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Reading books

Reading books - раздел Лингвистика, Reading Books. A Book Is One Of The Greatest Wonders Of The World. I Think T...

Reading books. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. I think that we can t live without them. We learned a lot of interesting things from books. I am sure that books play a very important role in our life. Thanks to book we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries.Book develops our feelings and emotions, it makes us think, suffer and rejoice together with the characters of the book. It s also a source of knowledge and useful information about all sorts of things.

Books are divided into 2 major categories fiction and non-fiction. Books of fiction are imaginary stories. The writer makes us the characters and events. Sometimes a writer bases on real events. There are following kinds of fiction tales, myths, legends, poetry, plays and novels. Non-fiction books are about real events, people or nature. They give factual material about history, nature. As for me I like detectives and fantastic stories.My favorite detective story is The adventures of Sherlock Holmes by A.C.Doyle. I like it because when you read it you will never know till the last page who is the murderer and it s very interesting.

Also I like The lord of the ring by J.J.R.Tolkien.

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