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How to make career in hotel business

Работа сделанна в 2005 году

How to make career in hotel business - Реферат, раздел Литература, - 2005 год - Кафедра Иностранных Языков Реферат На Тему: How To Make Career In Hotel Indu...

Кафедра иностранных языков Реферат На тему: How to make career in hotel industry. МГТБ Выполнила студентка, 2 курс Гр.01-МТ1 Косова Тамара Руководитель: Хохлова Лариса Николаевна Краснодар 2005 Plan I. Introduction II. The hotel complex as an object of the management 1. The main services of the hotel. 2. Classification of the hotels. 3. The peculiarites of the hotel service.III. The structure of the management in the lodging industry.

IV. The main methods of the management of the hospitality business. V. The manager’s role in the lodging industry. Manager’s functions and operations. VI. Decision-making – key of manager career. VII. The role of the communication in the manager’s career. VIII. The management of time. IX. Where one can begin the manager’s career. X. Conclusion. I. Our society is made up of all kinds of organizations, such as companies, government, departments, unions, hospitals, schools and the like. They are essential to our existence, helping to create our standard of living and our quality of life. In all these organizations, there are people carrying out the work of a manager. The role of the manager is particularly significant in such social sphere as the lodging industry.

The lodging industry is the most important element of the social sphere. It plays the leading part in the increase of the public production and accordingly in the uplifting of living standards.

II. One can designate the hotel as an enterprise rendering service to the people, which are out of doors. The service of the placing and the nourishment is the leading one at the hotel. 1) The hotel apartments are the basic element of the placing service. They are intended for the rest, sleeping and work of the guests. In additional the placing service includes the service, which is done by the personal of the hotel. These are reception and official registration of the guests, cleaning the rooms and others.

The nourishment consists of different processes: • process of production (preparation of dishes), • trade process (sale of the food products), • service process (service of the guests by the waiters at the restaurant, in the rooms). The additional service includes swimming-pools, conference halls, hair-dresser’s, massage-room and many other things. The hotel is distinguished by the additional service among other hotels. Therefore this service is very important by the forming of the attractiveness of the hotel.


The main services of the hotel

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