на английском языке - раздел Лингвистика, Aboutmyself. My Name Is . I M A Pupil Of The 9Th Form Of The Secondaryschool...

AboutMyself. My name is . I m a pupil of the 9th form of the secondaryschool . Our school gives general education. My class used to be aspecialized humanitarian class. We have special programs in Russian, RussianLiterature and History. I always liked social sciences and I enjoy stayinghere. I m fifteen.I m tall, slim, dark-haired young lady. I m the only child in my family and I mvery upset of this. I would like to have a sister or a brother.But I don tfeel alone I have many friends in our school.

We spend o lot of time together,we walk, play badminton and computer and just chatter. I m fond ofreading and playing computer games. I like adventure books, I ve read most ofAlexander Dumas novels. Best of all I liked The Three Musqueteers and The Black Tulip . At the presenttime I m reading the detective stories of Sydney Sheldon. I likecooking. I can make pizza and sweet small cakes. My mother says that I do itbetter than she does. I m veryactive and like sports.I like to play tennis, badminton, to ride a bicycle andto swim. My new hobby is roller-skating and we have a lot of fun with myfriends.

ChoosingA Career. There are a lot of professions and it is difficult to make the rightchoice. I have made my choice I m going to be manager of tourism. When I wasa little girl I dreamed to be a pilot. I wanted to see the whole world. I wasgoing to travel around the world, to see new countries, visit new places ofinterest and to make new friends.But later I knew that there are a lot ofopportunities to see the world.

Youcan be a diplomat, a geographer, a sailor or a tour-manager.I think that manager of tourism is avery good job. They are working with different people in different countries invarious hotels and resorts.You can work in an office and selltour-vouchers or you may be a representative of Russian tour operator in aforeign country and work with tourists as a guide and translator.I decided tobe a manager of tourism while I was traveling with my parents.

So I do my best to get to that dream. I learn computer, English, Russianand geography. I know that there are special faculties of tourism and hotelmanagement in Moscow Universities and Academies. I ll try to enter one of themafter school. EnglishLanguage. We live in the modern world and you can t imagine an educated person whodoesn t know any foreign language. It is especially important nowadays.Somepeople learn languages because they need them in their work, others travelabroad.

English is a widely spoken language all over the world. You can hear iteverywhere in a street, in shops and restaurants, in offices. You don t needto know Japanese when you go to Japan, or French when you visit Paris. Englishwill help you to understand each other. A modern engineer or even a worker deals with instruments and machinesfrom other countries and must be able to read the instructions, which areusually written in English.Computer programs and games, most of Internet pagesare also written in English.

Science magazines are mostly published in Englishand scientific and business conferences are held in English as well. Diplomatsand militaries use English to solve their problems. Besides, the knowledge of English helps to know more about thecountries, read many books in the original and to make new friends.That s why all pupils should mastertheir English to become good specialist in any branch. HealthyLiving.It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady. It is known that healthy people live longer and their career is moresuccessful.

To look well you must follow some simple rules Don t smoke and take drugs, don tdrink alcohol, don t eat too much chips and sweets, eat more vegetables andfruits, sleep well, do exercises. We have two lessons of physical training once a week. We do exercises,run, jump, play basketball and pioneer ball, ski in winter.I think that wemust have more lessons of physical training than we have now. For exampleAmerican pupils have their PT lessons every day. I like to play tennis, to ride a bicycle and to swim. But most of all Ilike roller-skating.

I could hardly wait when snow melted, I put onroller-skates and went outdoors. I spent one or two hours every day skatingwith my friends and we ve got a lot of fun! I don t smoke nobody smokes in our family . I know that this very badhabit may cause serious problems in your health.I do my morning exercises, tryto eat healthy food and think that this is really a good way to live. MyFuture Education.

This year I m finishing school and taking my exams. I must solve theproblem what to do. There are many possibilities I can enter the 10thform go to a college or to work. I have made my choice I decided to enter the 10th form.High education is necessary for myfuture job. I m going to be Manager of tourism and must have good abilities inEnglish, Russian, and Geography.I must have a good knowledge of computer knowmodern programs, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Manager of tourism must haveeconomic and psychological education as well. Several faculties of tourism andhotel management have been opened in Moscow Universities and I m going to enterone of them after school. A person with University degree or the diploma of high education hasmore opportunities to get interesting job with high salary.

I ll do my best toget good marks for the exams in the 9th form and enter the 10th.MySchool.I attend secondary school . I started school in 1993 at the age of7 and now I m a pupil of the 9th form. My first teacher was . She was the teacher of Russian, Math, Readingand Science. She taught us to write, toread and to count.

She was very kind and patient. I liked my teacher very much.We often went for walks and excursions. We played together and became goodfriends with our classmates. At the age of 10 I went to the secondary school. Our school has twobuildings.The primary school is situated in the red building, as it called, And secondary school is in the whiteone.

It is very good that the younger children have their own building. When we went to the secondary school we began to study a lot of newsubjects such as History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry. Most of all I like Literature,History, English. I like our school.I have really good friends here. We spend a lot oftime together, help each other. Our school-life is very interesting we oftengo to the excursions to Moscow museums and theatres.

We went to St.Petersburgto Konstantinovo, the native village of Esenin and to Sergyev Posad. I like to dance and I think that we must have more dance parties atschool. I think that I m really happy at school.Teenagersand Their Problems. There are manyyoung people in our country. Teenagers are a group of young people of the ageof thirteen nineteen years old. I m fifteenso I belong to that group. There are many problems, which are common for allyoung people.For example how to spend free time, what to do after finishingschool, how to deal with the classmates and parents.

The problem number one isthe problem of fathers and sons. Allteens want to be independent, we don t like when our parents try to rule everystep of our life. Our parents don t likeour clothes and our music. They often try to treat us like small children. Butif you really want to solve this problem you must try to understand each other.Some teens begin smoking and drinking alcohol to show that they aregrown-ups already.

This will lead to poor health in future especially forgirls . I don t like smoking nobody smokes in our family and I think you mustn t do it to look like a cool guy. The most serious problem nowadays is taking drugs and AIDS the diseasewhen the body s immune system is not working . I think that every teen must go into sports or have a hobby, and knowthat you are responsible for your life by yourself.

– Конец работы –

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