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Cinema - раздел Лингвистика, Ат Тне CiI Like To Go To The Cinema. When I Have Freetime I...

АТ ТНЕ CII like to go to the cinema. When I have freetime I always go to see some new film. There is а cinema not far from my house. It is quite а modern building with а very large hall. Before every show you can see а newsreel or а documentary.In the foyer you can see photos offilmstars and posters for the films which will be shown soon. There aredifferent kinds of films black-and-white and colour films, sound and mutefilms, newsreels, cartoons, documentaries, foreign films dubbed into Russianand others.

One of the first cinema films was made by Edison, а great American engineer. Не made also а machine to show films. The first real film show tookplace in Paris in 1895. А groupof 33 people saw а shortfilm about а train coming to а railway station. During the early stages the filmmakers concentrated on documentaries, as the most operative and importantgenre. Then came feature films. Though they were not perfect they had а strong influence on the audience.TheBattleship Potemkin produced by Sergei Eisenstein was the real triumph.In 1930 we began the production of sound films.

The postwar period brought usmany new achievements. Very many good films were shot then, such as TheFate of а Man , Ballad of а Soldier and other . Nowadays many Russian and foreign producersshoot hundreds of films every year. Some prefer to shoot documentaries, othersmake comedy-films or love-stories. And people go to the cinema and everybodycan find а film to his taste.This an, the art of cinematography helps us to see and understand our life, ourdrawbacks and to study the problems which occupy the modern cinema goer. EllanskijIlia 7 G.

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