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The Rockfellers

The Rockfellers - раздел Лингвистика, The Rockfellers. It Is A Family Of The Biggest Financial Magnates Ofthe Usa....

The Rockfellers. It is a family of the biggest financial magnates ofthe USA. The creator of the family richness was John Devienson Rockfeller 18 amp 9 -1937 who founded the country of oil industry. His son JohnDevienson Rockfeller younger took the Hander-ship of the trust into his handssince 1911 and divided a part of their property among his 6 children. In 1954 9 members of the R. s took part in the rulingof the 40 biggest work s, research societies.Chicago amp Prinstonuniversities amp also several museums such as the M. of Morten Art, Americanmuseum of Natural History amp others.The R. s control not only the USA oil industry butalso some enterprises of Chemical, tobacco, dairy, electric, sugar amp otherindustries.

They are also leaders of some insurance companies amp a big commercial bank of the USA Charge National Bank.

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