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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Category of Number of the Noun

Category of Number of the Noun - раздел Лингвистика, 2. Regular Plurals 1. Nouns Ending In Vowels Amp Vo...

2. Regular Plurals 1. Nouns ending in vowels amp voicedconsonants - -s bee-bees, dog-dogs, z 2. Voiceless consonants - -s book-books, s 3. s sh ss ch x z - -es actress-actresses, iz 4. o -es-hero-heroes.But -os a after a vowel bamboos, embryos, folios,kangaroos, radios, studios, zoos.b In proper names Romeos, Eskimos,Filipinos.c In abbreviations - kilos, photos, pros professional .d Also pianos, concertos, dynamos, quartos,solos,tangos, tobaccos.e In other cases the spelling is -oes tomatoes, echoes, Negroes, potatoes,vetoes, torpedoes, embargoes f oes -os cargo e s, banjo e s, halo e s5. Consonant y - -ies sky-skies . But -ysa After vowels, except nouns ending quy day-days, soliloquy-soliloquies b In proper names the two Germanys, theKennedys, the Gatsbysc In compounds stand-bys, lay-bys.d Penny pence-the British currency денежная сумма ,pennies-for individual coins.6. f e a ves wife-wives,life-lives, leaf-leaves, knife-knives, wolf-wolves, calf-calves, half-halves,loaf-loaves, self-selves, shelf-shelves.b s othernouns proof-proofs, chief-chefs, safe-safes, cliff-cliffs, gulf-gulfs,dwarf-dwarfs, reef-reefs, grief-griefsc ves -s scarf-scarfs scarves, dwarf-dwarfs dwarves,hoof-hoofs hooves.7. th - -ths mouth- mouths 8. in abbreviations - -s M.P M.P.s But Ms manuscript -MSS, p. page -pp Mr-Irregular Plurals.1. By vowel change Man-men, woman-women,tooth-teeth, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice, louse-lice .2. en ox-oxen, child-children 3. Identical a sheep-sheep, swine-swine свинья , deer-deer, grouse-grouse куропатка . But 2 variants fish-fish fishes,pike-pile pikes, trout-trout s ,carp-carp s , salmon-salmon s . The zero plural is more common to denotehunting quarries.

We caught a few fish, five salmon the regular plural differentindividuals, species. b Nationality nouns in ese, -ss Chinese, Swiss. And Englishmen the English, Dutchmen the Dutch.c Latin amp French nouns series-series ряд, серия , species-species вид, порода, род , corps ko -corps ko z корпус, род войск .d Pair, couple, dozen, score 20 , stone 6,35 kg , head поголовье 2 dozen of children, dozens of children.4. a Loans of Greekorigin - -is- -es basis-bases, crisis-crises, analysis, thesis, parenthesis, axis вал, ось, шпендель , hypothesis, diagnosis -on a criterion criteria, phenomenon, -a ata miasma-miasmata b Loans of Latinorigin -us - -i, -ora, -era stimulus-stimuli, nucleus-nuclei ядро ,radius-radii тело , genus-genera род -a - -ae formula-formulae formulas ,antenna, vertebra позвонок -um - -a datum-data данная величина , stratum-strata описка , erratum-errata опечаток -es ix - -ices, -es index-indices indexes , appendix,matrix c Other loan nouns -ean - -eaux tableau-tableaux,bureau -o - -i tempo-tempi d 2 variants memorandum memoranda, memorandums, curriculum-curricula, curriculums курс обучения ,formula-formulae, formulas, cherub-cherubim херувим , cherubs,focus-foci, focuses e Different meaning index-indexes-listof contents of books, indices-показатель genius-geniuses-menof talent, genii-духи, домовые Plural in compoundnouns1. The 2nd component takes the pluralform as a rule housewives, tooth-brushes 2. ful at the end of the word handfuls, spoonfuls 3. man amp woman the 1st components men-servants,women-docters 4. ending man men policeman-policemn But Germans,Romans not compounds 5. prepositional noun phrase where the preposition is alinking element only the 1st noun takes the plural form editors-in-chief-главный редактор, mothers-in-law,commanders- in-chiefs-глав нокомандующий, coats-of-mail-кольчуга,men-of-war-военны й корабль 6. compounds conjunction as a linking element theplural is taken by the 2nd noun gin-and-tonics 7. compound noun preposition adverb adjective-the 1stelement-plural passers-by, lookers-on-зритель,courts-material-военн о-полевой суд, attorneys-general-министр юстиции 8. when the compound is a substantivized phrase whichdoesn t contain a noun, the last element plural forget-me-nots-незабудка,breakdowns-поло мка, stand-bys-запасной, grown-ups, close-ups-крупный план,pick-ups-случайные знакомства, drop-outs-дезертир, go-betweens-посредник Invariablenouns can t change their number Singular invariablenouns1. Non-counta Material tea, sugar But cheeses-kindof cheeseb Abstract-music, anger2. Proper nouns The Thames, Henry3. Some ening-s a news 10 o clock news , means-by thismeans этими средствами , Gallows виселица b diseases mumps-свинка,measles-корь, rickets-рахит, shingles-краснуха c games billiards, bowls-гольф, dominoes,draughts d some proper nouns Algiers,Athens, Brussels, Flanders, Marseilles, Naples, Wales, The United Nations, theUnited States.e Nouns ending ics classics,phonetics Plural invariablenouns1. Markeda Names of tools consisting 2 equal parts bellows-мехи, binoculars, breeches- бриджи, braces-фигурные скобки,flannels-фланелевые брюки, glasses, pants-брюки, трусы, pincers-щепцы,pliers-щипчики, плоскогубцы, pyjamas, scales, scissors, shorts, spectacles-очки,suspenders-подтяжки, tights-колготки, tongs-щипцы, trousers, tweezers-пинцет b Miscellaneous nouns смешанный annals, antics, archives,arms, ashes, the Commons, contents, customs, customs-duty, customs-house,earnings, goods, goods train, greens, holidays, manners, minutes, outskirts,quarters, stairs, suds, surroundings, thanks, troops, wages, whereabouts, theMiddle Ages c Some proper nouns the East Indies, the WestIndies, the Hibrides, the Highlands, the Midlands, the Netherlands 2. Unmarked nouns of multitude amp collective C the family waslarge, m the family were fond of their house.

