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The Cinema World

The Cinema World - раздел Литература, The Cinema World Moden Film Festivals And Film Industry And Stars. I’M A Cin...

The Cinema World Moden film festivals and film industry and stars. I’m a cinema goer. And also I like watching films on TV or video. But I think, that watching a good film is the best relaxation. It is thought-provoking and entertaining. Now a growing number of people prefer watching films on TV to attending cinemas. There are wonderful comedies, love stories, science fiction, horror films, detective stories, and historical films on. There’s a variety of films available today.It is difficult to live without cinema.

One fact is clear for everyone: cinema makes our life better. Cinema helps us to forget different problems. When people watch films, they have a rest. Some films take people into another world. I think it is a pure world, where usual problems do not even exist. Cinema is a great power, it helps us to understand our complex well. Cinema can leave nobody indifferent. It is so powerful that it provokes complex feelings. We meet a lot of people.Everyone has his own opinion about something and like most of us I have my own opinion too, for example, about cinema.

Cinema is a necessary and important part of my life. It is my essence, my mode of life and my happiness. Cinema helps me to cope with difficulties and with incorrigible problems. Cinema means the same as pictures and movies. In Greek the world kinema means ‘movement’. Cinema has been with us for over 100 years. It was born at the end of the 19th century.But the moving image has been around for a lot longer.

The magic world of film comes to life before the visitor’s eyes at the Museum of Moving Image in London. Later cinema became the most popular entertaiment all over the world.There are a lot of flms to different tastes: an actoin film, an adventure film, a cartoon, a comedy, a documentary, a drama, a disaster film, a hictorical film, a horror film, a love story, a musical, a fiction film, a thriller, a travelogue, a war film, a western and etc. There are so many interesting and entertaining films, that sometimes it is a problem to chose what to see. In this problem we are helped by film festivals.

They acquaint us the most attractive film, because films are assessed by jury of international celebrities.Nowadays there are a lot of film festivals: the Cannes festival, the Berlin festival, the Venice festival and etc. All of the films at the festivals are assessed by jury of international celebrities. festivals provide opportnities for actors especially for starlates, reveal both masterpieces and duds. Put an emphasis on independent and innovative film making and guarantee distribution for non-mainstream and non- Hollywood films.

Festivals are annual events. All of them have their own awards and places where they are held. The Cannes festival is a French film festival which was founded in 1938. this festival soon became one of the top festivals.Its award is olive-branch (olive-branch is a symbol of peace). The berlin festival is a German film festival is one of the three major festivls in Europe.

Its prize is Golden Bear. The Venice festival is the world’s oldest film festival (1932). Its award is Golden Lion. The Oscars are awarded every year by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. These statuettes are awarded to actors, film directors, screenwriters and so on for outstanding contributions to the film industry. The Oscars were first awarded in 1927. The first winners were chosen by five judges.Nowadays all of the members of the Academy vote. The ceremony is attended by most Hollywood stars, although some famous stars, such as Woody Allen, refuse to go, even if they win an award.

The oldest winner of an Oscar was 80-year- old Jessica Tandy for her performance in the film “Driving Miss Daisy” in 1990. The youngest was Shirley Temple when she was only five years old. The statuette is of soldier standing on a reel of film. Nobody is really sure why it is called an Oscar, although some people say that it is because when the first statuette was made, a secretary said, “It reminds me of Uncle Oscar!” Oscar is one of the top ceremony of awards.

Its award is a gold-plated figurine which is awarded annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the best film work in various categories, e.g. Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress.In 1928 Frances Marion said about it: “the statuette is a perfect symbol of the movie business – a powerful athletic body clutching a gleaming sword, with half of his haed, the art that holds his brain, completely sliced off”. Список литературы Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта http://www.referats.ru.

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