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American character

American character - раздел Лингвистика, American Characteramerican Society Seems To Be Much Moreinformal Than The Br...

AMERICAN CHARACTERAmerican society seems to be much moreinformal than the British and, in some ways, is characterized by less socialdistinction.Students do not rise when a teacher enters the room. One does notalways address a person by his title, such as Major or General or Doctor in the case of a holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree.The re spectful Sir is not always used in the northern and westernparts of the country.However, it isbest to use a person s title when first meeting him her, and then allow theperson to tell you how he she wishes to be called.They use firstnames when calling each other, slap on the back, joke and are much freer intheir speech, which is more slangy thanthe conventional British English.

You will often hear the word Hi a form of greeting among friends used instead of the usual Hello, and Howdy instead of How do you do? Those who don teasily show these signs of friendship are called snooty or snobbish.In contrast, people who show such simple signs offriendship, particularly to their own economic and social inferiors, arepraised as regular guys, or as truly demo cratic.

As adescription of character, democratic is generally used to signify that a per sonof high social or economic status acts in such a way that his or her inferiorsare not reminded of their inferiority.Yet, in spite of all the informality, Americans, evenin the way they address each other, show consciousness of social distinction.For example, one is likely to use some what more formal language when talkingto superiors.

While the informal Hello is an acceptable greetingfrom employee to employer, the employee is more apt to say Hello, Mr.Ferguson, while the employer may reply Hello, Jim. Southerners make a point of saying Yes, sir, or Yes,Ma am, or No, sir, or No, Ma am, when talking toan older person or a person in a position of authority.While this is good formall over the United Stales, Yes. Mr. Weston or No, Mrs. Baker is somewhat more common in a similar situation in the North or West.Certain other forms of politeness are observed onsocial occasions. Women may wear hats in church. in restaurants, and often whenattending luncheons in public places and other public social functions exceptthose that take place in the evening.

Men who do wear hats ordinarily removethem in elevators, churches, restaurants, private homes, business offices in fad, in most public situations when theywish to show respect.

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