Ways of showingpartitionA piece of, a loaf of, a stickof, a bar of, a sheet of, lump, blade, block, strip, grain, pile, heap, word,item, article, fit2.Category of Case of the nounShows the relation of the nounwith other words in the sentenceCommon case-zero inflexionGenitive case-apostrophe s s 1. Genitive Pronunciation 1 z -after vowels amp voiced consonans-negro s, dog s2 s -after voiceless consonants-student s3 iz -after sibilants свистящий - prince s, judge s Marx s ideas4 zero ending-girls , boys a with regular plural nouns boys b greek nouns in s Socrates wife, Xerxes зерксис c other names 2 variants Burns amp Burns s poemsCompound nouns-s joined to thefinal component the editor-in chief s office Group genitive when s can be joined 1. 2 persons possess or are related to smth they have incommon mom amp dad s room, John amp Mary s car 2. to a more extensive phrase which may even contain aclause the Duke of Norfolk s sister, the secretary of state s room, the man Isaw yesterday s son 3. to a noun pronoun a pronoun group someone else sbenefit 4. to a group ending in a numeral in an hour or two stime The main meaning of thegenitive case-possession, Possessive case, main modifications 1. the idea of belonging John s coat2. Different kinds of relations a Relation of the whole to its part Jon s leg b Personal or social relations John s wife 3. subjective relations The doctor s arrival, theChekhov s book 4. authorship Byron s poem 5. objective relations John s arrest-he was arrested 6. measure an hour s trip, a mile s distance s lost the meaning ofpossession woman s work, idiot s smile, women s college, angel s eyes The useof genitive case amp its equivalent of-phrase1 with nouns denotingpersons amp animals John s idea, swalow s nest . With other nouns-of noun phrase2 with nouns denotingtime amp distance minute, moment, year amp substantivized adverbs - today today spapers-сегодняшние, the papers oftoday-сегодняшнего дня 3 with the names ofcountries amp towns Britain s national museum, Canada s population 4 with the names ofnewspapers denoting different kinds of organizations company s plan, Guardian sanalysis, Geographical Society s gold medal 5 with the nounsworld, nation, country, city, town the nation s health 6 with the nounsship, boat, car ship s crew 7 with nouns denotingplanets sun, moon, earth this earth s life 8 set expressions toone heart s content desire , at death s door, at arm s length, out of harm sway, a hair s breadth, a needle s eye, at a stone s throe, to move at a snail space, at the water s edgeThe syntactical function of the genitive attribute.

It s always used asa premodifier amp sometimes called the depend genitive.

The absolute genitive when thegenitive case is not followed by the headword amp when it stands for thewhole noun phrase It is used 1 to avoid repetition our house is better thanMary s house 2 after the preposition of an old frend of my mother s 3 to denote shops the grocer s, the baker s 4 saints nameSt Paul s cathedral 5 places of residence at my uncle s, at Timothy s Doublegenitive1 My mother s father s people2 The boy s half-hour s run.

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Используемые теги: Category, Number, The, Noun0.059

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