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My Duties about the house

My Duties about the house - раздел Лингвистика, My Duties About The House. My Name Is I Am 17 Years Old. I Havealready Finis...

My Duties about the house. My name is I am 17 years old. I havealready finished my school. There are four people inmy family mymother, my father, my brother andmyself. We have a two-room flat. There is alvaysmuch work in the house. There is alvays much work inthe garden near the summer-cottage. My duties aboutthe house are to clean the rooms, to wash the dishesafter meals, to do shopping. Sometimes I help mymother to bake cakes and pies, to lay the table formeals.I usually help my sister to dolessons.

Inthe spring and in the autumn I often help my parentsin the garden. I looke after the flowers andvegetables. I enjoy helping my parents.

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